        private void DrawLine(PTXControlSequence sequence, PrintPageEventArgs e)
            // Inline (horizontal) or Baseline (vertical)?
            bool isInline = sequence.GetType() == typeof(DIR);

            // Prepare X,Y origin/destination
            float xOrig, yOrig, xDest, yDest;

            Func <float, bool, float> getInches = (float val, bool positive) =>
            { return((float)(Converters.GetInches((int)val, unitsPerBase, measurement) * 100) * (positive ? 1 : -1)); };

            // Get the length width of the line (1/1440 of an inch)
            float length  = (short)sequence.GetType().GetProperty("RuleLength").GetValue(sequence);
            float width   = getInches((short)sequence.GetType().GetProperty("RuleWidth").GetValue(sequence), true);
            float shifted = width / 2f;

            // Set origin/destination based on text orientation
            if (isInline)
                if (curIOrient == 0 || curIOrient == 180)
                    xOrig = curInlinePos;
                    if (curIOrient == 180)
                        xOrig = e.PageBounds.Right - xOrig;
                    xDest = xOrig + getInches(length, curIOrient == 0);

                    yOrig = curBaselinePos + shifted;
                    if (curBOrient == 270)
                        yOrig = e.PageBounds.Bottom - yOrig;
                    yDest = yOrig;
                    yOrig = curInlinePos;
                    if (curIOrient == 270)
                        yOrig = e.PageBounds.Bottom - yOrig;
                    yDest = yOrig + getInches(length, curIOrient == 90);

                    xOrig = curBaselinePos - shifted;
                    if (curBOrient == 180)
                        xOrig = e.PageBounds.Right - xOrig;
                    xDest = xOrig;
                if (curBOrient == 0 || curBOrient == 180)
                    xOrig = curBaselinePos;
                    if (curBOrient == 180)
                        xOrig = e.PageBounds.Right - xOrig;
                    xDest = xOrig + getInches(length, curBOrient == 0);

                    yOrig = curInlinePos + shifted;
                    if (curIOrient == 270)
                        yOrig = e.PageBounds.Bottom - yOrig;
                    yDest = yOrig;
                    yOrig = curBaselinePos;
                    if (curBOrient == 270)
                        yOrig = e.PageBounds.Bottom - yOrig;
                    yDest = yOrig + getInches(length, curBOrient == 90);

                    xOrig = curInlinePos - shifted;
                    if (curIOrient == 180)
                        xOrig = e.PageBounds.Right - xOrig;
                    xDest = xOrig;

            e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(curColor, width), (int)Math.Round(xOrig), (int)Math.Round(yOrig), (int)Math.Round(xDest), (int)Math.Round(yDest));
 public override void ParseData()
     _controlSequences = PTXControlSequence.GetCSIs(Data);