        public override void CreateUIEntry(PGridPanel parent, ref int row)
            if (getTitle != null)
                Title = getTitle.Invoke();
                // Only displayed in error cases, should not be localized
                Title = "<No Title>";
            var label = new PLabel("Label")
                Text = LookInStrings(Title), TextStyle = PUITuning.Fonts.TextLightStyle

            label.OnRealize += OnRealizeLabel;
            parent.AddChild(label, new GridComponentSpec(row, 0)
                Margin = LABEL_MARGIN, Alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft
            parent.AddChild(this, new GridComponentSpec(row, 1)
                Alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight, Margin = CONTROL_MARGIN
        protected override IUIComponent GetUIComponent()
            // Find largest option to size the label appropriately
            string longestText = " ";

            foreach (var option in options)
                string optionText = option.Title;
                if (optionText.Length > longestText.Length)
                    longestText = optionText;
            var lbl = new PLabel("Item")
                ToolTip = "Loading", Text = longestText

            lbl.OnRealize += OnRealizeItemLabel;
            // Build UI with 2 arrow buttons and a label to display the option
            return(new PPanel("Select")
                Direction = PanelDirection.Horizontal, Spacing = 5
            }.AddChild(new PButton("Previous")
                SpriteSize = ARROW_SIZE, OnClick = OnPrevious, ToolTip = POptions.
                   AddChild(new PButton("Next")
                SpriteSize = ARROW_SIZE, OnClick = OnNext, ToolTip = POptions.TOOLTIP_NEXT
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills in the mod info screen, assuming that infoAttr is non-null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dialog">The dialog to populate.</param>
        private void AddModInfoScreen(PDialog dialog)
            string image = displayInfo.Image;
            var    body  = dialog.Body;

            // Try to load the mod image sprite if possible
            if (modImage == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(image))
                string rootDir = PUtil.GetModPath(optionsType.Assembly);
                modImage = PUIUtils.LoadSpriteFile(rootDir == null ? image : Path.Combine(
                                                       rootDir, image));
            var websiteButton = new PButton("ModSite")
                Text    = PLibStrings.MOD_HOMEPAGE, ToolTip = PLibStrings.TOOLTIP_HOMEPAGE,
                OnClick = VisitModHomepage, Margin = PDialog.BUTTON_MARGIN
            var versionLabel = new PLabel("ModVersion")
                Text      = displayInfo.Version, ToolTip = PLibStrings.TOOLTIP_VERSION,
                TextStyle = PUITuning.Fonts.UILightStyle, Margin = new RectOffset(0, 0,
                                                                                  OUTER_MARGIN, 0)
            // Find mod URL
            string modURL = displayInfo.URL;

            if (modImage != null)
                // 2 rows and 1 column
                if (optionCategories.Count > 0)
                    body.Direction = PanelDirection.Horizontal;
                var infoPanel = new PPanel("ModInfo")
                    FlexSize  = Vector2.up, Direction = PanelDirection.Vertical,
                    Alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter
                }.AddChild(new PLabel("ModImage")
                    SpriteSize = MOD_IMAGE_SIZE, TextAlignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft,
                    Margin     = new RectOffset(0, OUTER_MARGIN, 0, OUTER_MARGIN),
                    Sprite     = modImage
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(modURL))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(modURL))
        public TypeSelectControl(bool disableIcons = false)
            DisableIcons = disableIcons;
            // Select/deselect all types
            var allCheckBox = new PCheckBox("SelectAll")
                CheckSize = ROW_SIZE, InitialState = PCheckBox.STATE_CHECKED,
                OnChecked = OnCheck, TextStyle = PUITuning.Fonts.TextDarkStyle

            allCheckBox.OnRealize += (obj) => { allItems = obj; };
            var cp = new PPanel("Categories")
                Direction = PanelDirection.Vertical, Alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft,
                Spacing   = ROW_SPACING, Margin = ELEMENT_MARGIN, FlexSize = Vector2.right,

            cp.OnRealize += (obj) => { childPanel = obj; };
            // Scroll to select elements
            var sp = new PScrollPane("Scroll")
                Child = cp, ScrollHorizontal = false, ScrollVertical = true,
                AlwaysShowVertical = true, TrackSize = 8.0f, FlexSize = Vector2.one
            // Title bar
            var title = new PLabel("Title")
                TextAlignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, Text = SweepByTypeStrings.
                                                                DIALOG_TITLE, FlexSize = Vector2.right, Margin = TITLE_MARGIN

            // Bottom border on the title for contrast
            title.OnRealize += (obj) => {
                var img = obj.AddOrGet <Image>();
                img.sprite = PUITuning.Images.BoxBorder;
                img.type   = Image.Type.Sliced;
            // 1px black border on the rest of the dialog for contrast
            var panel = new PRelativePanel("Border")
                BackImage   = PUITuning.Images.BoxBorder, ImageMode = Image.Type.Sliced,
                DynamicSize = false, BackColor = PUITuning.Colors.BackgroundLight

            RootPanel = panel.SetMargin(sp, OUTER_MARGIN).
                        SetLeftEdge(title, fraction: 0.0f).SetRightEdge(title, fraction: 1.0f).
                        SetLeftEdge(sp, fraction: 0.0f).SetRightEdge(sp, fraction: 1.0f).
                        SetTopEdge(title, fraction: 1.0f).SetBottomEdge(sp, fraction: 0.0f).
                        SetTopEdge(sp, below: title).Build();
            children = new SortedList <Tag, TypeSelectCategory>(16, TagAlphabetComparer.
            Screen = RootPanel.AddComponent <TypeSelectScreen>();
        public NotepadControl()
            descriptionField = DescriptionArea();

            // this button does nothing but it enable to deselect the textarea and to valide the input without closing the sidescreen
            PButton validationButton = new PButton("button")
                Sprite     = PUITuning.Images.Checked,
                SpriteSize = new Vector2(25, 30),

            PLabel descriptionLabel = new PLabel("description label")
                Text          = "Description",
                TextAlignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,

            PPanel panel = new PPanel("Text panel")
                Direction = PanelDirection.Vertical,
                Alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft,
                Spacing   = ROW_SPACING,
                FlexSize  = Vector2.one,


            PPanel root = new PPanel("NotepadSideScreen")
                Direction = PanelDirection.Vertical,
                Margin    = OUTER_MARGIN,
                Alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
                Spacing   = 0,
                BackColor = PUITuning.Colors.BackgroundLight,
                FlexSize  = Vector2.one,

            RootPanel = root.SetKleiBlueColor().Build();
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a category header to the dialog.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="container">The parent of the header.</param>
 /// <param name="category">The header title.</param>
 /// <param name="contents">The panel containing the options in this category.</param>
 private void AddCategoryHeader(PGridPanel container, string category,
                                PGridPanel contents)
     contents.AddColumn(new GridColumnSpec(flex: 1.0f)).AddColumn(new GridColumnSpec());
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(category))
         bool state   = !(infoAttr?.ForceCollapseCategories ?? false);
         var  handler = new CategoryExpandHandler(state);
         container.AddColumn(new GridColumnSpec()).AddColumn(new GridColumnSpec(
                                                                 flex: 1.0f)).AddRow(new GridRowSpec()).AddRow(new GridRowSpec(flex: 1.0f));
         // Toggle is upper left, header is upper right
         var header = new PLabel("CategoryHeader")
             Text = OptionsEntry.LookInStrings(category), TextStyle =
                 CATEGORY_TITLE_STYLE, TextAlignment = TextAnchor.LowerCenter
         var toggle = new PToggle("CategoryToggle")
             Color          = PUITuning.Colors.ComponentDarkStyle, InitialState = state,
             ToolTip        = PUIStrings.TOOLTIP_TOGGLE, Size = TOGGLE_SIZE,
             OnStateChanged = handler.OnExpandContract
         header.OnRealize += handler.OnRealizeHeader;
         toggle.OnRealize += handler.OnRealizeToggle;
         container.AddChild(header, new GridComponentSpec(0, 1)
             Margin = new RectOffset(OUTER_MARGIN, OUTER_MARGIN, 0, 0)
         }).AddChild(toggle, new GridComponentSpec(0, 0));
         if (contents != null)
             contents.OnRealize += handler.OnRealizePanel;
         container.AddChild(contents, new GridComponentSpec(1, 0)
             ColumnSpan = 2
         // Default of unconstrained fills the whole panel
         container.AddColumn(new GridColumnSpec(flex: 1.0f)).AddRow(new GridRowSpec(
                                                                        flex: 1.0f)).AddChild(contents, new GridComponentSpec(0, 0));
        public override void CreateUIEntry(PGridPanel parent, ref int row)
            double minLimit, maxLimit;

            base.CreateUIEntry(parent, ref row);
            if (limits != null && (minLimit = limits.Minimum) > float.MinValue && (maxLimit =
                                                                                       limits.Maximum) < float.MaxValue && maxLimit > minLimit)
                // NaN will be false on either comparison
                var slider = GetSlider();
                // Min and max labels
                var minLabel = new PLabel("MinValue")
                    TextStyle = PUITuning.Fonts.TextLightStyle, Text = minLimit.
                                                                       ToString("G4"), TextAlignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight
                var maxLabel = new PLabel("MaxValue")
                    TextStyle = PUITuning.Fonts.TextLightStyle, Text = maxLimit.
                                                                       ToString("G4"), TextAlignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft
                // Lay out left to right
                var panel = new PRelativePanel("Slider Grid")
                    FlexSize = Vector2.right, DynamicSize = false
                AnchorYAxis(minLabel, 0.5f).AnchorYAxis(maxLabel, 0.5f).SetLeftEdge(
                    minLabel, fraction: 0.0f).SetRightEdge(maxLabel, fraction: 1.0f).
                SetLeftEdge(slider, toRight: minLabel).SetRightEdge(slider, toLeft:
                                                                    maxLabel).SetMargin(slider, SLIDER_MARGIN);
                slider.OnRealize += OnRealizeSlider;
                // Add another row for the slider
                parent.AddRow(new GridRowSpec());
                parent.AddChild(panel, new GridComponentSpec(++row, 0)
                    ColumnSpan = 2, Margin = ENTRY_MARGIN
        public static PPanel AddSliderBox(this PPanel parent, string prefix, string name, float min, float max, Action <float> onValueUpdate, out Action <float> setValue, Func <float, string> customTooltip = null)
            float      value     = 0;
            GameObject text_go   = null;
            GameObject slider_go = null;

            setValue = newValue =>
                value = newValue;
            if (!(min > float.NegativeInfinity && max < float.PositiveInfinity && min < max))
                PUtil.LogError("Invalid min max parameters");
            prefix = (prefix + name).ToUpperInvariant();

            void Update()
                var field = text_go?.GetComponentInChildren <TMP_InputField>();

                if (field != null)
                    field.text = value.ToString("F0");
                if (slider_go != null)
                    PSliderSingle.SetCurrentValue(slider_go, value);

            void OnTextChanged(GameObject _, string text)
                if (float.TryParse(text, out float newValue))
                    value = Mathf.Clamp(newValue, min, max);

            void OnSliderChanged(GameObject _, float newValue)
                value = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Round(newValue), min, max);

            var small    = PUITuning.Fonts.TextDarkStyle.DeriveStyle(size: 12);
            var minLabel = new PLabel("min_" + name)
                TextStyle = small,
                Text      = string.Format(Strings.Get(prefix + ".MIN_MAX"), min),
            var maxLabel = new PLabel("max_" + name)
                TextStyle = small,
                Text      = string.Format(Strings.Get(prefix + ".MIN_MAX"), max),
            var preLabel = new PLabel("pre_" + name)
                TextStyle = PUITuning.Fonts.TextDarkStyle,
                Text      = Strings.Get(prefix + ".PRE"),
            var pstLabel = new PLabel("pst_" + name)
                TextStyle = PUITuning.Fonts.TextDarkStyle,
                Text      = Strings.Get(prefix + ".PST"),

            var textField = new PTextField("text_" + name)
                MinWidth      = 40,
                Type          = PTextField.FieldType.Integer,
                OnTextChanged = OnTextChanged,
            }.AddOnRealize(realized => text_go = realized);

            var margin    = new RectOffset(12, 12, 0, 0);
            var panel_top = new PPanel("slider_top_" + name)
                Alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
                Direction = PanelDirection.Horizontal,
                FlexSize  = Vector2.right,
                Margin    = margin,
                Spacing   = 4,

            panel_top.AddChild(minLabel).AddChild(new PSpacer()).AddChild(preLabel)
            .AddChild(textField).AddChild(pstLabel).AddChild(new PSpacer()).AddChild(maxLabel);

            var slider = new PSliderSingle("slider_" + name)
                MinValue       = min,
                MaxValue       = max,
                IntegersOnly   = true,
                Direction      = UnityEngine.UI.Slider.Direction.LeftToRight,
                FlexSize       = Vector2.right,
                HandleSize     = 24,
                TrackSize      = 16,
                ToolTip        = Strings.Get(prefix + ".TOOLTIP"),
                OnDrag         = OnSliderChanged,
                OnValueChanged = OnSliderChanged,
            }.AddOnRealize(realized =>
                slider_go = realized;
                if (customTooltip != null)
                    var ks      = slider_go.GetComponent <KSlider>();
                    var toolTip = slider_go.GetComponent <ToolTip>();
                    if (ks != null && toolTip != null)
                        toolTip.OnToolTip            = () => customTooltip(ks.value);
                        toolTip.refreshWhileHovering = true;

            var panel_bottom = new PPanel("slider_bottom_" + name)
                Alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
                Direction = PanelDirection.Horizontal,
                FlexSize  = Vector2.right,
                Margin    = margin,
                Spacing   = 4,

        protected override void OnPrefabInit()
            Color      backColour = new Color(0.998f, 0.998f, 0.998f);
            RectOffset rectOffset = new RectOffset(8, 8, 8, 8);

            PPanel moveTitle_panel = new PPanel("MovespeedTitleRow");

            moveTitle_panel.BackColor = backColour;
            moveTitle_panel.Alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            moveTitle_panel.Direction = PanelDirection.Horizontal;
            moveTitle_panel.Spacing   = 10;
            moveTitle_panel.Margin    = rectOffset;
            moveTitle_panel.FlexSize  = Vector2.right;
            PLabel moveTitle_label = new PLabel("MovespeedTitleLabel");

            moveTitle_label.TextAlignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight;
            moveTitle_label.Text          = SweepyStrings.MoveSpeedTitleName;
            moveTitle_label.ToolTip       = SweepyStrings.MoveSpeedTitleTooltip;
            moveTitle_label.TextStyle     = PUITuning.Fonts.TextDarkStyle;
            PTextField moveTitle_textField = new PTextField("MovespeedSliderTextField")
                Text      = SweepyConfigChecker.BaseMovementSpeed.ToString("0.00"),
                MaxLength = 10,

            moveTitle_textField.OnTextChanged = this.ChangeTextFieldMovespeed;
            moveTitle_textField.OnRealize    += (PUIDelegates.OnRealize)(obj => this.MoveSpeedText = obj);

            PPanel moveTitle_components = moveTitle_panel.AddChild((IUIComponent)moveTitle_label);

            moveTitle_components = moveTitle_panel.AddChild((IUIComponent)moveTitle_textField);
            moveTitle_components.AddTo(this.gameObject, -2);

            PPanel moveSlider_panel = new PPanel("MovespeedSliderRow");

            moveSlider_panel.BackColor = backColour;
            moveSlider_panel.ImageMode = Image.Type.Sliced;
            moveSlider_panel.Alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            moveSlider_panel.Direction = PanelDirection.Horizontal;
            moveSlider_panel.Spacing   = 10;
            moveSlider_panel.Margin    = new RectOffset(8, 8, 6, 32);
            moveSlider_panel.FlexSize  = Vector2.right;

            PLabel moveSliderMin_label = new PLabel("MovespeedSliderMinLabel");

            moveSliderMin_label.Text      = Mathf.RoundToInt(SweepyConfigChecker.MinSpeedSliderValue).ToString();
            moveSliderMin_label.TextStyle = PUITuning.Fonts.TextDarkStyle;

            PPanel moveSlider_components = moveSlider_panel.AddChild((IUIComponent)moveSliderMin_label);

            PSliderSingle moveSpeedSlider = new PSliderSingle("Movespeed")
                Direction       = Slider.Direction.LeftToRight,
                HandleColor     = PUITuning.Colors.ButtonPinkStyle,
                HandleSize      = 16.0f,
                InitialValue    = SweepyConfigChecker.BaseMovementSpeed,
                IntegersOnly    = false,
                MaxValue        = SweepyConfigChecker.MaxSpeedSliderValue,
                MinValue        = SweepyConfigChecker.MinSpeedSliderValue,
                PreferredLength = 140.0f,
                TrackSize       = 16.0f,

            moveSpeedSlider.OnRealize     += (PUIDelegates.OnRealize)(obj => this.MoveSpeedSlider = obj);
            moveSpeedSlider.OnValueChanged = ChangeMovespeed;

            PLabel moveSliderMax_label = new PLabel("MovespeedSliderMaxLabel");

            moveSliderMax_label.Text      = Mathf.RoundToInt(SweepyConfigChecker.MaxSpeedSliderValue).ToString();
            moveSliderMax_label.TextStyle = PUITuning.Fonts.TextDarkStyle;

            moveSlider_components.AddTo(this.gameObject, -2);

            PPanel probingTitle_panel = new PPanel("ProbingRadiusTitleRow");

            probingTitle_panel.BackColor = backColour;
            probingTitle_panel.Alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            probingTitle_panel.Direction = PanelDirection.Horizontal;
            probingTitle_panel.Spacing   = 10;
            probingTitle_panel.Margin    = rectOffset;
            probingTitle_panel.FlexSize  = Vector2.right;
            PLabel probingTitle_label = new PLabel("ProbingRadiusTitleLabel");

            probingTitle_label.TextAlignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight;
            probingTitle_label.Text          = SweepyStrings.ProbingRadiusTitleName;
            probingTitle_label.ToolTip       = SweepyStrings.ProbingRadiusTitleTooltip;
            probingTitle_label.TextStyle     = PUITuning.Fonts.TextDarkStyle;
            PTextField probingTitle_TextField = new PTextField("ProbingSliderTextField")
                Text      = SweepyConfigChecker.BaseProbingRadius.ToString("0"),
                MaxLength = 8,

            probingTitle_TextField.OnTextChanged = this.ChangeTextFieldProbingRadius;
            probingTitle_TextField.OnRealize    += (PUIDelegates.OnRealize)(obj => this.ProbingRadiusText = obj);

            PPanel probingTitle_components = probingTitle_panel.AddChild((IUIComponent)probingTitle_label);

            probingTitle_components = probingTitle_panel.AddChild((IUIComponent)probingTitle_TextField);
            probingTitle_components.AddTo(this.gameObject, -2);

            PPanel probingSlider_panel = new PPanel("ProbingRadiusSliderRow");

            probingSlider_panel.BackColor = backColour;
            probingSlider_panel.ImageMode = Image.Type.Sliced;
            probingSlider_panel.Alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            probingSlider_panel.Direction = PanelDirection.Horizontal;
            probingSlider_panel.Spacing   = 10;
            probingSlider_panel.Margin    = new RectOffset(8, 8, 6, 32);
            probingSlider_panel.FlexSize  = Vector2.right;

            PLabel probingSliderMin_label = new PLabel("ProbingSliderMinLabel");

            probingSliderMin_label.Text      = Mathf.RoundToInt(SweepyConfigChecker.MinProbingSliderValue).ToString();
            probingSliderMin_label.TextStyle = PUITuning.Fonts.TextDarkStyle;

            PPanel probingSlider_components = probingSlider_panel.AddChild((IUIComponent)probingSliderMin_label);

            PSliderSingle probingSpeedSlider = new PSliderSingle("Probing Radius")
                Direction       = Slider.Direction.LeftToRight,
                HandleColor     = PUITuning.Colors.ButtonPinkStyle,
                HandleSize      = 16.0f,
                InitialValue    = SweepyConfigChecker.BaseProbingRadius,
                IntegersOnly    = true,
                MaxValue        = SweepyConfigChecker.MaxProbingSliderValue,
                MinValue        = SweepyConfigChecker.MinProbingSliderValue,
                PreferredLength = 140.0f,
                TrackSize       = 16.0f,

            probingSpeedSlider.OnRealize     += (PUIDelegates.OnRealize)(obj => this.ProbingRadiusSlider = obj);
            probingSpeedSlider.OnValueChanged = ChangeProbingRadius;

            PLabel probingSliderMax_label = new PLabel("ProbingSliderMaxLabel");

            probingSliderMax_label.Text      = Mathf.RoundToInt(SweepyConfigChecker.MaxProbingSliderValue).ToString();
            probingSliderMax_label.TextStyle = PUITuning.Fonts.TextDarkStyle;

            probingSlider_components.AddTo(this.gameObject, -2);

            PPanel bottomRow_panel = new PPanel("BottomRow");

            bottomRow_panel.BackColor = backColour;
            bottomRow_panel.Alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            bottomRow_panel.Direction = PanelDirection.Horizontal;
            bottomRow_panel.Margin    = rectOffset;
            bottomRow_panel.Spacing   = 10;

            PButton findButton = new PButton();

            findButton.Color      = PUITuning.Colors.ButtonBlueStyle;
            findButton.Margin     = new RectOffset(16, 16, 8, 8);
            findButton.TextStyle  = PUITuning.Fonts.TextLightStyle;
            findButton.OnClick    = new PUIDelegates.OnButtonPressed(this.FindSweepyBot);
            findButton.Text       = SweepyStrings.FindSweepyButtonText;
            findButton.ToolTip    = SweepyStrings.FindSweepyButtonTooltip;
            findButton.OnRealize += (PUIDelegates.OnRealize)(obj => this.FindSweepyButton = obj);

            PButton resetButton = new PButton();

            resetButton.Color      = PUITuning.Colors.ButtonBlueStyle;
            resetButton.Margin     = new RectOffset(16, 16, 8, 8);
            resetButton.TextStyle  = PUITuning.Fonts.TextLightStyle;
            resetButton.OnClick    = new PUIDelegates.OnButtonPressed(this.ResetSweepyBot);
            resetButton.Text       = SweepyStrings.ResetSweepyButtonText;
            resetButton.ToolTip    = SweepyStrings.ResetSweepyButtonTooltip;
            resetButton.OnRealize += (PUIDelegates.OnRealize)(obj => this.ResetSweepyButton = obj);

            bottomRow_panel.AddTo(this.gameObject, -2);

            this.ContentContainer = this.gameObject;