protected void gvResult_DeleteCommand(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { OwnerCollection dt = ((OwnerCollection)this.gvResult.DataSource); PubEntAdmin.BLL.Owner l_owner = dt[e.Item.DataSetIndex]; int Ownerid = l_owner.OwnerID; string Fname = l_owner.FirstName; string Lname = l_owner.LastName; string Minitial = l_owner.MiddleInitial; string Activestatus = ((Button)e.Item.Cells[7].Controls[7]).Text; if (Activestatus == "Inactive") { Boolean ownerExist = LU_DAL.OwnerExist(Ownerid); if (ownerExist == false) { LU_DAL.DeleteOwnerLU(Ownerid); this.BindData(); } else if (ownerExist == true) { string confirm = "Unable to Inactivate, value associated with Publication."; ((Label)e.Item.Cells[8].Controls[1]).Text = confirm; } } if (Activestatus == "Active") { LU_DAL.UpdateOwnerLU(Ownerid, Fname, Lname, Minitial); this.BindData(); } }
internal void AssignInitialValueAsync(List <BarcodeModel> _alerts) { try { ConstantManager.VerifiedBarcodes = _alerts; LoadOwnderAsync(); LoadAssetSizeAsync(); LoadAssetTypeAsync(); var RealmDb = Realm.GetInstance(RealmDbManager.GetRealmDbConfig()); foreach (var item in _alerts) { AssetTypeModel selectedType = null; AssetSizeModel selectedSize = null; OwnerModel selectedOwner = OwnerCollection.Where(x => x.FullName == item?.Kegs?.Partners?.FirstOrDefault()?.FullName).FirstOrDefault(); if (selectedOwner != null) { RealmDb.Write(() => { selectedOwner.HasInitial = true; }); } if (item.Tags.Count > 2) { selectedType = TypeCollection.Where(x => x.AssetType == item.Tags?[2]?.Value).FirstOrDefault(); RealmDb.Write(() => { selectedType.HasInitial = true; }); } if (item.Tags.Count > 3) { selectedSize = SizeCollection.Where(x => x.AssetSize == item.Tags?[3]?.Value).FirstOrDefault(); RealmDb.Write(() => { selectedSize.HasInitial = true; }); } MaintenaceCollection.Add( new MoveMaintenanceAlertModel { UOwnerCollection = OwnerCollection.ToList(), USizeCollection = SizeCollection.ToList(), UTypeCollection = TypeCollection.ToList(), BarcodeId = item.Barcode, SelectedUOwner = selectedOwner ?? selectedOwner, SelectedUSize = selectedSize ?? selectedSize, SelectedUType = selectedType ?? selectedType }); } } catch (Exception ex) { Crashes.TrackError(ex); } }
public OwnerCollection GetEnrolledOwnerCollection(int ownerId) { OwnerCollection ownerCollection = this.ownerResolver.GetOwnerCollection(ownerId); Trace.WriteLine("Owner Id: " + ownerId); Trace.WriteLine("Policy number: " + ownerCollection.OwnerInformation.PolicyNumber); return(ownerCollection); }
protected void gvResult_UpdateCommand(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { OwnerCollection dt = ((OwnerCollection)this.gvResult.DataSource); PubEntAdmin.BLL.Owner l_owner = dt[e.Item.DataSetIndex]; int OwnerID = l_owner.OwnerID; string lname = ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[1].Controls[1]).Text.Trim(); string fname = ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[2].Controls[1]).Text.Trim(); string minitial = ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[3].Controls[1]).Text; bool valid = false; bool validlen = false; if (lname.Length != 0) { valid = PubEntAdminManager.OtherVal(lname); validlen = PubEntAdminManager.LenVal(lname, 20); } if (fname.Length != 0) { valid = PubEntAdminManager.OtherVal(fname); validlen = PubEntAdminManager.LenVal(fname, 20); } if (minitial.Length != 0) { valid = PubEntAdminManager.OtherVal(minitial); validlen = PubEntAdminManager.LenVal(minitial, 1); minitial = minitial.Trim(); } if ((valid == false) && (validlen == true)) { OwnerCollection coll = LU_DAL.GetOwnerByFullname(fname, lname, minitial); if (coll.Count > 0) { string confirm = "The Owner already existed."; ((Label)e.Item.Cells[8].Controls[1]).Text = confirm; } else { LU_DAL.UpdateOwnerLU(OwnerID, fname, lname, minitial); this.gvResult.EditItemIndex = -1; //this.BindDataAferUpdate(); this.BindData(); } } else { Response.Redirect("InvalidInput.aspx"); } }
private void LoadOwnderAsync() { try { var RealmDb = Realm.GetInstance(RealmDbManager.GetRealmDbConfig()); OwnerCollection = RealmDb.All <OwnerModel>().ToList(); SelectedOwner = OwnerCollection.OrderBy(x => x.FullName).FirstOrDefault(); } catch (Exception ex) { Crashes.TrackError(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the CalendarModel class. /// </summary> public CalendarModel() { _Appointments = new AppointmentCollection(this); _Owners = new OwnerCollection(this); _WorkDays = new WorkDayCollection(this); _CalendarWorkDays = new CalendarWorkDayCollection(this); // Initialize default work-days _WorkDays.Add(new WorkDay(DayOfWeek.Monday)); _WorkDays.Add(new WorkDay(DayOfWeek.Tuesday)); _WorkDays.Add(new WorkDay(DayOfWeek.Wednesday)); _WorkDays.Add(new WorkDay(DayOfWeek.Thursday)); _WorkDays.Add(new WorkDay(DayOfWeek.Friday)); }
public InvoicePreviewCriteria BuildInvoicePreviewCriteriaFromInvoice(OwnerCollection ownerCollection, InvoiceWithItems invoice, string IsoAlpha3Code) { InvoicePreviewCriteria ret = new InvoicePreviewCriteria(); ret.PostalCode = ownerCollection.AddressInformation.Zipcode; ret.IsoAlpha2SateOrProvinceCode = "Minnesota"; // ownerCollection.AddressInformation.StateId.ToString(); ret.IsoAlpha3CountryCode = IsoAlpha3Code; InvoicePreviewItemCriteria item = new InvoicePreviewItemCriteria(); item.Amount = invoice.Amount; item.DiscountAmount = 0; item.ProductId = "2c91a0f8557bc1f401557f2ceb5e1d31"; // "Pet Insurance"; ret.Items.Add(item); return(ret); }
private AnimDrawable LoadUpgrade(StructureObject structObj, int upgradeSlot, DrawProperties inheritProps) { string upgradeName = ""; if (upgradeSlot == 0) { upgradeName = structObj.Upgrade1; } else if (upgradeSlot == 1) { upgradeName = structObj.Upgrade2; } else if (upgradeSlot == 2) { upgradeName = structObj.Upgrade3; } IniFile.IniSection upgradeRules = OwnerCollection.Rules.GetOrCreateSection(upgradeName); if (upgradeRules != null && upgradeRules.HasKey("Image")) { upgradeName = upgradeRules.ReadString("Image"); } IniFile.IniSection upgradeArt = OwnerCollection.Art.GetOrCreateSection(upgradeName); if (upgradeArt != null && upgradeArt.HasKey("Image")) { upgradeName = upgradeArt.ReadString("Image"); } IniFile.IniSection upgRules = OwnerCollection.Rules.GetOrCreateSection(upgradeName); IniFile.IniSection upgArt = OwnerCollection.Art.GetOrCreateSection(upgradeName); AnimDrawable upgrade = new AnimDrawable(_config, _vfs, upgRules, upgArt); upgrade.OwnerCollection = OwnerCollection; upgrade.Props = inheritProps; upgrade.LoadFromRules(); upgrade.NewTheater = this.NewTheater; upgrade.IsBuildingPart = true; string shpfilename = NewTheater ? OwnerCollection.ApplyNewTheaterIfNeeded(upgradeName, upgradeName + ".shp") : upgradeName + ".shp"; upgrade.Shp = _vfs.Open <ShpFile>(shpfilename); Point powerupOffset = new Point(_powerupSlots[upgradeSlot].X, _powerupSlots[upgradeSlot].Y); upgrade.Props.Offset.Offset(powerupOffset); return(upgrade); }
public string GetFilename() { string fn = Image; if (TheaterExtension) { fn += ModConfig.ActiveTheater.Extension; } else { fn += ".shp"; } if (NewTheater) { fn = OwnerCollection.ApplyNewTheaterIfNeeded(Art.Name, fn); } return(fn); }
private void OrderAsInList(IEnumerable <Guid> componentGuids) { Dictionary <Guid, TComponentType> map = new Dictionary <Guid, TComponentType>(); foreach (Guid componentGuid in componentGuids) { TComponentType a = Project.TranslateComponent <TComponentType>(componentGuid); OwnerCollection.RemoveAsGuidSilent(a); map[componentGuid] = a; } foreach (Guid attributeGuid in componentGuids) { OwnerCollection.AddAsGuidSilent(map[attributeGuid]); } NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e = new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset); OwnerCollection.InvokeCollectionChanged(e); }
//protected ITestDataManager TestDataManager //{ // get // { // return testDataManager; // } //} public void InitTestClass() { try { ServiceFactory.InitializeServiceFactory(new ContainerConfiguration(ApplicationProfileType.TestFramework)); testDataManager = IocContainer.Resolve <ITestDataManager>(); serializer = ServiceFactory.Instance.Create <IJsonSerialization>(); qaLibRestClient = new QALibRestClient(); ownerCollection = new OwnerCollection(); accountExpected = new Account(); accountExpected.AutoPay = true; random = new Random(); } catch (Exception ex) { BillingTestCommon.log.Fatal(ex); } Assert.IsNotNull(testDataManager); }
protected void gvResult_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataGridItemEventArgs e) { OwnerCollection dt = ((OwnerCollection)this.gvResult.DataSource); if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { PubEntAdmin.BLL.Owner l_owner = dt[e.Item.DataSetIndex]; //delete btn col Button l_able = e.Item.Cells[7].FindControl("lnkbtnDel") as Button; if (l_owner.Checked) { ((Label)e.Item.Cells[5].Controls[1]).Text = "Active"; l_able.Text = "Inactivate"; Panel l_pnl = e.Item.Cells[7].FindControl("pnlConfirmDel") as Panel; ((Label)l_pnl.Controls[1]).Text = "Are you sure you want to inactivate this Lookup Value [" + Server.HtmlEncode(l_owner.LastName + ',' + l_owner.FirstName) + "]?"; } else { ((Label)e.Item.Cells[5].Controls[1]).Text = "Inactive"; l_able.Text = "Activate"; Panel l_pnl = e.Item.Cells[7].FindControl("pnlConfirmDel") as Panel; ((Label)l_pnl.Controls[1]).Text = "Are you sure you want to activate this Lookup Value [" + Server.HtmlEncode(l_owner.LastName + ',' + l_owner.FirstName) + "]?"; ((Button)e.Item.Cells[6].Controls[0]).Enabled = false; } } else if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.EditItem) { PubEntAdmin.BLL.Owner l_owner = dt[e.Item.ItemIndex]; String status = ""; if (l_owner.Checked == true) { status = "Active"; } else { status = "Inactive"; } ((Label)e.Item.Cells[5].Controls[1]).Text = status; if (e.Item.Cells[6].Controls[2] is Button) { Button l_btnCancel = ((Button)e.Item.Cells[6].Controls[2]); l_btnCancel.ID = "gvResult_Cancel"; Panel l_panel = new Panel(); l_panel.ID = "l_panel"; l_panel.CssClass = "modalPopup"; l_panel.Style.Add("display", "none"); l_panel.Width = Unit.Pixel(233); Label l_label = new Label(); l_label.Text = "Are you sure you want to continue?"; HtmlGenericControl l_div = new HtmlGenericControl(); Button l_ok = new Button(); Button l_cancel = new Button(); l_ok.ID = "l_ok"; l_ok.Text = "OK"; l_cancel.ID = "l_cancel"; l_cancel.Text = "Cancel"; l_div.Controls.Add(l_ok); l_div.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" ")); l_div.Controls.Add(l_cancel); l_div.Attributes.Add("align", "center"); l_panel.Controls.Add(l_label); l_panel.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br>")); l_panel.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br>")); l_panel.Controls.Add(l_div); ModalPopupExtender l_mpe = new ModalPopupExtender(); l_mpe.ID = "l_mpe"; l_mpe.TargetControlID = l_btnCancel.ID; l_mpe.PopupControlID = l_panel.ID; l_mpe.BackgroundCssClass = "modalBackground"; l_mpe.DropShadow = true; l_mpe.OkControlID = l_ok.ID; l_mpe.CancelControlID = l_cancel.ID; ConfirmButtonExtender l_cbe = new ConfirmButtonExtender(); l_cbe.TargetControlID = l_btnCancel.ID; l_cbe.ConfirmText = ""; l_cbe.DisplayModalPopupID = l_mpe.ID; e.Item.Cells[6].Controls.Add(l_panel); e.Item.Cells[6].Controls.Add(l_mpe); e.Item.Cells[6].Controls.Add(l_cbe); } //delete btn col Button l_able = e.Item.Cells[7].FindControl("lnkbtnDel") as Button; if (l_owner.Checked) { ((Label)e.Item.Cells[5].Controls[1]).Text = "Active"; l_able.Text = "Inactivate"; Panel l_pnl = e.Item.Cells[6].FindControl("pnlConfirmDel") as Panel; ((Label)l_pnl.Controls[1]).Text = "Are you sure you want to inactivate this Lookup Value [" + Server.HtmlEncode(l_owner.LastName + ',' + l_owner.FirstName) + "]?"; } else { ((Label)e.Item.Cells[5].Controls[1]).Text = "Inactive"; l_able.Text = "Activate"; Panel l_pnl = e.Item.Cells[7].FindControl("pnlConfirmDel") as Panel; ((Label)l_pnl.Controls[1]).Text = "Are you sure you want to activate this Lookup Value [" + Server.HtmlEncode(l_owner.LastName + ',' + l_owner.FirstName) + "]?"; } } }
public override void LoadFromRules() { base.LoadFromRules(); IsBuildingPart = true; InvisibleInGame = Rules.ReadBool("InvisibleInGame") || LampNames.Contains(Name.ToUpper()); string foundation = Art.ReadString("Foundation", "1x1"); if (!foundation.Equals("custom", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { int fx = foundation[0] - '0'; int fy = foundation[2] - '0'; Foundation = new Size(fx, fy); } else { int fx = Art.ReadInt("Foundation.X", 1); int fy = Art.ReadInt("Foundation.Y", 1); Foundation = new Size(fx, fy); } Props.SortIndex = Art.ReadInt("NormalYSort") - Art.ReadInt("NormalZAdjust"); // "main" building image before anims _baseShp = new ShpDrawable(Rules, Art); _baseShp.OwnerCollection = OwnerCollection; _baseShp.LoadFromArtEssential(); _baseShp.Props = Props; _baseShp.Shp = VFS.Open <ShpFile>(_baseShp.GetFilename()); var extraProps = Props.Clone(); extraProps.SortIndex = 0; foreach (string extraImage in AnimImages) { var extra = LoadExtraImage(extraImage, extraProps); if (extra != null && extra.Shp != null) { _anims.Add(extra); var extraDmg = LoadExtraImage(extraImage + "Damaged", extra.Props); if (extraDmg != null && extraDmg.Shp != null) { _animsDamaged.Add(extraDmg); } else // no damaged anim --> use normal anim also in damaged state { _animsDamaged.Add(extra); } } } // Starkku: New code for adding fire animations to buildings, supports custom-paletted animations. if (OwnerCollection.Engine >= EngineType.RedAlert2) { LoadFireAnimations(); } // Add turrets if (Rules.ReadBool("Turret") && Rules.HasKey("TurretAnim")) { string turretName = Rules.ReadString("TurretAnim"); Drawable turret = Rules.ReadBool("TurretAnimIsVoxel") ? (Drawable) new VoxelDrawable(VFS.Open <VxlFile>(turretName + ".vxl"), VFS.Open <HvaFile>(turretName + ".hva")) : new ShpDrawable(VFS.Open <ShpFile>(turretName + ".shp")); turret.Props.Offset = Props.Offset + new Size(Rules.ReadInt("TurretAnimX"), Rules.ReadInt("TurretAnimY")); turret.Props.HasShadow = Rules.ReadBool("UseTurretShadow"); turret.Props.FrameDecider = FrameDeciders.TurretFrameDecider; turret.Props.ZAdjust = Rules.ReadInt("TurretAnimZAdjust"); SubDrawables.Add(turret); if (turret is VoxelDrawable && turretName.ToUpper().Contains("TUR")) { string barrelName = turretName.Replace("TUR", "BARL"); if (VFS.Exists(barrelName + ".vxl")) { var barrel = new VoxelDrawable(VFS.Open <VxlFile>(barrelName + ".vxl"), VFS.Open <HvaFile>(barrelName + ".hva")); SubDrawables.Add(barrel); barrel.Props = turret.Props; } } } // Bib if (Art.HasKey("BibShape")) { var bibImg = Art.ReadString("BibShape") + ".shp"; if (NewTheater) { bibImg = OwnerCollection.ApplyNewTheaterIfNeeded(bibImg, bibImg); } var bibShp = VFS.Open <ShpFile>(bibImg); if (bibShp != null) { var bib = new ShpDrawable(bibShp); bib.Props = this.Props.Clone(); bib.Flat = true; SubDrawables.Add(bib); } } // Powerup slots, at most 3 for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { if (!Art.HasKey(String.Format("PowerUp{0}LocXX", i))) { break; } _powerupSlots.Add(new PowerupSlot { X = Art.ReadInt(String.Format("PowerUp{0}LocXX", i)), Y = Art.ReadInt(String.Format("PowerUp{0}LocYY", i)), Z = Art.ReadInt(String.Format("PowerUp{0}LocZZ", i)), YSort = Art.ReadInt(String.Format("PowerUp{0}LocYSort", i)), }); } }
public override void Draw(GameObject obj, DrawingSurface ds, bool shadows = true) { if (InvisibleInGame) { return; } var drawList = new List <Drawable>(); drawList.Add(_baseShp); if (obj is StructureObject && (obj as StructureObject).Health < 128) { drawList.AddRange(_animsDamaged); drawList.AddRange(_fires); } else { drawList.AddRange(_anims); } drawList.AddRange(SubDrawables); // bib /* order: * ActiveAnims+Flat=yes * BibShape * ActiveAnims (+ZAdjust=0) * Building * ActiveAnims+ZAdjust=-32 */ drawList = drawList.OrderBy(d => d.Flat ? -1 : 1).ThenBy(d => d.Props.SortIndex).ToList(); foreach (var d in drawList) { d.Draw(obj, ds, false); } if (shadows) { foreach (var d in drawList) { d.DrawShadow(obj, ds); } } var strObj = obj as StructureObject; if (!strObj.Upgrade1.Equals("None", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && _powerupSlots.Count >= 1) { var powerup = OwnerCollection.GetDrawable(strObj.Upgrade1); DrawPowerup(obj, powerup, 0, ds); } if (!strObj.Upgrade2.Equals("None", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && _powerupSlots.Count >= 2) { var powerup = OwnerCollection.GetDrawable(strObj.Upgrade2); DrawPowerup(obj, powerup, 1, ds); } if (!strObj.Upgrade3.Equals("None", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && _powerupSlots.Count >= 3) { var powerup = OwnerCollection.GetDrawable(strObj.Upgrade3); DrawPowerup(obj, powerup, 2, ds); } }
public override void LoadFromRules() { base.LoadFromRules(); IsBuildingPart = true; InvisibleInGame = Rules.ReadBool("InvisibleInGame") || LampNames.Contains(Name.ToUpper()); string foundation = Art.ReadString("Foundation", "1x1"); if (!foundation.Equals("custom", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { int fx = foundation[0] - '0'; int fy = foundation[2] - '0'; Foundation = new Size(fx, fy); } else { int fx = Art.ReadInt("Foundation.X", 1); int fy = Art.ReadInt("Foundation.Y", 1); Foundation = new Size(fx, fy); } Props.SortIndex = Art.ReadInt("NormalYSort") - Art.ReadInt("NormalZAdjust"); // "main" building image before anims Props.ZShapePointMove = Art.ReadPoint("ZShapePointMove"); _canBeOccupied = Rules.ReadBool("CanBeOccupied"); _techLevel = Rules.ReadInt("TechLevel"); _conditionYellowHealth = 128; _conditionRedHealth = 64; IniFile.IniSection audioVisual = OwnerCollection.Rules.GetOrCreateSection("AudioVisual"); if (audioVisual != null) { if (audioVisual.HasKey("ConditionYellow")) { int conditionYellow = audioVisual.ReadPercent("ConditionYellow"); _conditionYellowHealth = (int)(256 * (double)conditionYellow / 100); } if (audioVisual.HasKey("ConditionRed")) { int conditionRed = audioVisual.ReadPercent("ConditionRed"); _conditionRedHealth = (int)(256 * (double)conditionRed / 100); } } _baseShp = new ShpDrawable(_config, _vfs, Rules, Art); _baseShp.OwnerCollection = OwnerCollection; _baseShp.LoadFromArtEssential(); _baseShp.Props = Props; _baseShp.Shp = _vfs.Open <ShpFile>(_baseShp.GetFilename()); var extraProps = Props.Clone(); extraProps.SortIndex = 0; foreach (string extraImage in AnimImages) { var extra = LoadExtraImage(extraImage, extraProps); if (extra != null && extra.Shp != null) { _anims.Add(extra); var extraDmg = LoadExtraImage(extraImage + "Damaged", extra.Props); if (extraDmg != null && extraDmg.Shp != null) { _animsDamaged.Add(extraDmg); } else // no damaged anim --> use normal anim also in damaged state { _animsDamaged.Add(extra); } } } // RA2 and later support adding fire animations to buildings, supports custom-paletted animations. if (_config.Engine >= EngineType.RedAlert2) { LoadFireAnimations(); } // Add turrets if (Rules.ReadBool("Turret") && Rules.HasKey("TurretAnim")) { string turretName = Rules.ReadString("TurretAnim"); IniFile.IniSection turretArt = OwnerCollection.Art.GetOrCreateSection(turretName); if (turretArt.HasKey("Image")) { turretName = turretArt.ReadString("Image"); } // NewTheater/generic image fallback support for turrets. string turretNameShp = NewTheater ? OwnerCollection.ApplyNewTheaterIfNeeded(turretName, turretName + ".shp") : turretName + ".shp"; Drawable turret = Rules.ReadBool("TurretAnimIsVoxel") ? (Drawable) new VoxelDrawable(_config, _vfs.Open <VxlFile>(turretName + ".vxl"), _vfs.Open <HvaFile>(turretName + ".hva")) : (Drawable) new ShpDrawable(new ShpRenderer(_config, _vfs), _vfs.Open <ShpFile>(turretNameShp)); turret.Props.Offset = Props.Offset + new Size(Rules.ReadInt("TurretAnimX"), Rules.ReadInt("TurretAnimY")); turret.Props.HasShadow = Rules.ReadBool("UseTurretShadow"); turret.Props.FrameDecider = FrameDeciders.TurretFrameDecider; turret.Props.ZAdjust = Rules.ReadInt("TurretAnimZAdjust"); turret.Props.Cloakable = Props.Cloakable; SubDrawables.Add(turret); if (turret is VoxelDrawable && turretName.ToUpper().Contains("TUR")) { string barrelName = turretName.Replace("TUR", "BARL"); if (_vfs.FileExists(barrelName + ".vxl")) { var barrel = new VoxelDrawable(_config, _vfs.Open <VxlFile>(barrelName + ".vxl"), _vfs.Open <HvaFile>(barrelName + ".hva")); SubDrawables.Add(barrel); barrel.Props = turret.Props; } } } // Bib if (Art.HasKey("BibShape")) { var bibImg = Art.ReadString("BibShape") + ".shp"; if (NewTheater) { bibImg = OwnerCollection.ApplyNewTheaterIfNeeded(bibImg, bibImg); } var bibShp = _vfs.Open <ShpFile>(bibImg); if (bibShp != null) { var bib = new ShpDrawable(new ShpRenderer(_config, _vfs), bibShp); bib.Props = this.Props.Clone(); bib.Flat = true; SubDrawables.Add(bib); } } // Powerup slots, at most 3 for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { _powerupSlots.Add(new PowerupSlot { X = Art.ReadInt(String.Format("PowerUp{0}LocXX", i), 0), Y = Art.ReadInt(String.Format("PowerUp{0}LocYY", i), 0), Z = Art.ReadInt(String.Format("PowerUp{0}LocZZ", i), 0), YSort = Art.ReadInt(String.Format("PowerUp{0}LocYSort", i), 0), }); } if (IsWall && _baseShp.Shp != null) { _baseShp.Shp.Initialize(); if (_baseShp.Shp.NumImages >= 32) { IsActualWall = true; } } }
public void Invalidate() { IsValid = false; ParentRepository.Invalidate(); OwnerCollection.NotifyValidCountChanged(); }