internal static List <PDFAnnotation> GenerateAnnotations(PDFDocument pdf_document, int page, PDFInkList ink_list)
            List <RegionOfInterest> regions = new List <RegionOfInterest>();

            // Collect all the highlights on this page
            StrokeCollection stroke_collection = ink_list.GetInkStrokeCollection(page);

            if (null != stroke_collection)
                foreach (Stroke stroke in stroke_collection)
                    double SCALE = 1000.0;
                    Rect   bound = stroke.GetBounds();
                    bound.X      /= SCALE;
                    bound.Y      /= SCALE;
                    bound.Width  /= SCALE;
                    bound.Height /= SCALE;

                    regions.Add(new RegionOfInterest(bound.Left, bound.Top, bound.Width, bound.Height));


            // Build a list of annotations
            List <PDFAnnotation> annotations = RegionOfInterest.ConvertRegionsToPDFAnnotations(regions, INKS_TAG, pdf_document, page);

        private void RebuildInks(int page, PDFInkList pdf_ink_list)
            StrokeCollection stroke_collection = pdf_ink_list.GetInkStrokeCollection(page);

            if (null != stroke_collection)
                ObjInkCanvas.Strokes = stroke_collection;