public List <AccountVaultEntity> decipheredListOfVaultAccounts(PMS_DBEntities db) { byte[] decryptedDBData = new byte[] { }; List <AccountsVault> listOfDBAccountsVault = db.AccountsVaults.ToList(); List <AccountVaultEntity> decryptedData = new List <AccountVaultEntity>(); List <int> IDs = new List <int>(); foreach (AccountsVault index in listOfDBAccountsVault) { byte[] encryptedDBData = index.Application; Utility.encryptedAccountVaultArray = encryptedDBData; int recID = index.Id; if (listOfDBAccountsVault.Count > 1) { Utility.accountVaultID = index.Id; IDs.Add(Utility.accountVaultID); } else { Utility.accountVaultID = index.Id; } decryptedDBData = cryptoObj.decrypt(encryptedDBData, Utility.storedApplicationPrivateKey); string strResult = Utility.stringManipulation(decryptedDBData); string[] stringArr = strResult.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.None); string[] cleanStrArray = stringArr.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray(); if (cleanStrArray != null && cleanStrArray.Count() > 0) { if (Utility.allFieldsEntered == true) { AccountVaultEntity accountVaultObj = new AccountVaultEntity(); accountVaultObj.Id = recID; accountVaultObj.applicationName = cleanStrArray[0]; accountVaultObj.username = cleanStrArray[1].TrimStart(); accountVaultObj.password = cleanStrArray[2].TrimStart(); accountVaultObj.applicationUrl = cleanStrArray[3]; accountVaultObj.notes = cleanStrArray[4]; decryptedData.Add(accountVaultObj); } } else { Utility.getText = "Something went wrong \n with the decryption!"; } } Utility.listOfIDs = IDs; return(decryptedData); }
public byte[] getConfirmationCode() { byte[] finalResult = new byte[] { }; using (var db = new PMS_DBEntities()) { //The last Reset Password Request is stored within the last record in the confirmationCode table var result = db.ConfirmationCodes.Last(); finalResult = result.ConfirmationCode1; } return(finalResult); }
public void addAcccount(string[] array) { using (var db = new PMS_DBEntities()) { byte[] byteArray = Utility.objectToByteArray(array); cryptoObj.createKeys(Utility.storedApplicationPrivateKey, Utility.storedApplicationPublicKey); byte[] encrytedData = cryptoObj.encrypt(byteArray, Utility.storedApplicationPublicKey); insertApplicationAccountIntoDB(encrytedData); Utility.decryptedAccountsVaultList = decipheredListOfVaultAccounts(db); } }
public void login(string[] array) { using (var db = new PMS_DBEntities()) { string usernameInput = string.Empty; string passwordInput = string.Empty; int counter = 0; if (array != null && array.Count() > 0) { usernameInput = array[0]; passwordInput = array[1]; } List <UserAccountEntity> dbListOfUsers = decipheredListOfDBUsers(db); if (dbListOfUsers != null && dbListOfUsers.Count > 0) { foreach (var index in dbListOfUsers) { counter++; if (index.username == usernameInput.Trim() && index.password == passwordInput) { frmMainPMSVaultForm mainForm = new frmMainPMSVaultForm(new ApplicationAccounts()); mainForm.Show(); } else if (index.username == usernameInput.Trim() && index.password != passwordInput) { Utility.getText = "Username and/or password does not match!"; Utility.errorFlag = false; } else { if (counter == dbListOfUsers.Count) { if (Utility.isUserExists == false) { Utility.getText = "User does not exists!"; } } } } } else { Utility.getText = "User does not exist.\n Consider registering new account!"; Utility.errorFlag = false; } } }
//For every forgot password reset, there will be an encrypted entry in the ConfirmationCodes in the db //Iterate through list of encrypted confirmation code binary strings, decrypt each then //Check deciphered plain text against user input private List <ConfirmationCodesEntity> decipheredListOfConfirmationCodes(PMS_DBEntities db) { List <ConfirmationCode> listOfDBConfirmationCodes = db.ConfirmationCodes.ToList(); List <ConfirmationCodesEntity> decryptedData = new List <ConfirmationCodesEntity>(); foreach (var index in listOfDBConfirmationCodes) { byte[] encryptedDBData = index.ConfirmationCode1; //Decrypt confirmation code stored in DB byte[] decryptedDBData = cryptoObj.decrypt(encryptedDBData, Utility.confirmationCodePrivateKey); string strResult = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptedDBData); ConfirmationCodesEntity confirmationCodesObj = new ConfirmationCodesEntity(); confirmationCodesObj.ConfirmationCode = strResult; decryptedData.Add(confirmationCodesObj); } return(decryptedData); }
public void registerAccount(string[] array) { using (var db = new PMS_DBEntities()) { byte[] byteArray = Utility.objectToByteArray(array); //Generate Keys cryptoObj.createKeys(Utility.privateKey, Utility.publicKey); byte[] encrytedData = cryptoObj.encrypt(byteArray, Utility.publicKey); bool isExist = false; //First check if username does not exist UserData dbRec = db.UserDatas.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserRSAEncryptedData == encrytedData); List <UserAccountEntity> listOfDBUsers = decipheredListOfDBUsers(db); foreach (var index in listOfDBUsers) { if (index.username == array[0].Trim()) { isExist = true; } } if (dbRec != null || isExist == true) { Utility.isUserExists = true; } if (isExist == false) { insertNewUser(encrytedData); } else { Utility.getText = "User already exists!"; } } }
private List <UserAccountEntity> decipheredListOfDBUsers(PMS_DBEntities db) { byte[] decryptedDBData = new byte[] { }; List <UserData> listOfDBUsers = db.UserDatas.ToList(); List <UserAccountEntity> decryptedData = new List <UserAccountEntity>(); foreach (UserData index in listOfDBUsers) { byte[] encryptedDBData = index.UserRSAEncryptedData; Utility.encryptedByteArray = encryptedDBData; Utility.userDataID = index.Id; if (Utility.resetPasswordFlag == true) { decryptedDBData = cryptoObj.decrypt(encryptedDBData, Utility.mainPMSUpdatePrivateKey); } else { decryptedDBData = cryptoObj.decrypt(encryptedDBData, Utility.privateKey); } string strResult = Utility.stringManipulation(decryptedDBData); string[] stringArr = strResult.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.None); string[] cleanStrArray = stringArr.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray(); UserAccountEntity userAccObj = new UserAccountEntity(); userAccObj.password = cleanStrArray[2].TrimStart(); userAccObj.username = cleanStrArray[0]; = cleanStrArray[1]; userAccObj.passwordReminder = cleanStrArray[3]; decryptedData.Add(userAccObj); } return(decryptedData); }
public bool forgotPassword(string usernameParams, string confirmationCode) { bool returnVal = false; using (var db = new PMS_DBEntities()) { List <UserAccountEntity> decryptedData = decipheredListOfDBUsers(db); Utility.decryptedList = decryptedData; var resultList = Utility.decryptedList; //Verify if the user exists in the db var foundItem = resultList.Find(x => x.username.Trim() == usernameParams.Trim()); if (foundItem != null) { string getDBSecurityQuestion = string.Empty; foreach (var index in resultList) { getDBSecurityQuestion = index.passwordReminder; } if (Utility.getPasswordReminder == getDBSecurityQuestion) { //Get the confirmation code that was encrypted in the db List <ConfirmationCodesEntity> returnDBConfirmationCode = decipheredListOfConfirmationCodes(db); //Compare decrypted confirmation code against user input if (returnDBConfirmationCode != null && returnDBConfirmationCode.Count > 0) { foreach (var index in returnDBConfirmationCode) { if (index.ConfirmationCode.Trim() == confirmationCode.Trim()) { returnVal = true; } else { Utility.getText = "Confirmation Codes do not match!"; Utility.errorFlag = false; } } } else { Utility.getText = "Something went wrong with the \n confirmation code decryption!"; Utility.errorFlag = false; } } else { Utility.errorFlag = false; Utility.getText = "Security question answered incorrectly!"; } } else { Utility.errorFlag = false; Utility.getText = "The user does not exist!"; } } return(returnVal); }
public void refreshData() { using (var db = new PMS_DBEntities()) Utility.decryptedAccountsVaultList = decipheredListOfVaultAccounts(db); }