文件: Forms.cs 项目: radtek/ClearView
 public void SendForm(int _answerid, bool _san, bool _tsm)
     oPDF.CreateDocuments(_answerid, _san, _tsm, null, true, true, true, false, boolUsePNCNaming, false);
        public string InitiateNextStep(int _requestid, int _answerid, int _modelid, int _environment, int _assign_pageid, int _view_pageid, string _dsn_asset, string _dsn_ip, string _dsn_service_editor, bool _initiate_next_step)
            string strError = "";
            // Generate Next Task...
            Forecast  oForecast = new Forecast(0, dsn);
            Classes   oClass    = new Classes(0, dsn);
            Users     oUser     = new Users(0, dsn);
            Variables oVariable = new Variables(_environment);
            Functions oFunction = new Functions(0, dsn, _environment);
            Servers   oServer   = new Servers(0, dsn);
            Log       oLog      = new Log(0, dsn);
            DataSet   dsServers = oServer.GetAnswer(_answerid);
            int       intClass  = 0;

            Int32.TryParse(oForecast.GetAnswer(_answerid, "classid"), out intClass);
            bool boolPNC = (oClass.Get(intClass, "pnc") == "1");

            oLog.AddEvent(_answerid, "", "", "InitiateNextStep(" + _answerid + ")", LoggingType.Debug);

            bool boolStarted   = true;
            bool boolCompleted = true;
            bool boolFinished  = true;
            bool boolReady     = true;
            int  intServer     = 0;

            foreach (DataRow drServer in dsServers.Tables[0].Rows)
                intServer = Int32.Parse(drServer["id"].ToString());
                if (boolStarted == true)
                    boolStarted = (drServer["build_started"].ToString() != "");
                if (boolCompleted == true)
                    boolCompleted = (drServer["build_completed"].ToString() != "");
                DataSet dsSteps = GetStepsDesign(_answerid, 0, intServer);
                foreach (DataRow drStep in dsSteps.Tables[0].Rows)
                    //if (drStep["non_transparent"].ToString() != "1" && (drStep["created"].ToString() == "" || drStep["completed"].ToString() == ""))
                    if (drStep["created"].ToString() == "" || drStep["completed"].ToString() == "")
                        // One or more tasks are still open
                        oLog.AddEvent(_answerid, "", "", "InitiateNextStep...One or more tasks are still open (" + drStep["name"].ToString() + " ~ " + drStep["created"].ToString() + " ~ " + drStep["completed"].ToString() + " ~ " + drStep["username"].ToString() + ")", LoggingType.Debug);
                        boolFinished = false;
                        // Check to see if it is a Non-Transparent task
                        if (drStep["non_transparent"].ToString() != "1")
                            // drStep["non_transparent"].ToString() == "0" means that Non-Transparent == false meaning the task is Transparent and is required for READY flag to be set.
                            oLog.AddEvent(_answerid, "", "", "InitiateNextStep...A transparent task is open so design is not ready for Birth Certificate", LoggingType.Debug);
                            boolReady = false;

            if (_initiate_next_step == true)
                if (boolFinished == false)
                    // Initiate Next Step
                    oServer.GetExecution(intServer, _environment, _dsn_asset, _dsn_ip, _dsn_service_editor, _assign_pageid, _view_pageid);
                    // All tasks have been completed, close the design for future tasks
                    oForecast.UpdateAnswerFinished(_answerid, DateTime.Now.ToString());

            if (boolReady == true && boolStarted == true && boolCompleted == true)
                oLog.AddEvent(_answerid, "", "", "InitiateNextStep...All transparent tasks are completed. Mark the server(s) as READY and send Birth Certificate", LoggingType.Debug);
                // All TRANSPARENT tasks are completed, mark the server(s) as READY and send Birth Certificate.
                if (boolPNC == true)
                    // Assume the workflow is done and notify requestor(s) and implementors
                    if (_answerid > 0)
                        // Send Birth Certificate
                            PDFs oPDF = new PDFs(dsn, _dsn_asset, _dsn_ip, _environment);
                            oPDF.CreateDocuments(_answerid, false, false, null, true, true, true, false, true, true);
                            oLog.AddEvent(_answerid, "", "", "InitiateNextStep...Birth Certificate sent", LoggingType.Debug);
                        catch (Exception exB)
                            strError = "There was a problem sending the Birth Certificate ~ " + exB.Message;
                            string strEMailIdsBCC = oFunction.GetGetEmailAlertsEmailIds("EMAILGRP_DEVELOPER_ERROR,EMAILGRP_PROVISIONING_SUPPORT");
                            oFunction.SendEmail("ERROR: Sending Birth Certificate Form", strEMailIdsBCC, "", "", "ERROR: Sending Birth Certificate Form", "<p>There was a problem sending the BIRTH CERTIFICATE form for Design # " + _answerid.ToString() + "</p><p>Error Message: " + exB.Message + "</p><p>Source: " + exB.Source + "</p><p>Stack Trace: " + exB.StackTrace + "</p>", true, false);

                // Update the servers - build is ready.
                foreach (DataRow drServer in dsServers.Tables[0].Rows)
                    oServer.UpdateBuildReady(Int32.Parse(drServer["id"].ToString()), DateTime.Now.ToString(), false);
                oLog.AddEvent(_answerid, "", "", "InitiateNextStep...Birth Certificate NOT sent", LoggingType.Debug);