            /// <summary>
            /// Compares two nodes and returns a value indicating whether the first node's
            /// distance to the point is less than, equal to or greater than the second
            /// node's distance to the specified point.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="o1">The first node to compare.</param>
            /// <param name="o2">The second node to compare.</param>
            /// <returns>
            /// Less than 0, if o1's distance to the point is less than o2's distance to the
            /// point; 0 if o1's distance to the point equals 02's distance to the point;
            /// greater than 0 if o1's distance to the point is greater than o2's distance to
            /// the point.
            /// </returns>
            public int Compare(object o1, object o2)
                PNode  each1       = (PNode)o1;
                PNode  each2       = (PNode)o2;
                PointF each1Center = PUtil.CenterOfRectangle(each1.GlobalFullBounds);
                PointF each2Center = PUtil.CenterOfRectangle(each2.GlobalFullBounds);

                if (!NODE_TO_GLOBAL_NODE_CENTER_MAPPING.Contains(each1))
                    NODE_TO_GLOBAL_NODE_CENTER_MAPPING.Add(each1, each1Center);
                if (!NODE_TO_GLOBAL_NODE_CENTER_MAPPING.Contains(each2))
                    NODE_TO_GLOBAL_NODE_CENTER_MAPPING.Add(each2, each2Center);

                float distance1 = PUtil.DistanceBetweenPoints(point, each1Center);
                float distance2 = PUtil.DistanceBetweenPoints(point, each2Center);

                if (distance1 < distance2)
                else if (distance1 == distance2)
        /// <summary>
        /// Force this handle to relocate itself using its locator.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void RelocateHandle()
            if (locator != null)
                RectangleFx b      = Bounds;
                PointFx     aPoint = locator.LocatePoint;

                if (locator is PNodeLocator)
                    PNode located = ((PNodeLocator)locator).Node;
                    PNode parent  = Parent;

                    aPoint = located.LocalToGlobal(aPoint);
                    aPoint = GlobalToLocal(aPoint);

                    if (parent != located && parent is PCamera)
                        aPoint = ((PCamera)parent).ViewToLocal(aPoint);

                float newCenterX = aPoint.X;
                float newCenterY = aPoint.Y;

                PointFx bCenter = PUtil.CenterOfRectangle(b);

                if (newCenterX != bCenter.X ||
                    newCenterY != bCenter.Y)
                    CenterBoundsOnPoint(newCenterX, newCenterY);
        /// <summary>
        /// Animates the camera's view to keep the focus node on the screen and at 100
        /// percent scale with minimal view movement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aCamera">The camera whose view will be animated.</param>
        /// <param name="aFocusNode">The focus node to animate to.</param>
        /// <param name="duration">The length of the animation.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The activity that animates the camera's view to the focus node.
        /// </returns>
        public virtual PActivity DirectCameraViewToFocus(PCamera aCamera, PNode aFocusNode, int duration)
            PMatrix originalViewMatrix = aCamera.ViewMatrix;

            // Scale the canvas to include
            SizeF s = new SizeF(1, 0);

            s = focusNode.GlobalToLocal(s);

            float  scaleFactor = s.Width / aCamera.ViewScale;
            PointF scalePoint  = PUtil.CenterOfRectangle(focusNode.GlobalFullBounds);

            if (scaleFactor != 1)
                aCamera.ScaleViewBy(scaleFactor, scalePoint.X, scalePoint.Y);

            // Pan the canvas to include the view bounds with minimal canvas
            // movement.
            aCamera.AnimateViewToPanToBounds(focusNode.GlobalFullBounds, 0);

            // Get rid of any white space. The canvas may be panned and
            // zoomed in to do this. But make sure not stay constrained by max
            // magnification.

            PMatrix resultingMatrix = aCamera.ViewMatrix;

            aCamera.ViewMatrix = originalViewMatrix;

            // Animate the canvas so that it ends up with the given
            // view transform.
            return(AnimateCameraViewMatrixTo(aCamera, resultingMatrix, duration));
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies a previously set constraint to the camera's view matrix.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void ApplyViewConstraints()
            if (viewConstraint == CameraViewConstraint.None)

            RectangleF layerBounds     = GlobalToLocal(UnionOfLayerFullBounds);
            SizeF      constraintDelta = new SizeF(0, 0);

            switch (viewConstraint)
            case CameraViewConstraint.All:
                constraintDelta = PUtil.DeltaRequiredToContain(ViewBounds, layerBounds);

            case CameraViewConstraint.Center:
                layerBounds.Location = PUtil.CenterOfRectangle(layerBounds);
                layerBounds.Width    = 0;
                layerBounds.Height   = 0;
                constraintDelta      = PUtil.DeltaRequiredToContain(ViewBounds, layerBounds);

            viewMatrix.TranslateBy(-constraintDelta.Width, -constraintDelta.Height);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the nearest neighbor in the specified direction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aDirection">
        /// The direction in which to find the nearest neighbor.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>The nearest neighbor in the specified direction.</returns>
        public virtual PNode GetNeighborInDirection(Direction aDirection)
            if (focusNode == null)


            PointF highlightCenter = PUtil.CenterOfRectangle(focusNode.GlobalFullBounds);

            NODE_TO_GLOBAL_NODE_CENTER_MAPPING.Add(focusNode, highlightCenter);

            PNodeList l = GetNeighbors();

            SortNodesByDistanceFromPoint(l, highlightCenter);

            foreach (PNode each in l)
                if (NodeIsNeighborInDirection(each, aDirection))

        /// <summary>
        /// Applies a previously set constraint to the camera's view matrix.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void ApplyViewConstraints()
            if (viewConstraint == CameraViewConstraint.None)

            RectangleFx layerBounds     = GlobalToLocal(UnionOfLayerFullBounds);
            SizeFx      constraintDelta = new SizeFx(0, 0);

            switch (viewConstraint)
            case CameraViewConstraint.All:
                constraintDelta = PUtil.DeltaRequiredToContain(ViewBounds, layerBounds);

            case CameraViewConstraint.Center:
                PointFx layerLocation = PUtil.CenterOfRectangle(layerBounds);
                //layerBounds.Width = 0;
                //layerBounds.Height = 0;
                layerBounds     = new RectangleFx(layerLocation.X, layerLocation.Y, 0, 0);
                constraintDelta = PUtil.DeltaRequiredToContain(ViewBounds, layerBounds);

            this.viewMatrix = MatrixExtensions.TranslateBy(viewMatrix, -constraintDelta.Width, -constraintDelta.Height);
        public void UpdateLink()
            PointFx p1 = PUtil.CenterOfRectangle(node1.FullBounds);
            PointFx p2 = PUtil.CenterOfRectangle(node2.FullBounds);

            link.AddLine(p1.X, p1.Y, p2.X, p2.Y);
 public override void OnMouseUp(object sender, PInputEventArgs e)
     newP = PUtil.CenterOfRectangle(target.Camera.ViewBounds);
     colBarLayer.TranslateBy(0, (oldP.Y - newP.Y)
                             / target.Layer.Scale);
     rowBarLayer.TranslateBy((oldP.X - newP.X)
                             / target.Layer.Scale, 0);
        //! Создает линии - связи между узлами на графе диалогов
        public static void updateEdge(PPath edge)
            // Note that the node's "FullBounds" must be used (instead of just the "Bound")
            // because the nodes have non-identity transforms which must be included when
            // determining their position.
            ArrayList nodes = (ArrayList)edge.Tag;
            PNode     node1 = (PNode)nodes[0];
            PNode     node2 = (PNode)nodes[1];
            PointF    start = PUtil.CenterOfRectangle(node1.FullBounds);
            PointF    end   = PUtil.CenterOfRectangle(node2.FullBounds);

            edge.AddLine(start.X, start.Y, end.X, end.Y);
        /// <summary>
        /// Animates the camera's view to keep the control node on the screen and at 100
        /// percent scale with minimal view movement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aCamera">The camera whose view will be animated.</param>
        /// <param name="aControlNode">The control node to animate to.</param>
        /// <param name="path">The pick path through which the control node was picked.</param>
        /// <param name="duration">The length of the animation.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The activity that animates the camera's view to the control node.
        /// </returns>
        public virtual PActivity DirectCameraViewToControl(PCamera aCamera, PControl aControlNode, PPickPath path, int duration)
            Matrix originalViewMatrix = aCamera.ViewMatrix;

            // Scale the canvas to include
            SizeFx s = new SizeFx(1, 0);

            s = aControlNode.GlobalToLocal(s);

            float   scaleFactor = s.Width / aCamera.ViewScale;
            PointFx scalePoint  = PUtil.CenterOfRectangle(aControlNode.GlobalFullBounds);

            if (scaleFactor != 1)
                aCamera.ScaleViewBy(scaleFactor, scalePoint.X, scalePoint.Y);

            // Pan the canvas to include the view bounds with minimal canvas
            // movement.
            aCamera.AnimateViewToPanToBounds(aControlNode.GlobalFullBounds, 0);

            // Get rid of any white space. The canvas may be panned and
            // zoomed in to do this. But make sure not stay constrained by max
            // magnification.

            Matrix resultingMatrix = aCamera.ViewMatrix;

            aCamera.ViewMatrix = originalViewMatrix;

            PControl controlNode = (PControl)aControlNode;

            // Animate the canvas so that it ends up with the given
            // view transform.
            PActivity animateCameraViewActivity = AnimateCameraViewMatrixTo(aCamera, resultingMatrix, duration);


            Matrix  pathTransform = path.GetPathTransformTo(controlNode);
            PointFx point         = new PointFx(controlNode.X, controlNode.Y);
            PointFx pf            = MatrixExtensions.Transform(pathTransform, point);

            controlNode.ControlLocation = new System.Drawing.Point((int)pf.X, (int)pf.Y);
            controlNode.CurrentCanvas   = path.TopCamera.Canvas;
            controlNode.Editing         = true;

        // Animation - Methods to animate the camera's view.

        /// <summary>
        /// Animate the camera's view from its current matrix when the activity starts
        /// to a new matrix that centers the given bounds in the camera layers' coordinate
        /// system into the camera's view bounds.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="centerBounds">The bounds to center the view on.</param>
        /// <param name="shouldScaleToFit">
        /// Indicates whether the camera should scale it's view when necessary to fully fit
        /// the given bounds within the camera's view bounds.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="duration">The amount of time that the animation should take.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The newly scheduled activity, if the duration is greater than 0; else null.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If the duration is 0 then the view will be transformed immediately, and null will
        /// be returned.  Else a new PTransformActivity will get returned that is set to
        /// animate the camera’s view matrix to the new bounds. If shouldScaleToFit is true,
        /// then the camera will also scale its view so that the given bounds fit fully within
        /// the camera's view bounds, else the camera will maintain its original scale.
        /// </remarks>
        public virtual PTransformActivity AnimateViewToCenterBounds(RectangleF centerBounds, bool shouldScaleToFit, long duration)
            SizeF   delta     = PUtil.DeltaRequiredToCenter(ViewBounds, centerBounds);
            PMatrix newMatrix = ViewMatrix;

            newMatrix.TranslateBy(delta.Width, delta.Height);

            if (shouldScaleToFit)
                float  s = Math.Min(ViewBounds.Width / centerBounds.Width, ViewBounds.Height / centerBounds.Height);
                PointF c = PUtil.CenterOfRectangle(centerBounds);
                newMatrix.ScaleBy(s, c.X, c.Y);

            return(AnimateViewToMatrix(newMatrix, duration));
        /// <summary>
        /// Caches the information necessary to animate from the current view bounds to the
        /// specified centerBounds
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="centerBounds">The bounds to center the view on.</param>
        /// <param name="scaleToFit">
        /// Indicates whether the camera should scale it's view when necessary to fully fit
        /// the given bounds within the camera's view bounds.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>The new view matrix to center the specified bounds.</returns>
        private Matrix CacheViewBounds(RectangleFx centerBounds, bool scaleToFit)
            RectangleFx viewBounds = ViewBounds;

            // Initialize the image to the union of the current and destination bounds
            RectangleFx imageBounds = viewBounds;

            imageBounds = RectangleFxtensions.Union(imageBounds, centerBounds);

            AnimateViewToCenterBounds(imageBounds, scaleToFit, 0);

            imageAnimateBounds = ViewBounds;

            // Now create the actual cache image that we will use to animate fast

            System.Drawing.Image buffer = PaintBuffer;
            Color fBrush = Color.White;

            if (Brush != Color.Transparent)
                fBrush = Brush;
            ToImage(buffer, fBrush);

            // Do this after the painting above!
            imageAnimate = true;

            // Return the bounds to the previous viewbounds
            AnimateViewToCenterBounds(viewBounds, scaleToFit, 0);

            // The code below is just copied from animateViewToCenterBounds to create the
            // correct transform to center the specified bounds

            SizeFx delta     = PUtil.DeltaRequiredToCenter(viewBounds, centerBounds);
            Matrix newMatrix = ViewMatrix;

            newMatrix = MatrixExtensions.TranslateBy(newMatrix, delta.Width, delta.Height);

            if (scaleToFit)
                float   s      = Math.Min(viewBounds.Width / centerBounds.Width, viewBounds.Height / centerBounds.Height);
                PointFx center = PUtil.CenterOfRectangle(centerBounds);
                newMatrix = MatrixExtensions.ScaleBy(newMatrix, s, center.X, center.Y);

        // Animation - Methods to animate the camera's view.

        /// <summary>
        /// Animate the camera's view from its current matrix when the activity starts
        /// to a new matrix that centers the given bounds in the camera layers' coordinate
        /// system into the camera's view bounds.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="centerBounds">The bounds to center the view on.</param>
        /// <param name="shouldScaleToFit">
        /// Indicates whether the camera should scale it's view when necessary to fully fit
        /// the given bounds within the camera's view bounds.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="duration">The amount of time that the animation should take.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The newly scheduled activity, if the duration is greater than 0; else null.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If the duration is 0 then the view will be transformed immediately, and null will
        /// be returned.  Else a new PTransformActivity will get returned that is set to
        /// animate the camera’s view matrix to the new bounds. If shouldScaleToFit is true,
        /// then the camera will also scale its view so that the given bounds fit fully within
        /// the camera's view bounds, else the camera will maintain its original scale.
        /// </remarks>
        public virtual PTransformActivity AnimateViewToCenterBounds(RectangleFx centerBounds, bool shouldScaleToFit, long duration)
            SizeFx delta     = PUtil.DeltaRequiredToCenter(ViewBounds, centerBounds);
            Matrix newMatrix = ViewMatrix;

            newMatrix = MatrixExtensions.TranslateBy(newMatrix, delta.Width, delta.Height);

            if (shouldScaleToFit)
                float s = Math.Min(ViewBounds.Width / centerBounds.Width, ViewBounds.Height / centerBounds.Height);
                if (s != float.PositiveInfinity && s != 0)
                    PointFx c = PUtil.CenterOfRectangle(centerBounds);
                    MatrixExtensions.ScaleBy(newMatrix, s, c.X, c.Y);

            return(AnimateViewToMatrix(newMatrix, duration));
        protected void CreatePath(Random rnd)
            PTransformActivity rotActivity;

            // Create a path
            P3Path path = P3Path.CreateEllipse(0, 0, 100, 100);

            path.Brush = Brushes.Red;
            path.AddLine(0, 0, 20, 20);
            path.AddLine(20, 20, 34, 67);
            path.AddArc(0, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30);
            path.Tolerance = .002f;

            PMatrix rMatrix = new PMatrix();
            PointF  center  = PUtil.CenterOfRectangle(path.Bounds);

            rMatrix.RotateBy(90, center.X, center.Y);
            rotActivity           = path.AnimateToMatrix(rMatrix, 2000 + (long)(2000 * rnd.NextDouble()));
            rotActivity.LoopCount = 1000;
            rotActivity.Mode      = ActivityMode.SourceToDestinationToSource;
 public override void OnMouseDown(object sender, PInputEventArgs e)
     oldP = PUtil.CenterOfRectangle(target.Camera.ViewBounds);