    void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
        // Ignore collisions of still objects
        if (still)

        PE_Obj2D otherPEO = other.GetComponent <PE_Obj2D>();

        if (otherPEO == null)
    public void TimeStep(PE_Obj2D po, float dt)
        if (po.still)
            po.pos0 = po.pos1 = po.transform.position;

        // Velocity
        po.vel0 = po.vel;
        Vector2 tAcc = po.acc;

        switch (po.grav)
        case PE_GravType2D.constant:
            tAcc += gravity;
        po.vel += tAcc * dt;

        // Position
        po.pos1  = po.pos0 = po.transform.position;
        po.pos1 += po.vel * dt;
    void ResolveCollisionWith(PE_Obj2D that)
        // Assumes that "that" is still
        if (that.gameObject.tag != "Player")
            switch (this.coll)
            case PE_Collider2D.aabb:

                switch (that.coll)
                case PE_Collider2D.aabb:

                    // AABB / AABB collision
                    float eX1, eY1, eX2, eY2, eX0, eY0;

                    //Vector2 overlap = Vector2.zero;
                    thatP = that.transform.position;
                    delta = pos1 - thatP;
                    if ((this.transform.position.x <= thatP.x + that.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2) &&
                        (this.transform.position.x >= thatP.x - that.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2))                      // if the center of this obj is between the x-bounds of that obj

                        if (pos1.y >= thatP.y)                           // land on top
                            float dist = this.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2 + that.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2;
                            vel.y = 0;
                            acc.y = 0;
                            Vector2 pos = new Vector2(this.transform.position.x, that.transform.position.y + dist + 0.01f);
                            this.transform.position = pos;
                        else                           // hit the bottom
                            float dist = this.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2 + that.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2;
                            vel.y = 0;
                            Vector2 pos = new Vector2(this.transform.position.x, that.transform.position.y - dist - 0.03f);
                            this.transform.position = pos;
                            //						if (that.gameObject.tag == "Block_item") {
                            //							Instantiate (Block_empty, that.transform.position, that.transform.rotation);
                            //							Destroy(that.gameObject);
                            //						}

                    else if (delta.x >= 0 && delta.y >= 0)                       // Top, Right
                    // Get the edges that we're concerned with
                        eX0 = pos0.x - this.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2;           // prev Left side of object.
                        eY0 = pos0.y - this.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2;           // prev bottom side
                        eX1 = pos1.x - this.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2;           // current right side
                        eY1 = pos1.y - this.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2;           // current bottom side
                        eX2 = thatP.x + that.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2;          // other object's right side
                        eY2 = thatP.y + that.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2;          // other object's  top side.
                        if ((Mathf.Abs(eY0 - eY2) <= 0.1))                          // land on top
                            float dist = this.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2 + that.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2;
                            vel.y = 0;
                            acc.y = 0;
                            Vector2 pos = new Vector2(this.transform.position.x, that.transform.position.y + dist + 0.01f);
                            this.transform.position = pos;
                        else if ((this.gameObject.tag != "Enemy") && (this.gameObject.tag != "Item"))                           // hit the right side
                            float dist = this.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2 + that.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2;
                            vel.x = 0;
                            acc.x = 0;
                            Vector2 pos = new Vector2(that.transform.position.x + dist + 0.1f, this.transform.position.y);
                            this.transform.position = pos;
                    else if (delta.x >= 0 && delta.y < 0)                         // Bottom, Right
                        eX0 = pos0.x - this.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2;
                        eY0 = pos0.y + this.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2;
                        eX1 = pos1.x - this.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2;
                        eY1 = pos1.y + this.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2;
                        eX2 = thatP.x + that.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2;
                        eY2 = thatP.y - that.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2;

                        if ((Mathf.Abs(eY1 - eY2) <= 0.1) && (Mathf.Abs(eX1 - eX2) >= 0.4))                          // hit the bottom
                            float dist = this.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2 + that.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2;
                            vel.y = 0;
                            Vector2 pos = new Vector2(this.transform.position.x, that.transform.position.y - dist - 0.03f);
                            this.transform.position = pos;
                        else if ((this.gameObject.tag != "Enemy") && (this.gameObject.tag != "Item"))                           // hit the right side
                            float dist = this.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2 + that.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2;
                            vel.x = 0;
                            acc.x = 0;
                            Vector2 pos = new Vector2(that.transform.position.x + dist + 0.06f, this.transform.position.y);
                            this.transform.position = pos;
                    else if (delta.x < 0 && delta.y < 0)                         // Bottom, Left
                        eX0 = pos0.x + this.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2;
                        eY0 = pos0.y + this.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2;
                        eX1 = pos1.x + this.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2;
                        eY1 = pos1.y + this.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2;
                        eX2 = thatP.x - that.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2;
                        eY2 = thatP.y - that.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2;

                        if ((Mathf.Abs(eY1 - eY2) <= 0.1) && (Mathf.Abs(eX1 - eX2) >= 0.4))                          // hit the bottom
                            float dist = this.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2 + that.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2;
                            vel.y = 0;
                            Vector2 pos = new Vector2(this.transform.position.x, that.transform.position.y - dist - 0.03f);
                            this.transform.position = pos;
                        else if ((this.gameObject.tag != "Enemy") && (this.gameObject.tag != "Item"))                           // hit the left side
                            float dist = this.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2 + that.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2;
                            vel.x = 0;
                            acc.x = 0;
                            Vector2 pos = new Vector2(that.transform.position.x - dist - 0.06f, this.transform.position.y);
                            this.transform.position = pos;
                    else if (delta.x < 0 && delta.y >= 0)                         // Top, Left
                        eX0 = pos0.x + this.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2;
                        eY0 = pos0.y - this.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2;
                        eX1 = pos1.x + this.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2;
                        eY1 = pos1.y - this.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2;
                        eX2 = thatP.x - that.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2;
                        eY2 = thatP.y + that.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2;

                        if (Mathf.Abs(eY1 - eY2) <= 0.1)                          // land on top
                            float dist = this.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2 + that.collider2D.bounds.size.y / 2;
                            vel.y = 0;
                            acc.y = 0;
                            Vector2 pos = new Vector2(this.transform.position.x, that.transform.position.y + dist + 0.01f);
                            this.transform.position = pos;
                        else if ((this.gameObject.tag != "Enemy") && (this.gameObject.tag != "Item"))                          // hit the left side
                            float dist = this.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2 + that.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2;
                            vel.x = 0;
                            acc.x = 0;
                            Vector2 pos = new Vector2(that.transform.position.x - dist - 0.1f, this.transform.position.y);
                            this.transform.position = pos;


                case PE_Collider2D.incline:

                    float   angle = 0;
                    Vector3 axis  = Vector3.zero;

                    that.transform.rotation.ToAngleAxis(out angle, out axis);
                    double angleRad = (Math.PI * angle) / 180.0;

                    //positive slope case
                    if (angle > 90.0f)
                        //aabb's bottom right corner

                        // because turning involves scale, we need this little hack for eX1
                        if (this.transform.lossyScale.x > 0)
                            eX1 = pos1.x + this.transform.lossyScale.x / 2;
                            eX1 = pos1.x - this.transform.lossyScale.x / 2;
                        eY1 = pos1.y - this.transform.lossyScale.y / 2;

                        //construct the equation of the incline using a point on the incline.
                        //  Slope will be tan(angle)
                        float slopeHeight = that.transform.lossyScale.x / 2;
                        float slopeY      = (slopeHeight * (float)Math.Sin(angleRad)) + that.transform.position.y;
                        float slopeX      = (slopeHeight * (float)Math.Cos(angleRad)) + that.transform.position.x;
                        float slopeM      = (float)Math.Tan(angleRad - (Math.PI / 2));

                        //B = Y - mX
                        float slopeB = slopeY - (slopeM * slopeX);

                        float dist = (slopeM * eX1) + slopeB - eY1;
                        //calculate new Y position = mX + B
                        Vector2 pos = new Vector2(this.transform.position.x, this.transform.position.y + dist);
                        // Vector2 pos = new Vector2(slopeX, slopeY);

                        this.transform.position = pos;
                        vel.y = 0;
                        acc.y = 0;


        else if ((this.gameObject.tag == "Block_item") && (!blockhit))
            thatP = that.transform.position;
            if ((thatP.x <= this.transform.position.x + this.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2) &&
                (thatP.x >= this.transform.position.x - this.collider2D.bounds.size.x / 2))              // if the center of this obj is between the x-bounds of that obj
                if (thatP.y < pos1.y)
                    blockhit = true;
                    block_anim.SetBool("BlockHit", blockhit);
                    blockhit = false;
        if ((this.gameObject.tag == "Player") && (that.gameObject.tag == "Item"))
            camera = GameObject.Find("Main Camera");
            if (that.gameObject.GetComponent <ItemBehavior>().mushroom)
                camera.GetComponent <Health>().item_number = 1;