public TransList getUser(int pg, int tk, string fnd) { try { int skip = tk * (pg - 1); // skip the record TransList transList = new TransList(); using (PRINCE_STGEntities entPrince = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { var user = (from u in entPrince.User select new { u.Id, u.Code, u.EmailAdd, u.FirstName, u.LastName, u.Status }) .OrderBy(od => od.LastName) .Skip(skip) .Take(tk) .ToList(); transList.totalCount = entPrince.User.AsNoTracking().Count(); = user; return(transList); } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionDescription exDesc = new ExceptionDescription(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } }
public TransList getPrice(int pg, int tk) { int skip = tk * (pg - 1); // skip the record TransList transList = new TransList(); using (PRINCE_STGEntities enBi = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { var priceband = (from s in enBi.STG_DIM_PRICE_BAND select new { s.ID, s.PRICE_BAND_CODE, s.PRICE_BAND_DESC, s.PROD_LEVEL1_CODE, s.PRICE_BAND_LOWER, s.PRICE_BAND_UPPER, s.PRICE_BAND_SEQ, s.ARC_DATE }) .OrderBy(od => od.PRICE_BAND_CODE) .Skip(skip) .Take(tk) .ToList(); transList.totalCount = enBi.STG_DIM_PRICE_BAND.AsNoTracking().Count(); = priceband; return(transList); } }
public HttpResponseMessage addFootfall(dynamic pFootfall) { try { using (PRINCE_STGEntities dbCtx = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { STG_STR_FOOTFALL foot = new STG_STR_FOOTFALL(); foot.FOOTFALL_DATE = pFootfall.FOOTFALL_DATE; foot.STORE_CODE = pFootfall.STORE_CODE; foot.FOOTFALL_COUNT = pFootfall.FOOTFALL_COUNT; foot.ARC_DATE = DateTime.Now; dbCtx.STG_STR_FOOTFALL.Add(foot); dbCtx.SaveChanges(); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, "Footfall successfully created.")); } } //catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) //{ // ExceptionEntity exDesc = new ExceptionEntity(ex); // throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // ExceptionDescription exDesc = new ExceptionDescription(ex); // throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; //} catch (Exception ex) { Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex); } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK)); }
public HttpResponseMessage getSite() { try { using (PRINCE_STGEntities enBI = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { enBI.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false; List <Site> siteList = enBI.Site.Where(a => a.Status == "A").OrderBy(od => od.Description).ToList(); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, siteList)); } } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { ExceptionEntity exDesc = new ExceptionEntity(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionDescription exDesc = new ExceptionDescription(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } }
public HttpResponseMessage getSiteById(int id) { try { using (PRINCE_STGEntities enCarina = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { enCarina.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false; Site site = enCarina.Site.Where(wr => wr.SiteId == id).SingleOrDefault(); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, site)); } } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { ExceptionEntity exDesc = new ExceptionEntity(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionDescription exDesc = new ExceptionDescription(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } }
public List <User> getUser() { try { using (PRINCE_STGEntities entPrince = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { List <User> user = (from u in entPrince.User select u).ToList(); return(user); } } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { ExceptionEntity exDesc = new ExceptionEntity(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionDescription exDesc = new ExceptionDescription(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } }
public UserMenu getUserMenu(int pUserCode, int pMenuId) { try { using (PRINCE_STGEntities entPrince = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { UserMenu menu = (from m in entPrince.UserMenu where m.UserId == pUserCode && m.MenuId == pMenuId select m).SingleOrDefault(); return(menu); } } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { ExceptionEntity exDesc = new ExceptionEntity(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionDescription exDesc = new ExceptionDescription(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } }
public HttpResponseMessage updateSite(dynamic pSite) { try { using (var dbCtx = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { int tempSite = pSite.SiteId; String tempSiteDesc = pSite.Description; Site site = dbCtx.Site.AsNoTracking().Where(wr => wr.SiteId == tempSite).SingleOrDefault(); site.Description = tempSiteDesc; site.Status = pSite.Status; dbCtx.Entry(site).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; dbCtx.SaveChanges(); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Site " + site.Description.Trim() + " is successfully Updated.")); } } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { ExceptionEntity exDesc = new ExceptionEntity(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionDescription exDesc = new ExceptionDescription(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } }
public HttpResponseMessage addTarget(dynamic pTarget) { try { using (PRINCE_STGEntities dbCtx = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { STG_TARGET target = new STG_TARGET(); target.TARGET_DATE = pTarget.TARGET_DATE; target.GEO_LEVEL1_CODE = "99999"; target.GEO_LEVEL2_CODE = "99999"; target.GEO_LEVEL3_CODE = "99999"; target.STORE_CODE = pTarget.STORE_CODE; target.PROD_LEVEL1_CODE = pTarget.PROD_LEVEL1_CODE; target.PROD_LEVEL2_CODE = pTarget.PROD_LEVEL2_CODE; target.PROD_LEVEL3_CODE = "99999"; target.PROD_LEVEL4_CODE = "99999"; target.PROD_LEVEL5_CODE = "99999"; target.PRODUCT_CODE = "99999"; target.TARGET_SALE_QTY = 99999; target.TARGET_SALE_VAL_AT_PRICE = pTarget.TARGET_SALE_VAL_AT_PRICE; target.TARGET_SALE_VAL_AT_COST = 99999; target.ARC_DATE = DateTime.Now; dbCtx.STG_TARGET.Add(target); dbCtx.SaveChanges(); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, "Target successfully created.")); } } catch (Exception ex) { Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex); } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK)); }
public List <TEMP_DC> getStoreDc() { try { TransList trans = new TransList(); using (PRINCE_STGEntities enBi = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { List <TEMP_DC> listDc = enBi.TEMP_DC.AsNoTracking().ToList(); // = listDc; return(listDc); } } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { ExceptionEntity exDesc = new ExceptionEntity(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionDescription exDesc = new ExceptionDescription(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } }
public TransList getStockAgeByCode(int pg, int tk, string fnd, string pCode) { int skip = tk * (pg - 1); // skip the record TransList transList = new TransList(); using (PRINCE_STGEntities enBi = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { var stockage = (from s in enBi.STG_DIM_STOCKAGE_BAND where s.STKAGE_PROD_LEVEL1_CODE == pCode select new { s.ID, s.STOCKAGE_BAND_DESC, s.STKAGE_PROD_LEVEL1_CODE, s.STOCKAGE_BAND_LOWER, s.STOCKAGE_BAND_UPPER, s.STOCKAGE_BAND_SEQ, s.LATEST, s.ARC_DATE }) .OrderBy(od => od.STOCKAGE_BAND_DESC) .Skip(skip) .Take(tk) .ToList(); transList.totalCount = enBi.STG_DIM_STOCKAGE_BAND.AsNoTracking().Where(st => st.STKAGE_PROD_LEVEL1_CODE == pCode).Count(); = stockage; return(transList); } }
public List <Menu> getMenu(int id) { try { using (PRINCE_STGEntities enBi = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { int iId = id; int?[] arMenu = (from a in enBi.UserMenu.AsNoTracking() where a.UserId == iId && a.Status == "A" select a.MenuId).ToArray(); var menu = (from a in enBi.Menu.AsNoTracking() where a.Status == "A" && arMenu.Contains(a.Id) select a).OrderBy(c => c.LevelNo).ThenBy(d => d.SortNo).ToList(); return(menu); } } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { ExceptionEntity exDesc = new ExceptionEntity(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionDescription exDesc = new ExceptionDescription(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } }
public TransList getPriceByDate(int pg, int tk, string fnd, string pCode) { int skip = tk * (pg - 1); // skip the record TransList transList = new TransList(); using (PRINCE_STGEntities enBi = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { var priceband = (from p in enBi.STG_DIM_PRICE_BAND where p.PROD_LEVEL1_CODE == pCode select new { p.ID, p.PRICE_BAND_CODE, p.PRICE_BAND_DESC, p.PROD_LEVEL1_CODE, p.PRICE_BAND_LOWER, p.PRICE_BAND_UPPER, p.PRICE_BAND_SEQ, p.ARC_DATE }) .OrderBy(od => od.PRICE_BAND_CODE) .Skip(skip) .Take(tk) .ToList(); transList.totalCount = enBi.STG_DIM_PRICE_BAND.AsNoTracking().Where(st => st.PROD_LEVEL1_CODE == pCode).Count(); = priceband; return(transList); } }
public TransList getUserActive() { try { TransList transList = new TransList(); using (PRINCE_STGEntities entPrince = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { var user = (from u in entPrince.User where u.Status == "A" select new { u.Id, u.Code, u.EmailAdd, u.FirstName, u.LastName, u.Status }) .OrderBy(od => od.LastName) .ToList(); transList.totalCount = entPrince.User.AsNoTracking().Count(); = user; return(transList); } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionDescription exDesc = new ExceptionDescription(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } }
//public HttpResponseMessage addStoreMerch(dynamic sStoreMerch) //{ // try // { // using (PRINCE_STGEntities dbCtx = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) // { // STG_merch merch = new STG_merch(); // merch.merch_DATE = sStoreMerch.merch_DATE; // merch.GEO_LEVEL1_CODE = "99999"; // merch.GEO_LEVEL2_CODE = "99999"; // merch.GEO_LEVEL3_CODE = "99999"; // merch.STORE_CODE = sStoreMerch.STORE_CODE; // merch.PROD_LEVEL1_CODE = sStoreMerch.PROD_LEVEL1_CODE; // merch.PROD_LEVEL2_CODE = sStoreMerch.PROD_LEVEL2_CODE; // merch.PROD_LEVEL3_CODE = sStoreMerch.PROD_LEVEL3_CODE; // merch.PROD_LEVEL4_CODE = "99999"; // merch.PROD_LEVEL5_CODE = "99999"; // merch.PRODUCT_CODE = "99999"; // merch.merch_VERSION = 99999; // merch.merch_SALE_QTY = 99999; // merch.merch_SALE_VAL_AT_PRICE = sStoreMerch.merch_SALE_VAL_AT_PRICE; // merch.merch_SALE_VAL_AT_COST = 99999; // merch.merch_MARKDOWN_QTY = 0; // merch.merch_MARKDOWN_VAL = 0; // merch.merch_SHRINKAGE_VAL = 0; // merch.merch_PURCHASE_QTY = 0; // merch.merch_PURCHASE_VAL = 0; // merch.merch_INV_OPENING_QTY = 0; // merch.merch_OPENING_VAL_AT_COST = 0; // merch.merch_OPENING_VAL_AT_PRICE = 0; // merch.merch_OTH1 = 99999; // merch.merch_OTH2 = 99999; // merch.merch_OTH3 = 99999; // merch.merch_OTH4 = 99999; // merch.merch_OTH5 = 99999; // merch.ARC_DATE = DateTime.Now; // dbCtx.STG_merch.Add(merch); // dbCtx.SaveChanges(); // return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, "merch successfully created."); // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex); // } // return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK); //} public HttpResponseMessage updateStoreMerch(dynamic sStoreMerch) { try { using (PRINCE_STGEntities enBi = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { using (var dbCtxTran = enBi.Database.BeginTransaction()) { //DateTime merchdate = sStoreMerch.merch_DATE; int id = sStoreMerch.ID; //string storecode = sStoreMerch.STORE_CODE; STG_STR_MERCH_DET merch = enBi.STG_STR_MERCH_DET.Find(id); if (merch != null) { merch.ID = sStoreMerch.ID; merch.STRMRGRP_DATE = sStoreMerch.STRMRGRP_DATE; merch.STORE_CODE = sStoreMerch.STORE_CODE; merch.PROD_LEVEL1_CODE = sStoreMerch.PROD_LEVEL1_CODE; merch.PROD_LEVEL2_CODE = sStoreMerch.PROD_LEVEL2_CODE; merch.PROD_LEVEL3_CODE = sStoreMerch.PROD_LEVEL3_CODE; merch.PROD_LEVEL4_CODE = sStoreMerch.PROD_LEVEL4_CODE; merch.SELLING_AREA = sStoreMerch.SELLING_AREA; merch.TOTAL_AREA = sStoreMerch.TOTAL_AREA; merch.PERMENANT_FTE = sStoreMerch.PERMENANT_FTE; merch.CONTRACT_FTE = sStoreMerch.CONTRACT_FTE; merch.OTH_DET1 = sStoreMerch.OTH_DET1; merch.OTH_DET2 = sStoreMerch.OTH_DET2; merch.OTH_DET3 = sStoreMerch.OTH_DET3; merch.OTH_DET4 = sStoreMerch.OTH_DET4; merch.OTH_DET5 = sStoreMerch.OTH_DET5; merch.ARC_DATE = sStoreMerch.ARC_DATE; enBi.Entry(merch).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; enBi.SaveChanges(); dbCtxTran.Commit(); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Store Merch successfully Updated.")); } } } } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { ExceptionEntity exDesc = new ExceptionEntity(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionDescription exDesc = new ExceptionDescription(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Storemerch successfully Updated.")); }
public HttpResponseMessage getUserMenuList(int pUserCode) { try { using (PRINCE_STGEntities entPrince = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { // List<UserMenu> menu = (from m in entPrince.UserMenu where m.UserId == pUserCode select m).ToList(); var menuList = from um in entPrince.UserMenu join m in entPrince.Menu on um.MenuId equals m.Id where um.UserId == pUserCode select new { m.Code, m.Name, m.ParentId, m.LevelNo, m.SortNo, um.CanAdd, um.CanDelete, um.CanEdit, um.CanView, um.UserId }; List <TempUserMenu> tempUserMenu = new List <TempUserMenu>(); foreach (var m in menuList) { TempUserMenu tu = new TempUserMenu(); tu.Code = m.Code; tu.Name = m.Name; tu.ParentId = m.ParentId; tu.LevelNo = m.LevelNo; tu.SortNo = m.SortNo; tu.canAdd = m.CanAdd; tu.canDelete = m.CanDelete; tu.canEdit = m.CanEdit; tu.canView = m.CanView; tu.UserId = m.UserId; tempUserMenu.Add(tu); } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, tempUserMenu)); } } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { ExceptionEntity exDesc = new ExceptionEntity(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionDescription exDesc = new ExceptionDescription(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } }
public HttpResponseMessage updateTarget(dynamic pTarget) { try { using (PRINCE_STGEntities enBi = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { using (var dbCtxTran = enBi.Database.BeginTransaction()) { //DateTime merchdate = sStoreMerch.merch_DATE; int id = pTarget.ID; //string storecode = sStoreMerch.STORE_CODE; STG_TARGET target = enBi.STG_TARGET.Find(id); if (target != null) { target.ID = pTarget.ID; target.TARGET_DATE = pTarget.TARGET_DATE; target.GEO_LEVEL1_CODE = pTarget.GEO_LEVEL1_CODE; target.GEO_LEVEL2_CODE = pTarget.GEO_LEVEL2_CODE; target.GEO_LEVEL3_CODE = pTarget.GEO_LEVEL3_CODE; target.STORE_CODE = pTarget.STORE_CODE; target.PROD_LEVEL1_CODE = pTarget.PROD_LEVEL1_CODE; target.PROD_LEVEL2_CODE = pTarget.PROD_LEVEL2_CODE; target.PROD_LEVEL3_CODE = pTarget.PROD_LEVEL3_CODE; target.PROD_LEVEL4_CODE = pTarget.PROD_LEVEL4_CODE; target.PROD_LEVEL5_CODE = pTarget.PROD_LEVEL5_CODE; target.PRODUCT_CODE = pTarget.PRODUCT_CODE; target.TARGET_SALE_QTY = pTarget.TARGET_SALE_QTY; target.TARGET_SALE_VAL_AT_PRICE = pTarget.TARGET_SALE_VAL_AT_PRICE; target.TARGET_SALE_VAL_AT_COST = pTarget.TARGET_SALE_VAL_AT_COST; target.ARC_DATE = pTarget.ARC_DATE; enBi.Entry(target).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; enBi.SaveChanges(); dbCtxTran.Commit(); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Target successfully Updated.")); } } } } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { ExceptionEntity exDesc = new ExceptionEntity(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionDescription exDesc = new ExceptionDescription(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Target successfully Updated.")); }
public TransListMulti getPlanByDate(int pg, int tk, string pSite, string pPlandate) { int skip = tk * (pg - 1); // skip the record TransListMulti transList1 = new TransListMulti(); CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); DateTime Plandate = Convert.ToDateTime(pPlandate, culture); using (PRINCE_STGEntities enBi = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { var plan = (from s in enBi.STG_PLAN where s.STORE_CODE == pSite && s.PLAN_DATE == Plandate select new { s.ID, s.PLAN_DATE, s.GEO_LEVEL1_CODE, s.GEO_LEVEL2_CODE, s.GEO_LEVEL3_CODE, s.STORE_CODE, s.PROD_LEVEL1_CODE, s.PROD_LEVEL2_CODE, s.PROD_LEVEL3_CODE, s.PROD_LEVEL4_CODE, s.PROD_LEVEL5_CODE, s.PRODUCT_CODE, s.PLAN_VERSION, s.PLAN_SALE_QTY, s.PLAN_SALE_VAL_AT_PRICE, s.PLAN_SALE_VAL_AT_COST, s.PLAN_MARKDOWN_QTY, s.PLAN_MARKDOWN_VAL, s.PLAN_SHRINKAGE_VAL, s.PLAN_PURCHASE_QTY, s.PLAN_PURCHASE_VAL, s.PLAN_INV_OPENING_QTY, s.PLAN_OPENING_VAL_AT_COST, s.PLAN_OPENING_VAL_AT_PRICE, s.PLAN_OTH1, s.PLAN_OTH2, s.PLAN_OTH3, s.PLAN_OTH4, s.PLAN_OTH5, s.ARC_DATE }) .OrderBy(od => od.STORE_CODE) .Skip(skip) .Take(tk) .ToList(); transList1.total_Count = enBi.STG_PLAN.AsNoTracking().Where(wr => wr.STORE_CODE == pSite && wr.PLAN_DATE == Plandate).Count(); = plan; return(transList1); } }
public HttpResponseMessage updateStockAge(dynamic sStockAge) { try { using (PRINCE_STGEntities enBi = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { using (var dbCtxTran = enBi.Database.BeginTransaction()) { //DateTime merchdate = sStoreMerch.merch_DATE; int id = sStockAge.ID; string bndDesc = sStockAge.PRICE_BAND_CODE; string lvlCode = sStockAge.PROD_LEVEL1_CODE; //string storecode = sStoreMerch.STORE_CODE; STG_DIM_STOCKAGE_BAND stockage = enBi.STG_DIM_STOCKAGE_BAND.Find(id, bndDesc, lvlCode); if (stockage != null) { stockage.ID = sStockAge.ID; stockage.STOCKAGE_BAND_DESC = sStockAge.PRICE_BAND_DESC; stockage.STKAGE_PROD_LEVEL1_CODE = sStockAge.PROD_LEVEL1_CODE; stockage.STOCKAGE_BAND_LOWER = sStockAge.PRICE_BAND_LOWER; stockage.STOCKAGE_BAND_UPPER = sStockAge.PRICE_BAND_UPPER; stockage.STOCKAGE_BAND_SEQ = sStockAge.STOCKAGE_BAND_SEQ; stockage.LATEST = sStockAge.LATEST; stockage.ARC_DATE = sStockAge.ARC_DATE; enBi.Entry(stockage).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; enBi.SaveChanges(); dbCtxTran.Commit(); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Price Band successfully Updated.")); } } } } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { ExceptionEntity exDesc = new ExceptionEntity(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionDescription exDesc = new ExceptionDescription(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Price Band successfully Updated.")); }
public TransList getSite(int pg, int tk, string fnd) { try { int skip = tk * (pg - 1); // skip the record TransList transList = new TransList(); using (PRINCE_STGEntities db = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fnd)) { List <Site> site = db.Site.AsNoTracking() .OrderBy(od => od.Description) .Skip(skip) .Take(tk) .ToList(); transList.totalCount = db.Site.AsNoTracking().Count(); = site; } else { List <Site> site = db.Site.AsNoTracking() .Where(wr => wr.Description.Contains(fnd) || wr.Status.Contains(fnd)) .OrderBy(od => od.Description) .Skip(skip) .Take(tk) .ToList(); transList.totalCount = db.Site.AsNoTracking().Where(wr => wr.Description.Contains(fnd) || wr.Status.Contains(fnd)).Count(); = site; } } return(transList); } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { ExceptionEntity exDesc = new ExceptionEntity(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionDescription exDesc = new ExceptionDescription(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } }
public TransList getPlan(int pg, int tk, string fnd) { int skip = tk * (pg - 1); // skip the record TransList transList = new TransList(); using (PRINCE_STGEntities enBi = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { var plan = (from s in enBi.STG_PLAN select new { s.ID , s.PLAN_DATE , s.GEO_LEVEL1_CODE , s.GEO_LEVEL2_CODE , s.GEO_LEVEL3_CODE , s.STORE_CODE , s.PROD_LEVEL1_CODE , s.PROD_LEVEL2_CODE , s.PROD_LEVEL3_CODE , s.PROD_LEVEL4_CODE , s.PROD_LEVEL5_CODE , s.PRODUCT_CODE , s.PLAN_VERSION , s.PLAN_SALE_QTY , s.PLAN_SALE_VAL_AT_PRICE , s.PLAN_SALE_VAL_AT_COST , s.PLAN_MARKDOWN_QTY , s.PLAN_MARKDOWN_VAL , s.PLAN_SHRINKAGE_VAL , s.PLAN_PURCHASE_QTY , s.PLAN_PURCHASE_VAL , s.PLAN_INV_OPENING_QTY , s.PLAN_OPENING_VAL_AT_COST , s.PLAN_OPENING_VAL_AT_PRICE , s.PLAN_OTH1 , s.PLAN_OTH2 , s.PLAN_OTH3 , s.PLAN_OTH4 , s.PLAN_OTH5 , s.ARC_DATE }) .OrderBy(od => od.STORE_CODE) .Skip(skip) .Take(tk) .ToList(); transList.totalCount = enBi.STG_PLAN.AsNoTracking().Count(); = plan; return(transList); } }
public HttpResponseMessage updateStore(StoreDc pStore) { try { using (PRINCE_STGEntities enBi = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { using (var dbCtxTran = enBi.Database.BeginTransaction()) { TEMP_STORE store = enBi.TEMP_STORE.Where(wr => wr.STORE_CODE == pStore.STORE_CODE).FirstOrDefault(); if (store != null) { store.STORE_DESCRIPTION = pStore.STORE_DESCRIPTION; store.AREA_MANAGER = pStore.AREA_MANAGER; store.AREA_MANAGER_DESC = pStore.AREA_MANAGER_DESC; store.REGIONAL_MANAGER = pStore.REGIONAL_MANAGER; store.REGIONAL_MANAGER_DESC = pStore.REGIONAL_MANAGER_DESC; store.SOM = pStore.SOM; store.SOM_DESC = pStore.SOM_DESC; store.SENIOR_SOM = pStore.SENIOR_SOM; store.SENIOR_SOM_DESC = pStore.SENIOR_SOM_DESC; store.STORE_OPENING_HOUR = pStore.STORE_OPENING_HOUR; store.STORE_CLOSING_HOUR = pStore.STORE_CLOSING_HOUR; store.STORE_LATITUDE = pStore.STORE_LATITUDE; store.STORE_LONGITUDE = pStore.STORE_LONGITUDE; enBi.Entry(store).State = EntityState.Modified; enBi.SaveChanges(); dbCtxTran.Commit(); } } } } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { ExceptionEntity exDesc = new ExceptionEntity(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionDescription exDesc = new ExceptionDescription(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK)); }
public HttpResponseMessage saveUserMenu(List <TempUserMenu> pUser) { try { if (pUser.Count > 0) { int?userId = pUser[0].UserId; using (PRINCE_STGEntities entPrince = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { List <UserMenu> listUserMenu = (from um in entPrince.UserMenu where um.UserId == userId select um).ToList(); foreach (UserMenu uMenu in listUserMenu) { foreach (TempUserMenu tUmenu in pUser) { if (uMenu.Code == tUmenu.Code) { uMenu.CanAdd = tUmenu.canAdd; uMenu.CanEdit = tUmenu.canEdit; uMenu.CanDelete = tUmenu.canDelete; uMenu.CanView = tUmenu.canView; break; } } entPrince.Entry(uMenu).State = EntityState.Modified; } entPrince.SaveChanges(); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "User Access Successfully Updated!")); } } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotModified)); } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { ExceptionEntity exDesc = new ExceptionEntity(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionDescription exDesc = new ExceptionDescription(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } }
public HttpResponseMessage updateUser(TempUser pUser) { using (PRINCE_STGEntities entPrince = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { User user = entPrince.User.Where(wr => wr.Code == pUser.Code).SingleOrDefault(); user.FirstName = pUser.FirstName; user.LastName = pUser.LastName; user.EmailAdd = pUser.EmailAdd; user.Status = pUser.Status; entPrince.Entry(user).State = EntityState.Modified; entPrince.SaveChanges(); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "User successfully updated!")); } }
public HttpResponseMessage addPlan(dynamic pPlan) { try { using (PRINCE_STGEntities dbCtx = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { STG_PLAN plan = new STG_PLAN(); plan.PLAN_DATE = pPlan.PLAN_DATE; plan.GEO_LEVEL1_CODE = "99999"; plan.GEO_LEVEL2_CODE = "99999"; plan.GEO_LEVEL3_CODE = "99999"; plan.STORE_CODE = pPlan.STORE_CODE; plan.PROD_LEVEL1_CODE = pPlan.PROD_LEVEL1_CODE; plan.PROD_LEVEL2_CODE = pPlan.PROD_LEVEL2_CODE; plan.PROD_LEVEL3_CODE = pPlan.PROD_LEVEL3_CODE; plan.PROD_LEVEL4_CODE = "99999"; plan.PROD_LEVEL5_CODE = "99999"; plan.PRODUCT_CODE = "99999"; plan.PLAN_VERSION = 99999; plan.PLAN_SALE_QTY = 99999; plan.PLAN_SALE_VAL_AT_PRICE = pPlan.PLAN_SALE_VAL_AT_PRICE; plan.PLAN_SALE_VAL_AT_COST = 99999; plan.PLAN_MARKDOWN_QTY = 0; plan.PLAN_MARKDOWN_VAL = 0; plan.PLAN_SHRINKAGE_VAL = 0; plan.PLAN_PURCHASE_QTY = 0; plan.PLAN_PURCHASE_VAL = 0; plan.PLAN_INV_OPENING_QTY = 0; plan.PLAN_OPENING_VAL_AT_COST = 0; plan.PLAN_OPENING_VAL_AT_PRICE = 0; plan.PLAN_OTH1 = 99999; plan.PLAN_OTH2 = 99999; plan.PLAN_OTH3 = 99999; plan.PLAN_OTH4 = 99999; plan.PLAN_OTH5 = 99999; plan.ARC_DATE = DateTime.Now; dbCtx.STG_PLAN.Add(plan); dbCtx.SaveChanges(); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, "Plan successfully created.")); } } catch (Exception ex) { Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex); } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK)); }
public HttpResponseMessage saveUser(TempUser pUser) { using (PRINCE_STGEntities entPrince = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { int lastIdNo = (from u in entPrince.User.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id) select u.Id).FirstOrDefault(); User user = new User(); user.Code = lastIdNo + 1; user.FirstName = pUser.FirstName; user.LastName = pUser.LastName; user.EmailAdd = pUser.EmailAdd; user.Status = pUser.Status; user.Password = "******"; user.STORE_CODE = pUser.STORE_CODE; entPrince.User.Add(user); entPrince.SaveChanges(); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "User successfully save!")); } }
public TransList getStoreMerchByDate(int pg, int tk, string fnd, string pSite, string sStoreMerchdate) { int skip = tk * (pg - 1); // skip the record TransList transList = new TransList(); CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); DateTime StoreMerchdate = Convert.ToDateTime(sStoreMerchdate, culture); using (PRINCE_STGEntities enBi = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { var Storemerch = (from s in enBi.STG_STR_MERCH_DET where s.STORE_CODE == pSite && s.STRMRGRP_DATE == StoreMerchdate select new { s.ID, s.STRMRGRP_DATE , s.STORE_CODE , s.PROD_LEVEL1_CODE , s.PROD_LEVEL2_CODE , s.PROD_LEVEL3_CODE , s.PROD_LEVEL4_CODE , s.SELLING_AREA , s.TOTAL_AREA , s.PERMENANT_FTE , s.CONTRACT_FTE , s.OTH_DET1 , s.OTH_DET2 , s.OTH_DET3 , s.OTH_DET4 , s.OTH_DET5 , s.ARC_DATE }) .OrderBy(od => od.STORE_CODE) .Skip(skip) .Take(tk) .ToList(); transList.totalCount = enBi.STG_STR_MERCH_DET.AsNoTracking().Where(st => st.STRMRGRP_DATE == StoreMerchdate && st.STORE_CODE == pSite).Count(); = Storemerch; return(transList); } }
public dynamic getAllMenu() { try { using (PRINCE_STGEntities enBi = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { int?[] arMenu = (from a in enBi.UserMenu.AsNoTracking() where a.Status == "A" select a.MenuId).ToArray(); var menu = (from a in enBi.Menu.AsNoTracking() where a.Status == "A" && arMenu.Contains(a.Id) && a.ParentId != 0 select new { a.Code, a.Name, canAdd = false, canEdit = false, canDelete = false, canView = false, a.LevelNo, a.SortNo } ).OrderBy(c => c.LevelNo).ThenBy(d => d.SortNo).ToList(); return(menu); } } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { ExceptionEntity exDesc = new ExceptionEntity(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionDescription exDesc = new ExceptionDescription(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } }
public TransList getTargetByDate(int pg, int tk, string fnd, string pSite, string sTargetdate) { int skip = tk * (pg - 1); // skip the record TransList transList = new TransList(); CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); DateTime Targetdate = Convert.ToDateTime(sTargetdate, culture); using (PRINCE_STGEntities enBi = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { var Target = (from t in enBi.STG_TARGET where t.STORE_CODE == pSite && t.TARGET_DATE == Targetdate select new { t.ID, t.TARGET_DATE, t.GEO_LEVEL1_CODE, t.GEO_LEVEL2_CODE, t.GEO_LEVEL3_CODE, t.STORE_CODE, t.PROD_LEVEL1_CODE, t.PROD_LEVEL2_CODE, t.PROD_LEVEL3_CODE, t.PROD_LEVEL4_CODE, t.PROD_LEVEL5_CODE, t.PRODUCT_CODE, t.TARGET_SALE_QTY, t.TARGET_SALE_VAL_AT_PRICE, t.TARGET_SALE_VAL_AT_COST, t.ARC_DATE }) .OrderBy(od => od.STORE_CODE) .Skip(skip) .Take(tk) .ToList(); transList.totalCount = enBi.STG_TARGET.AsNoTracking().Where(st => st.TARGET_DATE == Targetdate && st.STORE_CODE == pSite).Count(); = Target; return(transList); } }
public HttpResponseMessage addSite(dynamic pSite) { try { using (PRINCE_STGEntities dbCtx = new PRINCE_STGEntities()) { int tempSite = pSite.SiteId; String tempSiteDesc = pSite.Description; Site site = dbCtx.Site.AsNoTracking().Where(wr => wr.SiteId == tempSite).SingleOrDefault(); if (site != null) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, "Site Id: " + tempSite.ToString() + " already exist.")); } Site objSite = new Site(); objSite.SiteId = tempSite; objSite.Description = tempSiteDesc.Trim(); objSite.Status = "A"; dbCtx.Site.Add(objSite); dbCtx.SaveChanges(); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, "Site " + objSite.Description.Trim() + " is successfully created.")); } } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { ExceptionEntity exDesc = new ExceptionEntity(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionDescription exDesc = new ExceptionDescription(ex); throw new ApiException() { HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorDescription = exDesc.GetDescException() }; } }