public RedirectToRouteResult DeletePOItem(string data)
            string itemCode = data;
            List <POFullDetail> poFullDetailsList = (List <POFullDetail>)Session["newPOList"];
            POFullDetail        pod = new POFullDetail();

            foreach (POFullDetail p in poFullDetailsList)
                if (p.ItemCode == itemCode)
                    pod = p;

            using (SSISdbEntities e = new SSISdbEntities()) {
                //remove from list meant for already added items
                List <String> tempList = (List <String>)Session["tempList"];
                Session["tempList"] = tempList;

            if (poFullDetailsList.Count == 0)
                poFullDetailsList = new List <POFullDetail>();
            Session["newPOList"] = poFullDetailsList;

            return(RedirectToAction("CreatePO", "StorePurchase"));
        public RedirectToRouteResult EditPOQtyOrdered(string data, int index)
            using (SSISdbEntities e = new SSISdbEntities())
                List <POFullDetail> poFullDetailList = (List <POFullDetail>)Session["POItems"];
                POFullDetail        item             = poFullDetailList.ElementAt(index);
                item.QuantityOrdered = Int32.Parse(data);
                Session["POItems"]   = poFullDetailList;

                return(RedirectToAction("Requisition", "Dept"));
        public RedirectToRouteResult EditNewPOQty(string data, int index)
            using (SSISdbEntities e = new SSISdbEntities())
                List <POFullDetail> poFullDetailsList = (List <POFullDetail>)Session["newPOList"];
                POFullDetail        item = poFullDetailsList.ElementAt(index);
                item.QuantityOrdered  = Int32.Parse(data);
                Session["newAdjList"] = poFullDetailsList;

                return(RedirectToAction("Purchase", "Store"));
        public RedirectToRouteResult EditNewPOSupplier(string data, int index)
            using (SSISdbEntities e = new SSISdbEntities())
                List <POFullDetail> poFullDetailsList = (List <POFullDetail>)Session["newPOList"];
                POFullDetail        item = poFullDetailsList.ElementAt(index);
                item.CompanyName = data;
                SupplierPriceList spl = e.SupplierPriceLists.Where(y => y.SupplierCode == item.CompanyName).FirstOrDefault();
                item.UnitCost         = spl.UnitCost;
                Session["newAdjList"] = poFullDetailsList;

                return(RedirectToAction("Purchase", "Store"));
        public RedirectToRouteResult AddPOItem(PODetail item2)
            Item itemToAdd    = new Item();
            bool existingItem = false;

            using (SSISdbEntities m = new SSISdbEntities())
                // Get Item to add into Datatable
                string itemCode = Request.Form["SelectItemChose"].ToString();
                List <POFullDetail> poFullDetailsList = (List <POFullDetail>)Session["newPOList"];
                POFullDetail        pod         = new POFullDetail();
                POFullDetail        existingPoD = new POFullDetail();
                pod.PONumber = (string)Session["newPoId"];

                // Checking if Item is already in list
                foreach (POFullDetail p in poFullDetailsList.ToList())
                    // Iterate through whole list to check for itemcode
                    if (p.ItemCode == itemCode)
                        // Combine 2 same items (Adding new qty to exisiting qty)
                        existingItem = true;
                        // Create new item so that we can remove old qty & add back new qty
                        existingPoD = p;
                        existingPoD.QuantityOrdered += item2.QuantityOrdered;


                // Execute when item is not in the list
                if (existingItem == false)
                    // Creating the new item with these
                    itemToAdd             = m.Items.Where(x => x.ItemCode == itemCode).FirstOrDefault();
                    pod.ItemCode          = itemToAdd.ItemCode;
                    pod.QuantityOrdered   = item2.QuantityOrdered;
                    pod.Description       = itemToAdd.Description;
                    pod.UoM               = itemToAdd.UoM;
                    pod.CompanyName       = itemToAdd.Supplier1; //default ddl at supplier 1's
                    pod.UnitCost          = itemToAdd.AvgUnitCost;
                    pod.Supplier1Code     = itemToAdd.Supplier1;
                    pod.Supplier2Code     = itemToAdd.Supplier2;
                    pod.Supplier3Code     = itemToAdd.Supplier3;
                    pod.Supplier1UnitCost = m.SupplierPriceLists.Where(x => x.SupplierCode == itemToAdd.Supplier1 && x.ItemCode == itemToAdd.ItemCode).Select(x => x.UnitCost).FirstOrDefault();
                    pod.Supplier2UnitCost = m.SupplierPriceLists.Where(x => x.SupplierCode == itemToAdd.Supplier2 && x.ItemCode == itemToAdd.ItemCode).Select(x => x.UnitCost).FirstOrDefault();
                    pod.Supplier3UnitCost = m.SupplierPriceLists.Where(x => x.SupplierCode == itemToAdd.Supplier3 && x.ItemCode == itemToAdd.ItemCode).Select(x => x.UnitCost).FirstOrDefault();


                Session["newPOList"] = poFullDetailsList;

                //add to list meant for already added items
                List <String> tempList = (List <String>)Session["tempList"];
                Session["tempList"] = tempList;

                return(RedirectToAction("Purchase", "Store"));