public void InitPage() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.consRepId)) { try { string strWhere = string.Concat(new string[] { " where I_XGID='", this.consRepId, "' and V_YHDM='", base.UserCode, "'" }); PTDbsjBll pTDbsjBll = new PTDbsjBll(); System.Collections.Generic.List <PTDbsjModel> listArray = pTDbsjBll.GetListArray(strWhere); if (listArray.Count == 1) { pTDbsjBll.Delete(listArray[0].I_DBSJ_ID); } } catch { } } }
protected void DelClicked() { try { string strWhere = string.Concat(new string[] { " where I_XGID='", base.Request["id"], "' and V_YHDM='", base.UserCode, "'" }); PTDbsjBll pTDbsjBll = new PTDbsjBll(); System.Collections.Generic.List <PTDbsjModel> listArray = pTDbsjBll.GetListArray(strWhere); if (listArray.Count > 0) { pTDbsjBll.Delete(listArray[0].I_DBSJ_ID); } } catch { } }