public void RemoveSignups(IList <PIPoint> piPoints) { if (_PIPipe != null) { _PIPipe.RemoveSignups(piPoints); } else { // Raise exception } }
public void TimeSeriesUpdatesTest() { // Construct a unique PI Point name string pointNameFormat = $"TimeSeriesUpdateTestPoint{AFTime.Now}"; bool signupCompleted = false; using (var myDataPipe = new PIDataPipe(AFDataPipeType.TimeSeries)) { Output.WriteLine($"Create a PI Point on [{Settings.PIDataArchive}] with compression off."); var points = Fixture.CreatePIPoints(pointNameFormat, 1, true); try { Output.WriteLine($"Sign up for time-series updates on PI Point [{pointNameFormat}]."); myDataPipe.AddSignups(points.ToList()); signupCompleted = true; var startTime = AFTime.Now.ToPIPrecision() + TimeSpan.FromDays(-1); int eventCount = 1000; int totalCount = 0; // Send events to each PI Point, the event's value is calculated from the timestamp Output.WriteLine($"Write {eventCount} events to the new PI Point."); Fixture.SendTimeBasedPIEvents(startTime, eventCount, points.ToList()); // Checks if Update Events are retrieved a few times Output.WriteLine($"Get the update events."); var eventsRetrieved = new AFListResults <PIPoint, AFDataPipeEvent>(); AssertEventually.True(() => { eventsRetrieved = myDataPipe.GetUpdateEvents(eventCount); totalCount += eventsRetrieved.Count(); return(totalCount == eventCount); }, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), $"Failed to retrieve {eventCount} update events, retrieved {totalCount} instead."); Output.WriteLine("Retrieved update events successfully."); } finally { if (signupCompleted) { myDataPipe.RemoveSignups(points.ToList()); } Output.WriteLine("Delete all newly created PI Points."); Fixture.DeletePIPoints(pointNameFormat, Output); } } }
private void SubscribeToPointUpdates(MeasurementKey[] keys) { OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Info, $"Subscribing to updates for {keys.Length} measurements..."); var query = from row in DataSource.Tables["ActiveMeasurements"].AsEnumerable() from key in keys where row["ID"].ToString() == key.ToString() select new { Key = key, AlternateTag = row["AlternateTag"].ToString(), PointTag = row["PointTag"].ToString() }; List <PIPoint> dataPoints = new List <PIPoint>(); foreach (var row in query) { string tagName = row.PointTag; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row.AlternateTag)) { tagName = row.AlternateTag; } OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Debug, $"DEBUG: Looking up point tag '{tagName}'..."); PIPoint point = GetPIPoint(m_connection.Server, tagName); if ((object)point != null) { OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Debug, $"DEBUG: Found point tag '{tagName}'..."); dataPoints.Add(point); m_tagKeyMap[point.ID] = row.Key; } else { OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Debug, $"DEBUG: Failed to find point tag '{tagName}'..."); } } // Remove sign-ups for any existing point list if ((object)m_dataPoints != null) { m_dataPipe.RemoveSignups(m_dataPoints); } // Sign up for updates on selected points AFListResults <PIPoint, AFDataPipeEvent> initialEvents = m_dataPipe.AddSignupsWithInitEvents(dataPoints); OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Debug, $"DEBUG: Initial event count = {initialEvents.Results.Count}..."); foreach (AFDataPipeEvent item in initialEvents.Results) { OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Debug, "DEBUG: Found initial event for action..."); if (item.Action != AFDataPipeAction.Delete) { m_dataUpdateObserver_DataUpdated(this, new EventArgs <AFValue>(item.Value)); } } m_dataPoints = dataPoints; m_eventTimer.Enabled = true; }
public void PIDataPipeTimeSeriesTest(PIPointType piPointType, object[] eventValues) { Contract.Requires(eventValues != null); const string PointName = "PIDataPipeTests_PIPoint"; AFDatabase db = AFFixture.AFDatabase; PIServer piServer = PIFixture.PIServer; var piDataPipe = new PIDataPipe(AFDataPipeType.TimeSeries); var piPointList = new PIPointList(); var now = AFTime.NowInWholeSeconds; try { Output.WriteLine("Create the Future PI Points with Zero Compression and specified PI Point type."); PIFixture.DeletePIPoints(PointName + "*", Output); var testPIPoints = PIFixture.CreatePIPoints(PointName + "###", eventValues.Length, new Dictionary <string, object> { { PICommonPointAttributes.PointType, piPointType }, { PICommonPointAttributes.ExceptionDeviation, 0 }, { PICommonPointAttributes.ExceptionMaximum, 0 }, { PICommonPointAttributes.Compressing, 0 }, { PICommonPointAttributes.DigitalSetName, "Phases" }, { PICommonPointAttributes.Future, true }, }); Assert.True(testPIPoints.Count() == eventValues.Length, $"Unable to create all the test PI Points."); piPointList.AddRange(testPIPoints); // Add the PI Point as sign up to the PIDataPipe. Output.WriteLine($"Sign up all PI Points with PIDataPipe."); var afErrors = piDataPipe.AddSignups(piPointList); var prefixErrorMessage = "Adding sign ups to the PIDataPipe was unsuccessful."; Assert.True(afErrors == null, userMessage: afErrors?.Errors.Aggregate(prefixErrorMessage, (msg, error) => msg += $" PI Point: [{error.Key.Name}] Error: [{error.Value.Message}] ")); // Write one data value to each PI Point. var expectedAFValues = new AFValues(); for (int i = 0; i < eventValues.Length; i++) { AFValue afValue = null; var timestamp = now + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(i - eventValues.Length); // Special Handling of Input Data for Digital and Timestamp switch (piPointType) { case PIPointType.Digital: afValue = new AFValue(new AFEnumerationValue("Phases", (int)eventValues[i]), timestamp); break; case PIPointType.Timestamp: afValue = new AFValue(new AFTime(eventValues[i], now), timestamp); break; default: afValue = new AFValue(eventValues[i], timestamp); break; } Output.WriteLine($"Writing Value [{eventValues[i]}] with Timestamp [{timestamp}] to PI Point [{piPointList[i].Name}]."); piPointList[i].UpdateValue(afValue, AFUpdateOption.InsertNoCompression); // If writing digital states, we need to save the corresponding value for verification. // Since we are using Phases, 0 ~ Phase1, 1 ~ Phase2, etc. if (piPointType == PIPointType.Digital) { int input = (int)eventValues[i]; afValue = new AFValue(new AFEnumerationValue($"Phase{input + 1}", input), timestamp); } afValue.PIPoint = piPointList[i]; expectedAFValues.Add(afValue); } // Retry assert to retrieve expected Update Events from the PIDataPipe var actualAFValues = new AFValues(); Output.WriteLine($"Reading Events from the PI DataPipe."); AssertEventually.True(() => { var updateEvents = piDataPipe.GetUpdateEvents(eventValues.Length); prefixErrorMessage = "Retrieving Update Events from the PIDataPipe was unsuccessful."; Assert.False(updateEvents.HasErrors, userMessage: updateEvents.Errors?.Aggregate(prefixErrorMessage, (msg, error) => msg += $" PI Point: [{error.Key.Name}] Error: [{error.Value.Message}] ")); actualAFValues.AddRange(updateEvents.Results.Select(update => update.Value)); if (actualAFValues.Count >= expectedAFValues.Count) { // Verify that all expected update events are received from the PIDataPipe Assert.True(expectedAFValues.Count == actualAFValues.Count, "PIDataPipe returned more events than expected. " + $"Expected Count: {expectedAFValues.Count}, Actual Count: {actualAFValues.Count}."); return(true); } return(false); }, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), "Unable to retrieve events within the time frame."); // Verify all received events. Output.WriteLine($"Verifying all {actualAFValues.Count} events from the PI DataPipe."); for (int i = 0; i < actualAFValues.Count; i++) { // Special handling of Output events for Timestamp if (piPointType == PIPointType.Timestamp) { actualAFValues[i].Value = new AFTime(actualAFValues[i].Value, now); } AFFixture.CheckAFValue(actualAFValues[i], expectedAFValues[i]); Assert.True(object.Equals(actualAFValues[i].PIPoint, expectedAFValues[i].PIPoint), $"Unexpected PI Point Association. Expected: [{expectedAFValues[i].PIPoint}], Actual: [{actualAFValues[i].PIPoint}]."); } // Remove all sign ups from the PIDataPipe Output.WriteLine($"Remove all PI Point sign ups from PIDataPipe."); afErrors = piDataPipe.RemoveSignups(piPointList); prefixErrorMessage = "Removing sign ups to the PIDataPipe was unsuccessful."; Assert.True(afErrors == null, userMessage: afErrors?.Errors.Aggregate(prefixErrorMessage, (msg, error) => msg += $" PI Point: [{error.Key.Name}] Error: [{error.Value.Message}] ")); // Write dummy values to the PI Points and confirm PI DataPipe receives none. Output.WriteLine($"Write dummy values to the PI Points."); for (int i = 0; i < eventValues.Length; i++) { piPointList[i].UpdateValue(new AFValue(eventValues[i], now), AFUpdateOption.InsertNoCompression); } Output.WriteLine($"Verify no events are received by the PIDataPipe."); var noEvents = piDataPipe.GetUpdateEvents(eventValues.Length); prefixErrorMessage = "Retrieving Update Events from the PIDataPipe was unsuccessful."; Assert.False(noEvents.HasErrors, userMessage: noEvents.Errors?.Aggregate(prefixErrorMessage, (msg, error) => msg += $" PI Point: [{error.Key.Name}] Error: [{error.Value.Message}] ")); Assert.True(noEvents.Count == 0, "PIDataPipe received events even after removing all sign ups."); } finally { piDataPipe.RemoveSignups(piPointList); piDataPipe.Dispose(); PIFixture.DeletePIPoints(PointName + "*", Output); } }