        //                                                        M e t h o d //
        // s e n d R e q u e s t                                              //
        //                                                                    //
        // Send previously generated request data to target.                  //
        //                                                                    //

        public static void sendRequest(PJLCommands.eCmdIndex cmdIndx)
            PJLCommands.eRequestType reqType =

            if ((reqType == PJLCommands.eRequestType.FSDirList) ||
                (reqType == PJLCommands.eRequestType.FSQuery))
                //                                                            //
                // PJL FileSystem query; request types:                       //
                //  -   FSDIRLIST                                             //
                //  -   FSQUERY                                               //
                // Response from printer expected.                            //
                //                                                            //

            else if (reqType == PJLCommands.eRequestType.FSUpload)
                //                                                            //
                // PJL FileSystem upload to host workstation; request types:  //
                //  -   FSUPLOAD                                              //
                // Response from printer expected - write this direct to the  //
                // target file (it could be (much) larger than standard reply //
                // buffer.                                                    //
                //                                                            //

                //                                                            //
                // PJL FileSystem action; request types:                      //
                //  -   FSAPPEND                                              //
                //  -   FSDELETE                                              //
                //  -   FSDOWNLOAD                                            //
                //  -   FSINIT                                                //
                //  -   FSMDKIR                                               //
                // Response from printer not expected.                        //
                //                                                            //

        //                                                        M e t h o d //
        // r e a d R e s p o n s e                                            //
        //                                                                    //
        // Read response from target.                                         //
        //                                                                    //

        public static String readResponse(
            PJLCommands.eCmdIndex cmdIndx,
            String binTgtFilenamePJLFS)
            PJLCommands.eRequestType reqType = PJLCommands.getType(cmdIndx);

            if ((reqType == PJLCommands.eRequestType.FSDirList) ||
                (reqType == PJLCommands.eRequestType.FSQuery))
                //                                                            //
                // PJL FileSystem query; request types:                       //
                //  -   FSDIRLIST                                             //
                //  -   FSQUERY                                               //
                // Response from printer expected.                            //
                //                                                            //

            else if (reqType == PJLCommands.eRequestType.FSUpload)
                //                                                            //
                // PJL FileSystem upload; request types:                      //
                //  -   FSUPLOAD                                              //
                //                                                            //

                //                                                            //
                // PJL FileSystem action; request types:                      //
                //  -   FSAPPEND                                              //
                //  -   FSDELETE                                              //
                //  -   FSDOWNLOAD                                            //
                //  -   FSINIT                                                //
                //  -   FSMDKIR                                               //
                // Response from printer not expected.                        //
                //                                                            //

                return("No response is expected from the " +
                       PJLCommands.getName(cmdIndx) +
                       " action command");
        //                                              C o n s t r u c t o r //
        // P J L C o m m a n d                                                //
        //                                                                    //

        public PJLCommand(PJLCommands.eCmdIndex indx,
                          PJLCommands.eCmdFormat format,
                          PJLCommands.eRequestType type,
                          String desc)
            if (indx == PJLCommands.eCmdIndex.Null)
                _cmdName = PJLCommands.nullCmdKey;
                _cmdName = indx.ToString();

            _cmdDesc   = desc;
            _cmdFormat = format;
            _reqType   = type;

            _statsCtParent = 0;
            _statsCtChild  = 0;
        //                                                        M e t h o d //
        // g e n e r a t e R e q u e s t                                      //
        //                                                                    //
        // Generate status readback request data.                             //
        //                                                                    //

        public static void generateRequest(BinaryWriter prnWriter,
                                           PJLCommands.eCmdIndex cmdIndx,
                                           Int32 indexCategory,
                                           Int32 indexVariable,
                                           String customCat,
                                           String customVar)
            String seq;

            if (cmdIndx != PJLCommands.eCmdIndex.Unknown)
                PJLCommands.eRequestType reqType;

                String cmdName;

                reqType = PJLCommands.getType(cmdIndx);
                cmdName = PJLCommands.getName(cmdIndx);

                if (reqType == PJLCommands.eRequestType.Category)
                    if (indexCategory < PJLCategories.getCount())
                        if (PJLCategories.getType(indexCategory) ==
                            seq = "\x1b" + "%-12345X" +
                                  "@PJL ECHO PCLParaphernalia" + "\x0d\x0a" +
                                  "@PJL " +
                                  cmdName + " " +
                                  customCat + "\x0d\x0a" +
                                  "\x1b" + "%-12345X";
                            String categoryName;

                            categoryName = PJLCategories.getName(indexCategory);

                            seq = "\x1b" + "%-12345X" +
                                  "@PJL ECHO PCLParaphernalia" + "\x0d\x0a" +
                                  "@PJL " +
                                  cmdName + " " +
                                  categoryName + "\x0d\x0a" +
                                  "\x1b" + "%-12345X";

                        prnWriter.Write(seq.ToCharArray(), 0, seq.Length);
                    if (indexVariable < PJLVariables.getCount())
                        PJLVariables.eVarType varType;

                        varType = PJLVariables.getType(indexVariable);

                        if (varType == PJLVariables.eVarType.Custom)
                            seq = "\x1b" + "%-12345X" +
                                  "@PJL ECHO PCLParaphernalia" + "\x0d\x0a" +
                                  "@PJL " +
                                  cmdName + " " +
                                  customVar + "\x0d\x0a" +
                                  "\x1b" + "%-12345X";
                            String variableName;
                            String personality;

                            variableName = PJLVariables.getName(indexVariable);

                            if (varType == PJLVariables.eVarType.PCL)
                                personality = "LPARM : PCL ";
                            else if (varType == PJLVariables.eVarType.PDF)
                                personality = "LPARM : PDF ";
                            else if (varType == PJLVariables.eVarType.PS)
                                personality = "LPARM : POSTSCRIPT ";
                                personality = "";

                            seq = "\x1b" + "%-12345X" +
                                  "@PJL ECHO PCLParaphernalia" + "\x0d\x0a" +
                                  "@PJL " +
                                  cmdName + " " +
                                  personality +
                                  variableName + "\x0d\x0a" +
                                  "\x1b" + "%-12345X";

                        prnWriter.Write(seq.ToCharArray(), 0, seq.Length);
        //                                                        M e t h o d //
        // g e n e r a t e R e q u e s t                                      //
        //                                                                    //
        // Generate file system command data.                                 //
        //                                                                    //

        public static void generateRequest(BinaryWriter prnWriter,
                                           PJLCommands.eCmdIndex cmdIndx,
                                           Boolean secJob,
                                           String password,
                                           String pathname,
                                           String binSrcFilename,
                                           Int32 option1,
                                           Int32 option2)
            String seq;
            String jobHddr;
            String jobEnd;

            if (cmdIndx != PJLCommands.eCmdIndex.Unknown)
                PJLCommands.eRequestType reqType;

                String cmdName;

                reqType = PJLCommands.getType(cmdIndx);
                cmdName = PJLCommands.getName(cmdIndx);

                if (secJob)
                    jobHddr = "\x1b" + "%-12345X" +
                              "@PJL JOB PASSWORD="******"\x0d\x0a";

                    jobEnd = "\x1b" + "%-12345X";
                    jobHddr = "\x1b" + "%-12345X";

                    jobEnd = "\x1b" + "%-12345X";

                if (reqType == PJLCommands.eRequestType.FSBinSrc)
                    Boolean OK = true;

                    Int64 fileSize = 0;

                    OK = binSrcFileOpen(binSrcFilename, ref fileSize);

                    if (OK)
                        seq = jobHddr +
                              "@PJL " + cmdName +
                              " FORMAT:BINARY SIZE=" + fileSize.ToString() +
                              " NAME=" + '"' + pathname + '"' +

                        prnWriter.Write(seq.ToCharArray(), 0, seq.Length);

                        // Read and send content of binSrcFilename


                        // terminate job with UEL

                        prnWriter.Write(jobEnd.ToCharArray(), 0, jobEnd.Length);
                else if (reqType == PJLCommands.eRequestType.FSDirList)
                    seq = jobHddr +
                          "@PJL " + cmdName +
                          " NAME=" + '"' + pathname + '"' +
                          " ENTRY=" + option2.ToString() +
                          " COUNT=" + option1.ToString() +
                          "\x0d\x0a" +

                    prnWriter.Write(seq.ToCharArray(), 0, seq.Length);
                else if (reqType == PJLCommands.eRequestType.FSInit)
                    seq = jobHddr +
                          "@PJL " + cmdName +
                          " VOLUME=" + '"' + pathname + '"' +
                          "\x0d\x0a" +

                    prnWriter.Write(seq.ToCharArray(), 0, seq.Length);
                else if (reqType == PJLCommands.eRequestType.FSUpload)
                    seq = jobHddr +
                          "@PJL " +
                          cmdName +
                          " NAME=" + '"' + pathname + '"' +
                          " OFFSET=" + option2.ToString() +
                          " SIZE=" + option1.ToString() +
                          "\x0d\x0a" +

                    prnWriter.Write(seq.ToCharArray(), 0, seq.Length);
                    seq = jobHddr +
                          "@PJL " + cmdName +
                          " NAME=" + '"' + pathname + '"' +
                          "\x0d\x0a" +

                    prnWriter.Write(seq.ToCharArray(), 0, seq.Length);