private void PatchTechDataEntry() { CraftDataHandler.SetTechData(TechType, GetBlueprintRecipe()); if (GroupForPDA != TechGroup.Uncategorized) { List <TechCategory> categories = new List <TechCategory>(); CraftData.GetBuilderCategories(GroupForPDA, categories); if (categories.Contains(CategoryForPDA)) { CraftDataHandler.AddToGroup(GroupForPDA, CategoryForPDA, TechType); } else { Logger.Error($"Failed to add {TechType} to {GroupForPDA}/{CategoryForPDA} as it is not a registered combination."); } } if (EncyclopediaEntryData != null) { PDAEncyclopediaHandler.AddCustomEntry(EncyclopediaEntryData); } if (!UnlockedAtStart) { var unlockTech = RequiredForUnlock == TechType.None? this.TechType: RequiredForUnlock; KnownTechHandler.SetAnalysisTechEntry(unlockTech, new TechType[1] { TechType }, DiscoverMessageResolved); if (CompoundTechsForUnlock != null && CompoundTechsForUnlock.Count > 0) { KnownTechHandler.SetCompoundUnlock(this.TechType, CompoundTechsForUnlock); } if (AddScannerEntry) { PDAScanner.EntryData entryData = new PDAScanner.EntryData() { key = unlockTech, blueprint = TechType, destroyAfterScan = DestroyFragmentOnScan, isFragment = true, locked = true, scanTime = TimeToScanFragment, totalFragments = FragmentsToScan }; if (EncyclopediaEntryData != null) { entryData.encyclopedia = EncyclopediaEntryData.key; } PDAHandler.AddCustomScannerEntry(entryData); } } }
void Awake() { //Singleton stuff if (instance == null) { instance = this; } else { Destroy(gameObject); return; } }
private void Initialise() { // Variables to be initilaised on start PDAH = FindObjectOfType <PDAHandler>(); orthographicSize = Camera.main.orthographicSize; panBorder = 20f; panSpeed = 5f; panRestriction = 30f; panLimit.x = panRestriction; panLimit.y = panRestriction; scrollSpeed = 3f; camLock = true; camInMotion = false; }
static void PatchPlantPDAEntry(TechType techType, string key, string name, string desc, float scanTime = 3f) { PDAEncyclopediaHandler.AddCustomEntry(new PDAEncyclopedia.EntryData() { path = "Lifeforms/Flora/Sea", key = key, nodes = new string[] { "Lifeforms", "Flora", "Sea" } }); PDAHandler.AddCustomScannerEntry(new PDAScanner.EntryData() { key = techType, encyclopedia = key, scanTime = scanTime, isFragment = false }); LanguageHandler.SetLanguageLine("Ency_" + key, name); LanguageHandler.SetLanguageLine("EncyDesc_" + key, desc); }
public static void setFragmentTypeToUnlock(TechType unlockTechType, TechType origFragTechType, TechType substFragTechType, int fragCount, float scanTime) { init(); PDAHandler.AddCustomScannerEntry(new PDAScanner.EntryData() { key = substFragTechType, blueprint = unlockTechType, totalFragments = fragCount, scanTime = scanTime, destroyAfterScan = true, locked = true, isFragment = true }); fragments[origFragTechType] = substFragTechType; setUnlockNotification(unlockTechType, origFragTechType); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { PDA = PDAHandler.instance; }