public static void Update(PXGraph graph, int?vendorID, int?vendorLocationID, string curyID, int?inventoryID, int?subItemID, string uom, decimal curyCost) { if (curyCost <= 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(uom) || vendorID == null || vendorLocationID == null) { return; } PXCache cache = graph.Caches[typeof(POVendorInventoryPriceUpdate)]; foreach (PXResult <InventoryItem, Vendor, Company> r in PXSelectJoin <InventoryItem, LeftJoin <Vendor, On <Vendor.bAccountID, Equal <Required <Vendor.bAccountID> > >, CrossJoin <Company> >, Where <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > . Select(graph, vendorID, inventoryID)) { InventoryItem item = r; Vendor vendor = r; Company company = r; if (item.InventoryID == null || vendor.BAccountID == null || (item.StkItem == true && subItemID == null)) { continue; } INSetup setup = new PXSetup <INSetup>(graph).Current; int?savedSubItemID = item.StkItem == true ? subItemID : null; POVendorInventory existVendorPrice = PXSelectReadonly <POVendorInventory, Where <POVendorInventory.inventoryID, Equal <Required <POVendorInventory.inventoryID> >, And <POVendorInventory.subItemID, Equal <Required <POVendorInventory.subItemID> >, And <POVendorInventory.purchaseUnit, Equal <Required <POVendorInventory.purchaseUnit> >, And <POVendorInventory.vendorID, Equal <Required <POVendorInventory.vendorID> >, And <POVendorInventory.vendorLocationID, Equal <Required <POVendorInventory.vendorLocationID> > > > > > > > .SelectWindowed(graph, 0, 1, item.InventoryID, savedSubItemID, uom, vendorID, vendorLocationID); string priceCuryID = (existVendorPrice != null ? existVendorPrice.CuryID : vendor.CuryID) ?? company.BaseCuryID; POVendorInventoryPriceUpdate vendorPrice = (POVendorInventoryPriceUpdate)cache.CreateInstance(); vendorPrice.InventoryID = inventoryID; vendorPrice.SubItemID = savedSubItemID; vendorPrice.VendorID = vendorID; vendorPrice.VendorLocationID = vendorLocationID; vendorPrice.PurchaseUnit = uom; vendorPrice = (POVendorInventoryPriceUpdate)cache.Insert(vendorPrice); if (item.StkItem != true) { vendorPrice.SubItemID = savedSubItemID; } vendorPrice.CuryID = priceCuryID; cache.Normalize(); vendorPrice.Active = true; Decimal cost = ConventCury(graph, vendor.CuryRateTypeID, curyID, curyCost, priceCuryID); vendorPrice.LastPrice = ConvertUOM(graph, item, uom, cost, item.PurchaseUnit); } }
protected virtual void INItemXRef_RowPersisting(PXCache sender, PXRowPersistingEventArgs e) { var xRef = (INItemXRef)e.Row; if (e.Operation.Command().IsIn(PXDBOperation.Insert, PXDBOperation.Update) && xRef.AlternateType.IsNotIn(INAlternateType.VPN, INAlternateType.CPN)) { xRef.BAccountID = 0; sender.Normalize(); } }
public static void Update(PXGraph graph, int?vendorID, int?vendorLocationID, string curyID, int?inventoryID, int?subItemID, string uom, decimal curyCost) { if (curyCost <= 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(uom) || vendorID == null || vendorLocationID == null) { return; } PXCache cache = graph.Caches[typeof(POVendorInventoryPriceUpdate)]; foreach (PXResult <InventoryItem, Vendor, Company> r in PXSelectJoin <InventoryItem, LeftJoinSingleTable <Vendor, On <Vendor.bAccountID, Equal <Required <Vendor.bAccountID> > >, CrossJoin <Company> >, Where <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > . Select(graph, vendorID, inventoryID)) { InventoryItem item = r; Vendor vendor = r; Company company = r; if (item.InventoryID == null || vendor.BAccountID == null || (item.StkItem == true && subItemID == null)) { continue; } INSetup setup = PXSetupOptional <INSetup> .Select(graph); int?savedSubItemID = item.StkItem == true ? subItemID : null; POVendorInventoryPriceUpdate vendorPrice = (POVendorInventoryPriceUpdate)cache.CreateInstance(); vendorPrice.InventoryID = inventoryID; vendorPrice.SubItemID = savedSubItemID; vendorPrice.VendorID = vendorID; vendorPrice.VendorLocationID = vendorLocationID; vendorPrice.PurchaseUnit = uom; vendorPrice = (POVendorInventoryPriceUpdate)cache.Insert(vendorPrice); if (item.StkItem != true) { vendorPrice.SubItemID = savedSubItemID; } vendorPrice.CuryID = curyID; cache.Normalize(); vendorPrice.Active = true; vendorPrice.LastPrice = curyCost; } }
public override void RowPersisting(PXCache sender, PXRowPersistingEventArgs e) { if (e.Row == null) { return; } if (e.Operation == PXDBOperation.Insert) { originalRefNbr = (string)sender.GetValue(e.Row, _FieldName); if (SetRefNbr(sender, e.Row) == false) { throw new AutoNumberException(); } else { sender.Normalize(); } } }
public override void RowPersisted(PXCache sender, PXRowPersistedEventArgs e) { if (e.Row == null) { return; } if (e.TranStatus == PXTranStatus.Aborted && e.Operation == PXDBOperation.Insert) { if (originalRefNbr != null) { sender.SetValue(e.Row, _FieldName, originalRefNbr); sender.Normalize(); } } if (e.TranStatus == PXTranStatus.Aborted || e.TranStatus == PXTranStatus.Completed) { originalRefNbr = null; } }
public virtual void RowPersisted(PXCache sender, PXRowPersistedEventArgs e) { PXCache cache = sender.Graph.Caches[typeof(CATran)]; if (e.TranStatus == PXTranStatus.Open) { object key = sender.GetValue(e.Row, _FieldOrdinal); } else if (e.TranStatus == PXTranStatus.Aborted) { object key = sender.GetValue(e.Row, _FieldOrdinal); if (_KeyToAbort != null && (long)_KeyToAbort < 0L) { sender.SetValue(e.Row, _FieldOrdinal, _KeyToAbort); foreach (CATran data in cache.Inserted) { if (Equals(key, data.TranID)) { data.TranID = (long)_KeyToAbort; cache.ResetPersisted(data); break; } } } else { foreach (CATran data in cache.Updated) { if (object.Equals(key, data.TranID)) { cache.ResetPersisted(data); } } } cache.Normalize(); } else { object key = sender.GetValue(e.Row, _FieldOrdinal); foreach (CATran data in cache.Inserted) { if (object.Equals(key, data.TranID)) { cache.RaiseRowPersisted(data, PXDBOperation.Insert, e.TranStatus, e.Exception); cache.SetStatus(data, PXEntryStatus.Notchanged); PXTimeStampScope.PutPersisted(cache, data, sender.Graph.TimeStamp); cache.ResetPersisted(data); } } foreach (CATran data in cache.Updated) { if (object.Equals(key, data.TranID)) { cache.RaiseRowPersisted(data, PXDBOperation.Update, e.TranStatus, e.Exception); cache.SetStatus(data, PXEntryStatus.Notchanged); PXTimeStampScope.PutPersisted(cache, data, sender.Graph.TimeStamp); cache.ResetPersisted(data); } } foreach (CATran data in cache.Deleted) { cache.RaiseRowPersisted(data, PXDBOperation.Delete, e.TranStatus, e.Exception); cache.SetStatus(data, PXEntryStatus.Notchanged); PXTimeStampScope.PutPersisted(cache, data, sender.Graph.TimeStamp); cache.ResetPersisted(data); } cache.IsDirty = false; cache.Normalize(); } }
public virtual void RowPersisting(PXCache sender, PXRowPersistingEventArgs e) { object key = sender.GetValue(e.Row, _FieldOrdinal); PXCache cache = sender.Graph.Caches[typeof(CATran)]; CATran info = null; if (key != null) { //do not read cached record in release processes if ((info = PXSelectReadonly <CATran, Where <CATran.tranID, Equal <Required <CATran.tranID> > > > .Select(sender.Graph, key)) != null) { CATran cached = (CATran)cache.Locate(info); if (cached != null) { if ((cached.OrigModule != null && info.OrigModule != null && cached.OrigModule != info.OrigModule) || (cached.OrigRefNbr != null && info.OrigRefNbr != null && cached.OrigRefNbr != info.OrigRefNbr) || (cached.OrigTranType != null && info.OrigTranType != null && cached.OrigTranType != info.OrigTranType)) { // TO Be removed after solving CATran issue (check JIRA item AC-57875 for details) throw new PXException(Messages.CouldNotInsertCATran); } if (cache.GetStatus(cached) == PXEntryStatus.Notchanged) { PXCache <CATran> .RestoreCopy(cached, info); } info = cached; } else { cache.SetStatus(info, PXEntryStatus.Notchanged); } } if ((long)key < 0L && info == null) { info = new CATran(); info.TranID = (long)key; info = (CATran)cache.Locate(info); } if (info == null) { key = null; sender.SetValue(e.Row, _FieldOrdinal, null); } } if ((e.Operation & PXDBOperation.Command) == PXDBOperation.Delete) { if (info != null) { cache.Delete(info); cache.PersistDeleted(info); } } else if (info == null) { if (!this.NeedPreventCashTransactionCreation(sender, e.Row)) { info = DefaultValues(sender, new CATran(), e.Row); if (info != null) { info = (CATran)cache.Insert(info); if (!(info.TranID < 0L)) { throw new PXException(Messages.CouldNotInsertCATran); } // TO Be removed after solving CATran issue (check JIRA item AC-57875 for details) sender.SetValue(e.Row, _FieldOrdinal, info.TranID); _KeyToAbort = info.TranID; cache.PersistInserted(info); long id = info.TranID ?? 0; if (id == 0 || id < 0) { throw new PXException(Messages.CATranNotSaved, sender.GetItemType().Name); } sender.SetValue(e.Row, _FieldOrdinal, id); info.TranID = id; cache.Normalize(); } } } else if (info.TranID < 0L) { info = DefaultValues(sender, PXCache <CATran> .CreateCopy(info), e.Row); if (info != null) { info = (CATran)cache.Update(info); sender.SetValue(e.Row, _FieldOrdinal, info.TranID); _KeyToAbort = info.TranID; cache.PersistInserted(info); long id = info.TranID ?? 0; if (id == 0 || id < 0) { throw new PXException(Messages.CATranNotSaved, sender.GetItemType().Name); } sender.SetValue(e.Row, _FieldOrdinal, id); info.TranID = id; cache.Normalize(); } } else { CATran copy = PXCache <CATran> .CreateCopy(info); copy = DefaultValues(sender, copy, e.Row); if (copy != null) { if ((copy.OrigModule != null && info.OrigModule != null && copy.OrigModule != info.OrigModule) || (copy.OrigRefNbr != null && info.OrigRefNbr != null && copy.OrigRefNbr != info.OrigRefNbr) || (copy.OrigTranType != null && info.OrigTranType != null && copy.OrigTranType != info.OrigTranType)) { // TO Be removed after solving CATran issue (check JIRA item AC-57875 for details) throw new PXException(Messages.CouldNotInsertCATran); } info = (CATran)cache.Update(copy); //to avoid another process updated DefaultValues will return null for Released docs, except for GLTran cache.PersistUpdated(info); } //JournalEntry is usually persisted prior to ReleaseGraph to obtain BatchNbr reference, read info should contain set Released flag else if (info.Released == false) { key = null; sender.SetValue(e.Row, _FieldOrdinal, null); cache.Delete(info); } } foreach (CATran toDelete in cache.Deleted) { cache.PersistDeleted(toDelete); } }