        public void testBigGraphWithNoEdges()
            var _Graph = TinkerGraphFactory.CreateTinkerGraph();

            for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++)

            var _Vertices = new AllVerticesPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            _Vertices.SetSource(new SingleEnumerator<IGenericPropertyGraph<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                           UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                           UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                           UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(_Graph));

            var _OutEdges = new OutEdgesPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();


            var _Counter = 0;
            while (_OutEdges.MoveNext())

            Assert.AreEqual(0, _Counter);
        public void TestPathPipe()
            var _graph = DemoGraphFactory.CreateSimpleGraph();

            var Alice = _graph.VertexById("Alice").AsMutable();

            var _Pipe1 = new OutEdgesPipe<String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          String, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe2 = new InVertexPipe<String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          String, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe3 = new PathPipe<IReadOnlyGenericPropertyVertex<String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                     String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                     String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                     String, Int64, String, String, Object>>();

            var _Pipeline = new Pipeline<IReadOnlyGenericPropertyVertex<String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                        String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                        String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                        String, Int64, String, String, Object>,

                                         IEnumerable<Object>>(_Pipe1, _Pipe2, _Pipe3);

            _Pipeline.SetSource(new SingleEnumerator<IReadOnlyGenericPropertyVertex<String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                                    String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                                    String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                                    String, Int64, String, String, Object>>(Alice));

            // Via pipeline...
            var query1 = _Pipeline.Select(path => path.Select(q => ((IIdentifier<String>) q).Id)).ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, query1.Length);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, query1[0].Count(), "'" + query1[0].AggString() + "' is invalid!");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, query1[1].Count(), "'" + query1[1].AggString() + "' is invalid!");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, query1[2].Count(), "'" + query1[2].AggString() + "' is invalid!");

            Assert.AreEqual("Alice|Alice -loves-> Bob|Bob", query1[0].AggString());
            Assert.AreEqual("Alice|0|Bob",                  query1[1].AggString());
            Assert.AreEqual("Alice|2|Carol",                query1[2].AggString());

            // Via extention methods...
            var query2 = Alice.OutE().InV().Paths().ToArray();
            Assert.AreEqual(3, query2.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, query2[0].Count(), "'" + query2[0].Select(q => ((IIdentifier<String>) q).Id).AggString() + "' is invalid!");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, query2[1].Count(), "'" + query2[1].Select(q => ((IIdentifier<String>) q).Id).AggString() + "' is invalid!");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, query2[2].Count(), "'" + query2[2].Select(q => ((IIdentifier<String>) q).Id).AggString() + "' is invalid!");

            var query3 = Alice.Out().Paths().ToArray();
            Assert.AreEqual(3, query2.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, query2[0].Count(), "'" + query2[0].Select(q => ((IIdentifier<String>) q).Id).AggString() + "' is invalid!");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, query2[1].Count(), "'" + query2[1].Select(q => ((IIdentifier<String>) q).Id).AggString() + "' is invalid!");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, query2[2].Count(), "'" + query2[2].Select(q => ((IIdentifier<String>) q).Id).AggString() + "' is invalid!");
        public void testGraphFutureFilter()
            var _Graph 				= TinkerGraphFactory.CreateTinkerGraph();
            var _Marko 				= _Graph.VertexById(1);

            var _OutEPipe 			= new OutEdgesPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                       UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                       UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                       UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _InVPipe 			= new InVertexPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                       UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                       UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                       UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _PropertyFilterPipe = new VertexPropertyFilterPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                   UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                   UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                   UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>("name", v => v.Equals("lop"));

            var _FutureFilterPipe = new FutureFilterPipe<IGenericPropertyEdge<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                              UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                              UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                              UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(

                                          new Pipeline<IGenericPropertyEdge<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                            UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                            UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                            UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>,

                                                       IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                              UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                              UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                              UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(_InVPipe, _PropertyFilterPipe));

            var _Pipeline = new Pipeline<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>,

                                                   IGenericPropertyEdge<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                        UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                        UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                        UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(_OutEPipe, _FutureFilterPipe);

            _Pipeline.SetSourceCollection(new List<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>() { _Marko });

            int _Counter = 0;
            while (_Pipeline.MoveNext())
                Assert.AreEqual(9, _Pipeline.Current.Id);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, _Counter);
        public void testUniquePathFilter()
            var _Graph      = TinkerGraphFactory.CreateTinkerGraph();

            var _Pipe1      = new OutEdgesPipe <UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe2      = new InVertexPipe <UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe3      = new InEdgesPipe  <UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe4      = new OutVertexPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe5      = new UniquePathFilterPipe<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                              UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                              UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                              UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>();

            var _Pipeline   = new Pipeline<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>,

                                           IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(_Pipe1, _Pipe2, _Pipe3, _Pipe4, _Pipe5);

            _Pipeline.SetSource(new SingleEnumerator<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                            UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                            UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                            UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(_Graph.VertexById(1)));

            var _Counter = 0;

            foreach (var _Object in _Pipeline)


                Assert.IsTrue(_Object.Equals(_Graph.VertexById(6)) ||


            Assert.AreEqual(2, _Counter);
        public void testPropertyFilter()
            var _Graph    = TinkerGraphFactory.CreateTinkerGraph();
            var _Marko    = _Graph.VertexById(1);

            var _Pipe1    = new OutEdgesPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe2    = new InVertexPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe3    = new VertexPropertyFilterPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                         UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                         UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                         UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>("lang", v => v == "java");

            var _Pipeline = new Pipeline<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>,

                                         IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(new List<IPipe>() { _Pipe1, _Pipe2, _Pipe3 });

            _Pipeline.SetSource(new List<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>() { _Marko }.GetEnumerator());

            var _Counter = 0;
            while (_Pipeline.MoveNext())
                var _Vertex = _Pipeline.Current;
                Assert.AreEqual(3, _Vertex.Id);
                Assert.AreEqual("java", _Vertex.GetProperty("lang"));
                Assert.AreEqual("lop",  _Vertex.GetProperty("name"));

            Assert.AreEqual(1, _Counter);
        public void testFilterIds1()
            var _Graph    = TinkerGraphFactory.CreateTinkerGraph();
            var _Marko    = _Graph.VertexById(1);

            var _Pipe1    = new OutEdgesPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe2    = new InVertexPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe3    = new VertexIdFilterPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                   UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                   UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                   UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>(v => v != 3);

            var _Pipeline = new Pipeline<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>,

                                         IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(_Pipe1, _Pipe2, _Pipe3);

            _Pipeline.SetSourceCollection(new List<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>() { _Marko });

            var _Counter = 0;
            while (_Pipeline.MoveNext())
                var _Vertex = _Pipeline.Current;
                Assert.AreEqual("lop", _Vertex.GetProperty("name"));

            Assert.AreEqual(1, _Counter);
        public void testPipeBasic()
            var _Graph    = TinkerGraphFactory.CreateTinkerGraph();

            var _Marko    = _Graph.VertexById(1);

            var _Pipe1    = new OutEdgesPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe2    = new InVertexPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe3 = new PathPipe<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>();

            var _Pipeline = new Pipeline<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>,

                                         IEnumerable<Object>>(_Pipe1, _Pipe2, _Pipe3);

            _Pipeline.SetSource(new SingleEnumerator<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                            UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                            UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                            UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(_Marko));

            foreach (var _Path in _Pipeline)
                Assert.AreEqual(_Marko, _Path.ElementAt(0));
                Assert.IsTrue(_Path.ElementAt(1) is IPropertyEdge);
                Assert.IsTrue(_Path.ElementAt(2) is IPropertyVertex);
        public void testBasicGather()
            var _Graph    = TinkerGraphFactory.CreateTinkerGraph();

            var _Pipe0    = new OutEdgesPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe1    = new InVertexPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe2 = new GatherPipe<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                               UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                               UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                               UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>();

            var _Pipeline = new Pipeline<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>,

                                         IEnumerable<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                            UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                            UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                            UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>>(_Pipe0, _Pipe1, _Pipe2);

            _Pipeline.SetSource(new SingleEnumerator<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                            UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                            UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                            UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(_Graph.VertexById(1)));

            while (_Pipeline.MoveNext())
                Console.WriteLine(_Pipeline.Current + "--->");// + pipeline.Path);
        public void testOutGoingEdges()
            var _Graph = TinkerGraphFactory.CreateTinkerGraph();
            var _Marko = _Graph.VertexById(1);

            var _VSF   = new OutEdgesPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            _VSF.SetSource(new List<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                           UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                           UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                           UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>() { _Marko }.GetEnumerator());

            var _Counter = 0;
            while (_VSF.MoveNext())
                var _E = _VSF.Current;
                Assert.AreEqual(_Marko, _E.OutVertex);
                Assert.IsTrue(_E.InVertex.Id.Equals(2) || _E.InVertex.Id.Equals(3) || _E.InVertex.Id.Equals(4));

            Assert.AreEqual(3, _Counter);

            var _Josh = _Graph.VertexById(4);

            _VSF = new OutEdgesPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                    UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                    UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                    UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            _VSF.SetSource(new List<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                           UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                           UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                           UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>() { _Josh }.GetEnumerator());

            _Counter = 0;
            while (_VSF.MoveNext())
                var e = _VSF.Current;
                Assert.AreEqual(_Josh, e.OutVertex);
                Assert.IsTrue(e.InVertex.Id.Equals(5) || e.InVertex.Id.Equals(3));

            Assert.AreEqual(2, _Counter);

            var _Lop = _Graph.VertexById(3);

            _VSF = new OutEdgesPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                    UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                    UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                    UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            _VSF.SetSource(new List<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                           UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                           UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                           UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>() { _Lop }.GetEnumerator());

            _Counter = 0;
            while (_VSF.MoveNext())

            Assert.AreEqual(0, _Counter);
        //private static Runner _Compiler;


        //#region (static) StartMonoCSharpREPLShell(Args)

        ///// <summary>
        ///// The Mono C# REPL Shell
        ///// </summary>
        //public static void StartMonoCSharpREPLShell(params String[] Args)

        //    #region Feel free to step through...

        //    _Compiler = new Runner();

        //    var a = _Compiler.Execute("Math.Abs(-42);");
        //    var b = _Compiler.Execute("Math.Sin(Math.PI / 6);");
        //    var c = _Compiler.Execute("class Fact { public int Run(int n) { return n <= 0 ? 1 : n*Run(n-1); } }");
        //    var d = _Compiler.Execute("new Fact().Run(5);");
        //    var e = _Compiler.Execute("\"abcdefgh\".Substring(1, 2);");
        //    var f = _Compiler.Execute("class Echo { public Object Print(Object o) { return o; } }");
        //    var g = _Compiler.Execute("var test = 123;");
        //    var h = _Compiler.Execute("new Echo().Print(test);");

        //    #endregion

        //    #region Start the interactive (read-eval-print loop) shell...

        //    var _Report = new Report(new ConsoleReportPrinter());
        //    var _CLP    = new CommandLineParser(_Report);
        //    _CLP.UnknownOptionHandler += Mono.Driver.HandleExtraArguments;

        //    var _Settings = _CLP.ParseArguments(Args);
        //    if (_Settings == null || _Report.Errors > 0)
        //        Environment.Exit(1);

        //    var _Evaluator = new Evaluator(_Settings, _Report)
        //    {
        //        InteractiveBaseClass    = typeof(InteractiveBaseShell),
        //        DescribeTypeExpressions = true
        //    };

        //    //// Adding a assembly twice will lead to delayed errors...
        //    //_Evaluator.ReferenceAssembly(typeof(YourAssembly).Assembly);
        //    _Evaluator.ReferenceAssembly(typeof(Bragi).Assembly);
        //    _Evaluator.ReferenceAssembly(typeof(IPropertyGraph).Assembly);
        //    _Evaluator.ReferenceAssembly(typeof(GraphFactory).Assembly);

        //    var u1 = _Compiler.Execute("using de.ahzf.Bragi;");
        //    var u2 = _Compiler.Execute("using de.ahzf.Blueprints;");
        //    var u3 = _Compiler.Execute("using de.ahzf.Balder.PropertyGraphs;");
        //    var u4 = _Compiler.Execute("using de.ahzf.Balder.PropertyGraphs.InMemory");

        //    var _CSharpShell = new CSharpShell(_Evaluator, "BragiShell").Run();

        //    #endregion



        /// <summary>
        /// Main...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Args">Arguments...</param>
        public static void Main(String[] Args)
            var _graph = DemoGraphFactory.CreateSimpleGraph();

            var Alice = _graph.VertexById("Alice").AsMutable();

            var _Pipe1 = new OutEdgesPipe <String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                           String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                           String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                           String, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe2 = new InVertexPipe <String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                           String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                           String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                           String, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe3 = new PathPipe <IReadOnlyGenericPropertyVertex <String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                       String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                       String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                       String, Int64, String, String, Object> >();

            var _Pipeline = new Pipeline <IReadOnlyGenericPropertyVertex <String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          String, Int64, String, String, Object>,

                                          IEnumerable <Object> >(_Pipe1, _Pipe2, _Pipe3);

            _Pipeline.SetSource(new SingleEnumerator <IReadOnlyGenericPropertyVertex <String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                                      String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                                      String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                                      String, Int64, String, String, Object> >(Alice));

            var x1 = _Pipeline.Select(path => path.Select(q => ((IIdentifier <String>)q).Id).Aggregate((a, b) => a + "|" + b));

            var x2 = Alice.OutE().InV().Paths().ToArray();

            foreach (var _Path in x1)
                //var a0 = _Path.ElementAt(0);

                //var b0 = _Path.ElementAt(1) is IReadOnlyGenericPropertyEdge  <String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                //                                                              String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                //                                                              String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                //                                                              String, Int64, String, String, Object>;

                //var c0 = _Path.ElementAt(2) is IReadOnlyGenericPropertyVertex<String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                //                                                              String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                //                                                              String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                //                                                              String, Int64, String, String, Object>;



            // Try to type:
            // "using de.ahzf.Bragi;"
            // and then one of the following...
            // "TagExample.Start();"
            // "ConcurrencyDemo.Start();"
            // "NetworkingDemo.Start();"
            // "SmallBenchmark.Start();"
        public void testAndOrPipeGraph()
            // ./outE[@label='created' or (@label='knows' and @weight > 0.5)]

            var _Graph 		= TinkerGraphFactory.CreateTinkerGraph();
            var _Marko 		= _Graph.VertexById(1);

            var _Pipe1 		= new OutEdgesPipe   <UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _PipeA 		= new EdgeLabelFilterPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>(v => v != "created");

            var _PipeB 		= new EdgeLabelFilterPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>(v => v != "knows");

            var _PipeC 		= new EdgePropertyFilterPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                         UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                         UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                         UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>("weight", v => (0.5).Equals(v));

            var _PipeD 		= new AndFilterPipe<IGenericPropertyEdge<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                     UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                     UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                     UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(

                                  new HasNextPipe<IGenericPropertyEdge<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                       UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                       UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                       UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(_PipeB),
                                  new HasNextPipe<IGenericPropertyEdge<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                       UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                       UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                       UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(_PipeC));

            var _Pipe2 = new OrFilterPipe<IGenericPropertyEdge<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                               UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                               UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                               UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(

                                  new HasNextPipe<IGenericPropertyEdge<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                       UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                       UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                       UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(_PipeA),
                                  new HasNextPipe<IGenericPropertyEdge<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                       UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                       UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                       UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(_PipeD));

            var _Pipeline 	= new Pipeline<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>,

                                           IGenericPropertyEdge<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(_Pipe1, _Pipe2);

            _Pipeline.SetSourceCollection(new List<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>() { _Marko });

            int _Counter = 0;
            while (_Pipeline.MoveNext())
                var _Edge = _Pipeline.Current;
                Assert.IsTrue(_Edge.Id.Equals(8) || _Edge.Id.Equals(9));
                Assert.IsTrue(_Edge.Label.Equals("created") || (((Double)_Edge.GetProperty("weight")) > 0.5 && _Edge.Label.Equals("knows")));

            Assert.AreEqual(2, _Counter);
        public void testOrPipeGraph()
            // ./outE[@label='created' or @weight > 0.5]

            var _Graph 			= TinkerGraphFactory.CreateTinkerGraph();
            var _Marko 			= _Graph.VertexById(1);
            var _Peter 			= _Graph.VertexById(6);

            var _Pipe0 			= new OutEdgesPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                   UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                   UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                   UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe1 			= new EdgeLabelFilterPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>(v => v != "created");

            var _Pipe2 			= new EdgePropertyFilterPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>("weight", v => (0.5).Equals(v));

            var _ORFilterPipe	= new OrFilterPipe<IGenericPropertyEdge<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                        UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                        UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                        UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(

                                      new HasNextPipe<IGenericPropertyEdge<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                           UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                           UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                           UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(_Pipe1),

                                      new HasNextPipe<IGenericPropertyEdge<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                           UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                           UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                           UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(_Pipe2));

            var _Pipeline = new Pipeline<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>,

                                                 IGenericPropertyEdge<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(_Pipe0, _ORFilterPipe);

            _Pipeline.SetSourceCollection(new List<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>() { _Marko, _Peter, _Marko });

            var _Counter = 0;
            while (_Pipeline.MoveNext())
                var _Edge = _Pipeline.Current;
                Assert.IsTrue(_Edge.Id.Equals(8) || _Edge.Id.Equals(9) || _Edge.Id.Equals(12));
                Assert.IsTrue(((Double)_Edge.GetProperty("weight")) > 0.5f || _Edge.Label.Equals("created"));

            Assert.AreEqual(5, _Counter);
        public void testFutureFilterGraph()
            // ./outE[@label='created']/inV[@name='lop']/../../@name

            var _Graph      = TinkerGraphFactory.CreateTinkerGraph();
            var _Marko      = _Graph.VertexById(1);

            var _PipeA      = new OutEdgesPipe   <UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _PipeB      = new EdgeLabelFilterPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>(v => v != "created");

            var _PipeC      = new InVertexPipe   <UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _PipeD      = new VertexPropertyFilterPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                           UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                           UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                           UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>("name", v => v == "lop");

            var _Pipe1      = new AndFilterPipe<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                       UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                       UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                       UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(

                                  new HasNextPipe<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                         UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                         UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                         UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(

                                  new Pipeline<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>,

                                               IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(_PipeA, _PipeB, _PipeC, _PipeD)));

            var _Pipe2      = new PropertyPipe<String, Object>(Keys: "name");

            var _Pipeline   = new Pipeline<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>, String>(_Pipe1, _Pipe2);

            _Pipeline.SetSourceCollection(new List<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>() { _Marko });

            var _Counter = 0;
            while (_Pipeline.MoveNext())
                var name = _Pipeline.Current;
                Assert.AreEqual("marko", name);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, _Counter);
        public void testComplexTwoFutureFilterGraph()
            // ./outE/inV/../../outE/../outE/inV/@name

            var _Graph      = TinkerGraphFactory.CreateTinkerGraph();
            var _Marko      = _Graph.VertexById(1);

            var _PipeA      = new OutEdgesPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                               UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                               UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                               UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _PipeB      = new InVertexPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                               UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                               UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                               UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe1      = new OrFilterPipe<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(

                                  new HasNextPipe<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                         UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                         UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                         UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(

                                      new Pipeline<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>,

                                                   IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(_PipeA, _PipeB)));

            var _PipeC      = new OutEdgesPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                               UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                               UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                               UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe2      = new OrFilterPipe<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                      UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(

                                  new HasNextPipe<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                         UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                         UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                         UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>(_PipeC));

            var _Pipe3      = new OutEdgesPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                               UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                               UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                               UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe4      = new InVertexPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                               UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                               UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                               UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe5      = new PropertyPipe<String, Object>(Keys: "name");

            var _Pipeline   = new Pipeline<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                  UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>, String>(_Pipe1, _Pipe2, _Pipe3, _Pipe4, _Pipe5);

            _Pipeline.SetSourceCollection(new List<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>() { _Marko });

            var _Counter = 0;
            while (_Pipeline.MoveNext())
                var _Name = _Pipeline.Current;
                Assert.IsTrue(_Name.Equals("vadas") || _Name.Equals("lop") || _Name.Equals("josh"));

            Assert.AreEqual(3, _Counter);
        public void testPathConstruction()
            var _Graph = TinkerGraphFactory.CreateTinkerGraph();

            var _Marko = _Graph.VertexById(1);

            var _Pipe1 = new OutEdgesPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe2 = new InVertexPipe<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe3 = new PropertyPipe<String, Object>(Keys: "name");


            var _MarkoList = new List<IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                             UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>>() { _Marko };


            foreach (var _Name in _Pipe3)

                var path = _Pipe3.Path;

                Assert.AreEqual(_Marko,                 path[0]);
                Assert.AreEqual(typeof(IGenericPropertyEdge<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                            UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                            UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                            UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>), path[1].GetType());

                Assert.AreEqual(typeof(IGenericPropertyVertex<UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                              UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                              UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                              UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object>), path[2].GetType());

                Assert.AreEqual(typeof(String),         path[3].GetType());

                if (_Name == "vadas")
                    Assert.AreEqual(_Graph.EdgeById(7),     path[1]);
                    Assert.AreEqual(_Graph.VertexById(2), path[2]);
                    Assert.AreEqual("vadas", path[3]);

                else if (_Name == "lop")
                    Assert.AreEqual(_Graph.EdgeById(9),     path[1]);
                    Assert.AreEqual(_Graph.VertexById(3), path[2]);
                    Assert.AreEqual("lop", path[3]);

                else if (_Name == "josh")
                    Assert.AreEqual(_Graph.EdgeById(8),     path[1]);
                    Assert.AreEqual(_Graph.VertexById(4), path[2]);
                    Assert.AreEqual("josh", path[3]);


        //#region (static) StartMonoCSharpREPLShell(Args)
        ///// <summary>
        ///// The Mono C# REPL Shell
        ///// </summary>
        //public static void StartMonoCSharpREPLShell(params String[] Args)
        //    #region Feel free to step through...
        //    _Compiler = new Runner();
        //    var a = _Compiler.Execute("Math.Abs(-42);");
        //    var b = _Compiler.Execute("Math.Sin(Math.PI / 6);");
        //    var c = _Compiler.Execute("class Fact { public int Run(int n) { return n <= 0 ? 1 : n*Run(n-1); } }");
        //    var d = _Compiler.Execute("new Fact().Run(5);");
        //    var e = _Compiler.Execute("\"abcdefgh\".Substring(1, 2);");
        //    var f = _Compiler.Execute("class Echo { public Object Print(Object o) { return o; } }");
        //    var g = _Compiler.Execute("var test = 123;");
        //    var h = _Compiler.Execute("new Echo().Print(test);");
        //    #endregion
        //    #region Start the interactive (read-eval-print loop) shell...
        //    var _Report = new Report(new ConsoleReportPrinter());
        //    var _CLP    = new CommandLineParser(_Report);
        //    _CLP.UnknownOptionHandler += Mono.Driver.HandleExtraArguments;
        //    var _Settings = _CLP.ParseArguments(Args);
        //    if (_Settings == null || _Report.Errors > 0)
        //        Environment.Exit(1);
        //    var _Evaluator = new Evaluator(_Settings, _Report)
        //    {
        //        InteractiveBaseClass    = typeof(InteractiveBaseShell),
        //        DescribeTypeExpressions = true
        //    };
        //    //// Adding a assembly twice will lead to delayed errors...
        //    //_Evaluator.ReferenceAssembly(typeof(YourAssembly).Assembly);
        //    _Evaluator.ReferenceAssembly(typeof(Bragi).Assembly);
        //    _Evaluator.ReferenceAssembly(typeof(IPropertyGraph).Assembly);
        //    _Evaluator.ReferenceAssembly(typeof(GraphFactory).Assembly);
        //    var u1 = _Compiler.Execute("using de.ahzf.Bragi;");
        //    var u2 = _Compiler.Execute("using de.ahzf.Blueprints;");
        //    var u3 = _Compiler.Execute("using de.ahzf.Balder.PropertyGraphs;");
        //    var u4 = _Compiler.Execute("using de.ahzf.Balder.PropertyGraphs.InMemory");
        //    var _CSharpShell = new CSharpShell(_Evaluator, "BragiShell").Run();
        //    #endregion
        /// <summary>
        /// Main...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Args">Arguments...</param>
        public static void Main(String[] Args)
            var _graph = DemoGraphFactory.CreateSimpleGraph();

            var Alice = _graph.VertexById("Alice").AsMutable();

            var _Pipe1 = new OutEdgesPipe<String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          String, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe2 = new InVertexPipe<String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                          String, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            var _Pipe3 = new PathPipe<IReadOnlyGenericPropertyVertex<String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                     String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                     String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                     String, Int64, String, String, Object>>();

            var _Pipeline = new Pipeline<IReadOnlyGenericPropertyVertex<String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                        String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                        String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                        String, Int64, String, String, Object>,

                                         IEnumerable<Object>>(_Pipe1, _Pipe2, _Pipe3);

            _Pipeline.SetSource(new SingleEnumerator<IReadOnlyGenericPropertyVertex<String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                                    String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                                    String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                                                                    String, Int64, String, String, Object>>(Alice));

            var x1 = _Pipeline.Select(path => path.Select(q => ((IIdentifier<String>)q).Id).Aggregate((a, b) => a + "|" + b));

            var x2 = Alice.OutE().InV().Paths().ToArray();

            foreach (var _Path in x1)

                //var a0 = _Path.ElementAt(0);

                //var b0 = _Path.ElementAt(1) is IReadOnlyGenericPropertyEdge  <String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                //                                                              String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                //                                                              String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                //                                                              String, Int64, String, String, Object>;

                //var c0 = _Path.ElementAt(2) is IReadOnlyGenericPropertyVertex<String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                //                                                              String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                //                                                              String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                //                                                              String, Int64, String, String, Object>;




            // Try to type:
            // "using de.ahzf.Bragi;"
            // and then one of the following...
            // "TagExample.Start();"
            // "ConcurrencyDemo.Start();"
            // "NetworkingDemo.Start();"
            // "SmallBenchmark.Start();"