        public async Task <OutRobinData <RhMoverData> > GetSp500Mover(string direction)
            OutData <string> data = await GetJsonData($"midlands/movers/sp500/?direction={direction}");

            if (data.StatusList.Count > 0)
                throw new ApplicationException($"{data.StatusList[0].Code} - {data.StatusList[0].Description}");
            LogJsonData($"Mover_{direction}", data.Data);
            return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OutRobinData <RhMoverData> >(data.Data));
        public async Task <RhInstrument> GetInstrumentData(string url)
            OutData <string> data = await GetJsonData4Url(url);

            if (data.StatusList.Count > 0)
                throw new ApplicationException($"{data.StatusList[0].Code} - {data.StatusList[0].Description}");
            LogJsonData("Instrument_ID", data.Data);
            return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RhInstrument>(data.Data));
        public async Task <OutRobinData <RhAccount> > GetAccount()
            OutData <string> data = await GetJsonData($"accounts/");

            if (data.StatusList.Count > 0)
                throw new ApplicationException(data.StatusList[0].Description);
            LogJsonData("Accounts", data.Data);
            return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OutRobinData <RhAccount> >(data.Data));
        public async Task <OutData <TimeSeriesIntradayData> > GetShareIntraday(string shareCode,
                                                                               string interval   = "15min",
                                                                               string outputSize = "compact",
                                                                               bool isAdjusted   = true)
            TimeSeriesIntradayData           data   = new TimeSeriesIntradayData();
            OutData <TimeSeriesIntradayData> output = new OutData <TimeSeriesIntradayData>()
                Data = data

                string query = $"/query?function=TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY&symbol={shareCode}&interval={interval}&outputsize={outputSize}";
                string url   = $"{Settings.Default.StockApi}{query}&apikey={Settings.Default.ApiKey}";
                using HttpClient client = UtilityHandler.GetHttpClient();
                Uri requestUri = new Uri(url);
                HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(requestUri).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    output.StatusList.Add(new Status("F", response.StatusCode.ToString(), 0));
                    Logger.Log($"GetShareIntraday -{shareCode} - Failed call");
                string json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                LogJsonValue(shareCode, json);
                Dictionary <string, object> jo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(json);
                foreach (string key in jo.Keys)
                    JToken value = (JObject)jo[key];
                    if (key == AlphaVantagTagConstants.TAG_META_DATA)
                        data.MetaData = ParseMetaData(value);
                    if (key.StartsWith(AlphaVantagTagConstants.TAG_TIME_SERIES))
                        data.Data = ParseTimeSeries(value);

            catch (Exception ex)
                string mess = $"GetShareIntraday - Share :{shareCode} {ex.Message}";
                output.StatusList.Add(new Status("F", mess, 0));
                Logger.LogError($"GetShareIntraday - Share :{shareCode}", $"{ex.Message} - {ex.StackTrace}");
        public ActionResult List(string pid, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 10)
            int count = 0;
            var lists = BaoYangPackageImageConfigManager.GetBaoYangPackageImageConfigList(pid, pageSize, pageIndex, out count);
            var list  = new OutData <List <BaoYangPackageImageConfig>, int>(lists, count);
            var pager = new PagerModel(pageIndex, pageSize)
                TotalItem = list.OutValue

            return(View(new ListModel <BaoYangPackageImageConfig>(list.ReturnValue, pager)));
 protected void MarcarComoSincronizado(OutData data)
         Logger.Debug("Marcando ticket " + data["ticket.id"] + " como sincronizado.");
         Server.Export.Done(Config.SessionToken, Config.Company, Config.Branch, "betonmac",
         Logger.Info("No se pudo marcar el registro como sincronizado.");
        public ActionResult Index(int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 10)
            string sqlStr                  = "";
            int    recordCount             = 0;
            List <BatteryBanner> listModel = DownloadAppManager.GetBatteryBanner(sqlStr, pageSize, pageIndex, out recordCount);
            var list  = new OutData <List <BatteryBanner>, int>(listModel, recordCount);
            var pager = new PagerModel(pageIndex, pageSize)
                TotalItem = recordCount

            return(View(new ListModel <BatteryBanner>(list.ReturnValue, pager)));
        public ActionResult Index(int type, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 15)
            int    count  = 0;
            string strSql = string.Empty;
            var    lists  = CouponActivityConfigManager.GetCouponActivityConfigList(type, strSql, pageSize, pageIndex, out count);
            var    list   = new OutData <List <CouponActivityConfig>, int>(lists, count);
            var    pager  = new PagerModel(pageIndex, pageSize)
                TotalItem = list.OutValue

            return(View(new ListModel <CouponActivityConfig>(list.ReturnValue, pager)));
        public ActionResult List(string serviceType, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 20)
            var configs = BaoYangRecommendServiceConfigManager.GetBaoYangRecommendServiceConfigList(serviceType, pageSize, pageIndex);
            var lists   = configs.Item1;
            var count   = configs.Item2;
            var list    = new OutData <List <BaoYangRecommendServiceConfig>, int>(lists, count);
            var pager   = new PagerModel(pageIndex, pageSize)
                TotalItem = count

            return(View(new ListModel <BaoYangRecommendServiceConfig>(list.ReturnValue, pager)));
        public ActionResult List(string brand, string vehicle, string data, int pageSize = 1000, int pageIndex = 1, int startPrice = 0, int endPrice = 0)
            int count = 0;
            var lists = BaoYangPackageBrandPriorityConfigManager.GetBaoYangPackageBrandPriorityConfigList(brand, vehicle, data, pageSize, pageIndex, out count, startPrice, endPrice);

            var list  = new OutData <List <BaoYangPackageBrandPriorityConfig>, int>(lists, count);
            var pager = new PagerModel(pageIndex, pageSize)
                TotalItem = count

            return(View(new ListModel <BaoYangPackageBrandPriorityConfig>(list.ReturnValue, pager)));
        private string GetCodigoProducto(OutData data)
            var usaprefijo = Convert.ToBoolean(data["ticket.usaprefijo"]);
            var producto   = data["ticket.codigoproducto"];

            if (!usaprefijo)
            var planta = data["pedido.planta"];

            return(planta + producto);
        public ActionResult List(string PID, string ActivityID, string order, int pageNumber = 1, int pageSize = 100)
            int    count  = 0;
            string strSql = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PID))
                strSql += "  AND A.PID='" + PID.TrimStart().TrimEnd() + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ActivityID))
                strSql += "  AND A.ActivityID='" + ActivityID.TrimStart().TrimEnd() + "'";
            //string orderBy = "((Price-C.cost)/Price)*100 DESC";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(order))
                if (order == "MonthSalesdesc")
                    orderBy = " C.salenum DESC";
                else if (order == "MonthSalesasc")
                    orderBy = " C.salenum ASC";
                else if (order == "GrossProfitMargindesc")
                    orderBy = @"  ISNULL( CONVERT(NUMERIC(8, 2), ROUND(( ( Price - C.cost )
                                        / ( CASE WHEN Price = 0 THEN 1
                                                ELSE Price
                                            END ) ) * 100, 2)),100) DESC";
                else if (order == "GrossProfitMarginasc")
                    orderBy = @" ISNULL( CONVERT(NUMERIC(8, 2), ROUND(( ( Price - C.cost )
                                        / ( CASE WHEN Price = 0 THEN 1
                                                ELSE Price
                                            END ) ) * 100, 2)),100) ASC";

            var lists = FlashSaleProductsExtendManager.GetFlashSaleProductsExtendList(strSql, pageSize, pageNumber, orderBy, out count);

            var list  = new OutData <List <FlashSaleProductsExtend>, int>(lists, count);
            var pager = new PagerModel(pageNumber, pageSize)
                TotalItem = count

            return(View("List", new ListModel <FlashSaleProductsExtend>(list.ReturnValue, pager)));
        public ActionResult Index(int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 10)
            int    count     = 0;
            string strSql    = string.Empty;
            var    modelList = BaoYangActivitySettingManager.GetUpkeepActivitySetting(strSql, pageSize, pageIndex, out count);
            var    lists     = new List <BaoYangActivitySetting>();

            foreach (IGrouping <int, BaoYangActivitySetting> item in modelList)
                BaoYangActivitySetting model = new BaoYangActivitySetting();
                model.ActivityName            = item.FirstOrDefault().ActivityName;
                model.ActivityNum             = item.FirstOrDefault().ActivityNum;
                model.ActivityStatus          = item.FirstOrDefault().ActivityStatus;
                model.ButtonChar              = item.FirstOrDefault().ButtonChar;
                model.CheckStatus             = item.FirstOrDefault().CheckStatus;
                model.CouponId                = item.FirstOrDefault().CouponId;
                model.GetRuleGUID             = item.FirstOrDefault().GetRuleGUID;
                model.CreateTime              = item.FirstOrDefault().CreateTime;
                model.UpdateTime              = item.FirstOrDefault().UpdateTime;
                model.Id                      = item.FirstOrDefault().Id;
                model.LayerImage              = item.FirstOrDefault().LayerImage;
                model.LayerImage2             = item.FirstOrDefault().LayerImage2;
                model.LayerStatus             = item.FirstOrDefault().LayerStatus;
                model.ActivityImage           = item.FirstOrDefault().ActivityImage;
                model.StoreAuthentication     = item.FirstOrDefault().StoreAuthentication;
                model.StoreAuthenticationName = item.FirstOrDefault().StoreAuthenticationName;

                foreach (var brands in item.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.RelevanceBrands)))
                    model.RelevanceBrands += brands.RelevanceBrands + ";";
                foreach (var series in item.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.RelevanceSeries)))
                    model.RelevanceSeries += series.RelevanceSeries + ";";
                foreach (var products in item.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.RelevanceProducts)))
                    model.RelevanceProducts += products.RelevanceProducts + ";";


            var list  = new OutData <List <BaoYangActivitySetting>, int>(lists.Skip(pageSize * (pageIndex - 1)).Take(pageSize).OrderByDescending(x => x.UpdateTime).ToList(), lists.Count());
            var pager = new PagerModel(pageIndex, pageSize)
                TotalItem = list.OutValue

            return(View(new ListModel <BaoYangActivitySetting>(list.ReturnValue, pager)));
        public ActionResult List(ApplyCompensate model, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 30)
            int count = 0;

            var lists = ApplyCompensateManager.GetApplyCompensateList(model, pageSize, pageIndex, out count);

            var list  = new OutData <List <ApplyCompensate>, int>(lists, count);
            var pager = new PagerModel(pageIndex, pageSize)
                TotalItem = count

            return(View(new ListModel <ApplyCompensate>(list.ReturnValue, pager)));
        public ActionResult ActivityList(int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 50)
            int    count  = 0;
            string strSql = string.Empty;

            var model = ActivityManager.GetActivityBuild(strSql, pageSize, pageIndex, out count);
            var list  = new OutData <List <ActivityBuild>, int>(model, count);

            ViewBag.Total      = count;
            ViewBag.pageSize   = pageSize;
            ViewBag.pageNumber = pageIndex;
            return(this.View(new ListModel <ActivityBuild>(list.ReturnValue)));
            // return View();
        public ActionResult Index(DownloadApp model, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 25)
            int count = 0;

            List <DownloadApp> listModel = DownloadAppManager.GetDownloadAppList(model, pageSize, pageIndex, out count);

            var list  = new OutData <List <DownloadApp>, int>(listModel, count);
            var pager = new PagerModel(pageIndex, pageSize)
                TotalItem = count

            return(this.View(new ListModel <DownloadApp>(list.ReturnValue, pager)));
        public ActionResult List(ShareActivityProductConfig model, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 30)
            int count = 0;

            var lists = ShareActivityProductConfigManager.GetShareActivityProductConfigList(model, pageSize, pageIndex, out count);

            var list  = new OutData <List <ShareActivityProductConfig>, int>(lists, count);
            var pager = new PagerModel(pageIndex, pageSize)
                TotalItem = count

            return(View(new ListModel <ShareActivityProductConfig>(list.ReturnValue, pager)));
        public ActionResult Index(PersonalCenterFunctionConfig model, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 10)
            int count = 0;

            var lists = PersonalCenterFunctionConfigManager.GetPersonalCenterFunctionConfigList(model, pageSize, pageIndex, out count);

            var list  = new OutData <List <PersonalCenterFunctionConfig>, int>(lists, count);
            var pager = new PagerModel(pageIndex, pageSize)
                TotalItem = count

            return(View(new ListModel <PersonalCenterFunctionConfig>(list.ReturnValue, pager)));
        public ActionResult Index(int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 15)
            int    count  = 0;
            string strSql = string.Empty;
            var    lists  = PointsRulesConfigManager.GetPointsRulesConfigList(strSql, pageSize, pageIndex, out count);

            var list  = new OutData <List <PointsRulesConfig>, int>(lists, count);
            var pager = new PagerModel(pageIndex, pageSize)
                TotalItem = count

            return(View(new ListModel <PointsRulesConfig>(list.ReturnValue, pager)));
        public ActionResult Index(ShareOrderConfig model, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 20)
            int    count  = 0;
            string strSql = string.Empty;
            var    lists  = ShareOrderConfigManager.GetShareOrderConfigList(model, pageSize, pageIndex, out count);

            var list  = new OutData <List <ShareOrderConfig>, int>(lists, count);
            var pager = new PagerModel(pageIndex, pageSize)
                TotalItem = count

            return(View(new ListModel <ShareOrderConfig>(list.ReturnValue, pager)));
        public ActionResult List(string CodeBatch, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 20)
            int count = 0;

            var lists = VIPAuthorizationExchangeCodeConfigManager.GetVIPAuthorizationExchangeCodeConfigList(CodeBatch, pageSize, pageIndex, out count);

            var list  = new OutData <List <VIPAuthorizationExchangeCodeConfig>, int>(lists, count);
            var pager = new PagerModel(pageIndex, pageSize)
                TotalItem = count

            return(View(new ListModel <VIPAuthorizationExchangeCodeConfig>(list.ReturnValue, pager)));
        public ActionResult List(string type, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 20)
            int count = 0;

            List <DefaultSearchConfig> lists = DefaultSearchConfigManager.GetDefaultSearchConfigList(type, pageSize, pageIndex, out count);

            var list  = new OutData <List <DefaultSearchConfig>, int>(lists, count);
            var pager = new PagerModel(pageIndex, pageSize)
                TotalItem = count

            return(View(new ListModel <DefaultSearchConfig>(list.ReturnValue, pager)));
        public ActionResult FlashSalesV1(string ActivityID, string ActivityName, string StartAct, string EndAct, string StartUpdate, string EndUpdate, int pageIndex = 1)
            string sqlStr = "";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ActivityID))
                sqlStr += " AND ActivityID = '" + ActivityID + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ActivityName))
                sqlStr += " AND ActivityName = N'" + ActivityName + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(StartAct) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EndAct))
                sqlStr += " AND StartDateTime BETWEEN  '" + StartAct + "' AND '" + EndAct + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(StartAct) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EndAct))
                sqlStr += " AND StartDateTime >=  '" + StartAct + "'";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EndAct) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(StartAct))
                sqlStr += " AND StartDateTime <=  '" + EndAct + "'";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(StartUpdate) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EndUpdate))
                sqlStr += " AND UpdateDateTime BETWEEN  '" + StartAct + "' AND '" + EndAct + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(StartUpdate) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EndUpdate))
                sqlStr += " AND UpdateDateTime >=  '" + StartUpdate + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EndUpdate) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(StartUpdate))
                sqlStr += " AND UpdateDateTime <=  '" + EndUpdate + "'";

            int recordCount = 0;

            var model = manager.GetAllFlashSalesV1(sqlStr, 20, pageIndex, out recordCount);

            var list = new OutData<List<FlashSalesTwo>, int>(model, recordCount);
            var pager = new PagerModel(pageIndex, 20)
                TotalItem = recordCount
            return this.View(new ListModel<FlashSalesTwo>(list.ReturnValue, pager));
        public ActionResult List(string keyword, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 20)
            var count = 0;

            List <SearchWordBrandsConfig> lists = new List <SearchWordBrandsConfig>();

            lists = DALDefaultSearchConfig.GetSearchWordBrandsConfigList(keyword, pageSize, pageIndex, out count);
            var list  = new OutData <List <SearchWordBrandsConfig>, int>(lists, count);
            var pager = new PagerModel(pageIndex, pageSize)
                TotalItem = count

            return(View(new ListModel <SearchWordBrandsConfig>(list.ReturnValue, pager)));
        public ActionResult List(MeiRongAcitivityConfig model, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 15)
            int    count  = 0;
            string strSql = string.Empty;

            var lists = MeiRongAcitivityConfigManager.GetMeiRongAcitivityConfigList(model, pageSize, pageIndex, out count);

            var list  = new OutData <List <MeiRongAcitivityConfig>, int>(lists, count);
            var pager = new PagerModel(pageIndex, pageSize)
                TotalItem = count

            return(View(new ListModel <MeiRongAcitivityConfig>(list.ReturnValue, pager)));
        public async Task <RhTrade> GetQuote(string symbol)
            if (UtilityHandler.IsEmpty(symbol))
                return(new RhTrade());
            OutData <string> data = await GetJsonData($"quotes/{symbol}/");

            if (data.StatusList.Count > 0)
                throw new ApplicationException(data.StatusList[0].Description);
            LogJsonData($"Quote_{symbol}", data.Data);
            return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RhTrade> (data.Data));
        public async Task <RhFundamental> GetFundamental(string input)
            if (UtilityHandler.IsEmpty(input))
                return(new RhFundamental());
            OutData <string> data = await GetJsonData($"fundamentals/{input.Trim()}/");

            if (data.StatusList.Count > 0)
                throw new ApplicationException($"{data.StatusList[0].Code} - {data.StatusList[0].Description}");
            LogJsonData($"Fundamental_{input}", data.Data);
            return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RhFundamental>(data.Data));
        public async Task <OutData <GlobalQuoteData> > GetCurrentQuote(string shareCode)
            OutData <GlobalQuoteData> output = new OutData <GlobalQuoteData>();

                string query = $"/query?function=GLOBAL_QUOTE&symbol={shareCode}";
                string url   = $"{Settings.Default.StockApi}{query}&apikey={Settings.Default.ApiKey}";
                using HttpClient client = UtilityHandler.GetHttpClient();
                Uri requestUri = new Uri(url);
                HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(requestUri).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    output.StatusList.Add(new Status("F", response.StatusCode.ToString(), 0));
                    Logger.Log($"GetCurrentQuote -{shareCode} - Failed call");
                string json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                LogJsonValue(shareCode, json);
                Dictionary <string, object> jo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(json);
                foreach (string key in jo.Keys)
                    JToken value = (JObject)jo[key];
                    if (key.StartsWith(AlphaVantagTagConstants.TAG_GLOBAL_QUOTE))
                        output.Data = ParseGlobalQuote(value);
                if (UtilityHandler.IsEmpty(output.Data.Symbol))
                    output.StatusList.Add(new Status("F", "Not Parsed data data well", 0));
                    Logger.Log($"GetCurrentQuote - {shareCode} JSon Pasing Issue");
            catch (Exception ex)
                string mess = $"GetCompanyOverview - Share :{shareCode} {ex.Message}";
                output.StatusList.Add(new Status("F", mess, 0));
                Logger.LogError($"GetCompanyOverview - Share :{shareCode}", $"{ex.Message} - {ex.StackTrace}");
        public ActionResult List(int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 20)
            int                count  = 0;
            string             strSql = string.Empty;
            AnnouncementConfig model  = new AnnouncementConfig();

            List <AnnouncementConfig> lists = AnnouncementConfigManager.GetAnnouncementConfigList(model, pageSize, pageIndex, out count);

            var list  = new OutData <List <AnnouncementConfig>, int>(lists, count);
            var pager = new PagerModel(pageIndex, pageSize)
                TotalItem = count

            return(View(new ListModel <AnnouncementConfig>(list.ReturnValue, pager)));
        public async Task <OutRobinData <RhTrade> > GetQuotes(List <string> input)
            if (input.Count == 0)
                return(new OutRobinData <RhTrade>());
            string           symbols = string.Join(",", input);
            OutData <string> data    = await GetJsonData($"quotes/?symbols={symbols}");

            if (data.StatusList.Count > 0)
                throw new ApplicationException(data.StatusList[0].Description);
            LogJsonData("Quotes", data.Data);
            return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OutRobinData <RhTrade> >(data.Data));
 public static IOutData MyConverter(OutData element)
     return   (IOutData)element;
    void readImage(string pPath)
        FileInfo lFileInfo = new FileInfo(pPath);
        if (imgPathToData.ContainsKey(lFileInfo.ToString()))
            nowOutData = imgPathToData[lFileInfo.ToString()];
            var lExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileBrowserDialog.selectedLocation);
            lExtension = lExtension.Substring(1, lExtension.Length - 1);
            int lXCount;
                var lImageFile = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(fileBrowserDialog.selectedLocation);
                int lWidth = lImageFile.Width;
                int lHeight = lImageFile.Height;
                var lImageInfo = new CombineImagePlane.ImageInfo();
                //if (lWidth > maxSize || lHeight > maxSize)
                    lImageInfo.rightBottomRect = decomposeImage(lImageFile, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb,
                        out decomposedImages, out lXCount);
                lImageInfo.images = new RenderMaterialResourceInfo[decomposedImages.Length];
                lImageInfo.xCount = lXCount;
                int i = 0;
                foreach (var lDecomposedImage in decomposedImages)
                    var lResource = GameResourceManager.Main.createImage(lDecomposedImage);
                    lResource.extension = lExtension;
                    lImageInfo.images[i] = lResource;

            //Texture2D lImage = new Texture2D(4, 4, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);

            //using (var lImageFile = new FileStream(fileBrowserDialog.selectedLocation, FileMode.Open))
            //    BinaryReader lBinaryReader = new BinaryReader(lImageFile);
            //    lImage.LoadImage(lBinaryReader.ReadBytes((int)lImageFile.Length));
                nowOutData = new OutData(lImageInfo, lExtension, lWidth, lHeight);
            imgPathToData[lFileInfo.ToString()] = nowOutData;

        foreach (var lRenderer in previewRenderer.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>())
            lRenderer.enabled = false;
        previewRenderer.GetComponent<CombineImagePlane>().imageInfo = nowOutData.imageInfo;

        Vector2 lSize = zzSceneImageGUI.getFitSize(drawMaxSize, nowOutData.width, nowOutData.height);
        previewTransform.localScale = new Vector3(lSize.x, lSize.y, 1f);
        sizeChangedEvent(nowOutData.width, nowOutData.height);
        //image = nowOutData.resource.resource;
 void createObject(OutData pPainterOutData)
     GameObject lGameObject = GameSystem.Singleton.createObject("sceneryObject");
     lGameObject.GetComponent<CombineImagePlane>().imageInfo = pPainterOutData.imageInfo;
     //lGameObject.GetComponent<RenderMaterialProperty>().imageResource = pPainterOutData.resource;
     var lTransform = lGameObject.transform;
     lTransform.localScale = previewTransform.localScale;
     lTransform.rotation = previewTransform.rotation;
     lTransform.position = previewTransform.position;
文件: ServiceImpl.cs 项目: berak/cs
        public bool doQuery(PropertyGrid grid)
            data = (VizData)grid.SelectedObject; ;
            string res = viz.cataloguesData(data.Target, data.Radius, data.Unit, data.Text);
                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                //XmlNodeList root = doc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes;//SelectNodes("VOTABLE");
                //object[] o = new object[root.Count];
                //int i=0;
                //foreach (XmlNode n in root)
                //    o[i++] = n.InnerXml;
                //grid.SelectedObjects = o;
                grid.SelectedObject = doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild;
                return true;
            catch (Exception) {}

            OutData x = new OutData();
            x.Result = res;
            grid.SelectedObject = x;
            return (x.Result != null);