/// <summary> /// Returns the argument type at index. /// </summary> public bool TryGetArgType(int index, out OscArgType type) { if (index < 0 || index >= _argInfo.Count) { type = OscArgType.Unsupported; return(false); } type = OscConverter.ToArgType(_argInfo[index].tagByte); return(true); }
bool ValidateTryGet(int index, OscArgType requestedType) { // Arg bounds. if (index < 0 || index >= _argInfo.Count) { StringBuilder sb = StartBuildingInvalidTryGetString(OscDebug.BuildText(this)); sb.Append("Requested argument index "); sb.Append(index); sb.Append(" is out of bounds. Message has "); sb.Append(_argInfo.Count); sb.Append(" arguments.\n"); Debug.LogWarning(sb.ToString()); return(false); } // Arg type. OscArgInfo info = _argInfo[index]; OscArgType type = OscConverter.ToArgType(info.tagByte); if (requestedType != type) { StringBuilder sb = StartBuildingInvalidTryGetString(OscDebug.BuildText(this)); sb.Append("Argument at index "); sb.Append(index); sb.Append(" is not type "); sb.Append(requestedType); sb.Append(" ('"); sb.Append((char)OscConverter.ToTagByte(requestedType)); sb.Append("')"); sb.Append(", it is "); sb.Append(type); sb.Append(" ('"); sb.Append((char)info.tagByte); sb.Append("').\n"); Debug.LogWarning(sb.ToString()); return(false); } // Data capacity. if (index + info.size > _argData.Count) { StringBuilder sb = StartBuildingInvalidTryGetString(OscDebug.BuildText(this)); sb.Append("Argument at index "); sb.Append(index); sb.Append(" has incomplete data\n"); Debug.LogWarning(sb.ToString()); return(false); } return(true); }
public void Add(params object[] args) { // Adaptive Set info capacity. int infoStartIndex = _argInfo.Count; int newArgCount = infoStartIndex + args.Length; if (newArgCount > _argInfo.Capacity) { _argInfo.Capacity = newArgCount; } // Get info and evaluate data byte count. int newArgsByteCount = 0; foreach (object arg in args) { byte tagByte = OscConverter.ToTagByte(arg); int argByteCount = 0; switch (tagByte) { case OscConst.tagFloatByte: case OscConst.tagIntByte: case OscConst.tagCharByte: case OscConst.tagColorByte: case OscConst.tagMidiByte: argByteCount = 4; break; case OscConst.tagDoubleByte: case OscConst.tagLongByte: case OscConst.tagTimetagByte: argByteCount = 8; break; case OscConst.tagStringByte: argByteCount = StringOscData.EvaluateByteCount((string)arg); break; case OscConst.tagBlobByte: argByteCount = BlobOscData.EvaluateByteCount((byte[])arg); break; } _argInfo.Add(new OscArgInfo(tagByte, argByteCount)); newArgsByteCount += argByteCount; } // AdaptiveSet data capacity. int totalArgsByteCount = _argData.Count + newArgsByteCount; if (totalArgsByteCount > _argData.Capacity) { _argData.Capacity = totalArgsByteCount; } // Store arguments directly as bytes. int i = infoStartIndex; foreach (object arg in args) { switch (_argInfo[i++].tagByte) { case OscConst.tagFloatByte: new FourByteOscData((float)arg).AddTo(_argData); break; case OscConst.tagIntByte: new FourByteOscData((int)arg).AddTo(_argData); break; case OscConst.tagCharByte: new FourByteOscData((char)arg).AddTo(_argData); break; case OscConst.tagColorByte: new FourByteOscData((Color32)arg).AddTo(_argData); break; case OscConst.tagMidiByte: new FourByteOscData((OscMidiMessage)arg).AddTo(_argData); break; case OscConst.tagDoubleByte: new EightByteOscData((double)arg).AddTo(_argData); break; case OscConst.tagLongByte: new EightByteOscData((long)arg).AddTo(_argData); break; case OscConst.tagTimetagByte: new EightByteOscData((OscTimeTag)arg).AddTo(_argData); break; case OscConst.tagStringByte: StringOscData.AddTo((string)arg, _argData); break; case OscConst.tagBlobByte: BlobOscData.AddTo((byte[])arg, _argData); break; case OscConst.tagUnsupportedByte: // For unsupported tags, we don't attemt to store any data. But we warn the user. Debug.LogWarning("Type " + arg.GetType() + " is not supported.\n"); // TODO warnings should be optional. break; } } }