        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FileDTO"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">
        /// The image.
        /// </param>
        public FileDTO(File file)
            this.fileId         = file.Id.ToString();
            this.parentFileId   = file.ParentFile.With(x => x.Id.ToString());
            this.breakoutRoomId = file.BreakoutRoomId;
            this.dateCreated    = file.DateCreated.With(x => x.ConvertToUnixTimestamp());;
            this.fileName       = file.FileName;
            this.fileSize       = file.FileSize;
            this.topicName      = file.TopicName;
            this.description    = file.Description;
            this.categoryId     = file.Category.Return(x => x.Id, (int?)null);
            this.userId         = file.UserId;
            this.displayName    = file.DisplayName;
            this.dateModified   = file.DateModified.Return(x => x.Value.ConvertToUnixTimestamp(), (double?)null);
            this.fileNumber     = file.FileNumber;
            this.categoryName   = file.Category.With(c => c.CategoryName);
            this.userName       = file.UserId.ToString();
            this.topicVo        = new TopicDTO(file.Topic);
            this.topicId        = this.topicVo.Return(x => x.topicId, (int?)null);
            this.isShared       = file.IsShared.HasValue && file.IsShared.Value;
            this.isOriginal     = file.IsOriginal.HasValue && file.IsOriginal.Value;
            this.acMeetingUrl   = file.AcMeetingUrl;

            if (file.Status != null)
                this.fileStatus = (int)file.Status;

            this.numberOfPages = file.NumberOfPages ?? 0;
            this.uploadStatus  = (int)file.UploadFileStatus;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FileDTO"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">
        /// The image.
        /// </param>
        public FileDTO(File file)
            this.fileId       = file.Id;
            this.dateCreated  = file.DateCreated;
            this.fileName     = file.FileName;
            this.fileSize     = file.FileSize;
            this.topicName    = file.TopicName;
            this.description  = file.Description;
            this.categoryId   = file.Category.Return(x => x.Id, (int?)null);
            this.userId       = file.User.Return(x => x.Id, (int?)null);
            this.displayName  = file.DisplayName;
            this.dateModified = file.DateModified ?? file.DateCreated;
            this.fileNumber   = file.FileNumber;
            this.categoryName = file.Category.With(c => c.CategoryName);
            this.userName     = file.User.Return(x => x.FullName, null);
            this.topicVo      = new TopicDTO(file.Topic);
            this.topicId      = this.topicVo.Return(x => x.topicId, (int?)null);
            this.isShared     = file.IsShared.HasValue && file.IsShared.Value;
            this.isOriginal   = file.IsOriginal.HasValue && file.IsOriginal.Value;
            this.acMeetingUrl = file.AcMeetingUrl;

            if (file.Status != null)
                this.fileStatus = (int)file.Status;

            this.numberOfPages = file.NumberOfPages ?? 0;
            this.uploadStatus  = (int)file.UploadFileStatus;