/// <summary> /// 浏览状态绑定货位1 /// </summary> /// <param name="strWhere">查询条件,用于得到原始单号和仓库号</param> private void BindHW1(string PDDH) { try { DataSet dsPDD = PDParam.GetList("PDDH = '" + PDDH + "'"); if (dsPDD == null || dsPDD.Tables[0].Rows.Count < 1) { this.PrintfError("盘点单号不存在!"); return; } string YSDH = dsPDD.Tables[0].Rows[0]["YSDH"].ToString(); string CK = dsPDD.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CK"].ToString(); DataSet dsHW1 = PDParam.getHW1DS(YSDH, CK); ListBox1.DataSource = dsHW1; ListBox1.DataTextField = "HW"; ListBox1.DataValueField = "HW"; ListBox1.DataBind(); } catch { this.PrintfError("绑定未分配货位时出现错误,请重试"); return; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["YSDH"].ToString().Trim())) { string YSDH = Request.QueryString["YSDH"].ToString().Trim(); DataSet ds = PDParam.TestYSDH(YSDH); if ((ds == null) || (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count < 1)) { Response.Write("no"); } else { Response.Write(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CK"].ToString() + "," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CKName"].ToString() + "," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PDRQ"].ToString()); } } } catch { this.PrintfError("数据错误!"); } } }
protected void grd1_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.hidsort.Value)) { this.hidsort.Value = "DESC"; } else { if (this.hidsort.Value.Trim() == "DESC") { this.hidsort.Value = "ASC"; } else { this.hidsort.Value = "DESC"; } } string sortField = e.SortExpression.ToString(); string sort = sortField + " " + this.hidsort.Value; DataSet dssort = PDParam.GetNCDetail(this.hidYSDH.Value.Trim(), sort); this.grd1.DataSource = dssort; this.grd1.DataBind(); } catch { this.PrintfError("排序出现错误,请重试"); return; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["PDDH"].ToString().Trim())) { string PDDH = Request["PDDH"].Trim(); string DJLX = Request["DJLX"].Trim(); DataSet ds; if (DJLX == "1") { ds = PDParam.TestPDDH(PDDH, "粗盘"); } else { ds = PDParam.TestPDDH(PDDH, "抽盘"); } if ((ds == null) || (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count < 1)) { Response.Write("no"); } else { Response.Write(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["YSDH"].ToString() + "," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CK"].ToString() + "," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CKName"].ToString() + "," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PDRQ"].ToString() + "," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ZDRQ"].ToString() + "," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ZDUser"].ToString() + "," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SHUser"].ToString() + "," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SHUserName"].ToString() + "," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SHRQ"].ToString() + "," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DJZT"].ToString()); } } } catch { this.PrintfError("数据错误!"); } } }
protected void btnDeletePDD_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { try { if (this.CUSER.USERFUNCTION.M_PDD == false) { this.PrintfError("您没有制单权限"); return; } string PDDH = this.txtPDDH.Text.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PDDH)) { this.PrintfError("请选择盘点单号!"); this.txtPDDH.Focus(); return; } string DJZT = PDParam.GetDJZT(PDDH); if (DJZT != "新建") { this.PrintfError("当前单据状态为:【" + DJZT + "】,不能修改单据!"); return; } else { this.WriteClientJava("DeletePDD('" + PDDH + "');"); } } catch { this.PrintfError("删除单据失败,请重试"); return; } }
/// <summary> /// 选择盘点单时对页面进行初始化 /// </summary> private void InitAll() { try { string State = Request["State"]; this.hidState.Value = State; string PDDH = Request["PDDH"].ToString(); BindPddDetailGrid(PDDH); BindHW1(PDDH); BindHW2(PDDH); BindText(PDDH); this.ListBox3.Items.Clear(); DataSet ds = PDParam.GetList("YSDH = (select YSDH from WMS_Che_PDD where PDDH = '" + PDDH + "') and DJLX = '粗盘'"); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { string value = i.ToString(); string text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PDDH"].ToString(); ListItem item = new ListItem(text, value); this.ListBox3.Items.Add(item); } this.hidYSDH.Value = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["YSDH"].ToString(); this.hidnum.Value = "0"; } catch { this.PrintfError("选择盘点单号后,进行初始化页面时发生错误,请重试"); return; } }
/// <summary> /// 选择盘点单时给各个TextBox绑定信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="PDDH"></param> private void BindText(string PDDH) { try { DataSet ds = PDParam.GetList("PDDH = '" + PDDH + "'"); if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { this.txtYSDH.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["YSDH"].ToString(); this.txtPDDH.Text = PDDH; this.hidCKID.Value = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CK"].ToString(); this.txtCK.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CKName"].ToString(); this.txtPDRQ.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PDRQ"].ToString(); this.txtZDRQ.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ZDRQ"].ToString(); this.txtZDRY.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ZDUser"].ToString(); this.txtSHRY.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SHUser"].ToString(); this.txtSHRQ.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SHRQ"].ToString(); this.txtDJZT.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DJZT"].ToString(); this.hidDJLX.Value = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DJLX"].ToString(); } } catch { this.PrintfError("为文本框赋值出现错误,请重试"); return; } }
private void SetReport() { string PDDH = ""; string CKID = ""; string UserName = this.CUSER.UserName; string DJZT = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["PDDH"])) { PDDH = Request["PDDH"]; } DataSet ds = PDParam.GetList("PDDH = '" + PDDH + "'"); if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { CKID = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CK"].ToString(); DJZT = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DJZT"].ToString(); } this.ReportView1.ServerUrl = this.ReportURL; if (Common.IsOldData) { this.ReportView1.ReportPath = "/XGReportO/ReportCPD"; } else { this.ReportView1.ReportPath = "/XGReportC/ReportCPD"; } ReportView1.Parameters = Acctrue.WM_WES.ReportingServices.ReportView.multiState.False; ReportView1.DocMap = Acctrue.WM_WES.ReportingServices.ReportView.multiState.False; ReportView1.Toolbar = Acctrue.WM_WES.ReportingServices.ReportView.multiState.True; ReportView1.SetParameter("CKID", CKID); ReportView1.SetParameter("PDDH", PDDH); ReportView1.SetParameter("ZBR", Server.UrlEncode(UserName)); ReportView1.SetParameter("DJZT", Server.UrlEncode(DJZT)); }
protected void btnShenhePDD_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { try { if (this.CUSER.USERFUNCTION.SH_PDD == false) { this.PrintfError("您没有审核权限"); return; } string PDDH = this.txtPDDH.Text.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PDDH)) { this.PrintfError("请选择盘点单号!"); this.txtPDDH.Focus(); return; } DataSet dsYSDH = PDParam.GetPDDbyPDDH(PDDH); if (dsYSDH == null || dsYSDH.Tables[0].Rows.Count < 1) { this.PrintfError("盘点单不存在!"); return; } string YSDH = dsYSDH.Tables[0].Rows[0]["YSDH"].ToString(); string DJZT = PDParam.GetDJZT(PDDH); if (DJZT != "已盘") { this.PrintfError("只有【已盘】状态的单据才能进行审核!"); return; } else { DataSet UnEqualDS = PDParam.UnEqualDS(PDDH); if (UnEqualDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { this.PrintfError("存在帐存数量与盘点数量不相等的物料,导致无法确定盘点重量,请对相关物料进行抽盘!"); return; } else { string result = PDParam.shenhePDD(YSDH, PDDH, this.CUSER.UserID); if (result == "success") { this.txtDJZT.Text = "已审"; this.PrintfError("审核完毕"); } else { string strResult = result.Replace("'", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace("\r", "").Replace("\t", "").Replace("\n", ""); this.PrintfError(strResult); } } } } catch { this.PrintfError("审核盘点单时出现错误,请重试"); return; } }
private void SetOperForm() { this.WGDCount = WGDQuery.GetExeWGDCount(); this.FYDCount = FYDQuery.GetExeFYDCount(); this.XTZHCount = XTZHQuery.GetExeXTZHCount(); this.PDDCount = PDParam.GetExePDDCount(); this.YKDCount = ZKDQuery.GetExeZKDCount(); }
/// <summary> /// 在本地保存Xml文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="doc"></param> /// <param name="Aroottag"></param> /// <param name="Aysdh"></param> private void SaveLocalXml(DOMDocument doc, string Aroottag, string Aysdh) { try { IXMLDOMElement rootnode = doc.documentElement; IXMLDOMNode modelNode = rootnode.selectNodes(Aroottag + "/bill_body/item")[0].cloneNode(true); IXMLDOMNode NewNode; IXMLDOMNode NewSubNode; IXMLDOMNode Parentnode; IXMLDOMNode body = rootnode.selectSingleNode(Aroottag + "/bill_body"); for (int i = 0; i < body.childNodes.length; i++) { body.removeChild(body.childNodes[i]); } DataSet ds = PDParam.GetXmldata(Aysdh); if (ds != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { Parentnode = rootnode.selectSingleNode(Aroottag + "/bill_body"); if (i > 0) { modelNode = rootnode.selectNodes(Aroottag + "/bill_body/item")[0].cloneNode(true); } NewNode = Parentnode.appendChild(modelNode); NewSubNode = NewNode.selectSingleNode("cinventorycode"); NewSubNode.text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["wlh"].ToString(); NewSubNode = NewNode.selectSingleNode("vbatchcode"); NewSubNode.text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["pch"].ToString(); NewSubNode = NewNode.selectSingleNode("vfree1"); NewSubNode.text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["sx"].ToString(); NewSubNode = NewNode.selectSingleNode("naccountastnum"); NewSubNode.text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["sumzcsl"].ToString(); NewSubNode = NewNode.selectSingleNode("naccountnum"); NewSubNode.text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["sumzczl"].ToString(); NewSubNode = NewNode.selectSingleNode("ncheckastnum"); NewSubNode.text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["sumspsl"].ToString(); NewSubNode = NewNode.selectSingleNode("nchecknum"); NewSubNode.text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["sumspzl"].ToString(); } string apppathxml = "../../webinfo/xml"; string pathName = Server.MapPath(apppathxml); if (!Directory.Exists(pathName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathName); } string filename = "Wms-" + Aysdh + ".xml"; doc.save(pathName + "/" + filename); } } catch { this.PrintfError("本地保存Xml文件时出现错误,请重试"); return; } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定明细Grid /// </summary> /// <param name="strWhere">查询条件</param> private void BindPddDetailGrid(string PDDH) { try { DataSet dsPDDDetail = PDParam.getPddDetailDS(PDDH); this.grdInfo.DataSource = dsPDDDetail; this.grdInfo.DataBind(); } catch { this.PrintfError("绑定明细列表时出现数据访问错误"); return; } }
protected void btnDoSearch_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { try { string sqlWhere = GetSqlWhere(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlWhere)) { DataSet ds = PDParam.GetPDDNC(""); if (ds != null) { string YSDHfirst = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["YSDH"].ToString(); string CKID = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CK"].ToString(); string PDRQ = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PDRQ"].ToString(); string DJZT = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DJZT"].ToString(); BindGrid1(YSDHfirst); this.hiddrpDJH.Value = ""; this.hidWLH.Value = ""; this.hidPCH.Value = ""; this.hidSX.Value = ""; this.hidNoNcWL.Value = "false"; BindGrid2(YSDHfirst, "", "", "", "", false); this.hidYSDH.Value = YSDHfirst; this.hidCKID.Value = CKID; } } else { DataSet ds = PDParam.GetPDDNC(sqlWhere); if (ds != null) { string YSDH = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["YSDH"].ToString(); BindGrid1(YSDH); this.hiddrpDJH.Value = ""; this.hidWLH.Value = ""; this.hidPCH.Value = ""; this.hidSX.Value = ""; this.hidNoNcWL.Value = "false"; BindGrid2(YSDH, "", "", "", "", false); BinddrpDJH(YSDH); this.hidYSDH.Value = YSDH; this.hidCKID.Value = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CK"].ToString(); } } } catch { this.PrintfError("查询出错,请重试"); return; } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定上方的Grid /// </summary> /// <param name="YSDH">原始单号</param> private void BindGrid1(string YSDH) { try { DataSet ds = PDParam.GetNCDetail(YSDH, ""); this.grd1.DataSource = ds; this.grd1.DataBind(); } catch { this.PrintfError("上方grid绑定出错"); return; } }
protected void btnModifyPDD_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { try { if (this.CUSER.USERFUNCTION.M_PDD == false) { this.PrintfError("您没有制单权限"); return; } string PDDH = this.txtPDDH.Text.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PDDH)) { this.PrintfError("请选择盘点单号!"); this.txtPDDH.Focus(); return; } if (this.ListBox2.Items.Count < 1) { this.PrintfError("请先进行查询!"); return; } string DJZT = PDParam.GetDJZT(PDDH); if (DJZT != "新建") { this.PrintfError("当前单据状态为:【" + DJZT + "】,不能修改单据!"); return; } else { this.hidState.Value = "ModifyPDD"; this.txtYSDH.ReadOnly = true; this.txtPDDH.ReadOnly = true; this.btnAddPDD.Enabled = false; this.btnModifyPDD.Enabled = false; this.btnDeletePDD.Enabled = false; this.btnPrintPDD.Enabled = false; this.btnShenhePDD.Enabled = false; this.btnlast.Enabled = false; this.btnnext.Enabled = false; this.btnSavePDD.Enabled = true; this.btnCancelPDD.Enabled = true; } } catch { this.PrintfError("试图修改盘点单时出现错误,请重试"); return; } }
private void BindGridView() { try { string sql = GetSqlWhere(); DataSet ds = PDParam.GetPDDNC(sql); this.grvYSDHList.DataSource = ds; this.grvYSDHList.DataBind(); } catch { this.PrintfError("查询时绑定出现错误"); return; } }
private void BindGridView() { try { string sql = GetSqlWhere(); DataSet ds = PDParam.GetList(sql); this.grvPDDHList.DataSource = ds; this.grvPDDHList.DataBind(); } catch { this.PrintfError("数据访问错误,请重试"); return; } }
private void Bind() { try { string YSDH = Request["YSDH"]; this.hidYSDH.Value = YSDH; DataSet ds = PDParam.GetDSkctz(YSDH); this.GridView1.DataSource = ds; this.GridView1.DataBind(); } catch { this.PrintfError("数据访问错误,请重试"); return; } }
/// <summary> /// 浏览状态绑定货位2 /// </summary> /// <param name="PDDH">盘点单号</param> private void BindHW2(string PDDH) { try { DataSet dsHW2 = PDParam.getHW2DS(PDDH); ListBox2.DataSource = dsHW2; ListBox2.DataTextField = "HW"; ListBox2.DataValueField = "HW"; ListBox2.DataBind(); } catch { this.PrintfError("绑定已分配货位时出现错误,请重试"); return; } }
private void BindByYSDH() { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["YSDH"])) { string sql = " YSDH = '" + Request["YSDH"] + "' and DJLX = '" + Request["DJLX"].ToString() + "'"; DataSet ds = PDParam.GetList(sql); this.grvPDDHList.DataSource = ds; this.grvPDDHList.DataBind(); } } catch { this.PrintfError("数据绑定错误,请重试"); return; } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定单据号下拉列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="YSDH"></param> private void BinddrpDJH(string YSDH) { try { DataSet ds = PDParam.getPDDInfoByYSDH(YSDH); this.drpDJH.DataSource = ds; this.drpDJH.DataTextField = "PDDH"; this.drpDJH.ToolTip = "单据号"; this.drpDJH.DataValueField = "PDDH"; this.drpDJH.DataBind(); this.drpDJH.Items.Insert(0, "请选择"); } catch { this.PrintfError("单据号下拉列表绑定出错"); return; } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定下方的Grid /// </summary> /// <param name="YSDH"></param> /// <param name="PDDH"></param> /// <param name="WLH"></param> /// <param name="PCH"></param> /// <param name="SX"></param> /// <param name="chkNoNCWLisChecked"></param> private void BindGrid2(string YSDH, string PDDH, string WLH, string PCH, string SX, bool chkNoNCWLisChecked) { try { DataSet ds = PDParam.GetPDDdetailDataUp(YSDH, PDDH, WLH, PCH, SX, chkNoNCWLisChecked, ""); if (ds != null) { int ZCSL = 0; int SPSL = 0; double ZCZL = 0; double SPZL = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["ZCSL"].ToString())) { ZCSL += Convert.ToInt32(dr["ZCSL"]); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["SPSL"].ToString())) { SPSL += Convert.ToInt32(dr["SPSL"]); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["ZCZL"].ToString())) { ZCZL += Convert.ToDouble(dr["ZCZL"]); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["SPZL"].ToString())) { SPZL += Convert.ToDouble(dr["SPZL"]); } } this.lblzcsl.Text = ZCSL.ToString(); this.lblspsl.Text = SPSL.ToString(); this.lblzczl.Text = ZCZL.ToString(); this.lblspzl.Text = SPZL.ToString(); } this.grd2.DataSource = ds; this.grd2.DataBind(); } catch { this.PrintfError("下方grid绑定出错"); return; } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定主界面列表 /// </summary> private void Bind() { try { string YSDH = this.hidYSDH.Value.Trim(); DataSet ds = PDParam.GetDSpyrk(YSDH); if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { this.hidck.Value = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ck"].ToString(); this.GridView1.DataSource = ds; this.GridView1.DataBind(); } } catch { this.PrintfError("数据访问错误,请重试"); return; } }
protected void btnAddPDD_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { try { if (this.CUSER.USERFUNCTION.M_PDD == false) { this.PrintfError("您没有制单权限"); return; } this.btnAddPDD.Enabled = false; this.btnDeletePDD.Enabled = false; this.btnModifyPDD.Enabled = false; this.btnPrintPDD.Enabled = false; this.btnShenhePDD.Enabled = false; this.btnlast.Enabled = false; this.btnnext.Enabled = false; this.btnSavePDD.Enabled = true; this.btnCancelPDD.Enabled = true; this.ListBox1.Items.Clear(); this.ListBox2.Items.Clear(); this.ListBox3.Items.Clear(); this.grdInfo.DataSource = null; this.grdInfo.DataBind(); this.txtPDDH.Text = PDParam.GetPDDH("抽盘"); this.txtZDRQ.Text = PDParam.GetSysDate(); this.txtDJZT.Text = "新建"; this.txtZDRY.Text = this.CUSER.UserName; this.hidState.Value = "AddPDD"; this.txtCK.Text = ""; this.hidCKID.Value = ""; this.txtYSDH.Text = ""; this.txtSHRY.Text = ""; this.txtSHRQ.Text = ""; this.txtPDRQ.Text = ""; } catch { this.PrintfError("新建盘点单时发生意外,请重试"); return; } }
/// <summary> /// 检查是否存在不能放入的货位 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool CheckRkHW() { string YSDH = this.hidYSDH.Value.Trim(); DataSet ds = PDParam.GetDSpyrk(YSDH); if (ds != null) { foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { int result = PDParam.HWisOK(dr["barcode"].ToString(), dr["hw"].ToString(), dr["pch"].ToString(), dr["sx"].ToString()); if (result == 0) { this.PrintfError("物料:" + dr["barcode"].ToString() + "不能放到该货位"); return(false); } } return(true); } return(false); }
protected void btnShenhePDD_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { string YSDH = this.txtYSDH.Text.Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(YSDH)) { if (this.CUSER.USERFUNCTION.SH_PDD == false) { this.PrintfError("您没有审核权限"); return; } else { DataSet ds = PDParam.GetPDDNC("YSDH = '" + YSDH + "'"); if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string DJZT = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DJZT"].ToString(); if (DJZT == "已盘") { this.PrintfError("该单据已经被审核,不能再进行审核"); return; } if (DJZT == "待盘") { string result = PDParam.shenheDataUp(YSDH, this.CUSER.UserID); if (result == "success") { this.PrintfError("审核成功"); BindGrid1(YSDH); this.txtDJZT.Text = "已盘"; } else { this.PrintfError("审核过程发生错误,请重试"); return; } } } } } }
private void BindGrid() { try { string YSDH = Request["YSDH"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(YSDH)) { DataSet ds = PDParam.GetCuoweiWLinfo(YSDH); if (ds != null) { this.GridView1.DataSource = ds; this.GridView1.DataBind(); } } } catch { this.PrintfError("数据绑定错误,请重试"); return; } }
protected void grd2_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.hidsort.Value)) { this.hidsort.Value = "DESC"; } else { if (this.hidsort.Value.Trim() == "DESC") { this.hidsort.Value = "ASC"; } else { this.hidsort.Value = "DESC"; } } string sortField = e.SortExpression.ToString(); string sort = sortField + " " + this.hidsort.Value; this.hidStrSort.Value = sort; DataSet dssort; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.hidNoNcWL.Value) || this.hidNoNcWL.Value.Trim() == "false") { dssort = PDParam.GetPDDdetailDataUp(this.hidYSDH.Value.Trim(), this.hiddrpDJH.Value.Trim(), this.hidWLH.Value.Trim(), this.hidPCH.Value.Trim(), this.hidSX.Value.Trim(), false, sort); } else { dssort = PDParam.GetPDDdetailDataUp(this.hidYSDH.Value.Trim(), this.hiddrpDJH.Value.Trim(), this.hidWLH.Value.Trim(), this.hidPCH.Value.Trim(), this.hidSX.Value.Trim(), true, sort); } this.grd2.DataSource = dssort; this.grd2.DataBind(); } catch { this.PrintfError("排序出现错误,请重试"); return; } }
protected void btnFangkaiPDD_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { try { string PDDH = this.txtPDDH.Text.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PDDH)) { this.PrintfError("请选择盘点单号!"); this.txtPDDH.Focus(); return; } DataSet dsYSDH = PDParam.GetPDDbyPDDH(PDDH); if (dsYSDH == null || dsYSDH.Tables[0].Rows.Count < 1) { this.PrintfError("盘点单不存在!"); return; } string DJZT = dsYSDH.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DJZT"].ToString(); if (DJZT == "新建" || DJZT == "在盘") { this.PrintfError("没有完成,不用放开!"); return; } if (DJZT == "已审") { this.PrintfError("已审,不能放开!"); return; } if (DJZT == "已盘") { this.WriteClientJava("fangkaiPDD('" + PDDH + "');"); } } catch { this.PrintfError("放开单据时出现错误,请重试"); return; } }
protected void btnGoOK_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.hidState.Value)) { this.PrintfError("当前为浏览状态不能更改盘点范围!"); return; } if (this.ListBox2.Items.Count < 1) { this.PrintfError("未选择盘点货位!"); return; } else { string HW2 = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ListBox2.Items.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HW2)) { HW2 += ",'" + ListBox2.Items[i].Value + "'"; } else { HW2 = "'" + ListBox2.Items[i].Value + "'"; } } DataSet ds = PDParam.LookCPddDetail(this.txtPDDH.Text.Trim(), "卷", "吨", this.hidCKID.Value.Trim(), HW2); this.grdInfo.DataSource = ds; this.grdInfo.DataBind(); } } catch { this.PrintfError("预览货位信息时出现错误,请重试"); return; } }