public void PanelWithMinWidthAndHeight()
            Document doc = new Document();
            Page     pg  = new Page();

            pg.Style.PageStyle.Width  = PageWidth;
            pg.Style.PageStyle.Height = PageHeight;


            int expectedMinWidth  = 200;
            int expectedMinHeight = 50;

            Panel panel = new Panel();

            panel.MinimumWidth  = expectedMinWidth;
            panel.MinimumHeight = expectedMinHeight;
            panel.BorderColor   = Scryber.Drawing.PDFColors.Black;

            Label lbl = new Label()
                Text = "Not wide enough"

            panel.Contents.Add(lbl); //Will not push the panel beyond its minimumn width

            using (var ms = DocStreams.GetOutputStream("PanelsMinWidthAndHeight.pdf"))
                doc.LayoutComplete += Doc_LayoutComplete;

            PDFLayoutPage   layoutpg    = layout.AllPages[0];
            PDFLayoutBlock  pgcontent   = layoutpg.ContentBlock;
            PDFLayoutRegion pgregion    = pgcontent.Columns[0];
            PDFLayoutBlock  panelBlock  = pgregion.Contents[0] as PDFLayoutBlock;
            PDFLayoutRegion panelregion = panelBlock.Columns[0];

            Assert.IsNotNull(panelBlock, "The layout block in the page column should not be null");

            //block width and height should be the minimums
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedMinWidth, panelBlock.Width, "Panel block should be " + expectedMinWidth + " wide");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedMinHeight, panelBlock.Height, "Panel block should be " + expectedMinHeight + " high");

            //Total bounds
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedMinWidth, panelBlock.TotalBounds.Width, "Panel block total width should be " + expectedMinWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedMinHeight, panelBlock.TotalBounds.Height, "Panel block total height should be " + expectedMinHeight);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, panelBlock.TotalBounds.X, "Panel block total X should be 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, panelBlock.TotalBounds.Y, "Panel block total Y should be 0");

            Assert.IsTrue(expectedMinWidth > panelregion.TotalBounds.Width, "Panel region total width should be less than " + expectedMinWidth);
            Assert.IsTrue(expectedMinHeight > panelregion.TotalBounds.Height, "Panel region total height should be less than " + expectedMinHeight);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, panelregion.TotalBounds.X, "Panel region total X should be 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, panelregion.TotalBounds.Y, "Panel region total Y should be 0");
        public void PanelBeyondMinWidthAndHeight()
            Document doc = new Document();
            Page     pg  = new Page();

            pg.Style.PageStyle.Width  = PageWidth;
            pg.Style.PageStyle.Height = PageHeight;
            pg.Style.Font.FontSize    = 18;


            int expectedMinWidth  = 200;
            int expectedMinHeight = 100;

            Panel panel = new Panel();

            panel.MinimumWidth  = expectedMinWidth;
            panel.MinimumHeight = expectedMinHeight;
            panel.BorderColor   = Scryber.Drawing.PDFColors.Black;

            Label lbl = new Label()
                Text = "This label is wide enough to go beyond the 200pt minimum width of the panel " +
                       "and also the width of the page, so should flow onto the next line and keep going beyond the minimum height of the " +
                       "panel. Therefore extending beyond the bounds of both min- values."

            panel.Contents.Add(lbl); //WILL push the panel beyond its minimumn width

            using (var ms = DocStreams.GetOutputStream("PanelsBeyondMinWidthAndHeight.pdf"))
                doc.LayoutComplete += Doc_LayoutComplete;

            PDFLayoutPage   layoutpg    = layout.AllPages[0];
            PDFLayoutBlock  pgcontent   = layoutpg.ContentBlock;
            PDFLayoutRegion pgregion    = pgcontent.Columns[0];
            PDFLayoutBlock  panelBlock  = pgregion.Contents[0] as PDFLayoutBlock;
            PDFLayoutRegion panelregion = panelBlock.Columns[0];

            Assert.IsNotNull(panelBlock, "The layout block in the page column should not be null");

            //block width and height should be greater than the minimum width, but not beyond the height.
            Assert.IsTrue(expectedMinWidth < panelBlock.Width, "Panel block should be greater than " + expectedMinWidth + " wide");
            Assert.IsTrue(PageWidth > panelBlock.Width, "Panel block should not go beyond the page width");
            Assert.IsTrue(expectedMinHeight < panelBlock.Height, "Panel block should be greater than " + panelBlock.Height + " high");
        public void PageWithExplicitSizedPanel()
            Document doc = new Document();
            Page     pg  = new Page();

            pg.Style.PageStyle.Width  = PageWidth;
            pg.Style.PageStyle.Height = PageHeight;


            int expectedWidth  = 100;
            int expectedHeight = 50;

            Panel panel = new Panel();

            panel.Width       = expectedWidth;
            panel.Height      = expectedHeight;
            panel.BorderColor = Scryber.Drawing.PDFColors.Black;

            using (var ms = DocStreams.GetOutputStream("PanelsExplicitSizing.pdf"))
                doc.LayoutComplete += Doc_LayoutComplete;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, layout.AllPages.Count, "There should be only 1 page");
            PDFLayoutPage layoutpg = layout.AllPages[0];

            //Page content block
            PDFLayoutBlock content = layoutpg.ContentBlock;

            Assert.IsTrue(content.Columns.Length == 1, "There should be only 1 column");

            //Page content region
            PDFLayoutRegion region = content.Columns[0];

            Assert.IsTrue(region.Contents.Count == 1, "There should be only one item in the region contents");

            //Panel in content
            PDFLayoutBlock panelBlock = region.Contents[0] as PDFLayoutBlock;

            Assert.IsNotNull(panelBlock, "The layout block in the page column should not be null");

            //Panel width and height
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedWidth, panelBlock.Width, "Panel block should be " + expectedWidth + " wide");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHeight, panelBlock.Height, "Panel block should be " + expectedHeight + " high");

            //Total bounds
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedWidth, panelBlock.TotalBounds.Width, "Panel block total width should be " + expectedWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHeight, panelBlock.TotalBounds.Height, "Panel block total height should be " + expectedHeight);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, panelBlock.TotalBounds.X, "Panel block total X should be 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, panelBlock.TotalBounds.Y, "Panel block total Y should be 0");

            //Available bounds
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedWidth, panelBlock.AvailableBounds.Width, "Panel block available width should be " + expectedWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHeight, panelBlock.AvailableBounds.Height, "Panel block available height should be " + expectedHeight);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, panelBlock.AvailableBounds.X, "Panel block available X should be 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, panelBlock.AvailableBounds.Y, "Panel block available Y should be 0");

            //Panel inner region
            Assert.IsTrue(panelBlock.Columns.Length == 1, "There should be one region in the panel block");
            region = panelBlock.Columns[0];

            //region Total bounds
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedWidth, region.TotalBounds.Width, "Panel region total width should be " + expectedWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHeight, region.TotalBounds.Height, "Panel region total height should be " + expectedHeight);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, region.TotalBounds.X, "Panel region total X should be 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, region.TotalBounds.Y, "Panel region total Y should be 0");

            //region Unused bounds
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedWidth, region.UnusedBounds.Width, "Panel region unused width should be " + expectedWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHeight, region.UnusedBounds.Height, "Panel region unused height should be " + expectedHeight);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, region.UnusedBounds.X, "Panel region unused X should be 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, region.UnusedBounds.Y, "Panel region unused Y should be 0");

            //region Used Size
            Assert.AreEqual(0, region.UsedSize.Height, "Panel region used height should be 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, region.UsedSize.Width, "Panel region used width should be 0");

            //Region Offset and available height
            Assert.AreEqual(0, region.OffsetX, "Panel region offsetX should be 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHeight, region.AvailableHeight, "Panel region available height should be " + expectedHeight);
        public void PageWithMarginsPaddingAndFullWidthPanelWithMarginsAndPadding()
            Document doc = new Document();
            Page     pg  = new Page();

            pg.Style.PageStyle.Width  = PageWidth;
            pg.Style.PageStyle.Height = PageHeight;

            int margin  = 20;
            int padding = 10;

            pg.Style.Padding.All = padding;
            pg.Style.Margins.All = margin;


            int explicitHeight = 50;

            Panel panel = new Panel();

            panel.FullWidth         = true;
            panel.Height            = explicitHeight;
            panel.Style.Margins.All = margin;
            panel.Style.Padding.All = padding;
            panel.BorderColor       = Scryber.Drawing.PDFColors.Black;

            using (var ms = DocStreams.GetOutputStream("PanelsFullWidthWithSpacingBoth.pdf"))
                doc.LayoutComplete += Doc_LayoutComplete;

            PDFLayoutPage   layoutpg = layout.AllPages[0];
            PDFLayoutBlock  content  = layoutpg.ContentBlock;
            PDFLayoutRegion region   = content.Columns[0];

            //Panel in page content region
            PDFLayoutBlock panelBlock = region.Contents[0] as PDFLayoutBlock;

            Assert.IsNotNull(panelBlock, "The layout block in the page column should not be null");

            //Expected measurements of the panel block

            //Width of fullwidth panel is reduced by margins and padding
            int expectedWidth = PageWidth - ((2 * margin) + (2 * padding));

            //Actual height of the panel is explicit height + the margins
            int expectedHeight = explicitHeight + (2 * margin);

            //Position of panel is zero - margins and padding are accounted for when rendering
            int expectedX = 0;
            int expectedY = 0;

            //Panel width and height
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedWidth, panelBlock.Width, "Panel block should be " + expectedWidth + " wide");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHeight, panelBlock.Height, "Panel block should be " + expectedHeight + " high");

            //Panel Block Total bounds
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedWidth, panelBlock.TotalBounds.Width, "Panel block total width should be " + expectedWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHeight, panelBlock.TotalBounds.Height, "Panel block total height should be " + expectedHeight);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedX, panelBlock.TotalBounds.X, "Panel block total X should be " + expectedX);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedY, panelBlock.TotalBounds.Y, "Panel block total Y should be " + expectedY);

            //As we have both padding and margins on the panel width and height are reduced for the available space.
            expectedWidth  = (int)panelBlock.TotalBounds.Width.PointsValue - ((2 * margin) + (2 * padding));
            expectedHeight = (int)panelBlock.TotalBounds.Height.PointsValue - ((2 * margin) + (2 * padding));

            //X and Y of the available bounds (and also the inner region content) are offset by the padding.
            expectedX = padding + margin;
            expectedY = padding + margin;

            //Panel Block Available bounds
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedWidth, panelBlock.AvailableBounds.Width, "Panel block available width should be " + expectedWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHeight, panelBlock.AvailableBounds.Height, "Panel block available height should be " + expectedHeight);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedX, panelBlock.AvailableBounds.X, "Panel block available X should be " + expectedX);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedY, panelBlock.AvailableBounds.Y, "Panel block available Y should be " + expectedY);

            //Panel inner region
            Assert.IsTrue(panelBlock.Columns.Length == 1, "There should be one region in the panel block");
            region = panelBlock.Columns[0];

            //region Total bounds
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedWidth, region.TotalBounds.Width, "Panel region total width should be " + expectedWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHeight, region.TotalBounds.Height, "Panel region total height should be " + expectedHeight);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, region.TotalBounds.X, "Panel region total X should be 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, region.TotalBounds.Y, "Panel region total Y should be 0");

            //region Unused bounds
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedWidth, region.UnusedBounds.Width, "Panel region unused width should be " + expectedWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHeight, region.UnusedBounds.Height, "Panel region unused height should be " + expectedHeight);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, region.UnusedBounds.X, "Panel region unused X should be 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, region.UnusedBounds.Y, "Panel region unused Y should be 0");

            //region Used Size
            Assert.AreEqual(0, region.UsedSize.Height, "Panel region used height should be 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, region.UsedSize.Width, "Panel region used width should be 0");

            //Region Offset and available height
            Assert.AreEqual(0, region.OffsetX, "Panel region offsetX should be 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHeight, region.AvailableHeight, "Panel region available height should be " + expectedHeight);
        public void PageWithMarginsPaddingAndFullWidthPanel()
            Document doc = new Document();
            Page     pg  = new Page();

            pg.Style.PageStyle.Width  = PageWidth;
            pg.Style.PageStyle.Height = PageHeight;

            int space = 20;

            pg.Style.Padding.All = space;
            pg.Style.Margins.All = space;


            //Width of fullwidth panel is reduced by margins and padding
            int expectedWidth  = PageWidth - ((2 * space) + (2 * space));
            int expectedHeight = 50;

            //Position of panel is zero - margins and padding are accounted for when rendering
            int expectedX = 0;
            int expectedY = 0;

            Panel panel = new Panel();

            panel.FullWidth   = true;
            panel.Height      = expectedHeight;
            panel.BorderColor = Scryber.Drawing.PDFColors.Black;

            using (var ms = DocStreams.GetOutputStream("PanelsFullWidthWithSpacing.pdf"))
                doc.LayoutComplete += Doc_LayoutComplete;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, layout.AllPages.Count, "There should be only 1 page");
            PDFLayoutPage layoutpg = layout.AllPages[0];

            //Page content block
            PDFLayoutBlock content = layoutpg.ContentBlock;

            Assert.IsTrue(content.Columns.Length == 1, "There should be only 1 column");

            //Page content region
            PDFLayoutRegion region = content.Columns[0];

            Assert.IsTrue(region.Contents.Count == 1, "There should be only one item in the region contents");

            //Panel in content
            PDFLayoutBlock panelBlock = region.Contents[0] as PDFLayoutBlock;

            Assert.IsNotNull(panelBlock, "The layout block in the page column should not be null");

            //Panel width and height
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedWidth, panelBlock.Width, "Panel block should be " + expectedWidth + " wide");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHeight, panelBlock.Height, "Panel block should be " + expectedHeight + " high");

            //Panel Block Total bounds
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedWidth, panelBlock.TotalBounds.Width, "Panel block total width should be " + expectedWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHeight, panelBlock.TotalBounds.Height, "Panel block total height should be " + expectedHeight);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedX, panelBlock.TotalBounds.X, "Panel block total X should be " + expectedX);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedY, panelBlock.TotalBounds.Y, "Panel block total Y should be " + expectedY);

            //Panel Block Available bounds
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedWidth, panelBlock.AvailableBounds.Width, "Panel block available width should be " + expectedWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHeight, panelBlock.AvailableBounds.Height, "Panel block available height should be " + expectedHeight);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedX, panelBlock.AvailableBounds.X, "Panel block available X should be " + expectedX);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedY, panelBlock.AvailableBounds.Y, "Panel block available Y should be " + expectedY);

            //Panel inner region
            Assert.IsTrue(panelBlock.Columns.Length == 1, "There should be one region in the panel block");
            region = panelBlock.Columns[0];

            //region Total bounds
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedWidth, region.TotalBounds.Width, "Panel region total width should be " + expectedWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHeight, region.TotalBounds.Height, "Panel region total height should be " + expectedHeight);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, region.TotalBounds.X, "Panel region total X should be 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, region.TotalBounds.Y, "Panel region total Y should be 0");

            //region Unused bounds
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedWidth, region.UnusedBounds.Width, "Panel region unused width should be " + expectedWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHeight, region.UnusedBounds.Height, "Panel region unused height should be " + expectedHeight);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, region.UnusedBounds.X, "Panel region unused X should be 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, region.UnusedBounds.Y, "Panel region unused Y should be 0");

            //region Used Size
            Assert.AreEqual(0, region.UsedSize.Height, "Panel region used height should be 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, region.UsedSize.Width, "Panel region used width should be 0");

            //Region Offset and available height
            Assert.AreEqual(0, region.OffsetX, "Panel region offsetX should be 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHeight, region.AvailableHeight, "Panel region available height should be " + expectedHeight);