        protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
            PER perValue = (PER)value;

            if (perValue == null)
            string ErrorString = string.Empty;

            if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(perValue.PER1) || perValue.PER1 == "IC"))
                ErrorString = "PER01 should be IC ";
            ErrorString = ValidateElement.GetValidation(perValue.PER2, Element.Situational, 1, 60, "PER02");
            if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(perValue.PER3) || perValue.PER3 == "TE"))
                ErrorString += "PER03 should be TE ";
            ErrorString += ValidateElement.GetValidation(perValue.PER4, Element.Required, 1, 256, "PER03");
            if (!(perValue.PER5 == "EX" || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(perValue.PER5)))
                ErrorString += "PER05 should be EX ";
            ErrorString += ValidateElement.GetValidation(perValue.PER6, Element.Situational, 1, 256, "PER06");
            if (ErrorString == string.Empty)
            return(new ValidationResult(ErrorString));
        /// <summary>
        /// Build purchase order.
        /// Original example from http://www.x12.org/examples/004010X357/tax-exempt-purchase-order/
        /// </summary>
        public static TS850 BuildPurchaseOrder(string controlNumber)
            var result = new TS850();

            //  Indicates the start of a purchase order transaction set and assigns a control number.
            result.ST = new ST();
            result.ST.TransactionSetIdentifierCode_01 = "850";
            result.ST.TransactionSetControlNumber_02  = controlNumber.PadLeft(9, '0');

            //  Indicates that this is original purchase order number XX-1234, dated March 1, 2017, and that no acknowledgment is necessary.
            result.BEG = new BEG();
            result.BEG.TransactionSetPurposeCode_01 = "00";
            result.BEG.PurchaseOrderTypeCode_02     = "SA";
            result.BEG.PurchaseOrderNumber_03       = "XX-1234";
            result.BEG.Date_05 = "20170301";
            result.BEG.AcknowledgmentType_07 = "NA";

            //  Repeating PER
            result.PER = new List <PER>();

            //  Indicates that the name of the Buyer is Ed Smith, and his telephone number is (800) 123-4567.
            var per = new PER();

            per.ContactFunctionCode_01 = "BD";
            per.Name_02 = "ED SMITH";
            per.CommunicationNumberQualifier_03 = "TE";
            per.CommunicationNumber_04          = "8001234567";

            //  Repeating TAX
            result.TAX = new List <TAX>();

            //  Provides state tax exempt ID 53247765.
            var tax = new TAX();

            tax.TaxIdentificationNumber_01 = "53247765";
            tax.LocationQualifier_02       = "SP";
            tax.LocationIdentifier_03      = "CA";
            tax.TaxExemptCode_12           = "9";

            //  Repeating N1 Loops
            result.N1Loop = new List <Loop_N1_850>();

            //  Begin N1 Loop
            var n1Loop = new Loop_N1_850();

            //  Indicates that the buyer is ABC Aerospace. ABC's D-U-N-S+4 number is 123456789-0101.
            n1Loop.N1 = new N1();
            n1Loop.N1.EntityIdentifierCode_01 = "BY";
            n1Loop.N1.Name_02 = "ABC AEROSPACE";
            n1Loop.N1.IdentificationCodeQualifier_03 = "9";
            n1Loop.N1.IdentificationCode_04          = "1234567890101";

            //  Repeating N2
            n1Loop.N2 = new List <N2>();

            //  Provides additional name content for the buyer.
            var n2 = new N2();

            n2.Name_01 = "AIRCRAFT DIVISION";

            //  Repeating N3
            n1Loop.N3 = new List <N3>();

            //  The buyer’s street address is 2000 Jet Blvd.
            var n3 = new N3();

            n3.AddressInformation_01 = "2000 JET BLVD";

            //  Repeating N4
            n1Loop.N4 = new List <N4>();

            //  The buyer’s city, state, and ZIP is Fighter Town, CA 98898.
            var n4 = new N4();

            n4.CityName_01            = "FIGHTER TOWN";
            n4.StateorProvinceCode_02 = "CA";
            n4.PostalCode_03          = "98898";

            //  End N1 Loop

            //  Repeating PO1 Loops
            result.PO1Loop = new List <Loop_PO1_850>();

            //  Begin PO1 Loop
            var pO1Loop = new Loop_PO1_850();

            //  Indicates Baseline item 1 is a request to purchase 25 units, with a price of $36.00 each, of manufacturer's part number XYZ-1234.
            pO1Loop.PO1 = new PO1();
            pO1Loop.PO1.AssignedIdentification_01        = "1";
            pO1Loop.PO1.QuantityOrdered_02               = "25";
            pO1Loop.PO1.UnitorBasisforMeasurementCode_03 = "EA";
            pO1Loop.PO1.UnitPrice_04                 = "36";
            pO1Loop.PO1.BasisofUnitPriceCode_05      = "PE";
            pO1Loop.PO1.ProductServiceIDQualifier_06 = "MG";
            pO1Loop.PO1.ProductServiceID_07          = "XYZ-1234";

            //  Repeating MEA
            pO1Loop.MEA = new List <MEA>();

            //  Indicates that each unit in the order weighs 10 ounces.
            var mea = new MEA();

            mea.MeasurementReferenceIDCode_01 = "WT";
            mea.MeasurementQualifier_02       = "WT";
            mea.MeasurementValue_03           = "10";
            mea.CompositeUnitofMeasure_04     = new C001();
            mea.CompositeUnitofMeasure_04.UnitorBasisforMeasurementCode_01 = "OZ";

            //  Indicates that no product substitution is allowed.
            pO1Loop.IT8 = new IT8();
            pO1Loop.IT8.ProductServiceSubstitutionCode_07 = "B0";

            //  Repeating SCH Loops
            pO1Loop.SCHLoop = new List <Loop_SCH_850>();

            //  Begin SCH Loop
            var schLoop = new Loop_SCH_850();

            //  Indicates that the 25 units are required to arrive by June 15, 2017.
            schLoop.SCH             = new SCH();
            schLoop.SCH.Quantity_01 = "25";
            schLoop.SCH.UnitorBasisforMeasurementCode_02 = "EA";
            schLoop.SCH.DateTimeQualifier_05             = "106";
            schLoop.SCH.Date_06 = "20170615";

            //  End SCH Loop

            //  End PO1 Loop

            //  Begin CTT Loop
            result.CTTLoop = new Loop_CTT_850();

            //  Indicates that the purchase order contains 1 line item.
            result.CTTLoop.CTT = new CTT();
            result.CTTLoop.CTT.NumberofLineItems_01 = "1";

            //  Indicates that the total amount of the purchase order is $900.
            result.CTTLoop.AMT = new AMT();
            result.CTTLoop.AMT.AmountQualifierCode_01 = "TT";
            result.CTTLoop.AMT.MonetaryAmount_02      = "900";

            //  End CTT Loop

 public DataTable VerSiTienePermiso(int empleado)
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        cName.text = character._characterName;
        race.text  = character._characterRace.ToString();
        HP.text    = "" + character.GetCurrentHealth() + " / " + character.GetMaxHealth();

        STR = character.GetAbilityScore(AbilityID.Strength);
        DEX = character.GetAbilityScore(AbilityID.Dexterity);
        CON = character.GetAbilityScore(AbilityID.Constitution);
        INT = character.GetAbilityScore(AbilityID.Intelligence);
        WIS = character.GetAbilityScore(AbilityID.Wisdom);
        CHA = character.GetAbilityScore(AbilityID.Charisma);

        ATH  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Athletics);
        ACR  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Acrobatics);
        STE  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Stealth);
        THI  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Thievery);
        END  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Endurance);
        ARC  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Arcana);
        HIS  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.History);
        REL  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Religion);
        DUN  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Dungeoneering);
        HEA  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Heal);
        INS  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Insight);
        NAT  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Nature);
        PER  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Perception);
        BLU  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Bluff);
        DIP  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Diplomacy);
        INTI = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Intimidate);
        STRE = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Streetwise);

        tSTR.text = STR + "  +" + character.GetModifier(AbilityID.Strength);
        tDEX.text = DEX + "  +" + character.GetModifier(AbilityID.Dexterity);
        tCON.text = CON + "  +" + character.GetModifier(AbilityID.Constitution);
        tINT.text = INT + "  +" + character.GetModifier(AbilityID.Intelligence);
        tWIS.text = WIS + "  +" + character.GetModifier(AbilityID.Wisdom);
        tCHA.text = CHA + "  +" + character.GetModifier(AbilityID.Charisma);

        tAC.text = character.GetDefence(DefenceID.ArmorClass).ToString();
        tFO.text = character.GetDefence(DefenceID.Fortitude).ToString();
        tRE.text = character.GetDefence(DefenceID.Reflex).ToString();
        tWI.text = character.GetDefence(DefenceID.Will).ToString();

        tATH.text  = ATH.ToString();
        tACR.text  = ACR.ToString();
        tSTE.text  = STE.ToString();
        tTHI.text  = THI.ToString();
        tEND.text  = END.ToString();
        tARC.text  = ARC.ToString();
        tHIS.text  = HIS.ToString();
        tREL.text  = REL.ToString();
        tDUN.text  = DUN.ToString();
        tHEA.text  = HEA.ToString();
        tINS.text  = INS.ToString();
        tNAT.text  = NAT.ToString();
        tPER.text  = PER.ToString();
        tBLU.text  = BLU.ToString();
        tDIP.text  = DIP.ToString();
        tINTI.text = INTI.ToString();
        tSTRE.text = STRE.ToString();