 private static void LoadParamFromBinder(IBinder parambnd)
     // Load every param in the regulation
     // _params = new Dictionary<string, PARAM>();
     foreach (var f in parambnd.Files)
         if (!f.Name.ToUpper().EndsWith(".PARAM") || Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f.Name).StartsWith("default_"))
         if (f.Name.EndsWith("LoadBalancerParam.param"))
         if (_params.ContainsKey(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f.Name)))
         PARAM p = PARAM.Read(f.Bytes);
         if (!_paramdefs.ContainsKey(p.ParamType))
         _params.Add(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f.Name), p);
        public static void LoadParams(SQLiteConnection con, string paramdefFilepath, IList <string> paramDirs)
            // The metadata tables should be created ahead of time.

            // Reading an original paramdefbnd
            var paramdefs   = new Dictionary <string, PARAMDEF>();
            var paramdefbnd = BND3.Read(paramdefFilepath);

            foreach (BinderFile file in paramdefbnd.Files)
                var paramdef = PARAMDEF.Read(file.Bytes);
                paramdefs[paramdef.ParamType] = paramdef;
            ReadParamdefsIntoDatabase(con, paramdefs.Values.ToList());

            // Loading parambnd
            List <string> paramFilepaths = new List <string>();

            foreach (var paramDir in paramDirs)
                // DeS has both a gameparam.parambnd.dcx and a gameparamna.parambnd.dcx.
                // Only grab gameparamna.parambnd.dcx if we have it.
                string filterPattern = "*.parambnd.dcx";
                if (Directory.GetFiles(paramDir, "*gameparamna.parambnd.dcx").Length > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Skipping gameparam.parambnd.dcx");
                    filterPattern = "*gameparamna.parambnd.dcx";

                paramFilepaths.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(paramDir, filterPattern));

            foreach (var paramFilepath in paramFilepaths)
                // Have to construct Table of Contents as we go through, since the info isn't all at BND level, but is needed when reconstructing
                var bndContents = new List <BndContentsEntry>();
                Console.WriteLine("Loading file: " + paramFilepath);
                var parambnd = BND3.Read(paramFilepath);
                foreach (BinderFile file in parambnd.Files)
                    PARAM param = PARAM.Read(file.Bytes);
                    // DSR doesn't seem to like applying carefully, specifically SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST in Gameparam. At minimum.

                    var entry = new BndContentsEntry(paramFilepath, file.ID, file.Name, file.Flags, file.CompressionType, param.ParamType);
                    ReadParamIntoDatabase(con, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name), param);

                // Create the metadata tables
                ReadBndMetadataIntoDatabase(con, paramFilepath, parambnd);
                ReadBndTableOfContentsIntoDatabase(con, Path.GetFileName(paramFilepath), bndContents);
        public GameParamHandler(Dictionary <string, PARAMDEF> paramdefs, TextHandler text, byte[] paramBNDData)
            ParamDefs = paramdefs;
            ParamBnd  = BND3.Read(paramBNDData);
            foreach (BinderFile file in ParamBnd.Files)
                string   name  = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name);
                PARAM    param = PARAM.Read(file.Bytes);
                PARAMDEF p     = ParamDefs[param.ParamType];
                Params[name] = param;

            AI               = new ParamDict <NPCThought>("NpcThinkParam", this, text);
            Armor            = new ParamDict <Armor>("EquipParamProtector", this, text);
            ArmorUpgrades    = new ParamDict <ArmorUpgrade>("ReinforceParamProtector", this, text);
            AttacksPC        = new ParamDict <Attack>("AtkParam_Pc", this, text);
            AttacksNPC       = new ParamDict <Attack>("AtkParam_Npc", this, text);
            BehaviorsPC      = new ParamDict <Behavior>("BehaviorParam_PC", this, text);
            BehaviorsNPC     = new ParamDict <Behavior>("BehaviorParam", this, text);
            Bullets          = new ParamDict <Bullet>("Bullet", this, text);
            CalcCorrects     = new ParamDict <CalcCorrect>("CalcCorrectGraph", this, text);
            ChrInits         = new ParamDict <ChrInit>("CharaInitParam", this, text);
            CoolTimes        = new ParamDict <CoolTime>("CoolTimeParam", this, text);
            UpgradeMaterials = new ParamDict <EquipMtrlSet>("EquipMtrlSetParam", this, text);
            FaceGens         = new ParamDict <FaceGen>("FaceGenParam", this, text);
            GameAreas        = new ParamDict <GameArea>("GameAreaParam", this, text);
            Goods            = new ParamDict <Good>("EquipParamGoods", this, text);
            HitMtrls         = new ParamDict <HitMtrl>("HitMtrlParam", this, text);
            ItemLots         = new ParamDict <ItemLot>("ItemLotParam", this, text);
            Knockbacks       = new ParamDict <Knockback>("KnockBackParam", this, text);
            LockCams         = new ParamDict <LockCam>("LockCamParam", this, text);
            Magic            = new ParamDict <Magic>("Magic", this, text);
            Movement         = new ParamDict <Move>("MoveParam", this, text);
            MenuColorTables  = new ParamDict <MenuColorTable>("MenuColorTableParam", this, text);
            NPCs             = new ParamDict <NPC>("NpcParam", this, text);
            ObjActs          = new ParamDict <ObjAct>("ObjActParam", this, text);
            Objects          = new ParamDict <GameObject>("ObjectParam", this, text);
            Rings            = new ParamDict <Accessory>("EquipParamAccessory", this, text);
            ShopLineups      = new ParamDict <ShopLineup>("ShopLineupParam", this, text);
            Skeletons        = new ParamDict <Skeleton>("SkeletonParam", this, text);
            SpEffects        = new ParamDict <SpEffect>("SpEffectParam", this, text);
            SpEffectVFXs     = new ParamDict <SpEffectVFX>("SpEffectVfxParam", this, text);
            Talks            = new ParamDict <Talk>("TalkParam", this, text);
            Throws           = new ParamDict <Throw>("ThrowParam", this, text);
            Weapons          = new ParamDict <Weapon>("EquipParamWeapon", this, text);
            WeaponUpgrades   = new ParamDict <WeaponUpgrade>("ReinforceParamWeapon", this, text);
            WhiteCoolTimes   = new ParamDict <WhiteCoolTime>("WhiteCoolTimeParam", this, text);
        public ParamWrapper(string name, PARAM param, PARAM.Layout layout, string description)
            if (layout == null || layout.Size != param.DetectedSize)
                layout = new PARAM.Layout
                    new PARAM.Layout.Entry(PARAM.CellType.dummy8, "Unknown", (int)param.DetectedSize, null)
                Error = true;

            Name     = name;
            Param    = param;
            Layout   = layout;
            Paramdef = Layout.ToParamdef(name, out Paramtdfs);
            Description = description;
        public PARAM Read(string name, PARAMDEF def)
            var worksheet = Spreadsheet.Workbook.Worksheets.First(sheet => sheet.Name.Equals(name));
            var rowCount  = worksheet.Dimension.Rows;

            var param = new PARAM();

            param.ParamType = def.ParamType;
            param.Rows      = new List <PARAM.Row>(rowCount - 2);

            for (var rowIndex = 3; rowIndex <= rowCount; rowIndex++)
                var id      = int.Parse(worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, 1].Value.ToString());
                var rowName = worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2].Value ?? string.Empty;
                var row     = new PARAM.Row(id, (string?)rowName, def);

                for (var cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < def.Fields.Count; cellIndex++)
                    var value = worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, 3 + cellIndex].Value;
                    if (value is string v && v == "-")
                        // padding, we don't store this in excel files

                    if (value is null)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Row ID {id} and field ${def.Fields[cellIndex].DisplayName} has null value, assuming default");

                    row.Cells[cellIndex].Value = value;


            public ParamFile(string name, PARAM param, Dictionary <string, PARAM.Layout> layouts)
                Name  = name;
                Param = param;
                string format = Param.ParamType;

                if (!layouts.ContainsKey(format))
                    layouts[format] = new PARAM.Layout();

                    Layout = layouts[format];
                    Param.ApplyParamdef(Layout.ToParamdef(param.ParamType, out _));
                    Rows = Param.Rows;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Rows = new List <PARAM.Row>();
                    ShowError($"Error in layout {format}, please try again.\r\n\r\n{ex}");
        private static void LoadParamsDS2()
            var dir = AssetLocator.GameRootDirectory;
            var mod = AssetLocator.GameModDirectory;

            if (!File.Exists($@"{dir}\enc_regulation.bnd.dcx"))
                MessageBox.Show("Could not find DS2 regulation file. Functionality will be limited.", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            if (!BND4.Is($@"{dir}\enc_regulation.bnd.dcx"))
                MessageBox.Show("Use yapped to decrypt your DS2 regulation file. Functionality will be limited.", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            // Keep track of loaded params as we load loose and regulation params
            HashSet <string> loadedParams = new HashSet <string>();

            // Load params
            List <string> scandir = new List <string>();

            if (mod != null && Directory.Exists($@"{mod}\Param"))
            foreach (var d in scandir)
                var paramfiles = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(d, @"*.param");
                foreach (var p in paramfiles)
                    bool blacklisted = false;
                    var  name        = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(p);
                    foreach (var bl in _ds2ParamBlacklist)
                        if (name.StartsWith(bl))
                            blacklisted = true;
                    if (blacklisted)

                    var      lp    = PARAM.Read(p);
                    var      fname = lp.ParamType;
                    PARAMDEF def   = AssetLocator.GetParamdefForParam(fname);
                    if (!_params.ContainsKey(name))
                        _params.Add(name, lp);

            // Load params
            var param = $@"{mod}\enc_regulation.bnd.dcx";

            if (!File.Exists(param))
                param = $@"{dir}\enc_regulation.bnd.dcx";
            BND4 paramBnd = BND4.Read(param);

            EnemyParam = GetParam(paramBnd, "EnemyParam.param");
            if (EnemyParam != null)
                PARAMDEF def = AssetLocator.GetParamdefForParam(EnemyParam.ParamType);

        public static void WriteParams(SQLiteConnection con, string outputPath, bool overwriteOutputFiles)
            // Writing a parambnd
            // Need to construct our BND3 files based on what's in our DB.
            // This is a kludge to create a mapping (filename -> (source_path, BND)).
            var bnds = new Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <string, BND3> >();

            // First thing to do is get our basic BND file setup.
            using (var cmd = new SQLiteCommand(@"SELECT * FROM 'bnd_metadata'", con))
                var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                while (reader.Read())
                    var bnd = new BND3
                        BigEndian    = reader.GetBoolean(reader.GetOrdinal(@"big_endian")),
                        BitBigEndian = reader.GetBoolean(reader.GetOrdinal(@"bit_big_endian")),
                        Compression  = (DCX.Type)Enum.Parse(typeof(DCX.Type), reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal(@"compression"))),
                        Format       = (Binder.Format)reader.GetInt64(reader.GetOrdinal(@"format")),
                        Unk18        = reader.GetInt32(reader.GetOrdinal(@"unk18")),
                        Version      = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal(@"version")),
                        Files        = new List <BinderFile>()
                    var filename = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal(@"filename"));
                    bnds.Add(Path.GetFileName(filename), new KeyValuePair <string, BND3>(filename, bnd));

            // Get our list of files. We'll grab the contents afterwards.
            // Note that it's a List because there can be multiple files associated with a given ParamType.
            var files = new Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <string, List <BinderFile> > >();

            using (var cmd = new SQLiteCommand(@"SELECT * FROM 'bnd_contents'", con))
                var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                while (reader.Read())
                    var source_file = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal(@"source_file"));
                    var file        = new BinderFile
                        ID              = reader.GetInt32(reader.GetOrdinal(@"file_id")),
                        Name            = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal(@"name")),
                        Flags           = (Binder.FileFlags)reader.GetInt64(reader.GetOrdinal(@"flags")),
                        CompressionType = (DCX.Type)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(DCX.Type), reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal(@"compression_type")))

                    var paramType = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("param_type"));

                    // Add the file to both our list of files in the appropriate BND and also to our dictionary
                    // so that we can continue building it out.
                    if (files.ContainsKey(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name)))
                        var dictValue = files.TryGetValue(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name), out KeyValuePair <string, List <BinderFile> > value) ? value :
                                        new KeyValuePair <string, List <BinderFile> >(paramType, new List <BinderFile>());
                        var dictValue = new KeyValuePair <string, List <BinderFile> >(paramType, new List <BinderFile>()
                        files.Add(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name), dictValue);

            // Get all of our PARAMDEFs
            Dictionary <string, PARAMDEF> paramTypeToParamDef = new Dictionary <string, PARAMDEF>();

            using (var cmd = new SQLiteCommand(@"SELECT * FROM 'paramdef_metadata';", con))
                using (var fieldsCmd = new SQLiteCommand(@"SELECT * FROM 'paramdef_fields' WHERE param_type=$param_type;", con))
                    var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    while (reader.Read())
                        PARAMDEF paramdef = new PARAMDEF
                            BigEndian     = reader.GetBoolean(reader.GetOrdinal(@"big_endian")),
                            Compression   = (DCX.Type)Enum.Parse(typeof(DCX.Type), reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal(@"compression"))),
                            ParamType     = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal(@"param_type")),
                            Unicode       = reader.GetBoolean(reader.GetOrdinal(@"unicode")),
                            DataVersion   = reader.GetInt16(reader.GetOrdinal(@"data_version")),
                            FormatVersion = reader.GetInt16(reader.GetOrdinal(@"format_version"))
                        paramTypeToParamDef.Add(paramdef.ParamType, paramdef);

            using (var cmd = new SQLiteCommand(@"SELECT * FROM 'paramdef_fields' WHERE param_type=$param_type;", con))
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PARAMDEF> keyValue in paramTypeToParamDef)
                    // Get all the fields for our paramdef
                    AddParamToCommand(cmd, @"$param_type", keyValue.Key);
                    var fieldReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    var fields      = new List <Field>();
                    while (fieldReader.Read())
                        var descOrdinal = fieldReader.GetOrdinal(@"description");
                        var field       = new Field
                            ArrayLength = fieldReader.GetInt32(fieldReader.GetOrdinal(@"array_length")),
                            BitSize     = fieldReader.GetInt32(fieldReader.GetOrdinal(@"bit_size")),
                            Default     = fieldReader.GetFloat(fieldReader.GetOrdinal(@"default")),
                            // Description can be NULL. Need to check. Sigh.
                            Description   = fieldReader.IsDBNull(descOrdinal) ? null : fieldReader.GetFieldValue <string>(descOrdinal),
                            DisplayFormat = fieldReader.GetString(fieldReader.GetOrdinal(@"display_format")),
                            DisplayName   = fieldReader.GetString(fieldReader.GetOrdinal(@"display_name")),
                            DisplayType   = (DefType)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(DefType), fieldReader.GetString(fieldReader.GetOrdinal(@"display_type"))),
                            EditFlags     = (EditFlags)fieldReader.GetInt64(fieldReader.GetOrdinal(@"edit_flags")),
                            Increment     = fieldReader.GetFloat(fieldReader.GetOrdinal(@"increment")),
                            InternalName  = fieldReader.GetString(fieldReader.GetOrdinal(@"internal_name")),
                            InternalType  = fieldReader.GetString(fieldReader.GetOrdinal(@"internal_type")),
                            Maximum       = fieldReader.GetFloat(fieldReader.GetOrdinal(@"maximum")),
                            Minimum       = fieldReader.GetFloat(fieldReader.GetOrdinal(@"minimum")),
                            SortID        = fieldReader.GetInt32(fieldReader.GetOrdinal(@"sort_id"))

                    keyValue.Value.Fields = fields;
                    var exc = new Exception();
                    if (!keyValue.Value.Validate(out exc))
                        throw exc;

            // Now we need to grab our contents for each file.
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, KeyValuePair <string, List <BinderFile> > > entry in files)
                // Want to iterate through each file. Keep in mind multiple tables can have same ParamType, so we can't loop via ParamType.
                // e.g. DeS AtkParam_Npc and AtkParam_Pc
                foreach (BinderFile file in entry.Value.Value)
                    //var tableName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name);
                    var tableName = entry.Key;
                    Console.WriteLine("Reading from: " + tableName);
                    using (var cmd = new SQLiteCommand(@"SELECT * FROM '" + tableName + "';", con))
                        using (var metadataCmd = new SQLiteCommand(@"SELECT * FROM param_metadata WHERE param_type = $param_type", con))
                            var paramDef  = paramTypeToParamDef[entry.Value.Key];
                            var paramFile = new PARAM();
                            paramFile.ParamType = entry.Value.Key;

                            AddParamToCommand(metadataCmd, @"$param_type", entry.Value.Key);
                            var metadataReader = metadataCmd.ExecuteReader();
                            while (metadataReader.Read())
                                paramFile.BigEndian   = metadataReader.GetBoolean(metadataReader.GetOrdinal(@"big_endian"));
                                paramFile.Compression = (DCX.Type)Enum.Parse(typeof(DCX.Type), metadataReader.GetString(metadataReader.GetOrdinal(@"compression")));
                                paramFile.Format2D    = (PARAM.FormatFlags1)Enum.Parse(typeof(PARAM.FormatFlags1), metadataReader.GetString(metadataReader.GetOrdinal(@"format2d")));
                                paramFile.Format2E    = (PARAM.FormatFlags2)Enum.Parse(typeof(PARAM.FormatFlags2), metadataReader.GetString(metadataReader.GetOrdinal(@"format2e")));
                                byte[] buf = new byte[1];
                                metadataReader.GetBytes(metadataReader.GetOrdinal("paramdef_format_version"), 0, buf, 0, 1);
                                paramFile.ParamdefFormatVersion = buf[0];
                                paramFile.Unk06 = metadataReader.GetInt16(metadataReader.GetOrdinal(@"unk06"));
                                paramFile.ParamdefDataVersion = metadataReader.GetInt16(metadataReader.GetOrdinal(@"paramdef_data_version"));

                            var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                            paramFile.Rows = new List <PARAM.Row>();
                            while (reader.Read())
                                var id = reader.GetInt32(reader.GetOrdinal(@"id"));
                                // Description can be NULL
                                var descOrdinal = reader.GetOrdinal(@"description");
                                var description = reader.IsDBNull(descOrdinal) ? null : reader.GetFieldValue <string>(descOrdinal);
                                var row         = new PARAM.Row(id, description, paramDef);
                                foreach (Field field in paramDef.Fields)
                                    var name = field.InternalName;
                                    // Not using InternalType. I don't know the complete set of raw strings across all games.
                                    // It would be better to use not be tied to a display field. For some value of "better".
                                    var type = field.DisplayType;

                                    switch (type)
                                    // Padding case
                                    case DefType.dummy8:
                                        int length = field.ArrayLength;
                                        if (field.BitSize == -1)
                                            row[name].Value = Enumerable.Repeat((byte)0, length).ToArray();
                                            row[name].Value = 0;

                                    // All the integer cases
                                    case DefType.s8:
                                    case DefType.s16:
                                    case DefType.s32:
                                    case DefType.u8:
                                    case DefType.u16:
                                    case DefType.u32:
                                        row[name].Value = reader.GetInt32(reader.GetOrdinal(name));

                                    // Float cases
                                    case DefType.f32:
                                        row[name].Value = reader.GetFloat(reader.GetOrdinal(name));

                                    // String case
                                    case DefType.fixstr:
                                    case DefType.fixstrW:
                                        row[name].Value = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal(name));


                            // Don't apply carefully. We don't have the ability to set the DetectedSize. It only occurs on Read
                            var exc = new Exception();
                            if (!paramFile.Validate(out exc))
                                Console.WriteLine("Failed with exception: " + exc);

                            file.Bytes = paramFile.Write();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, KeyValuePair <string, BND3> > entry in bnds)
                // Default to writing the original file.
                // If output path is defined, put everything there.
                var outputFile = entry.Value.Key;
                if (outputPath != null)
                    outputFile = outputPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + entry.Key;
                    Console.WriteLine("Output current parambnd.dcx: " + outputFile);

                if (!File.Exists(outputFile) || overwriteOutputFiles)
                    // Backup the eisting file before writing.
                    // Just append the unix time and ".bak" to avoid managing whole sets of backup nonsense.
                    var    unixTime   = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds();
                    string backupFile = outputFile + "." + unixTime + ".bak";
                    Console.WriteLine("Collision found. Not overwriting. Moving original file to backup at: " + backupFile);
                    File.Move(outputFile, backupFile);
        static void translateParams(string a, string b)
            string paramDir    = a.EndsWith("\\") ? a.Substring(a.Length - 1, 1) : a;
            string paramDefDir = b.EndsWith("\\") ? b.Substring(b.Length - 1, 1) : b;

            string[]        paramFileList     = Directory.GetFiles(paramDir);
            string[]        paramDefFileList  = Directory.GetFiles(paramDefDir);
            List <string>   paramFileNameList = new List <string>();
            List <PARAMDEF> paramDefs         = new List <PARAMDEF>();
            List <PARAM>    paramaroos        = new List <PARAM>();

            Console.WriteLine("### " + paramDir);
            Console.WriteLine("### " + paramDefDir + "\n");

            for (int i = 0; i < paramFileList.Length; i++)
                string fn = paramFileList[i].Substring(paramDir.Length + 1, paramFileList[i].Length - (paramDir.Length + 1));

            for (int i = 0; i < paramDefFileList.Length; i++)

            for (int i = 0; i < paramaroos.Count; i++)
                PARAM p = paramaroos[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < paramDefs.Count; j++)
                    PARAMDEF pd = paramDefs[j];

                    if (p.ParamType.Equals(pd.ParamType))

            TranslationClient client = TranslationClient.Create(GoogleCredential.FromFile("C:\\Users\\dmtin\\google-translate-api-key.txt"));

            for (int i = 0; i < paramaroos.Count; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n\n==================" + paramaroos[i].ParamType + "==================");
                for (int j = 0; j < paramaroos[i].Rows.Count; j++)
                    PARAM.Row row = paramaroos[i].Rows[j];
                        if (row.Name != null && !row.Name.Trim().Equals("") && !row.Name.Trim().Equals("0"))
                            TranslationResult response = client.TranslateText(row.Name, LanguageCodes.English, LanguageCodes.Japanese); // Translate request
                            if (response != null && response.TranslatedText != null && response.TranslatedText.Trim().Length > 0)
                                row.Name = response.TranslatedText;
                    catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("EXCEPTION :: " + ex.Message); }
                    Console.WriteLine(row.ID + ":: " + row.Name);

            Directory.CreateDirectory(paramDir + "\\translated\\");
            for (int i = 0; i < paramaroos.Count; i++)
                string outPath = paramDir + "\\translated\\" + paramFileNameList[i];
                byte[] outData = paramaroos[i].Write();
                File.WriteAllBytes(outPath, outData);

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n Done!");
        private void btnDump_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            BND4 bnd;

                bnd = SFUtil.DecryptDS3Regulation(txtRegulation.Text);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show($"Failed to load regulation:\r\n\r\n{txtRegulation.Text}\r\n\r\n{ex}");

            var translations = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var xml          = new XmlDocument();


            foreach (XmlNode text in xml.SelectNodes("translations/text"))
                string jp = text.SelectSingleNode("jp").InnerText;
                string en = text.SelectSingleNode("en").InnerText;
                translations[WebUtility.HtmlDecode(jp)] = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(en);

            var package = new ExcelPackage();

            foreach (BinderFile file in bnd.Files)
                if (Path.GetExtension(file.Name) == ".param")
                    PARAM  param      = PARAM.Read(file.Bytes);
                    string layoutPath = $"Layouts\\{param.ParamType}.xml";

                    txtStatus.AppendText(file.Name + "\r\n");

                    var worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name));

                    PARAM.Layout layout;
                    if (File.Exists(layoutPath))
                        layout = PARAM.Layout.ReadXMLFile(layoutPath);
                        if (layout.Size != param.DetectedSize)
                            layout = new PARAM.Layout();
                            for (int i = 0; i < param.DetectedSize / 4; i++)
                                layout.Add(new PARAM.Layout.Entry(CellType.u32, $"unk0x{i * 4:X4}", (uint)0));
                            for (int i = 0; i < param.DetectedSize % 4; i++)
                                layout.Add(new PARAM.Layout.Entry(CellType.u8, "unkb" + i, (byte)0));
                        layout = new PARAM.Layout();

                    param.ApplyParamdef(layout.ToParamdef(param.ParamType, out _));
                    List <PARAM.Row> rows = param.Rows;

                    worksheet.Cells[1, 1].Value = "ID";
                    worksheet.Cells[1, 2].Value = "Name";
                    worksheet.Cells[1, 3].Value = "Translated";
                    int columnCount = 3;
                    foreach (PARAM.Layout.Entry lv in layout)
                        if (lv.Type != CellType.dummy8)
                            worksheet.Cells[1, ++columnCount].Value = lv.Name;

                    for (int i = 0; i < rows.Count; i++)
                        PARAM.Row row = rows[i];
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 2, 1].Value = row.ID;
                        if (row.Name != null)
                            if (translations.ContainsKey(row.Name))
                                worksheet.Cells[i + 2, 2].Value = row.Name;
                                worksheet.Cells[i + 2, 3].Value = translations[row.Name];
                            else if (row.Name.Contains(" -- "))
                                worksheet.Cells[i + 2, 2].Value = row.Name.Substring(row.Name.IndexOf(" -- ") + 4);
                                worksheet.Cells[i + 2, 3].Value = row.Name.Substring(0, row.Name.IndexOf(" -- "));
                            worksheet.Cells[i + 2, 2].Value = row.Name;
                        columnCount = 3;

                        foreach (PARAM.Cell cell in row.Cells)
                            var type = cell.Def.DisplayType;
                            if (type != DefType.dummy8)
                                var range = worksheet.Cells[i + 2, ++columnCount];
                                if (type == DefType.f32)
                                    range.Value = (double)(float)cell.Value;
                                else if (type == DefType.u8 || type == DefType.u16 || type == DefType.u32)
                                    bool b = (bool)cell.Value;
                                    range.Value = b.ToString();
                                    range.Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
                                    range.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(b ? Color.LightGreen : Color.LightPink);
                                else if (type == DefType.u8)
                                    range.Value = $"0x{cell.Value:X2}";
                                    range.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;
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                                    range.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;
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                    worksheet.Row(1).Style.Font.Bold    = true;
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            FileInfo f = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(txtOutput.Text, "dump.xlsx"));
