public virtual bool ApproveStockCount(POSMySQL.POSControl.CDBUtil dbUtil, MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection conn, int shopId, int staffId, string remark, List <Material> materialList) { if (materialList.Count > 0) { // Gen Diff Doc AdjustDocument adjustDocument = new AdjustDocument(this.DocumentDate); adjustDocument.CreateAdjustMonthlyDocument(dbUtil, conn, this.DocumentId, materialList, remark, shopId, staffId); } dbUtil.sqlExecute(" DELETE FROM docdetail WHERE DocumentID=" + this.DocumentId + " AND ShopID=" + shopId, conn); string sql = " INSERT INTO docdetail (DocDetailID, DocumentID, ShopID, ProductID, ProductUnit, ProductAmount, " + " ProductTaxType, UnitName, UnitSmallAmount, UnitID) " + " SELECT DocDetailID, DocumentID, ShopID, ProductID, ProductUnit, ProductAmount, " + " ProductTaxType, UnitName, UnitSmallAmount, UnitID " + " FROM docdetailtemp WHERE DocumentID=" + this.DocumentId + " AND ShopID=" + shopId + " AND DocumentTypeID= " + this.DocumentTypeId; if (dbUtil.sqlExecute(sql, conn) > 0) { dbUtil.sqlExecute("UPDATE document SET DocumentStatus=2, UpdateBy=" + staffId + ", ApproveBy=" + staffId + ", " + " UpdateDate='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss", dateProvider) + "', " + " ApproveDate='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss", dateProvider) + "'" + " WHERE DocumentID=" + this.DocumentId + " AND ShopID=" + shopId + " AND DocumentTypeID=" + this.DocumentTypeId, conn); dbUtil.sqlExecute("DELETE FROM docdetailtemp WHERE DocumentID=" + this.DocumentId + " AND ShopID=" + shopId + " AND DocumentTypeID=" + this.DocumentTypeId, conn); return(true); } return(false); }
// overload 2/9/2011 fix load history in new month public bool CheckMonthlyDocIsApprove(POSMySQL.POSControl.CDBUtil dbUtil, MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection conn, DateTime dateFrom, DateTime dateTo) { this.DocumentTypeId = 7; string sql = " SELECT DocumentDate, DocumentID FROM document WHERE documenttypeid=" + this.DocumentTypeId + " AND shopid=" + this.ShopId + " AND DocumentStatus=1 AND DocumentDate BETWEEN '" + dateFrom.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", dateProvider) + "' AND '" + dateTo.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", dateProvider) + "'"; MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader reader = dbUtil.sqlRetrive(sql, conn); if (reader.Read()) { this.DocumentDate = reader.GetDateTime("DocumentDate"); this.DocumentId = reader.GetInt32("DocumentID"); reader.Close(); return(false); // Approved } else { sql = " SELECT DocumentDate, DocumentID FROM document WHERE documenttypeid=" + this.DocumentTypeId + " AND shopid=" + this.ShopId + " AND DocumentStatus=2 AND DocumentDate BETWEEN '" + dateFrom.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", dateProvider) + "' AND '" + dateTo.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", dateProvider) + "'"; reader.Close(); reader = dbUtil.sqlRetrive(sql, conn); if (reader.Read()) { this.DocumentDate = reader.GetDateTime("DocumentDate"); this.DocumentId = reader.GetInt32("DocumentID"); reader.Close(); return(true); // Not Approve } else { reader.Close(); } } return(false); }
public override bool AddDocument(POSMySQL.POSControl.CDBUtil dbUtil, MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection conn) { return(base.AddDocument(dbUtil, conn)); }
public override bool SaveCountData(POSMySQL.POSControl.CDBUtil dbUtil, MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection conn, int staffId, List <Material> materialList) { //this.DocumentId = base.DocumentId; return(base.SaveCountData(dbUtil, conn, staffId, materialList)); }
public override bool GetLastCountDate(POSMySQL.POSControl.CDBUtil dbUtil, MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection conn, int invId, ref DateTime lastCountDate) { return(base.GetLastCountDate(dbUtil, conn, invId, ref lastCountDate)); }
public override bool CheckTransferDocument(POSMySQL.POSControl.CDBUtil dbUtil, MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection conn, int inv, ref DateTime lastTransferDate) { return(base.CheckTransferDocument(dbUtil, conn, inv, ref lastTransferDate)); }