public static IServiceCollection AddJwSalePackManager(this IServiceCollection services) { services.CheckNotNull("services"); IJwSalePackBuilder builder = services.GetSingletonInstanceOrNull <IJwSalePackBuilder>() ?? new JwSalePackBuilder(); services.TryAddSingleton <IJwSalePackBuilder>(builder); PackManager manager = new PackManager(); services.AddSingleton <IPackManager>(manager); manager.LoadPacks(services); return(services); }
private void forwardtoserver(Client sender, byte[] buffer) { PManager = new PackManager(ClientForm); string content_hex = string.Empty; int huit_bytes = 0; foreach (byte b in buffer) { content_hex += b.ToString("X2") + " "; huit_bytes++; } PManager.ParsePacket(buffer); ClientForm.AddItem(false, PManager.packet_id, idNames.GetClasseName(PManager.packet_id), PManager.packet_lenght, PManager.packet_content); //ClientForm.WriteLogClient(content_hex + "\tASCII = " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer)); sender.associated.send(buffer); }
private void forwadtoclient(Client sender, byte[] buffer) { PManager = new PackManager(ClientForm); string content_hex = string.Empty; int huit_bytes = 0; foreach (byte b in buffer) { content_hex += b.ToString("X2") + " "; huit_bytes++; } PManager.ParsePacket(buffer); ClientForm.AddItem(true, PManager.packet_id, idNames.GetClasseName(PManager.packet_id), PManager.packet_lenght, PManager.packet_content); PManager.ParsePacket(buffer); sender.associated.send(buffer); }
public string GetAppID(int packType) { if (PackManager.IsAndroid(packType)) { return(ArdAppID); } else if (PackManager.IsIos(packType)) { return(IosAppID); } else if (PackManager.IsWindows(packType)) { return(WinAppID); } return(ArdAppID); }
public static IServiceCollection AddJwSalePackManager(this IServiceCollection services, Action <IJwSalePackBuilder> builderAction) { services.CheckNotNull("services"); IJwSalePackBuilder builder = services.GetSingletonInstanceOrNull <IJwSalePackBuilder>() ?? new JwSalePackBuilder(); builderAction?.Invoke(builder); services.TryAddSingleton <IJwSalePackBuilder>(builder); PackManager manager = new PackManager(); services.AddSingleton <IPackManager>(manager); manager.LoadPacks(services); //foreach (var pack in builder.Packs) //{ // services.TryAddSingleton(pack); //} return(services); }
private static void AddWindow() { Rect wr = new Rect(0, 0, 450, 500); PackManager window = (PackManager)EditorWindow.GetWindowWithRect(typeof(PackManager), wr, true, "PackManager"); window.Show(); if (EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget == BuildTarget.Android) { buildTargetGroup = BuildTargetGroup.Android; Load2Android(); } if (EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget == BuildTarget.iOS) { buildTargetGroup = BuildTargetGroup.iOS; Load2IOS(); } var style = new GUIStyle(); style.normal.textColor =; style.fontSize = 30; redStyle = style; var style2 = new GUIStyle(); style2.normal.textColor =; style2.fontSize = 15; greenStyleSmile = style2; var style3 = new GUIStyle(); style3.normal.textColor =; style3.fontSize = 15; redStyleSmile = style3; }
public int Main(string[] args) { _originalForeground = Console.ForegroundColor; var app = new CommandLineApplication(); app.Name = "kpm"; var optionVerbose = app.Option("-v|--verbose", "Show verbose output", CommandOptionType.NoValue); app.HelpOption("-?|-h|--help"); app.VersionOption("--version", GetVersion()); // Show help information if no subcommand was specified app.OnExecute(() => { app.ShowHelp(); return 0; }); app.Command("restore", c => { c.Description = "Restore packages"; var argRoot = c.Argument("[root]", "Root of all projects to restore. It can be a directory, a project.json, or a global.json."); var optSource = c.Option("-s|--source <FEED>", "A list of packages sources to use for this command", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue); var optFallbackSource = c.Option("-f|--fallbacksource <FEED>", "A list of packages sources to use as a fallback", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue); var optProxy = c.Option("-p|--proxy <ADDRESS>", "The HTTP proxy to use when retrieving packages", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optNoCache = c.Option("--no-cache", "Do not use local cache", CommandOptionType.NoValue); var optPackageFolder = c.Option("--packages", "Path to restore packages", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); c.HelpOption("-?|-h|--help"); c.OnExecute(() => { try { var command = new RestoreCommand(_environment); command.Reports = new Reports() { Information = this, Verbose = optionVerbose.HasValue() ? (this as IReport) : new NullReport() }; // If the root argument is a directory if (Directory.Exists(argRoot.Value)) { command.RestoreDirectory = argRoot.Value; } // If the root argument is a project.json file else if (string.Equals( Project.ProjectFileName, Path.GetFileName(argRoot.Value), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { command.RestoreDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(argRoot.Value)); } // If the root argument is a global.json file else if (string.Equals( GlobalSettings.GlobalFileName, Path.GetFileName(argRoot.Value), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { command.RestoreDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(argRoot.Value)); command.GlobalJsonFile = argRoot.Value; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(argRoot.Value)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The given root is invalid."); } if (optSource.HasValue()) { command.Sources = optSource.Values; } if (optFallbackSource.HasValue()) { command.FallbackSources = optFallbackSource.Values; } if (optProxy.HasValue()) { Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("http_proxy", optProxy.Value()); } command.NoCache = optNoCache.HasValue(); command.PackageFolder = optPackageFolder.Value(); var success = command.ExecuteCommand(); return success ? 0 : 1; } catch (Exception ex) { this.WriteLine("----------"); this.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); this.WriteLine("----------"); this.WriteLine("Restore failed"); this.WriteLine(ex.Message); return 1; } }); }); app.Command("pack", c => { c.Description = "Bundle application for deployment"; var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "Path to project, default is current directory"); var optionOut = c.Option("-o|--out <PATH>", "Where does it go", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>", "The configuration to use for deployment", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionOverwrite = c.Option("--overwrite", "Remove existing files in target folders", CommandOptionType.NoValue); var optionNoSource = c.Option("--no-source", "Don't include sources of project dependencies", CommandOptionType.NoValue); var optionRuntime = c.Option("--runtime <KRE>", "Names or paths to KRE files to include", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue); var optionAppFolder = c.Option("--appfolder <NAME>", "Determine the name of the application primary folder", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); c.HelpOption("-?|-h|--help"); c.OnExecute(() => { Console.WriteLine("verbose:{0} out:{1} project:{2}", optionVerbose.HasValue(), optionOut.Value(), argProject.Value); var options = new PackOptions { OutputDir = optionOut.Value(), ProjectDir = argProject.Value ?? System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), AppFolder = optionAppFolder.Value(), Configuration = optionConfiguration.Value() ?? "Debug", RuntimeTargetFramework = _environment.TargetFramework, Overwrite = optionOverwrite.HasValue(), NoSource = optionNoSource.HasValue(), Runtimes = optionRuntime.HasValue() ? string.Join(";", optionRuntime.Values). Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) : new string[0], }; var manager = new PackManager(_hostServices, options); if (!manager.Package()) { return -1; } return 0; }); }); app.Command("build", c => { c.Description = "Build NuGet packages for the project in given directory"; var optionFramework = c.Option("--framework <TARGET_FRAMEWORK>", "A list of target frameworks to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue); var optionConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>", "A list of configurations to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue); var optionOut = c.Option("--out <OUTPUT_DIR>", "Output directory", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionCheck = c.Option("--check", "Check diagnostics", CommandOptionType.NoValue); var optionDependencies = c.Option("--dependencies", "Copy dependencies", CommandOptionType.NoValue); var argProjectDir = c.Argument("[project]", "Project to build, default is current directory"); c.HelpOption("-?|-h|--help"); c.OnExecute(() => { var buildOptions = new BuildOptions(); buildOptions.RuntimeTargetFramework = _environment.TargetFramework; buildOptions.OutputDir = optionOut.Value(); buildOptions.ProjectDir = argProjectDir.Value ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); buildOptions.CheckDiagnostics = optionCheck.HasValue(); buildOptions.Configurations = optionConfiguration.Values; buildOptions.TargetFrameworks = optionFramework.Values; var projectManager = new BuildManager(_hostServices, buildOptions); if (!projectManager.Build()) { return -1; } return 0; }); }); app.Command("add", c => { c.Description = "Add a dependency into dependencies section of project.json"; var argName = c.Argument("[name]", "Name of the dependency to add"); var argVersion = c.Argument("[version]", "Version of the dependency to add"); var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "Path to project, default is current directory"); c.HelpOption("-?|-h|--help"); c.OnExecute(() => { var command = new AddCommand(); command.Report = this; command.Name = argName.Value; command.Version = argVersion.Value; command.ProjectDir = argProject.Value; var success = command.ExecuteCommand(); return success ? 0 : 1; }); }); return app.Execute(args); }
public int Main(string[] args) { var app = new CommandLineApplication(); app.Name = "kpm"; var optionVerbose = app.Option("-v|--verbose", "Show verbose output", CommandOptionType.NoValue); app.HelpOption("-?|-h|--help"); app.VersionOption("--version", GetVersion()); // Show help information if no subcommand/option was specified app.OnExecute(() => { app.ShowHelp(); return(2); }); app.Command("restore", c => { c.Description = "Restore packages"; var argRoot = c.Argument("[root]", "Root of all projects to restore. It can be a directory, a project.json, or a global.json."); var optSource = c.Option("-s|--source <FEED>", "A list of packages sources to use for this command", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue); var optFallbackSource = c.Option("-f|--fallbacksource <FEED>", "A list of packages sources to use as a fallback", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue); var optProxy = c.Option("-p|--proxy <ADDRESS>", "The HTTP proxy to use when retrieving packages", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optNoCache = c.Option("--no-cache", "Do not use local cache", CommandOptionType.NoValue); var optPackageFolder = c.Option("--packages", "Path to restore packages", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optQuiet = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as HTTP request/cache information", CommandOptionType.NoValue); var optIgnoreFailedSources = c.Option("--ignore-failed-sources", "Ignore failed remote sources if there are local packages meeting version requirements", CommandOptionType.NoValue); c.HelpOption("-?|-h|--help"); c.OnExecute(async() => { var command = new RestoreCommand(_environment); command.Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optQuiet.HasValue()); command.RestoreDirectory = argRoot.Value; command.Sources = optSource.Values; command.FallbackSources = optFallbackSource.Values; command.NoCache = optNoCache.HasValue(); command.PackageFolder = optPackageFolder.Value(); command.IgnoreFailedSources = optIgnoreFailedSources.HasValue(); if (optProxy.HasValue()) { Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("http_proxy", optProxy.Value()); } var success = await command.ExecuteCommand(); return(success ? 0 : 1); }); }); app.Command("pack", c => { c.Description = "Bundle application for deployment"; var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "Path to project, default is current directory"); var optionOut = c.Option("-o|--out <PATH>", "Where does it go", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>", "The configuration to use for deployment", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionOverwrite = c.Option("--overwrite", "Remove existing files in target folders", CommandOptionType.NoValue); var optionNoSource = c.Option("--no-source", "Don't include sources of project dependencies", CommandOptionType.NoValue); var optionRuntime = c.Option("--runtime <KRE>", "Names or paths to KRE files to include", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue); var optionNative = c.Option("--native", "Build and include native images. User must provide targeted CoreCLR runtime versions along with this option.", CommandOptionType.NoValue); var optionWwwRoot = c.Option("--wwwroot <NAME>", "Name of public folder in the project directory", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionWwwRootOut = c.Option("--wwwroot-out <NAME>", "Name of public folder in the packed image, can be used only when the '--wwwroot' option or 'webroot' in project.json is specified", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionQuiet = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as source/destination of packed files", CommandOptionType.NoValue); c.HelpOption("-?|-h|--help"); c.OnExecute(() => { var options = new PackOptions { OutputDir = optionOut.Value(), ProjectDir = argProject.Value ?? System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), Configuration = optionConfiguration.Value() ?? "Debug", RuntimeTargetFramework = _environment.RuntimeFramework, WwwRoot = optionWwwRoot.Value(), WwwRootOut = optionWwwRootOut.Value() ?? optionWwwRoot.Value(), Overwrite = optionOverwrite.HasValue(), NoSource = optionNoSource.HasValue(), Runtimes = optionRuntime.HasValue() ? string.Join(";", optionRuntime.Values). Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) : new string[0], Native = optionNative.HasValue(), Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optionQuiet.HasValue()) }; var manager = new PackManager(_hostServices, options); if (!manager.Package()) { return(-1); } return(0); }); }); app.Command("build", c => { c.Description = "Build NuGet packages for the project in given directory"; var optionFramework = c.Option("--framework <TARGET_FRAMEWORK>", "A list of target frameworks to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue); var optionConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>", "A list of configurations to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue); var optionOut = c.Option("--out <OUTPUT_DIR>", "Output directory", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionDependencies = c.Option("--dependencies", "Copy dependencies", CommandOptionType.NoValue); var optionQuiet = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as source/destination of nupkgs", CommandOptionType.NoValue); var argProjectDir = c.Argument("[project]", "Project to build, default is current directory"); c.HelpOption("-?|-h|--help"); c.OnExecute(() => { var buildOptions = new BuildOptions(); buildOptions.OutputDir = optionOut.Value(); buildOptions.ProjectDir = argProjectDir.Value ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); buildOptions.Configurations = optionConfiguration.Values; buildOptions.TargetFrameworks = optionFramework.Values; buildOptions.Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optionQuiet.HasValue()); var projectManager = new BuildManager(_hostServices, buildOptions); if (!projectManager.Build()) { return(-1); } return(0); }); }); app.Command("add", c => { c.Description = "Add a dependency into dependencies section of project.json"; var argName = c.Argument("[name]", "Name of the dependency to add"); var argVersion = c.Argument("[version]", "Version of the dependency to add"); var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "Path to project, default is current directory"); c.HelpOption("-?|-h|--help"); c.OnExecute(() => { var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false); var command = new AddCommand(); command.Reports = reports; command.Name = argName.Value; command.Version = argVersion.Value; command.ProjectDir = argProject.Value; var success = command.ExecuteCommand(); return(success ? 0 : 1); }); }); app.Command("install", c => { c.Description = "Install the given dependency"; var argName = c.Argument("[name]", "Name of the dependency to add"); var argVersion = c.Argument("[version]", "Version of the dependency to add, default is the latest version."); var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "Path to project, default is current directory"); var optSource = c.Option("-s|--source <FEED>", "A list of packages sources to use for this command", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue); var optFallbackSource = c.Option("-f|--fallbacksource <FEED>", "A list of packages sources to use as a fallback", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue); var optProxy = c.Option("-p|--proxy <ADDRESS>", "The HTTP proxy to use when retrieving packages", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optNoCache = c.Option("--no-cache", "Do not use local cache", CommandOptionType.NoValue); var optPackageFolder = c.Option("--packages", "Path to restore packages", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optQuiet = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as HTTP request/cache information", CommandOptionType.NoValue); var optIgnoreFailedSources = c.Option("--ignore-failed-sources", "Ignore failed remote sources if there are local packages meeting version requirements", CommandOptionType.NoValue); c.HelpOption("-?|-h|--help"); c.OnExecute(async() => { var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optQuiet.HasValue()); var addCmd = new AddCommand(); addCmd.Reports = reports; addCmd.Name = argName.Value; addCmd.Version = argVersion.Value; addCmd.ProjectDir = argProject.Value; var restoreCmd = new RestoreCommand(_environment); restoreCmd.Reports = reports; restoreCmd.RestoreDirectory = argProject.Value; restoreCmd.Sources = optSource.Values; restoreCmd.FallbackSources = optFallbackSource.Values; restoreCmd.NoCache = optNoCache.HasValue(); restoreCmd.PackageFolder = optPackageFolder.Value(); restoreCmd.IgnoreFailedSources = optIgnoreFailedSources.HasValue(); if (optProxy.HasValue()) { Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("http_proxy", optProxy.Value()); } var installCmd = new InstallCommand(addCmd, restoreCmd); installCmd.Reports = reports; var success = await installCmd.ExecuteCommand(); return(success ? 0 : 1); }); }); return(app.Execute(args)); }
public int Main(string[] args) { _originalForeground = Console.ForegroundColor; var app = new CommandLineApplication(); app.Name = "kpm"; var optionVerbose = app.Option("-v|--verbose", "Show verbose output", CommandOptionType.NoValue); app.HelpOption("-?|-h|--help"); app.VersionOption("--version", GetVersion()); // Show help information if no subcommand was specified app.OnExecute(() => { app.ShowHelp(); return(0); }); app.Command("restore", c => { c.Description = "Restore packages"; var argRoot = c.Argument("[root]", "Root of all projects to restore. It can be a directory, a project.json, or a global.json."); var optSource = c.Option("-s|--source <FEED>", "A list of packages sources to use for this command", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue); var optFallbackSource = c.Option("-f|--fallbacksource <FEED>", "A list of packages sources to use as a fallback", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue); var optProxy = c.Option("-p|--proxy <ADDRESS>", "The HTTP proxy to use when retrieving packages", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optNoCache = c.Option("--no-cache", "Do not use local cache", CommandOptionType.NoValue); var optPackageFolder = c.Option("--packages", "Path to restore packages", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); c.HelpOption("-?|-h|--help"); c.OnExecute(() => { try { var command = new RestoreCommand(_environment); command.Reports = new Reports() { Information = this, Verbose = optionVerbose.HasValue() ? (this as IReport) : new NullReport() }; // If the root argument is a directory if (Directory.Exists(argRoot.Value)) { command.RestoreDirectory = argRoot.Value; } // If the root argument is a project.json file else if (string.Equals( Project.ProjectFileName, Path.GetFileName(argRoot.Value), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { command.RestoreDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(argRoot.Value)); } // If the root argument is a global.json file else if (string.Equals( GlobalSettings.GlobalFileName, Path.GetFileName(argRoot.Value), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { command.RestoreDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(argRoot.Value)); command.GlobalJsonFile = argRoot.Value; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(argRoot.Value)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The given root is invalid."); } if (optSource.HasValue()) { command.Sources = optSource.Values; } if (optFallbackSource.HasValue()) { command.FallbackSources = optFallbackSource.Values; } if (optProxy.HasValue()) { Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("http_proxy", optProxy.Value()); } command.NoCache = optNoCache.HasValue(); command.PackageFolder = optPackageFolder.Value(); var success = command.ExecuteCommand(); return(success ? 0 : 1); } catch (Exception ex) { this.WriteLine("----------"); this.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); this.WriteLine("----------"); this.WriteLine("Restore failed"); this.WriteLine(ex.Message); return(1); } }); }); app.Command("pack", c => { c.Description = "Bundle application for deployment"; var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "Path to project, default is current directory"); var optionOut = c.Option("-o|--out <PATH>", "Where does it go", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>", "The configuration to use for deployment", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionOverwrite = c.Option("--overwrite", "Remove existing files in target folders", CommandOptionType.NoValue); var optionNoSource = c.Option("--no-source", "Don't include sources of project dependencies", CommandOptionType.NoValue); var optionRuntime = c.Option("--runtime <KRE>", "Names or paths to KRE files to include", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue); var optionAppFolder = c.Option("--appfolder <NAME>", "Determine the name of the application primary folder", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); c.HelpOption("-?|-h|--help"); c.OnExecute(() => { Console.WriteLine("verbose:{0} out:{1} project:{2}", optionVerbose.HasValue(), optionOut.Value(), argProject.Value); var options = new PackOptions { OutputDir = optionOut.Value(), ProjectDir = argProject.Value ?? System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), AppFolder = optionAppFolder.Value(), Configuration = optionConfiguration.Value() ?? "Debug", RuntimeTargetFramework = _environment.TargetFramework, Overwrite = optionOverwrite.HasValue(), NoSource = optionNoSource.HasValue(), Runtimes = optionRuntime.HasValue() ? string.Join(";", optionRuntime.Values). Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) : new string[0], }; var manager = new PackManager(_hostServices, options); if (!manager.Package()) { return(-1); } return(0); }); }); app.Command("build", c => { c.Description = "Build NuGet packages for the project in given directory"; var optionFramework = c.Option("--framework <TARGET_FRAMEWORK>", "A list of target frameworks to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue); var optionConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>", "A list of configurations to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue); var optionOut = c.Option("--out <OUTPUT_DIR>", "Output directory", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionCheck = c.Option("--check", "Check diagnostics", CommandOptionType.NoValue); var optionDependencies = c.Option("--dependencies", "Copy dependencies", CommandOptionType.NoValue); var argProjectDir = c.Argument("[project]", "Project to build, default is current directory"); c.HelpOption("-?|-h|--help"); c.OnExecute(() => { var buildOptions = new BuildOptions(); buildOptions.RuntimeTargetFramework = _environment.TargetFramework; buildOptions.OutputDir = optionOut.Value(); buildOptions.ProjectDir = argProjectDir.Value ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); buildOptions.CheckDiagnostics = optionCheck.HasValue(); buildOptions.Configurations = optionConfiguration.Values; buildOptions.TargetFrameworks = optionFramework.Values; var projectManager = new BuildManager(_hostServices, buildOptions); if (!projectManager.Build()) { return(-1); } return(0); }); }); app.Command("add", c => { c.Description = "Add a dependency into dependencies section of project.json"; var argName = c.Argument("[name]", "Name of the dependency to add"); var argVersion = c.Argument("[version]", "Version of the dependency to add"); var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "Path to project, default is current directory"); c.HelpOption("-?|-h|--help"); c.OnExecute(() => { var command = new AddCommand(); command.Report = this; command.Name = argName.Value; command.Version = argVersion.Value; command.ProjectDir = argProject.Value; var success = command.ExecuteCommand(); return(success ? 0 : 1); }); }); return(app.Execute(args)); }
public Capture() { // Retrieve the device list from the local machine IList <LivePacketDevice> allDevices = LivePacketDevice.AllLocalMachine; if (allDevices.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No interfaces found! Make sure WinPcap is installed."); return; } // Print the list for (int i = 0; i != allDevices.Count; ++i) { LivePacketDevice device = allDevices[i]; Console.Write((i + 1) + ". " + device.Name); if (device.Description != null) { Console.WriteLine(" (" + device.Description + ")"); } else { Console.WriteLine(" (No description available)"); } } int deviceIndex = 0; do { Console.WriteLine("Enter the interface number (1-" + allDevices.Count + "):"); string deviceIndexString = Console.ReadLine(); if (!int.TryParse(deviceIndexString, out deviceIndex) || deviceIndex < 1 || deviceIndex > allDevices.Count) { deviceIndex = 0; } } while (deviceIndex == 0); // Take the selected adapter PacketDevice selectedDevice = allDevices[deviceIndex - 1]; // Open the device using (PacketCommunicator communicator = selectedDevice.Open(2000, // portion of the packet to capture PacketDeviceOpenAttributes.Promiscuous | PacketDeviceOpenAttributes.NoCaptureLocal | PacketDeviceOpenAttributes.NoCaptureRemote, // promiscuous mode 100)) // read timeout { Console.WriteLine("Listening on " + selectedDevice.Description + "..."); // start the capture communicator.SetFilter("net mask"); packManager = new PackManager(); /*Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(packManager.process)); * thread.Start();*/ //packetProcesser = new PacketProcesser(); //Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(packetProcesser.process)); //thread.Start(); //communicator.ReceivePackets(0, PacketHandler); // Retrieve the packets Packet packet; do { PacketCommunicatorReceiveResult result = communicator.ReceivePacket(out packet); switch (result) { case PacketCommunicatorReceiveResult.Timeout: // Timeout elapsed continue; case PacketCommunicatorReceiveResult.Ok: packManager.ParsePacket(getData(packet)); //packetProcesser.addPacket(packet); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("The result " + result + " shoudl never be reached here"); } } while (true); } }
public void OnPackOpen() { ActiveDelete = true; PackManager packManager = Instantiate(packPanelPrefab, packPanel).GetComponent <PackManager>(); }
void Start() { addedPacksPanel = GameObject.Find("Added Packs Panel"); loadedPacksPanel = GameObject.Find("Loaded Packs Panel"); packManager = GameObject.Find("Pack Manager").GetComponent <PackManager>(); }