protected ReoGridOutline OutlineButtonHittest(OutlineCollection <ReoGridOutline> outlines, Point location)
            foreach (var g in outlines)
                foreach (var o in g)
                    if (o.ToggleButtonBounds.Contains(location))

        internal ParagraphMetrics(
			Paragraph paragraph, FormatterSink formattedData, TextGeometryCache geometryCache)
            Contract.Requires(paragraph != null);
            Contract.Requires(formattedData != null);
            Contract.Requires(geometryCache != null);

            _Paragraph = paragraph;

            _Leading = formattedData.Leading;
            _LayoutRegion = formattedData.LayoutRegion;
            _BaselineOffset = formattedData.BaselineOffset;

            _Clusters = formattedData.Clusters.ToArray();

            _ClusterBidiLevels = new byte[formattedData.Clusters.Count];

            _Outlines = CreateOutlineList(formattedData, geometryCache, out _ClusterBidiLevels);

            // create the text index to cluster index transformation table
            _TextToCluster = new int[formattedData.FullText.Length];

            for(int i = 0; i < _Clusters.Length; ++i)
                foreach(int characterIndex in _Clusters[i].Characters)
                    _TextToCluster[characterIndex] = i;

            // determine the region that encompasses all formatted clusters
            float left = float.MaxValue;
            float top = float.MaxValue;
            float right = float.MinValue;
            float bottom = float.MinValue;

            for(int i = 0; i < _Clusters.Length; ++i)
                left = Math.Min(left, _Clusters[i].Region.Left);
                top = Math.Min(top, _Clusters[i].Region.Top);
                right = Math.Max(right, _Clusters[i].Region.Right);
                bottom = Math.Max(bottom, _Clusters[i].Region.Bottom);

            _TextRegion = Rectangle.FromEdges(left, top, right, bottom);

            // determine the ranges of each line

            int lastLine = 0;

            IndexedRange range = IndexedRange.Empty;

            for(int i = 0; i < formattedData.Runs.Count; ++i)
                if(formattedData.Runs[i].LineNumber > lastLine)

                    range = new IndexedRange(formattedData.Runs[i].Clusters.StartIndex, 0);

                    lastLine = formattedData.Runs[i].LineNumber;

                range = range.Extend(formattedData.Runs[i].Clusters.Length);

            if(range.Length > 0)

            _Lines = new LineCollection(_LineListBuilder);

            // build a collection of regions mapping to text indexes

            for(int i = 0; i < paragraph.Text.Length; ++i)

            _Regions = new RegionCollection(_RegionListBuilder);