        //                                                        M e t h o d //
        // w r i t e H d d r                                                  //
        //                                                                    //
        // Generate font header descriptor, segmented data and checksum byte. //
        //                                                                    //

        private Boolean writeHddr(ref Boolean monoSpaced,
                                  Boolean fmt16,
                                  Boolean segGTLast,
                                  Boolean usePCLT,
                                  Boolean glyphZeroExists,
                                  Boolean symSetUnbound,
                                  Boolean tabvmtxPresent,
                                  Boolean flagVMetrics,
                                  Byte symSetType,
                                  UInt16 firstCode,
                                  UInt16 lastCode,
                                  UInt16 numChars,
                                  UInt16 unitsPerEm,
                                  UInt16 symSet,
                                  UInt16 style,
                                  SByte strokeWeight,
                                  UInt16 typeface,
                                  UInt64 charCollComp,
                                  Byte [] conversionText)
            Boolean flagOK = true;

            UInt16 cellWidth  = 0,
                   cellHeight = 0,
                   textWidth  = 0,
                   textHeight = 0,
                   pitch      = 0,
                   xHeight    = 0,
                   capHeight  = 0,
                   mUlinePosU = 0,
                   mUlineDep  = 0;

            Int16 mUlinePos = 0;

            UInt32 fontNo = 0;

            Int32 sum;
            Int32 convTextLen;
            Int32 hddrLen;

            Byte mod256;
            Byte serifStyle = 0;
            Byte fontFormat;
            Byte fontType;
            Byte fontSpacing;

            SByte widthType = 0;

            Byte [] fontNamePCLT = new Byte [ToolSoftFontGenTTF.cSizeFontname];
            Byte [] panoseData   = new Byte [ToolSoftFontGenTTF.cSizePanose];
            Byte [] hddrDesc     = new Byte [cSizeHddrDesc];

            //                                                                //
            // Get relevant PCL data from TrueType font.                      //
            //                                                                //

            monoSpaced = false;

                                             ref monoSpaced,
                                             ref cellWidth,
                                             ref cellHeight,
                                             ref textWidth,
                                             ref textHeight,
                                             ref pitch,
                                             ref xHeight,
                                             ref capHeight,
                                             ref mUlinePos,
                                             ref mUlineDep,
                                             ref fontNo,
                                             ref serifStyle,
                                             ref widthType,
                                             ref fontNamePCLT,
                                             ref panoseData);

            mUlinePosU = (UInt16)mUlinePos;


            if (fmt16)
                fontFormat = 16;            // Format = Universal
                fontFormat = 15;            // Format = TrueType scalable
            if (monoSpaced)
                fontSpacing = 0;            // Spacing = Fixed-pitch
                fontSpacing = 1;            // Spacing = Proportional
            if (symSetUnbound)
                fontType  = 11;             // Type = unbound Unicode-indexed
                firstCode = 0;
                lastCode  = numChars;
                fontType = symSetType;      // Type = as per target symbol set

            //                                                                //
            // Calculate total size of header.                                //
            // Write PCL 'download header' escape sequence.                   //
            //                                                                //

            convTextLen = conversionText.Length;

            hddrLen = cSizeHddrDesc +
                convTextLen) +

            if ((hddrLen > cSizeHddrFmt15Max) && (!fmt16))
                flagOK = false;

                MessageBox.Show("Header length of '" + hddrLen +
                                "' is incompatible with 'format 15'" +
                                " font.",
                                "Soft font header invalid",
                PCLWriter.fontDownloadHddr(_binWriter, (UInt32)hddrLen);

                //                                                            //
                // Write font header descriptor.                              //
                //                                                            //

                hddrDesc [0] = msByte(cSizeHddrDesc);
                hddrDesc [1] = lsByte(cSizeHddrDesc);

                hddrDesc [2]  = fontFormat;               // Font Format
                hddrDesc [3]  = fontType;                 // Font Type
                hddrDesc [4]  = msByte(style);            // Style MSB
                hddrDesc [5]  = 0;                        // Reserved
                hddrDesc [6]  = 0;                        // Baseline Position MSB
                hddrDesc [7]  = 0;                        // Baseline Position LSB
                hddrDesc [8]  = msByte(cellWidth);        // Cell width MSB
                hddrDesc [9]  = lsByte(cellWidth);        // Cell Width LSB
                hddrDesc [10] = msByte(cellHeight);       // Cell Height MSB
                hddrDesc [11] = lsByte(cellHeight);       // Cell Height LSB
                hddrDesc [12] = 0;                        // Orientation
                hddrDesc [13] = fontSpacing;              // Spacing
                hddrDesc [14] = msByte(symSet);           // Symbol Set MSB
                hddrDesc [15] = lsByte(symSet);           // Symbol Set LSB
                hddrDesc [16] = msByte(pitch);            // Pitch MSB
                hddrDesc [17] = lsByte(pitch);            // Pitch LSB
                hddrDesc [18] = 0;                        // Height MSB
                hddrDesc [19] = 0;                        // Height LSB
                hddrDesc [20] = msByte(xHeight);          // xHeight MSB
                hddrDesc [21] = msByte(xHeight);          // xHeight LSB
                hddrDesc [22] = (Byte)widthType;          // Width Type
                hddrDesc [23] = lsByte(style);            // Style LSB
                hddrDesc [24] = (Byte)strokeWeight;       // Stroke Weight
                hddrDesc [25] = lsByte(typeface);         // Typeface LSB
                hddrDesc [26] = msByte(typeface);         // Typeface MSB
                hddrDesc [27] = serifStyle;               // Serif Style
                hddrDesc [28] = 2;                        // Quality = Letter
                hddrDesc [29] = 0;                        // Placement
                hddrDesc [30] = 0;                        // Underline Position
                hddrDesc [31] = 0;                        // Underline Thickness
                hddrDesc [32] = msByte(textHeight);       // Text Height MSB
                hddrDesc [33] = lsByte(textHeight);       // Text Height LSB
                hddrDesc [34] = msByte(textWidth);        // Text Width MSB
                hddrDesc [35] = lsByte(textWidth);        // Text Width LSB
                hddrDesc [36] = msByte(firstCode);        // First Code MSB
                hddrDesc [37] = lsByte(firstCode);        // First Code LSB
                hddrDesc [38] = msByte(lastCode);         // Last Code MSB
                hddrDesc [39] = lsByte(lastCode);         // Last Code LSB
                hddrDesc [40] = 0;                        // Pitch Extended
                hddrDesc [41] = 0;                        // Height Extended
                hddrDesc [42] = msByte(capHeight);        // Cap Height MSB
                hddrDesc [43] = lsByte(capHeight);        // Cap Height LSB
                hddrDesc [44] = msByte(msUInt16(fontNo)); // Font No. byte 0
                hddrDesc [45] = lsByte(msUInt16(fontNo)); // Font No. byte 1
                hddrDesc [46] = msByte(lsUInt16(fontNo)); // Font No. byte 2
                hddrDesc [47] = lsByte(lsUInt16(fontNo)); // Font No. byte 3
                hddrDesc [48] = fontNamePCLT [0];         // Font Name byte 0
                hddrDesc [49] = fontNamePCLT [1];         // Font Name byte 1
                hddrDesc [50] = fontNamePCLT [2];         // Font Name byte 2
                hddrDesc [51] = fontNamePCLT [3];         // Font Name byte 3
                hddrDesc [52] = fontNamePCLT [4];         // Font Name byte 4
                hddrDesc [53] = fontNamePCLT [5];         // Font Name byte 5
                hddrDesc [54] = fontNamePCLT [6];         // Font Name byte 6
                hddrDesc [55] = fontNamePCLT [7];         // Font Name byte 7
                hddrDesc [56] = fontNamePCLT [8];         // Font Name byte 8
                hddrDesc [57] = fontNamePCLT [9];         // Font Name byte 9
                hddrDesc [58] = fontNamePCLT [10];        // Font Name byte 10
                hddrDesc [59] = fontNamePCLT [11];        // Font Name byte 11
                hddrDesc [60] = fontNamePCLT [12];        // Font Name byte 12
                hddrDesc [61] = fontNamePCLT [13];        // Font Name byte 13
                hddrDesc [62] = fontNamePCLT [14];        // Font Name byte 14
                hddrDesc [63] = fontNamePCLT [15];        // Font Name byte 15
                hddrDesc [64] = msByte(unitsPerEm);       // Scale Factor MSB
                hddrDesc [65] = lsByte(unitsPerEm);       // Scale Factor LSB
                hddrDesc [66] = msByte(mUlinePosU);       // Master U-line Pos. MSB
                hddrDesc [67] = lsByte(mUlinePosU);       // Master U-line Pos. LSB
                hddrDesc [68] = msByte(mUlineDep);        // Master U-line Dep. MSB
                hddrDesc [69] = lsByte(mUlineDep);        // Master U-line Dep. LSB
                hddrDesc [70] = 1;                        // Scaling Tech. = TrueType
                hddrDesc [71] = 0;                        // Variety

                _baseHandler.writeBuffer(cSizeHddrDesc, hddrDesc);

                //                                                            //
                // Start calculating checksum byte from byte 64 onwards of    //
                // header.                                                    //
                //                                                            //

                sum = 0;

                for (Int32 i = 64; i < cSizeHddrDesc; i++)
                    sum += hddrDesc [i];

                mod256 = (Byte)(sum % 256);

                //                                                            //
                // Write header segmented data.                               //
                //                                                            //

                flagOK = _baseHandler.writeHddrSegments(false,
                                                        ref mod256);

                if (flagOK)
                    //                                                        //
                    // Write 'reserved byte' and (calculated) checksum byte.  //
                    //                                                        //

                    mod256 = (Byte)((256 - mod256) % 256);

                    Byte [] trailer = new Byte [cSizeHddrTrail];

                    trailer [0] = 0;
                    trailer [1] = mod256;

                    _baseHandler.writeBuffer(cSizeHddrTrail, trailer);
