        private List <IOsmProcessor> Build(OsmLayer layers, bool computeElevations = false, GeoTransformPipeline transform = null, bool withBuildingsColors = false, string defaultBuildingsColor = null)
            List <IOsmProcessor> processors = new List <IOsmProcessor>();

            if (layers.HasFlag(OsmLayer.Buildings))
                processors.Add(new OsmBuildingProcessor(transform, withBuildingsColors, defaultBuildingsColor));
            if (layers.HasFlag(OsmLayer.Railway))
                processors.Add(new OsmRailwayProcessor(transform));
            if (layers.HasFlag(OsmLayer.Water))
                processors.Add(new OsmWaterProcessor(transform));
            if (layers.HasFlag(OsmLayer.Highways))
                var processor = new OsmHighwayProcessor(transform);
                if (computeElevations)
                    processor.AddPostTransform(p => p.ZTranslate(_options.RenderGpxZTranslateTrackMeters));
            if (layers.HasFlag(OsmLayer.PisteSki))
                var processor = new OsmPisteSkiProcessor(transform);
                if (computeElevations)
                    processor.AddPostTransform(p => p.ZTranslate(_options.RenderGpxZTranslateTrackMeters));

        public void Run()
                // SF
                GeoPoint location4326 = new GeoPoint(37.766974, -122.431062);
                //GeoPoint location4326 = new GeoPoint( 43.542544, 5.445379);
                DEMDataSet dataset = DEMDataSet.NASADEM;
                double     radius  = 5000;

                GeoPoint    location3857 = location4326.ReprojectTo(4326, 3857);
                BoundingBox bbox3857     = BoundingBox.AroundPoint(location3857, radius); // 5km around point
                bbox3857.SRID = 3857;
                BoundingBox bbox4326 = bbox3857.ReprojectTo(Reprojection.SRID_PROJECTED_MERCATOR, Reprojection.SRID_GEODETIC);

                HeightMap heightMap = _elevationService.GetHeightMap(ref bbox4326, dataset);

                // Highest point
                var highest = heightMap.Coordinates.First(pt => pt.Elevation.Value == heightMap.Maximum);
                _logger.LogInformation($"Highest point: {highest} at {highest.DistanceTo(location4326)} meters");

                OsmHighwayProcessor roadsProcessor = new OsmHighwayProcessor(GeoTransformPipeline.Default);

                // Download buildings and convert them to GeoJson
                IEnumerable <IFeature> features = _osmService.GetOsmDataAsGeoJson(bbox4326, BasicOsmDataFilter.Create(new string[] { "highway" }));
                // Create internal building model
                IEnumerable <HighwayModel> parsed = roadsProcessor.CreateModelsFromGeoJson <HighwayModel>(features, roadsProcessor.ModelFactory);

                int parallelCount = -1;
                Parallel.ForEach(parsed, new ParallelOptions {
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = parallelCount
                }, model =>
                                 //foreach(var model in parsed.Models)
                    model.LineString = _elevationService.GetLineGeometryElevation(model.LineString, dataset);
                var osmRoads     = parsed.ToDictionary(p => p.Id, p => p);
                var osmRoadLines = parsed.ToDictionary(p => p.Id, p => p.LineString);

                (Slope Slope, HighwayModel Road)maxSlope    = (Slope.Zero, null);
                (Slope Slope, HighwayModel Road)maxAvgSlope = (Slope.Zero, null);
                foreach (var model in osmRoadLines)
                    var metrics = model.Value.ComputeMetrics();

                    var slope = GetMaxSlope(model.Value);
                    if (slope > maxSlope.Slope)
                        maxSlope.Slope = slope;
                        maxSlope.Road  = osmRoads[model.Key];

                    var slopeAvg = ComputeSlope(model.Value.First(), model.Value.Last());
                    if (slopeAvg > maxAvgSlope.Slope)
                        maxAvgSlope.Slope = slopeAvg;
                        maxSlope.Road     = osmRoads[model.Key];

                //int parallelCount = -1;
                //Parallel.ForEach(parsed.Models, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = parallelCount }, model =>
                ////foreach (var model in parsed.Models)

                //    model.LineString =_elevationService.GetLineGeometryElevation(model.LineString, dataset);
                //osmRoadLines = parsed.Models.ToDictionary(p => p.Id, p => p.LineString);

                //maxSlope = (Slope.Zero, null);
                //maxAvgSlope = (Slope.Zero, null);
                //foreach (var model in osmRoadLines)
                //    var metrics = model.Value.ComputeMetrics();

                //    var slope = GetMaxSlope(model.Value);
                //    if (slope > maxSlope.Slope)
                //    {
                //        maxSlope.Slope = slope;
                //        maxSlope.Road = osmRoads[model.Key];
                //    }

                //    var slopeAvg = ComputeSlope(model.Value.First(), model.Value.Last());
                //    if (slopeAvg > maxAvgSlope.Slope)
                //    {
                //        maxAvgSlope.Slope = slopeAvg;
                //        maxSlope.Road = osmRoads[model.Key];
                //    }
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError(ex, $"Error in {nameof(HighestPointFinder)}");