private static PackageProject ExtractPackageProject(string fileName) { PackageProject packageProject = null; using (var packageReader = new ZipReader(fileName)) { var packageEntry = packageReader.GetEntry(""); using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { StreamUtils.CopyStream(packageEntry.GetStream(), memoryStream, 0x4000); memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); using (var reader = new ZipReader(memoryStream)) { foreach (var entry in reader.Entries) { if (!entry.Name.Is("installer/project")) { continue; } packageProject = IOUtils.LoadSolution(StreamUtil.LoadString(entry.GetStream())); break; } } } } return(packageProject); }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { PerformInstallAction(() => { PackageProject packageProject = null; if (Path != null) { var fileName = Path; if (!System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(Path)) { fileName = FullPackageProjectPath(Path); } if (File.Exists(fileName)) { var isZip = false; using (var stream = FileUtil.OpenRead(fileName)) { if (ZipUtils.IsZipContent(stream)) { isZip = true; } } packageProject = !isZip ? IOUtils.LoadSolution(FileUtil.ReadFromFile(fileName)) : ExtractPackageProject(fileName); } WriteObject(packageProject, false); } }); }
private static PackageProject ExtractPackageProject(string fileName) { PackageProject packageProject = null; using (var packageReader = ZipFile.Open(fileName, ZipArchiveMode.Read)) { var packageEntry = packageReader.GetEntry(""); if (packageEntry == null) { return(null); } using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { StreamUtils.CopyStream(packageEntry.Open(), memoryStream, 0x4000); memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); using (var reader = new ZipArchive(memoryStream)) { foreach (var entry in reader.Entries) { if (!entry.FullName.Is(Constants.ProjectKey)) { continue; } packageProject = IOUtils.LoadSolution(StreamUtil.LoadString(entry.Open())); break; } } } } return(packageProject); }
/// <summary> /// Writes the package. /// </summary> /// <param name="project">The project.</param> /// <param name="filePath">The file path.</param> private static void WritePackage(PackageProject project, string filePath) { using (var writer = new PackageWriter(filePath)) { writer.Initialize(Installer.CreateInstallationContext()); PackageGenerator.GeneratePackage(project, writer); } }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { PerformInstallAction( () => { var project = new PackageProject {Name = Name, Metadata = {PackageName = Name}}; WriteObject(project, false); }); }
public static PackageProject SetMetaData(PackageProject project, string packageName) { //make this a tested method. Test for existnace ofauthor, publisher, etc. project.Metadata.PackageName = packageName; project.Metadata.Version = DateTime.Now.ToString(SortableTimeFormat); project.Metadata.Author = Sitecore.Context.User.Name; project.Metadata.Comment = String.Format("Pachaged from: {0}, {1}", Sitecore.Configuration.Settings.InstanceName, Sitecore.Context.Site.SiteInfo.Name); return(project); }
private void PushPackage(PackageProject metadata, string packageFormat, byte[] data) { var directory = Path.Combine(configuration.DataPath, metadata.Name, metadata.Version.Name); Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); var file = Path.Combine(directory, GetPackageName(packageFormat, metadata.Name, metadata.Version.Name)); File.WriteAllBytes(file, data); }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { PerformInstallAction( () => { var project = new PackageProject { Name = Name, Metadata = { PackageName = Name } }; WriteObject(project, false); }); }
private void SynchronizePermissions(Caller caller, string company, PackageProject packageProject) { var permission = GetProjectPermission(caller, company, packageProject); if (permission.HasValue) { var configuration = configurationFactory.Create(company); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(configuration.GatewayLogin) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(configuration.GatewayPassword)) { throw new Exception("Missing gateway configuration"); } using (var session = backendFactory.Create(new Caller { Company = company, Name = configuration.GatewayLogin, KeyType = "API", KeyValue = configuration.GatewayPassword })) { var project = new Project { Company = company, Repository = packageProject.Repository, Name = packageProject.Name }; if (permission.Value) { try { session.CreateProject(project); } catch (Exception) { //ignore if exists } } try { session.SetProjectPermissions(new User { Company = caller.Company, Name = caller.Name }, project, new Permission { Grant = false, Read = false, Write = permission.Value }); } catch (Exception) { //ignore if not exists } if (!permission.Value) { throw new Exception("External permission source denied publish access"); } } } }
protected void btnExportUsersInList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.BuildUserList(); Sitecore.Data.Database db = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master"); Sitecore.Install.PackageProject document = new PackageProject(); document.Metadata.PackageName = "SitecoreUserExport-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-hhmmss"); document.Metadata.Author = "Autogenerated by SitecoreExtension.SitecoreUserImporter"; Sitecore.Install.Security.SecuritySource securitySource = new SecuritySource(); securitySource.Name = "Users To Export"; int count = 1; int packageCount = 0; foreach (string key in usersByEmail.Keys) { UserData userData = usersByEmail[key]; string userName = GetFullName(userData.Login); if (Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User.Exists(userName)) { securitySource.AddAccount(new AccountString(userName, AccountType.User)); packageCount++; } count++; } document.Sources.Add(securitySource); document.SaveProject = true; if (packageCount > 0) { //path where the zip file package is saved using (Sitecore.Install.Zip.PackageWriter writer = new Sitecore.Install.Zip.PackageWriter(this.userExportFilePath)) { Sitecore.Context.SetActiveSite("shell"); writer.Initialize(Sitecore.Install.Installer.CreateInstallationContext()); Sitecore.Install.PackageGenerator.GeneratePackage(document, writer); Sitecore.Context.SetActiveSite("website"); } divDebug.InnerHtml = string.Format("<h1>{0} Users packaged, file location: </h1>{1}", packageCount, this.userExportFilePath); } else { divDebug.InnerHtml = string.Format("<h1>Could not find any users</h1>"); } }
public void Save(PackageProject Project, string FileName) { var xDoc = new XDocument( new XElement("Project", Project.Components.Select(component => new XElement("Component", component.Targets.Select(target => new XElement("Target", new XAttribute("Cell", target.Cell), new XAttribute("Modification", target.Modification), new XAttribute("Module", target.Module), new XAttribute("Channel", target.Channel))), new XElement("Files"))))); throw new NotImplementedException("На самом деле не написал я :("); xDoc.Save(FileName); }
public UploadReport UploadPackage(PackageProject package, string packageFormat, byte[] packageData, byte[] symbolPackageData) { if (packageData == null && symbolPackageData == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); if (packageData != null) PushPackage(package, packageFormat, packageData); if (symbolPackageData != null) CreateJob(package, symbolPackageData); return new UploadReport { Summary = "OK", }; }
private void PerformUpload(Caller caller, PackageProject packageProject, string path) { if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.DebugFormat("Uploading package"); } var packagePath = GetFilePath(path); var symbolPackagePath = GetSymbolPackagePath(path); var package = File.Exists(packagePath) ? File.ReadAllBytes(packagePath) : null; var symbolPackage = File.Exists(symbolPackagePath) ? File.ReadAllBytes(symbolPackagePath) : null; using (var session = backendFactory.Create(caller)) { var report = session.UploadPackage(packageProject, GetPackageFormat(), package, symbolPackage); if (report.Summary != "OK") { var builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendLine(report.Summary); builder.AppendLine(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(report.Exception)) { builder.AppendLine("Exception:"); builder.AppendLine(report.Exception); builder.AppendLine(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(report.Exception)) { builder.AppendLine("Log:"); builder.AppendLine(report.Log); builder.AppendLine(); } throw new Exception(builder.ToString()); } } if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.DebugFormat("Uploaded upload package"); } }
public UploadReport UploadPackage(PackageProject package, string packageFormat, byte[] packageData, byte[] symbolPackageData) { if (packageData == null && symbolPackageData == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); if (packageData != null) PushPackage(package, packageFormat, packageData); if (symbolPackageData != null) CreateJob(package, symbolPackageData); NuGetTranslator.ExpirePackageHash(package.Version.Project, package.Version.Name); return new UploadReport { Summary = "OK", }; }
protected override void GetMetadata(string path, string repository, out PackageProject project, out IList<MetadataEntry> metadata, out ILookup<ContentType, string> contents) { var assemblyExporter = new DefaultAssemblyExporter(); var packageInfo = new FolderRepository(LocalFileSystem.Instance.GetDirectory(path)).PackagesByName.Single().Single(); var package = packageInfo.Load(); var descriptor = package.Descriptor; var exports = assemblyExporter .Items<Exports.IAssembly>(package, ExecutionEnvironment.Any) .SelectMany(group => group) .GroupBy(assembly => new { assembly.Profile, assembly.Platform }); project = new PackageProject { Name = descriptor.Name, Repository = repository, Version = new PackageVersion { Name = descriptor.Version.ToString(), Compilations = exports .Select(group => new PackageCompilation { Mode = "Release", Platform = group.Key.Profile + "-" + group.Key.Platform, ImageFiles = group .Select(assembly => new PackageImageFile { Name = GetAssemblyPath(assembly.File.Path, path) }).ToArray(), }).ToArray(), }, }; using (var zip = new ZipFile(GetFilePath(path))) contents = zip.EntryFileNames.ToLookup(GetContentType); metadata = new List<MetadataEntry>(); }
protected override void GetMetadata(string path, string repository, out PackageProject project, out IList <MetadataEntry> metadata, out ILookup <ContentType, string> contents) { var assemblyExporter = new DefaultAssemblyExporter(); var packageInfo = new FolderRepository(LocalFileSystem.Instance.GetDirectory(path)).PackagesByName.Single().Single(); var package = packageInfo.Load(); var descriptor = package.Descriptor; var exports = assemblyExporter .Items <Exports.IAssembly>(package, ExecutionEnvironment.Any) .SelectMany(group => group) .GroupBy(assembly => new { assembly.Profile, assembly.Platform }); project = new PackageProject { Name = descriptor.Name, Repository = repository, Version = new PackageVersion { Name = descriptor.Version.ToString(), Compilations = exports .Select(group => new PackageCompilation { Mode = "Release", Platform = group.Key.Profile + "-" + group.Key.Platform, ImageFiles = group .Select(assembly => new PackageImageFile { Name = GetAssemblyPath(assembly.File.Path, path) }).ToArray(), }).ToArray(), }, }; using (var zip = new ZipFile(GetFilePath(path))) contents = zip.EntryFileNames.ToLookup(GetContentType); metadata = new List <MetadataEntry>(); }
/// <summary> /// Takes in a list of items and generates a PackageProject object for those items. /// </summary> /// <param name="itemKeys">The items.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static PackageProject GetPackageFromItems(IEnumerable <IItemKey> itemKeys) { PackageProject project = new PackageProject(); ExplicitItemSource.Builder explicitSourceBuilder = new ExplicitItemSource.Builder(); foreach (IItemKey item in itemKeys) { //Re-fetch the item at the time of packaging to make sure it's current Item reFetchedItem = Sitecore.Data.Database.GetDatabase(item.DatabaseName).GetItem(item.Guid, LanguageManager.DefaultLanguage, item.Version); IEntryData ied = new ItemEntryData(reFetchedItem); PackageEntry iedEntry = new PackageEntry(ied); explicitSourceBuilder.Put(iedEntry); } ExplicitItemSource explicitSource = explicitSourceBuilder.Source; project.Sources.Add(explicitSource); return(project); }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { PerformInstallAction(() => { PackageProject packageProject = null; var fileName = Path; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { return; } if (!System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(fileName)) { fileName = FullPackageProjectPath(fileName); } if (File.Exists(fileName)) { var isZip = false; using (var stream = FileUtil.OpenRead(fileName)) { if (ZipUtils.IsZipContent(stream)) { isZip = true; } } packageProject = !isZip ? IOUtils.LoadSolution(FileUtil.ReadFromFile(fileName)) : ExtractPackageProject(fileName); } if (packageProject == null) { WriteError(typeof(FileNotFoundException), "Cannot find the contained within the provided file.", ErrorIds.FieldNotFound, ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound, null); } else { WriteObject(packageProject, false); } }); }
/// <summary> /// Generates the package. /// </summary> /// <param name="list">The list.</param> /// <returns></returns> private string GeneratePackage(List <Item> list) { string fullName = Context.User.Profile.FullName; using (new UserSwitcher(Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User.FromName("sitecore\\admin", false))) { Database contentDatabase = Context.ContentDatabase; PackageProject solution = new PackageProject(); solution.Metadata.PackageName = list[0].Name; solution.Metadata.Author = fullName; ExplicitItemSource explicitItemSource = new ExplicitItemSource(); explicitItemSource.Name = list[0].Name; Item[] objArray = list.ToArray(); if (objArray != null && objArray.Length > 0) { list.AddRange(objArray); } foreach (Item obj in list) { explicitItemSource.Entries.Add(new ItemReference(obj.Uri, false).ToString()); } solution.Sources.Add(explicitItemSource); solution.SaveProject = true; string fileName = list[0].Name + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy_hh_mm_ss_fffffff") + ".zip"; string str = Settings.PackagePath + "\\"; using (PackageWriter packageWriter = new PackageWriter(str + fileName)) { Context.SetActiveSite("shell"); packageWriter.Initialize(Installer.CreateInstallationContext()); PackageGenerator.GeneratePackage(solution, packageWriter); Context.SetActiveSite("website"); } return(str + fileName); } }
public UploadReport UploadPackage(PackageProject package, string packageFormat, byte[] packageData, byte[] symbolPackageData) { if (packageData == null && symbolPackageData == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } if (packageData != null) { PushPackage(package, packageFormat, packageData); } if (symbolPackageData != null) { CreateJob(package, symbolPackageData); } return(new UploadReport { Summary = "OK", }); }
public override void Execute(CommandContext context) { Assert.ArgumentNotNull(context, "context"); //get current item Item currentItem = context.Items[0]; string currentItemId = currentItem.ID.ToString(); string currentItemName = currentItem.Name; string currentItemDB = currentItem.Database.Name; string currentDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmssfff"); IEnumerable <IItemKey> itemKeys = context.Items.Select(x => new ItemKey(x) as IItemKey); string recurseVal = context.Parameters.Get("recurse"); bool recurse = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(recurseVal) && true.ToString().ToLowerInvariant().CompareTo(recurseVal.ToLowerInvariant()) == 0); if (recurse) { itemKeys = itemKeys.Union(currentItem.Axes.GetDescendants().Select(x => new ItemKey(x) as IItemKey)); } PackageProject project = InstantPackageManager.GetPackageFromItems(itemKeys); string path = Sitecore.Configuration.Settings.PackagePath; string fileName = string.Format("{0}{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}.zip", currentItemName, (recurse ? "-WithSubItems" : ""), currentItemId.Trim(("{}").ToCharArray()), currentItemDB, currentDateTime); string fullPath = path + '\\' + fileName; //refactor this into a different object project = InstantPackageManager.SetMetaData(project); PackageWriter writer = new PackageWriter(fullPath); IProcessingContext processingContext = new SimpleProcessingContext(); writer.Initialize(processingContext); PackageGenerator.GeneratePackage(project, writer); Context.ClientPage.ClientResponse.Download(fullPath); }
/// <summary> /// Generates the package. /// </summary> /// <param name="items">The items.</param> /// <param name="packageName">Name of the package.</param> /// <param name="packageAuthor">The package author.</param> /// <returns>Download path</returns> public virtual string GeneratePackage(IEnumerable <ItemUri> items, string packageName, string packageAuthor) { try { var project = new PackageProject { Metadata = { PackageName = packageName.Trim(), Author = packageAuthor, Version = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") } }; var filePath = FileUtil.MakePath(Settings.PackagePath, string.Format("{0}-{1}.{2}", project.Metadata.Version, PackageUtils.CleanupFileName(project.Metadata.PackageName), "zip")); var source = new ExplicitItemSource { Name = "PackMan added Items" }; foreach (var item in items) { source.Entries.Add(new ItemReference(item, false).ToString()); } project.Sources.Add(source); using (new Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler()) { WritePackage(project, filePath); return(filePath); } } catch (Exception ex) { Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Error(ex.Message, ex, this); return(null); } }
public UploadReport UploadPackage(PackageProject package, string packageFormat, byte[] packageData, byte[] symbolPackageData) { //TODO: quick and dirty try { var version = new Version { Company = caller.Company, Repository = package.Repository, Project = package.Name, Name = package.Version.Name }; CreateVersion(version); PushPackage(ref version, packageData, package); CreateJob(symbolPackageData, package); return(new UploadReport { Summary = "OK" }); } catch (Exception e) { return(new UploadReport { Summary = "Error", Exception = e.ToString(), }); } }
/// <summary> /// Executes the specified context. /// Saves a HotPackage project to XML using a naming scheme similar to the one used in the downloader /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The context.</param> public override void Execute(CommandContext context) { Assert.ArgumentNotNull(context, "context"); throw new NotImplementedException(); string currentDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmssfff"); string path = Sitecore.Configuration.Settings.PackagePath; string fileName = string.Format("InstantPackage_{0}.xml", currentDateTime); string fullPath = path + '\\' + fileName; InstantPackageManager packageManager = new InstantPackageManager(new PackageSourceDictionary()); PackageProject package = packageManager.GetPackage(); PackageWriter writer = new PackageWriter(fullPath); IProcessingContext processingContext = new SimpleProcessingContext(); writer.Initialize(processingContext); PackageGenerator.GeneratePackage(package, writer); // package.SaveProject(fullPath); }
public override void Execute(CommandContext context) { Assert.ArgumentNotNull(context, "context"); InstantPackageManager packageManager = new InstantPackageManager(new PackageSourceDictionary()); PackageProject package = packageManager.GetPackage(); string currentDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(InstantPackageManager.SortableTimeFormat); //possibly obsolete with use of version number. string path = Sitecore.Configuration.Settings.PackagePath; string fileName = string.Format("InstantPackage_{0}-{1}.zip", Sitecore.Context.Site.HostName, currentDateTime); string fullPath = path + '\\' + fileName; //refactor this into a different object package = InstantPackageManager.SetMetaData(package); PackageWriter writer = new PackageWriter(fullPath); IProcessingContext processingContext = new SimpleProcessingContext(); writer.Initialize(processingContext); PackageGenerator.GeneratePackage(package, writer); Context.ClientPage.ClientResponse.Download(fullPath); }
public PackageGenerationResult Generate(Commit commit, bool getAdded = true, bool getUpdated = true) { var result = new PackageGenerationResult(); StringBuilder commitNameBuilder = new StringBuilder(); commitNameBuilder.Append(commit.Name); if (getAdded) { commitNameBuilder.Append("-added"); } if (getUpdated) { commitNameBuilder.Append("-updated"); } commitNameBuilder.Append(".zip"); var commitName = commitNameBuilder.ToString(); var path = PathToFile; result.Name = commitName; result.Path = path; result.Successful = false; var db = _databaseSelector.GetSelectedDataBase(); var document = new PackageProject(); document.Sources.Clear(); var commitUserName = commit.Invoker?.Name; document.Metadata.PackageName = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(commit.Name) ? commit.Name : Constants.Package.DefaultCommitName; document.Metadata.Author = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(commitUserName) ? commitUserName : Constants.Package.DefaultAuthorName; document.Metadata.Publisher = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(User.Current.Name) ? User.Current.Name : Constants.Package.DefaultAuthorName; document.Metadata.Version = Constants.Package.DefaultVersion; var itemsIds = new List <ID>(); if (getAdded) { itemsIds = itemsIds.Union(commit.AddedItems).ToList(); } if (getUpdated) { itemsIds = itemsIds.Union(commit.ChangedItems).ToList(); } var items = new List <Item>(); itemsIds.ForEach(x => { var item = db.GetItem(x); if (item != null) { items.Add(item); } }); ExplicitItemSource source = new ExplicitItemSource(); source.Name = Constants.Package.SourceName; source.SkipVersions = true; foreach (Item item in items) { if (item != null) { source.Entries.Add(new ItemReference(item.Uri, false).ToString()); } } document.Sources.Add(source); document.SaveProject = true; using (new Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler()) { using (var writer = new PackageWriter(MainUtil.MapPath($"{path}{commitName}"))) { Context.SetActiveSite(Constants.Package.ShellSite); writer.Initialize(Installer.CreateInstallationContext()); PackageGenerator.GeneratePackage(document, writer); Context.SetActiveSite(Constants.Package.MainSite); result.Successful = true; } } return(result); }
protected override bool?GetProjectPermission(Caller caller, string companyName, PackageProject project) { return(null); }
public static string GeneratePackage(PackageManifest manifest) { var packageProject = new PackageProject { Metadata = { PackageName = manifest.PackageName, Author = manifest.Author, Version = manifest.Version, Publisher = manifest.Publisher } }; foreach (var fileSource in manifest.Files) { if (fileSource == null || fileSource.Entries == null || fileSource.Entries.Count == 0) { continue; } var packageFileSource = new ExplicitFileSource { Name = "Files" }; packageFileSource.Converter.Transforms.Add( new InstallerConfigurationTransform( new BehaviourOptions(fileSource.InstallMode, fileSource.MergeMode))); foreach (var item in fileSource.Entries) { var pathMapped = MainUtil.MapPath(item.Path); packageFileSource.Entries.Add(pathMapped); } if (packageFileSource.Entries.Count > 0) { packageProject.Sources.Add(packageFileSource); } } foreach (var itemSource in manifest.Items) { if (itemSource == null || itemSource.Entries == null || itemSource.Entries.Count == 0) { continue; } List <Item> items = new List <Item>(); var packageItemSource = new ExplicitItemSource { Name = itemSource.Name }; packageItemSource.Converter.Transforms.Add( new InstallerConfigurationTransform( new BehaviourOptions(itemSource.InstallMode, itemSource.MergeMode))); using (new SecurityDisabler()) { foreach (var item in itemSource.Entries) { var db = ResolveDatabase(item.Database); var itemUri = db.Items.GetItem(item.Path); if (itemUri != null) { items.Add(itemUri); if (item.IncludeChildren) { var paths = Sitecore.StringUtil.Split(itemUri.Paths.Path, '/', true).Where(p => p != null & p != string.Empty).Select(p => "#" + p + "#").ToList(); string allChildQuery = string.Format("/{0}//*", Sitecore.StringUtil.Join(paths, "/")); var children = db.Items.Database.SelectItems(allChildQuery); if (children != null && children.Length > 0) { items.AddRange(children); } } } } foreach (var item in items) { packageItemSource.Entries.Add(new ItemReference(item.Uri, false).ToString()); } } if (packageItemSource.Entries.Count > 0) { packageProject.Sources.Add(packageItemSource); } } packageProject.SaveProject = true; var location = MainUtil.MapPath($"{ Sitecore.Configuration.Settings.PackagePath}/{ manifest.PackageName}"); bool exists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(location); if (!exists) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(location); } var packagePath = $"{location}/{manifest.PackageName}.zip"; try { using (var writer = new PackageWriter(packagePath)) { using (new SecurityDisabler()) { SiteContext targetSiteContext = SiteContext.GetSite("shell"); using (var context = new SiteContextSwitcher(targetSiteContext)) { writer.Initialize(Installer.CreateInstallationContext()); PackageGenerator.GeneratePackage(packageProject, writer); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception($"Package was not created. Message: {ex.Message}", ex); } return(packagePath); }
public virtual void PushPackage(ref Version version, byte[] package, PackageProject packageProject) { throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented: " + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); }
public virtual void CreateJob(byte[] package, PackageProject project) { throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented: " + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); }
public UploadReport UploadPackage(PackageProject package, string packageFormat, byte[] packageData, byte[] symbolPackageData) { //TODO: quick and dirty try { var version = new Version {Company = caller.Company, Repository = package.Repository, Project = package.Name, Name = package.Version.Name}; CreateVersion(version); PushPackage(ref version, packageData, package); CreateJob(symbolPackageData, package); return new UploadReport { Summary = "OK" }; } catch(Exception e) { return new UploadReport { Summary = "Error", Exception = e.ToString(), }; } }
private void PerformUpload(Caller caller, PackageProject packageProject, string path) { if (log.IsDebugEnabled) log.DebugFormat("Uploading package"); var packagePath = GetFilePath(path); var symbolPackagePath = GetSymbolPackagePath(path); var package = File.Exists(packagePath) ? File.ReadAllBytes(packagePath) : null; var symbolPackage = File.Exists(symbolPackagePath) ? File.ReadAllBytes(symbolPackagePath) : null; using (var session = backendFactory.Create(caller)) { var report = session.UploadPackage(packageProject, GetPackageFormat(), package, symbolPackage); if (report.Summary != "OK") { var builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendLine(report.Summary); builder.AppendLine(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(report.Exception)) { builder.AppendLine("Exception:"); builder.AppendLine(report.Exception); builder.AppendLine(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(report.Exception)) { builder.AppendLine("Log:"); builder.AppendLine(report.Log); builder.AppendLine(); } throw new Exception(builder.ToString()); } } if (log.IsDebugEnabled) log.DebugFormat("Uploaded upload package"); }
protected abstract bool?GetProjectPermission(Caller caller, string companyName, PackageProject project);
private void CreateJob(PackageProject metadata, byte[] data) { string directory = Path.Combine(metadata.Name, metadata.Version.Name); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(configuration.DataPath, directory)); string file = Path.Combine(configuration.DataPath, directory, metadata.Name + ""); File.WriteAllBytes(file, data); using (var zipMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(data)) using (var zipfile = ZipFile.Read(zipMemoryStream)) { var zipInfo = new TransformingWrapperPackageFile(new ZipPackageFile(zipfile), new UrlTransformation()); var addInfo = addInfoBuilder.Build(zipInfo); string binariesDirectory = Path.Combine(directory, "Binaries"); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(configuration.DataPath, binariesDirectory)); string sourcesDirectory = Path.Combine(directory, "Sources"); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(configuration.DataPath, sourcesDirectory)); foreach (var binaryInfo in addInfo.Binaries) { if (binaryInfo.SymbolInfo == null) { continue; } string binaryDirectory = Path.Combine(binariesDirectory, binaryInfo.Name, binaryInfo.SymbolHash); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(configuration.DataPath, binaryDirectory)); using (var binaryInfoStream = binaryInfo.File.Stream) using (var binaryStream = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(configuration.DataPath, binaryDirectory, binaryInfo.Name + "." + binaryInfo.Type))) binaryInfoStream.CopyTo(binaryStream); using (var symbolInfoStream = binaryInfo.SymbolInfo.File.Stream) using (var symbolStream = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(configuration.DataPath, binaryDirectory, binaryInfo.Name + "." + binaryInfo.SymbolInfo.Type))) symbolInfoStream.CopyTo(symbolStream); string indexDirectory = Path.Combine(configuration.IndexPath, binaryInfo.Name); Directory.CreateDirectory(indexDirectory); File.AppendAllText(Path.Combine(indexDirectory, binaryInfo.SymbolHash + ".txt"), binaryDirectory + Environment.NewLine); var sourceIndex = new List <string>(); foreach (var sourceInfo in binaryInfo.SymbolInfo.SourceInfos.Where(info => info.ActualPath != null)) { string sourcePath = Path.Combine(sourcesDirectory, sourceInfo.KeyPath); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(configuration.DataPath, Path.GetDirectoryName(sourcePath))); sourceIndex.Add(sourceInfo.OriginalPath + "|" + sourceInfo.KeyPath); using (var sourceInfoStream = sourceInfo.ActualPath.Stream) using (var convertedStream = SourceConverter.Convert(sourceInfoStream)) using (var sourceStream = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(configuration.DataPath, sourcePath))) convertedStream.CopyTo(sourceStream); File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(configuration.DataPath, binaryDirectory, binaryInfo.Name + ".txt"), sourceIndex); } } } File.Delete(file); }
protected override bool? GetProjectPermission(Caller caller, string companyName, PackageProject project) { return null; }
public virtual UploadReport UploadPackage(PackageProject package, string packageFormat, byte[] packageData, byte[] symbolPackageData) { return service.UploadPackage(caller, package, packageFormat, packageData, symbolPackageData); }
public virtual UploadReport UploadPackage(PackageProject package, string packageFormat, byte[] packageData, byte[] symbolPackageData) { return(service.UploadPackage(caller, package, packageFormat, packageData, symbolPackageData)); }
private void PerformUpload(Caller caller, PackageProject packageProject, string path) { if (log.IsDebugEnabled) log.DebugFormat("Uploading package"); var packagePath = GetFilePath(path); var symbolPackagePath = GetSymbolPackagePath(path); var package = File.Exists(packagePath) ? File.ReadAllBytes(packagePath) : null; var symbolPackage = File.Exists(symbolPackagePath) ? File.ReadAllBytes(symbolPackagePath) : null; using (var session = backendFactory.Create(caller)) { var report = session.UploadPackage(packageProject, GetPackageFormat(), package, symbolPackage); if (report.Summary != "OK") throw new Exception(report.Summary); } if (log.IsDebugEnabled) log.DebugFormat("Uploaded upload package"); }
protected abstract bool? GetProjectPermission(Caller caller, string companyName, PackageProject project);
public static PackageProject SetMetaData(PackageProject project) { return(SetMetaData(project, "Instant Package")); }
protected abstract void GetMetadata(string path, string repository, out PackageProject project, out IList <MetadataEntry> metadata, out ILookup <ContentType, string> contents);
private void PushPackage(PackageProject metadata, string packageFormat, byte[] data) { var directory = Path.Combine(configuration.DataPath, metadata.Name, metadata.Version.Name); Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); var file = Path.Combine(directory, GetPackageName(packageFormat, metadata.Name, metadata.Version.Name)); if (File.Exists(file)) { File.Delete(file); } File.WriteAllBytes(file, data); }
private void SynchronizePermissions(Caller caller, string company, PackageProject packageProject) { var permission = GetProjectPermission(caller, company, packageProject); if (permission.HasValue) { var configuration = configurationFactory.Create(company); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(configuration.GatewayLogin) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(configuration.GatewayPassword)) throw new Exception("Missing gateway configuration"); using (var session = backendFactory.Create(new Caller { Company = company, Name = configuration.GatewayLogin, KeyType = "API", KeyValue = configuration.GatewayPassword })) { var project = new Project { Company = company, Repository = packageProject.Repository, Name = packageProject.Name }; if (permission.Value) { try { session.CreateProject(project); } catch (Exception) { //ignore if exists } } try { session.SetProjectPermissions(new User { Company = caller.Company, Name = caller.Name }, project, new Permission { Grant = false, Read = false, Write = permission.Value }); } catch (Exception) { //ignore if not exists } if (!permission.Value) throw new Exception("External permission source denied publish access"); } } }
private void CreateJob(PackageProject metadata, byte[] data) { string directory = Path.Combine(metadata.Name, metadata.Version.Name); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(configuration.DataPath, directory)); string file = Path.Combine(configuration.DataPath, directory, metadata.Name + ""); if (File.Exists(file)) { File.Delete(file); } File.WriteAllBytes(file, data); using (var zipMemoryStream = new MemoryStream (data)) using (var zipfile = ZipFile.Read(zipMemoryStream)) { var zipInfo = new TransformingWrapperPackageFile(new ZipPackageFile(zipfile), new UrlTransformation()); var addInfo = addInfoBuilder.Build(zipInfo); string binariesDirectory = Path.Combine(directory, "Binaries"); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(configuration.DataPath, binariesDirectory)); string sourcesDirectory = Path.Combine(directory, "Sources"); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(configuration.DataPath, sourcesDirectory)); foreach (var binaryInfo in addInfo.Binaries) { if (binaryInfo.SymbolInfo == null) continue; if (binaryInfo.SymbolHash != binaryInfo.SymbolInfo.Hash) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Incorrect hash code for '{0}' binaryHash '{1}' symbolHash '{2}'.", binaryInfo.Name, binaryInfo.SymbolHash, binaryInfo.SymbolInfo.Hash)); string binaryDirectory = Path.Combine(binariesDirectory, binaryInfo.Name, binaryInfo.SymbolHash); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(configuration.DataPath, binaryDirectory)); using (var binaryInfoStream = binaryInfo.File.Stream) { using (var binaryStream = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(configuration.DataPath, binaryDirectory, binaryInfo.Name + "." + binaryInfo.Type))) binaryInfoStream.CopyTo(binaryStream); } using (var symbolInfoStream = binaryInfo.SymbolInfo.File.Stream) { using (var symbolStream = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(configuration.DataPath, binaryDirectory, binaryInfo.Name + "." + binaryInfo.SymbolInfo.Type))) symbolInfoStream.CopyTo(symbolStream); } string indexDirectory = Path.Combine(configuration.IndexPath, binaryInfo.Name); Directory.CreateDirectory(indexDirectory); File.AppendAllText(Path.Combine(indexDirectory, binaryInfo.SymbolHash + ".txt"), binaryDirectory + Environment.NewLine); var sourceIndex = new List<string>(); foreach (var sourceInfo in binaryInfo.SymbolInfo.SourceInfos.Where(info => info.ActualPath != null)) { string sourcePath = Path.Combine(sourcesDirectory, sourceInfo.KeyPath.Replace(":/", "")); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(configuration.DataPath, Path.GetDirectoryName(sourcePath))); sourceIndex.Add(sourceInfo.OriginalPath + "|" + sourceInfo.KeyPath.Replace(":/", "")); using (var sourceInfoStream = sourceInfo.ActualPath.Stream) { using (var convertedStream = SourceConverter.Convert(sourceInfoStream)) { using (var sourceStream = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(configuration.DataPath, sourcePath))) convertedStream.CopyTo(sourceStream); } } } var txtFile = Path.Combine(configuration.DataPath, binaryDirectory, binaryInfo.Name + ".txt"); if (File.Exists(txtFile)) { File.Delete(txtFile); } File.WriteAllLines(txtFile, sourceIndex.ToArray()); } } File.Delete(file); }
protected abstract void GetMetadata(string path, string repository, out PackageProject project, out IList<MetadataEntry> metadata, out ILookup<ContentType, string> contents);