public void RetrieveProduct(string productId) { if (productId == "csgms_remove_ads") { P31Prefs.setInt("rads", 3); //quando RADS vira 3, ele oculta os ads Ads.Refresh(); } }
public static void SetInt(string key, int val) { #if UNITY_IPHONE //Use player prefs to set and return. P31Prefs.setInt(key, val); return; #endif //If we fall here then we havent saved any other way and we will resport to unity default. PlayerPrefs.SetInt(key, val); }
void Awake() { P31Prefs.setInt("level1", 1); mainCamera = this.gameObject; #if UNITY_ANDROID EtceteraAndroid.askForReview(1, 1, 2, "Do you like this game?", "Please review the game if you do!", false); #endif #if UNITY_IOS EtceteraBinding.askForReview(1, 0.5f, "Do you like this game?", "Please review the game if you do!", "950049277"); #endif }
public void GameOver() { Debug.Log("Game Over"); balloonController.canMove = false; balloonController.canRelease = false; balloonController.yDirection = 0; gameOver = true; Invoke("ShowGameOver", 2.0f); //CONFERE MISSOES if (giftCount >= totalChimneys) { CompleteMission(0); } if (shotCount <= 0) //MISSAO DE NAO TOMAR TIROS { CompleteMission(2); } if (!menu) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (P31Prefs.getInt("level" + levelNumber + "mission" + i) == 1) { uiGame.obCheck [i].GetComponent <Image> ().sprite = uiGame.obChecked; completedMissions += 1; Debug.Log("Completed mission " + i); } } } //LIBERA O PROXIMO LEVEL if (Game.completedMissions >= 2) { P31Prefs.setInt("level" + Game.levelNumber, 1); } Debug.Log("Gifts delivered: " + giftCount + ", Stars collected " + starCount + ", shots received " + shotCount); }
public void NextLevel() //INICIA A PROXIMA FASE { if (Game.levelNumber < 14) { if (Game.completedMissions >= 2) { Debug.Log("Skipping to next level"); Game.tutorial = false; Game.levelNumber += 1; P31Prefs.setInt("level" + Game.levelNumber, 1); Application.LoadLevel("level" + Game.levelNumber); } else { var buttons = new string[] { "OK" }; #if UNITY_ANDROID EtceteraAndroid.showAlert("Hey!", "You need 2 stars to unlock the next level", buttons[0]); #endif #if UNITY_IOS EtceteraBinding.showAlertWithTitleMessageAndButtons("Hey!", "You need 2 stars to unlock the next level", buttons); #endif Debug.Log("Need more stars to unlock the next level"); } } else { var buttons = new string[] { "OK" }; #if UNITY_ANDROID EtceteraAndroid.showAlert("Congratulations!", "You finished the game.", buttons[0]); #endif #if UNITY_IOS EtceteraBinding.showAlertWithTitleMessageAndButtons("Congratulations!", "You finished the game.", buttons); #endif Debug.Log("Finished the game"); } }
void OnGUI() { beginColumn(); if (GUILayout.Button("Synchronize")) { // Note: synchronize is called automatically for you when iCloud initializes and your app closes so in practice you will not need to call it var didSync = P31Prefs.synchronize(); Debug.Log("did synchronize: " + didSync); } if (GUILayout.Button("Get the ubiquityIdentityToken")) { var token = iCloudBinding.getUbiquityIdentityToken(); Debug.Log("ubiquityIdentityToken: " + token); } if (GUILayout.Button("Set Int 29")) { P31Prefs.setInt("theInt", 29); Debug.Log("int: " + P31Prefs.getInt("theInt")); } if (GUILayout.Button("Set string 'word'")) { P31Prefs.setString("theString", "word"); Debug.Log("string: " + P31Prefs.getString("theString")); } if (GUILayout.Button("Set Bool")) { P31Prefs.setBool("theBool", true); Debug.Log("bool: " + P31Prefs.getBool("theBool")); } if (GUILayout.Button("Set Float 13.68")) { P31Prefs.setFloat("theFloat", 13.68f); Debug.Log("float: " + P31Prefs.getFloat("theFloat")); } if (GUILayout.Button("Set Dictionary")) { var ht = new Hashtable(); ht.Add("aFloat", 25.5f); ht.Add("aString", "dogma"); ht.Add("anInt", 16); P31Prefs.setDictionary("theDict", ht); Prime31.Utils.logObject(P31Prefs.getDictionary("theDict")); } if (GUILayout.Button("Get All")) { Debug.Log("int: " + P31Prefs.getInt("theInt")); Debug.Log("string: " + P31Prefs.getString("theString")); Debug.Log("bool: " + P31Prefs.getBool("theBool")); Prime31.Utils.logObject(P31Prefs.getDictionary("theDict")); Debug.Log("float: " + P31Prefs.getFloat("theFloat")); } if (GUILayout.Button("Remove All Values")) { P31Prefs.removeAll(); } endColumn(true); if (GUILayout.Button("Is Document Store Available")) { Debug.Log("Is document store available: " + P31Prefs.iCloudDocumentStoreAvailable); } if (GUILayout.Button("Is File in iCloud?")) { Debug.Log("Is file in iCloud: " + iCloudBinding.isFileInCloud(_filename)); } if (GUILayout.Button("Is File Downloaded?")) { Debug.Log("Is file downloaded: " + iCloudBinding.isFileDownloaded(_filename)); } if (GUILayout.Button("Save File to iCloud")) { // make up a file name _filename = string.Format("myCloudFile{0}.txt", Random.Range(0, 10000)); var didSave = P31CloudFile.writeAllText(_filename, "going to write some text"); Debug.Log("Did write file to iCloud: " + didSave); } if (GUILayout.Button("Modify File")) { var didSave = P31CloudFile.writeAllText(_filename, "changed up the text and now its this"); Debug.Log("Did write file to iCloud: " + didSave); } if (GUILayout.Button("Get Contents of File")) { var lines = P31CloudFile.readAllLines(_filename); Debug.Log("File contents: " + string.Join("", lines)); } if (GUILayout.Button("Evict File")) { iCloudBinding.evictFile(_filename); } endColumn(); }
//COMPLETA UMA DAS 3 MISSOES: //0- ACERTAR TODAS AS CHAMINES //1- COLETAR UMA ESTRELA //2- NAO TOMAR TIROS public void CompleteMission(int missionNumber) { P31Prefs.setInt("level" + levelNumber + "mission" + missionNumber, 1); //0 = INCOMPLETO, 1 = COMPLETO }