/// <summary>
        /// This Translate signature exists to provide an extremely simple way to get code translated - it is used in some of the examples so that
        /// there's a way to get to translating before worrying about what the NonNullImmutableList type is all about
        /// </summary>
        public static NonNullImmutableList <TranslatedStatement> Translate(
            string scriptContent,
            string[] externalDependencies,
            OuterScopeBlockTranslator.OutputTypeOptions outputType = OuterScopeBlockTranslator.OutputTypeOptions.Executable,
            bool renderCommentsAboutUndeclaredVariables            = true)
            if (externalDependencies == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("externalDependencies");

            return(Translate(scriptContent, externalDependencies.ToNonNullImmutableList(), outputType));
        /// <summary>
        /// This Translate signature exists to provide a slightly-simpler way to specify a custom warning logger (by providing a simple delegate,
        /// rather than having to provide an ILogInformation implementation)
        /// </summary>
        public static NonNullImmutableList <TranslatedStatement> Translate(
            string scriptContent,
            string[] externalDependencies,
            Action <string> warningLogger,
            OuterScopeBlockTranslator.OutputTypeOptions outputType = OuterScopeBlockTranslator.OutputTypeOptions.Executable)
            if (externalDependencies == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("externalDependencies");
            if (warningLogger == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("warningLogger");

            return(Translate(scriptContent, externalDependencies.ToNonNullImmutableList(), outputType, new DelegateWrappingWarningLogger(warningLogger)));
        /// <summary>
        /// This will attempt to translate VBScript content into C# using the default configurations, probably the best place to start (it uses the
        /// DefaultRuntimeSupportClassFactory for name rewriting, so that same name rewriter must be used to execute the output generated here). If
        /// there are any runtime references that are known to be present (such as WScript when run within CScript at the command line, or Request,
        /// Response, Session, etc.. when run within ASP) then specify their names in the externalDependencies set - this will prevent warnings
        /// being logged in relation to the absence of their definition in the source.
        /// </summary>
        public static NonNullImmutableList <TranslatedStatement> Translate(
            string scriptContent,
            NonNullImmutableList <string> externalDependencies,
            OuterScopeBlockTranslator.OutputTypeOptions outputType,
            bool renderCommentsAboutUndeclaredVariables = true)
            ILogInformation logger;

            if (renderCommentsAboutUndeclaredVariables)
                logger = new CSharpCommentMakingLogger(new ConsoleLogger());
                logger = new NullLogger();

            return(Translate(scriptContent, externalDependencies, outputType, logger));
        /// <summary>
        /// This Translate signature is what the others call into - it doesn't try to hide the fact that externalDependencies should be a NonNullImmutableList
        /// of strings and it requires an ILogInformation implementation to deal with logging warnings
        /// </summary>
        public static NonNullImmutableList <TranslatedStatement> Translate(
            string scriptContent,
            NonNullImmutableList <string> externalDependencies,
            OuterScopeBlockTranslator.OutputTypeOptions outputType,
            ILogInformation logger)
            if (scriptContent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("scriptContent");
            if (externalDependencies == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("externalDependencies");
            if ((outputType != OuterScopeBlockTranslator.OutputTypeOptions.Executable) && (outputType != OuterScopeBlockTranslator.OutputTypeOptions.WithoutScaffolding))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("outputType");
            if (logger == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("logger");

            var startNamespace  = new CSharpName("TranslatedProgram");
            var startClassName  = new CSharpName("Runner");
            var startMethodName = new CSharpName("Go");
            var runtimeDateLiteralValidatorClassName = new CSharpName("RuntimeDateLiteralValidator");
            var supportRefName = new CSharpName("_");
            var envClassName   = new CSharpName("EnvironmentReferences");
            var envRefName     = new CSharpName("_env");
            var outerClassName = new CSharpName("GlobalReferences");
            var outerRefName   = new CSharpName("_outer");
            VBScriptNameRewriter nameRewriter        = name => new CSharpName(DefaultRuntimeSupportClassFactory.DefaultNameRewriter(name.Content));
            var tempNameGeneratorNextNumber          = 0;
            TempValueNameGenerator tempNameGenerator = (optionalPrefix, scopeAccessInformation) =>
                // To get unique names for any given translation, a running counter is maintained and appended to the end of the generated
                // name. This is only run during translation (this code is not used during execution) so there will be a finite number of
                // times that this is called (so there should be no need to worry about the int value overflowing!)
                return(new CSharpName(((optionalPrefix == null) ? "temp" : optionalPrefix.Name) + (++tempNameGeneratorNextNumber).ToString()));
            var statementTranslator = new StatementTranslator(supportRefName, envRefName, outerRefName, nameRewriter, tempNameGenerator, logger);
            var codeBlockTranslator = new OuterScopeBlockTranslator(
                new ValueSettingStatementsTranslator(supportRefName, envRefName, outerRefName, nameRewriter, statementTranslator, logger),
                externalDependencies.Select(name => new NameToken(name, 0)).ToNonNullImmutableList(),
