private void InsertInitializationActivity(string activity, string comment) { var row = Initializations.Insert(); row.Activity = activity; row.Comment = comment; }
protected virtual void CRSetup_RowInserted(PXCache sender, PXRowInsertedEventArgs e) { CROpportunityProbability p = OpportunityProbabilities.Select(); if (p == null) { p.StageCode = "A"; p.Probability = 60; OpportunityProbabilities.Insert(p); p.StageCode = "L"; p.Probability = 0; OpportunityProbabilities.Insert(p); p.StageCode = "P"; p.Probability = 10; OpportunityProbabilities.Insert(p); p.StageCode = "Q"; p.Probability = 20; OpportunityProbabilities.Insert(p); p.StageCode = "R"; p.Probability = 80; OpportunityProbabilities.Insert(p); p.StageCode = "V"; p.Probability = 40; OpportunityProbabilities.Insert(p); p.StageCode = "W"; p.Probability = 100; OpportunityProbabilities.Insert(p); OpportunityProbabilities.Cache.IsDirty = false; } }
private void InitOpportunityProbabilities() { using (ReadOnlyScope scope = new ReadOnlyScope(OpportunityProbabilities.Cache)) { OpportunityProbabilities.Insert(new CROpportunityProbability() { StageCode = "L", Name = Messages.StageProspect, Probability = 0, SortOrder = 0 }); OpportunityProbabilities.Insert(new CROpportunityProbability() { StageCode = "N", Name = Messages.StageNurture, Probability = 5, SortOrder = 5 }); OpportunityProbabilities.Insert(new CROpportunityProbability() { StageCode = "P", Name = Messages.StageQualify, Probability = 10, SortOrder = 10 }); OpportunityProbabilities.Insert(new CROpportunityProbability() { StageCode = "Q", Name = Messages.StageDevelop, Probability = 20, SortOrder = 20 }); OpportunityProbabilities.Insert(new CROpportunityProbability() { StageCode = "V", Name = Messages.StageSolution, Probability = 40, SortOrder = 40 }); OpportunityProbabilities.Insert(new CROpportunityProbability() { StageCode = "A", Name = Messages.StageProof, Probability = 60, SortOrder = 60 }); OpportunityProbabilities.Insert(new CROpportunityProbability() { StageCode = "R", Name = Messages.StageClose, Probability = 80, SortOrder = 80 }); OpportunityProbabilities.Insert(new CROpportunityProbability() { StageCode = "W", Name = Messages.StageDeploy, Probability = 100, SortOrder = 100 }); } }
protected virtual void InsertPreloadedNodes(IEnumerable <GLBudgetTree> nodes) { bool hadError = false; foreach (GLBudgetTree node in nodes) { try { Details.Insert(node); } catch (PXSetPropertyException) { hadError = true; } } if (hadError) { throw new PXException(Messages.SubaccountSegmentValuesWereDeactivatedWontLoad); } }
protected virtual IEnumerable consolRecords( [PXDBString] string ledgerCD, [PXDBString] string branchCD ) { Ledger ledger = PXSelect <Ledger, Where <Ledger.consolAllowed, Equal <True>, And <Ledger.ledgerCD, Equal <Required <Ledger.ledgerCD> > > > > .Select(this, ledgerCD); Branch branch = PXSelect <Branch, Where <Branch.branchCD, Equal <Required <Branch.branchCD> > > > .Select(this, branchCD); if (ledger == null) { throw new PXException(Messages.CantFindConsolidationLedger, ledgerCD); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(branchCD) && branch == null) { throw new PXException(Messages.CantFindConsolidationBranch, branchCD); } var exportSubaccountMapper = CreateExportSubaccountMapper(); var noSegmentsToExport = false; if (PXAccess.FeatureInstalled <FeaturesSet.subAccount>()) { noSegmentsToExport = SubaccountSegmentsView.Select() .RowCast <Segment>() .All(segment => segment.ConsolNumChar <= 0); } PXSelectBase <GLHistory> cmd = new PXSelectJoin <GLHistory, InnerJoin <Account, On <Account.accountID, Equal <GLHistory.accountID> >, InnerJoin <Sub, On <Sub.subID, Equal <GLHistory.subID> >, InnerJoin <Ledger, On <Ledger.ledgerID, Equal <GLHistory.ledgerID> >, InnerJoin <Branch, On <Branch.branchID, Equal <GLHistory.branchID> > > > > >, Where <Ledger.ledgerCD, Equal <Required <Ledger.ledgerCD> >, And <GLHistory.accountID, NotEqual <Current <GLSetup.ytdNetIncAccountID> > > >, OrderBy <Asc <GLHistory.finPeriodID, Asc <Account.accountCD, Asc <Sub.subCD> > > > >(this); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(branchCD)) { cmd.WhereAnd <Where <Branch.branchCD, Equal <Required <Branch.branchCD> > > >(); } foreach (PXResult <GLHistory, Account, Sub> result in cmd.Select(ledgerCD, branchCD)) { GLHistory history = result; Account account = result; Sub sub = result; string accountCD = account.GLConsolAccountCD; string subCD = exportSubaccountMapper.GetMappedSubaccountCD(sub); if (accountCD != null && accountCD.TrimEnd() != "" && (subCD != null && subCD.TrimEnd() != "" || noSegmentsToExport)) { GLConsolData consolData = new GLConsolData(); consolData.MappedValue = subCD; consolData.AccountCD = accountCD; consolData.FinPeriodID = history.FinPeriodID; consolData = ConsolRecords.Locate(consolData); if (consolData != null) { consolData.ConsolAmtDebit += history.FinPtdDebit; consolData.ConsolAmtCredit += history.FinPtdCredit; } else { consolData = new GLConsolData(); consolData.MappedValue = subCD; consolData.MappedValueLength = subCD.Length; consolData.AccountCD = accountCD; consolData.FinPeriodID = history.FinPeriodID; consolData.ConsolAmtDebit = history.FinPtdDebit; consolData.ConsolAmtCredit = history.FinPtdCredit; ConsolRecords.Insert(consolData); } } } return(ConsolRecords.Cache.Inserted); }
public virtual IEnumerable preload(PXAdapter adapter) { if (PreloadFilter.Current.FromAccount == null) { PreloadFilter.Cache.RaiseExceptionHandling <AccountsPreloadFilter.fromAccount>(PreloadFilter.Current, PreloadFilter.Current.FromAccount, new PXSetPropertyException(ErrorMessages.FieldIsEmpty, PXErrorLevel.RowError)); PreloadFilter.Cache.RaiseExceptionHandling <AccountsPreloadFilter.toAccount>(PreloadFilter.Current, PreloadFilter.Current.ToAccount, new PXSetPropertyException(ErrorMessages.FieldIsEmpty, PXErrorLevel.RowError)); return(adapter.Get()); } GLBudgetTree currentItem = ((GLBudgetTree)PXSelect <GLBudgetTree, Where <GLBudgetTree.groupID, Equal <Required <GLBudgetTree.groupID> > > > .Select(this, this.CurrentSelected.Group)); PreloadFilter.Current.AccountCDWildcard = SubCDUtils.CreateSubCDWildcard(currentItem != null ? currentItem.AccountMask : string.Empty, AccountAttribute.DimensionName); GLBudgetTree LastItem = PXSelect <GLBudgetTree, Where <GLBudgetTree.parentGroupID, Equal <Required <GLBudgetTree.parentGroupID> > >, OrderBy <Desc <GLBudgetTree.sortOrder> > > .SelectWindowed(this, 0, 1, this.CurrentSelected.Group); int LastSortNum = LastItem == null ? 1 : LastItem.SortOrder.Value + 1; bool noLinesPreloaded = true; List <GLBudgetTree> nodesToInsert = new List <GLBudgetTree>(); foreach (PXResult <Account> account in PXSelect <Account, Where <Account.accountCD, GreaterEqual <Required <Account.accountCD> >, And <, Equal <True>, And <Account.accountCD, LessEqual <Required <Account.accountCD> >, And <Account.accountID, NotEqual <Current <GL.GLSetup.ytdNetIncAccountID> > > > > > > .Select(this, PreloadFilter.Current.FromAccount != null ? ((Account)PXSelect <Account, Where <Account.accountID, Equal <Current <AccountsPreloadFilter.fromAccount> > > > .Select(this)).AccountCD : ((Account)PXSelect <Account> .Select(this).First()).AccountCD, PreloadFilter.Current.ToAccount != null ? ((Account)PXSelect <Account, Where <Account.accountID, Equal <Current <AccountsPreloadFilter.toAccount> > > > .Select(this)).AccountCD : ((Account)PXSelect <Account> .Select(this).Last()).AccountCD)) { foreach (PXResult <Sub> sub in PXSelect <Sub, Where <, Equal <True>, And <Sub.subCD, Like <Current <AccountsPreloadFilter.subCDWildcard> > > > > .Select(this)) { Account acct = account; Sub subAcct = sub; GLBudgetTree group = new GLBudgetTree(); if (currentItem == null || acct.AccountID != currentItem.AccountID || subAcct.SubID != currentItem.SubID) { group.AccountID = acct.AccountID; group.SubID = subAcct.SubID; group.SortOrder = LastSortNum++; group.GroupMask = CurrentSelected.GroupMask; nodesToInsert.Add(group); noLinesPreloaded = false; } } } if (noLinesPreloaded) { if (Details.Ask(Messages.BudgetTreePreloadArticlesTitle, Messages.BudgetTreePreloadArticlesNothingToPreload, MessageButtons.OK) == WebDialogResult.OK) { return(adapter.Get()); } } if (nodesToInsert.Count > 500) { if (Details.Ask(Messages.Confirmation, String.Format(PXMessages.LocalizeNoPrefix(Messages.BudgetTreePreloadArticlesTooManyMessage), nodesToInsert.Count), MessageButtons.OKCancel) == WebDialogResult.OK) { foreach (GLBudgetTree node in nodesToInsert) { Details.Insert(node); } } } else { foreach (GLBudgetTree node in nodesToInsert) { Details.Insert(node); } } return(adapter.Get()); }
protected virtual IEnumerable consolRecords( [PXDBString] string ledgerCD, [PXDBString] string branchCD ) { Ledger ledger = PXSelect <Ledger, Where <Ledger.consolAllowed, Equal <boolTrue>, And <Ledger.ledgerCD, Equal <Required <Ledger.ledgerCD> > > > > .Select(this, ledgerCD); Branch branch = PXSelect <Branch, Where <Branch.branchCD, Equal <Required <Branch.branchCD> > > > .Select(this, branchCD); if (ledger == null) { throw new PXException(Messages.CantFindConsolidationLedger, ledgerCD); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(branchCD) && branch == null) { throw new PXException(Messages.CantFindConsolidationBranch, branchCD); } if (true) { InitSegmentData(null); PXSelectBase <GLHistory> cmd = new PXSelectJoin <GLHistory, InnerJoin <Account, On <Account.accountID, Equal <GLHistory.accountID> >, InnerJoin <Sub, On <Sub.subID, Equal <GLHistory.subID> >, InnerJoin <Ledger, On <Ledger.ledgerID, Equal <GLHistory.ledgerID> >, InnerJoin <Branch, On <Branch.branchID, Equal <GLHistory.branchID> > > > > >, Where <Ledger.ledgerCD, Equal <Required <Ledger.ledgerCD> >, And <GLHistory.accountID, NotEqual <Current <GLSetup.ytdNetIncAccountID> > > >, OrderBy <Asc <GLHistory.finPeriodID, Asc <Account.accountCD, Asc <Sub.subCD> > > > >(this); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(branchCD)) { cmd.WhereAnd <Where <Branch.branchCD, Equal <Required <Branch.branchCD> > > >(); } foreach (PXResult <GLHistory, Account, Sub> result in cmd.Select(ledgerCD, branchCD)) { GLHistory history = result; Account account = result; Sub sub = result; string accountCD = account.GLConsolAccountCD; string subCD = GetMappedValue(sub.SubCD); if (accountCD != null && accountCD.TrimEnd() != "" && subCD != null && subCD.TrimEnd() != "") { GLConsolData consolData = new GLConsolData(); consolData.MappedValue = subCD; consolData.AccountCD = accountCD; consolData.FinPeriodID = history.FinPeriodID; consolData = ConsolRecords.Locate(consolData); if (consolData != null) { consolData.ConsolAmtDebit += history.FinPtdDebit; consolData.ConsolAmtCredit += history.FinPtdCredit; } else { consolData = new GLConsolData(); consolData.MappedValue = subCD; consolData.AccountCD = accountCD; consolData.FinPeriodID = history.FinPeriodID; consolData.ConsolAmtDebit = history.FinPtdDebit; consolData.ConsolAmtCredit = history.FinPtdCredit; ConsolRecords.Insert(consolData); } } } } return(ConsolRecords.Cache.Inserted); }