        public async Task DownloadImageTiles(OrthophotoSource orthophotoSource, List <ImageTile> imageTiles, IProgress <DownloadThreadProgress> threadProgress, string downloadDirectory)
            // Reset cancellation token status
            cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            if (imageTiles.Count > 0)
                log.InfoFormat("Beginning download of {0} image tiles from {1}", imageTiles.Count, orthophotoSource.ToString());

                int downloadsPerThread    = imageTiles.Count / this.downloadThreads;
                int downloadsPerThreadMod = imageTiles.Count % this.downloadThreads;

                var tasks = new List <Task>();

                // Spawn the required number of threads
                for (int i = 0; i < this.downloadThreads; i++)
                    var threadNumber = i;

                    tasks.Add(Task.Run(async() =>
                        var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ImageTile));

                        var maxWait   = AeroSceneryManager.Instance.Settings.DownloadWaitMs.Value + AeroSceneryManager.Instance.Settings.DownloadWaitRandomMs.Value;
                        var minWait   = AeroSceneryManager.Instance.Settings.DownloadWaitMs.Value - AeroSceneryManager.Instance.Settings.DownloadWaitRandomMs.Value;
                        Random random = new Random();

                        var downloadThreadProgress                  = new DownloadThreadProgress();
                        downloadThreadProgress.TotalFiles           = downloadsPerThread;
                        downloadThreadProgress.DownloadThreadNumber = threadNumber;

                        if (threadNumber == this.downloadThreads - 1)
                            downloadThreadProgress.TotalFiles += downloadsPerThreadMod;

                        //Debug.WriteLine("Thread " + threadNumber.ToString());
                        var cookieContainer = new CookieContainer();

                        using (var handler = new HttpClientHandler()
                            CookieContainer = cookieContainer

                            using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(handler))
                                long lastDownloadTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;

                                // Work through this threads share of downloads
                                for (int j = 0 + (threadNumber * downloadsPerThread); j < (threadNumber + 1) * downloadsPerThread; j++)
                                    if (this.cancellationTokenSource.Token.IsCancellationRequested)

                                    int waitTime     = random.Next(minWait, maxWait);
                                    var waitTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(waitTime * TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond);
                                    await Task.Delay(waitTimeSpan);

                                    // We nee to re-eval this. If the user has cancelled, image tiles will be cleared
                                    if (imageTiles != null && imageTiles.Count > 0)
                                        this.DownloadFile(httpClient, cookieContainer, imageTiles[j], downloadDirectory);

                                    // We nee to re-eval this. If the user has cancelled, image tiles will be cleared
                                    if (imageTiles != null && imageTiles.Count > 0)
                                        this.SaveImageTileAeroFile(xmlSerializer, imageTiles[j], downloadDirectory);


                                    //Debug.WriteLine("Thread " + threadNumber.ToString() + " Index " + j.ToString());

                                // If this is the 'last' thread, also work through the remainder
                                if (threadNumber == this.downloadThreads - 1)
                                    for (int k = 0; k < downloadsPerThreadMod; k++)
                                        if (this.cancellationTokenSource.Token.IsCancellationRequested)

                                        int waitTime     = random.Next(minWait, maxWait);
                                        var waitTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(waitTime * TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond);
                                        await Task.Delay(waitTimeSpan);

                                        var index = k + (downloadsPerThread * this.downloadThreads);

                                        // We nee to re-eval this. If the user has cancelled, image tiles will be cleared
                                        if (imageTiles != null && imageTiles.Count > 0)
                                            this.DownloadFile(httpClient, cookieContainer, imageTiles[index], downloadDirectory);

                                        // We nee to re-eval this. If the user has cancelled, image tiles will be cleared
                                        if (imageTiles != null && imageTiles.Count > 0)
                                            this.SaveImageTileAeroFile(xmlSerializer, imageTiles[index], downloadDirectory);


                                        //Debug.WriteLine("Thread " + threadNumber.ToString() + "Index " + k.ToString());

                        xmlSerializer = null;
                    }, this.cancellationTokenSource.Token));

                await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

                log.InfoFormat("Finished download of {0} image tiles from {1}", imageTiles.Count, orthophotoSource.ToString());
        private void DownloadFile(HttpClient httpClient, CookieContainer cookieContainer, ImageTile imageTile, string path, OrthophotoSource orthophotoSource)
            string fullFilePath = path + imageTile.FileName + "." + imageTile.ImageExtension;

            cookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            cookieContainer.Add(new Uri(imageTile.URL), new Cookie("APISID", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()));
            cookieContainer.Add(new Uri(imageTile.URL), new Cookie("NID", "119=" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()));
            cookieContainer.Add(new Uri(imageTile.URL), new Cookie("NID", "129=" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()));

            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Referrer = new Uri("http://google.com/");
            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.5");
            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate");
            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01");

                var responseResult = httpClient.GetAsync(imageTile.URL);

                bool saveFile = true;

                // If we are Bing we might be served a valid image but there is really no tile available
                if (orthophotoSource == OrthophotoSource.Bing)
                    // Check the Bing tile info header
                    if (responseResult.Result.Headers.Contains("X-VE-Tile-Info"))
                        var tileInfoHeaderValue = responseResult.Result.Headers.GetValues("X-VE-Tile-Info").FirstOrDefault();

                        // If there is really no file, the header value will be no-tile
                        // In this case we shouldn't save the image
                        if (tileInfoHeaderValue == "no-tile")
                            saveFile = false;

                if (saveFile)
                    using (var memStream = responseResult.Result.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().Result)
                        using (var fileStream = File.Create(fullFilePath))
                            var fileSize = memStream.Length;

                            if (fileSize == 1033)
                                var afd = "asdf";

            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("There was an error downloading " + imageTile.URL, ex);