        private void generateFixedSamples(Vector3[] samples, Color[] colors)
            for (int i = 0; i < samples.Length; i++)
                double randX = (double)i / (double)samples.Length;
                double randY = QMC.halton(0, i);
                int    x     = 0;
                while (randX >= colHistogram[x] && x < colHistogram.Length - 1)
                float[] rowHistogram = imageHistogram[x];
                int     y            = 0;
                while (randY >= rowHistogram[y] && y < rowHistogram.Length - 1)
                // sample from (x, y)
                float u = (float)((x == 0) ? (randX / colHistogram[0]) : ((randX - colHistogram[x - 1]) / (colHistogram[x] - colHistogram[x - 1])));
                float v = (float)((y == 0) ? (randY / rowHistogram[0]) : ((randY - rowHistogram[y - 1]) / (rowHistogram[y] - rowHistogram[y - 1])));

                float px = ((x == 0) ? colHistogram[0] : (colHistogram[x] - colHistogram[x - 1]));
                float py = ((y == 0) ? rowHistogram[0] : (rowHistogram[y] - rowHistogram[y - 1]));

                float su = (x + u) / colHistogram.Length;
                float sv = (y + v) / rowHistogram.Length;

                float invP = (float)Math.Sin(sv * Math.PI) * jacobian / (numSamples * px * py);
                samples[i] = getDirection(su, sv);
                colors[i] = texture.getPixel(su, sv).mul(invP);
         * Ambient occlusion routine, returns a value between bright and dark
         * depending on the amount of geometric occlusion in the scene.
         * @param samples number of sample rays
         * @param maxDist maximum Length of the rays
         * @param bright color when nothing is occluded
         * @param dark color when fully occluded
         * @return occlusion color
        public Color occlusion(int samples, float maxDist, Color bright, Color dark)
            if (n == null)
                // in case we got called on a geometry without orientation
            // make sure we are on the right side of the material
            OrthoNormalBasis onb    = getBasis();
            Vector3          w      = new Vector3();
            Color            result = Color.black();

            for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++)
                float xi       = (float)getRandom(i, 0, samples);
                float xj       = (float)getRandom(i, 1, samples);
                float phi      = (float)(2 * Math.PI * xi);
                float cosPhi   = (float)Math.Cos(phi);
                float sinPhi   = (float)Math.Sin(phi);
                float sinTheta = (float)Math.Sqrt(xj);
                float cosTheta = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0f - xj);
                w.x = cosPhi * sinTheta;
                w.y = sinPhi * sinTheta;
                w.z = cosTheta;
                Ray r = new Ray(p, w);
                result.add(Color.blend(bright, dark, traceShadow(r)));
            return(result.mul(1.0f / samples));
        public Color getIrradiance(ShadingState state, Color diffuseReflectance)
            OrthoNormalBasis onb    = state.getBasis();
            Vector3          w      = new Vector3();
            Color            result = Color.black();

            for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++)
                float xi       = (float)state.getRandom(i, 0, samples);
                float xj       = (float)state.getRandom(i, 1, samples);
                float phi      = (float)(2 * Math.PI * xi);
                float cosPhi   = (float)Math.Cos(phi);
                float sinPhi   = (float)Math.Sin(phi);
                float sinTheta = (float)Math.Sqrt(xj);
                float cosTheta = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0f - xj);
                w.x = cosPhi * sinTheta;
                w.y = sinPhi * sinTheta;
                w.z = cosTheta;
                Ray r = new Ray(state.getPoint(), w);
                result.add(Color.blend(bright, dark, state.traceShadow(r)));
            return(result.mul((float)Math.PI / samples));
        public void scatterPhoton(ShadingState state, Color power)
            Color diffuse, specular;

            // make sure we are on the right side of the material
            diffuse  = getDiffuse(state);
            specular = getSpecular(state);
            state.storePhoton(state.getRay().getDirection(), power, diffuse);
            float  d   = diffuse.getAverage();
            float  r   = specular.getAverage();
            double rnd = state.getRandom(0, 0, 1);

            if (rnd < d)
                // photon is scattered
                power.mul(diffuse).mul(1.0f / d);
                OrthoNormalBasis onb = state.getBasis();
                double           u   = 2 * Math.PI * rnd / d;
                double           v   = state.getRandom(0, 1, 1);
                float            s   = (float)Math.Sqrt(v);
                float            s1  = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0 - v);
                Vector3          w   = new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(u) * s, (float)Math.Sin(u) * s, s1);
                w = onb.transform(w, new Vector3());
                state.traceDiffusePhoton(new Ray(state.getPoint(), w), power);
            else if (rnd < d + r)
                if (glossyness == 0)
                    float cos = -Vector3.dot(state.getNormal(), state.getRay().getDirection());
                    power.mul(diffuse).mul(1.0f / d);
                    // photon is reflected
                    float   dn  = 2 * cos;
                    Vector3 dir = new Vector3();
                    dir.x = (dn * state.getNormal().x) + state.getRay().getDirection().x;
                    dir.y = (dn * state.getNormal().y) + state.getRay().getDirection().y;
                    dir.z = (dn * state.getNormal().z) + state.getRay().getDirection().z;
                    state.traceReflectionPhoton(new Ray(state.getPoint(), dir), power);
                    float dn = 2.0f * state.getCosND();
                    // reflected direction
                    Vector3 refDir = new Vector3();
                    refDir.x = (dn * state.getNormal().x) + state.getRay().dx;
                    refDir.y = (dn * state.getNormal().y) + state.getRay().dy;
                    refDir.z = (dn * state.getNormal().z) + state.getRay().dz;
                    power.mul(spec).mul(1.0f / r);
                    OrthoNormalBasis onb = state.getBasis();
                    double           u   = 2 * Math.PI * (rnd - r) / r;
                    double           v   = state.getRandom(0, 1, 1);
                    float            s   = (float)Math.Pow(v, 1 / ((1.0f / glossyness) + 1));
                    float            s1  = (float)Math.Sqrt(1 - s * s);
                    Vector3          w   = new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(u) * s1, (float)Math.Sin(u) * s1, s);
                    w = onb.transform(w, new Vector3());
                    state.traceReflectionPhoton(new Ray(state.getPoint(), w), power);
        public void getPhoton(double randX1, double randY1, double randX2, double randY2, Point3 p, Vector3 dir, Color power)
            float z   = (float)(1 - 2 * randX2);
            float r   = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(0, 1 - z * z));
            float phi = (float)(2 * Math.PI * randY2);
            float x   = r * (float)Math.Cos(phi);
            float y   = r * (float)Math.Sin(phi);

            p.x = center.x + x * radius;
            p.y = center.y + y * radius;
            p.z = center.z + z * radius;
            OrthoNormalBasis basis = OrthoNormalBasis.makeFromW(new Vector3(x, y, z));

            phi = (float)(2 * Math.PI * randX1);
            float cosPhi   = (float)Math.Cos(phi);
            float sinPhi   = (float)Math.Sin(phi);
            float sinTheta = (float)Math.Sqrt(randY1);
            float cosTheta = (float)Math.Sqrt(1 - randY1);

            dir.x = cosPhi * sinTheta;
            dir.y = sinPhi * sinTheta;
            dir.z = cosTheta;
            power.mul((float)(Math.PI * Math.PI * 4 * r2));
        public void ScatterPhoton(ShadingState state, Color power)
            Color diffuse;

            // make sure we are on the right side of the material
            if (Vector3.dot(state.getNormal(), state.getRay().getDirection()) > 0.0)
            diffuse = Color.GRAY;
            state.storePhoton(state.getRay().getDirection(), power, diffuse);
            float  avg = diffuse.getAverage();
            double rnd = state.getRandom(0, 0, 1);

            if (rnd < avg)
                // photon is scattered
                power.mul(diffuse).mul(1.0f / avg);
                OrthoNormalBasis onb = state.getBasis();
                double           u   = 2 * Math.PI * rnd / avg;
                double           v   = state.getRandom(0, 1, 1);
                float            s   = (float)Math.Sqrt(v);
                float            s1  = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0 - v);
                Vector3          w   = new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(u) * s, (float)Math.Sin(u) * s, s1);
                w = onb.transform(w, new Vector3());
                state.traceDiffusePhoton(new Ray(state.getPoint(), w), power);
        public Vector3 getBump(float x, float y, OrthoNormalBasis basis, float scale)
            Bitmap bitmap = getBitmap();

            if (bitmap == null)
                return(basis.transform(new Vector3(0, 0, 1)));
            float dx = 1.0f / (bitmap.Width - 1);
            float dy = 1.0f / (bitmap.Height - 1);
            float b0 = getPixel(x, y).getLuminance();
            float bx = getPixel(x + dx, y).getLuminance();
            float by = getPixel(x, y + dy).getLuminance();

            return(basis.transform(new Vector3(scale * (bx - b0) / dx, scale * (by - b0) / dy, 1)).normalize());
        public void getSamples(ShadingState state)
            if (Vector3.dot(sunDirWorld, state.getGeoNormal()) > 0 && Vector3.dot(sunDirWorld, state.getNormal()) > 0)
                LightSample dest = new LightSample();
                dest.setShadowRay(new Ray(state.getPoint(), sunDirWorld));
                dest.setRadiance(sunColor, sunColor);
            int n = state.getDiffuseDepth() > 0 ? 1 : numSkySamples;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                // random offset on unit square, we use the infinite version of
                // getRandom because the light sampling is adaptive
                double randX = state.getRandom(i, 0, n);
                double randY = state.getRandom(i, 1, n);

                int x = 0;
                while (randX >= colHistogram[x] && x < colHistogram.Length - 1)
                float[] rowHistogram = imageHistogram[x];
                int     y            = 0;
                while (randY >= rowHistogram[y] && y < rowHistogram.Length - 1)
                // sample from (x, y)
                float u = (float)((x == 0) ? (randX / colHistogram[0]) : ((randX - colHistogram[x - 1]) / (colHistogram[x] - colHistogram[x - 1])));
                float v = (float)((y == 0) ? (randY / rowHistogram[0]) : ((randY - rowHistogram[y - 1]) / (rowHistogram[y] - rowHistogram[y - 1])));

                float px = ((x == 0) ? colHistogram[0] : (colHistogram[x] - colHistogram[x - 1]));
                float py = ((y == 0) ? rowHistogram[0] : (rowHistogram[y] - rowHistogram[y - 1]));

                float   su       = (x + u) / colHistogram.Length;
                float   sv       = (y + v) / rowHistogram.Length;
                float   invP     = (float)Math.Sin(sv * Math.PI) * jacobian / (n * px * py);
                Vector3 localDir = getDirection(su, sv);
                Vector3 dir      = basis.transform(localDir, new Vector3());
                if (Vector3.dot(dir, state.getGeoNormal()) > 0 && Vector3.dot(dir, state.getNormal()) > 0)
                    LightSample dest = new LightSample();
                    dest.setShadowRay(new Ray(state.getPoint(), dir));
                    Color radiance = getSkyRGB(localDir);
                    dest.setRadiance(radiance, radiance);
        public Vector3 getBump(float x, float y, OrthoNormalBasis basis, float scale)
            Bitmap bitmap = getBitmap();
            float  dx     = 1.0f / bitmap.getWidth();
            float  dy     = 1.0f / bitmap.getHeight();
            float  b0     = getPixel(x, y).getLuminance();
            float  bx     = getPixel(x + dx, y).getLuminance();
            float  by     = getPixel(x, y + dy).getLuminance();

            return(basis.transform(new Vector3(scale * (b0 - bx), scale * (b0 - by), 1)).normalize());
         * Computes a phong specular response to the current light samples and
         * global illumination.
         * @param spec specular color
         * @param power phong exponent
         * @param numRays number of glossy rays to trace
         * @return shaded color
        public Color specularPhong(Color spec, float power, int numRays)
            // integrate a phong specular function
            Color lr = Color.black();

            if (!includeSpecular || spec.isBlack())
            // reflected direction
            float   dn     = 2 * cosND;
            Vector3 refDir = new Vector3();

            refDir.x = (dn * n.x) + r.dx;
            refDir.y = (dn * n.y) + r.dy;
            refDir.z = (dn * n.z) + r.dz;
            // direct lighting
            foreach (LightSample sample in this)
                float cosNL = sample.dot(n);
                float cosLR = sample.dot(refDir);
                if (cosLR > 0)
                    lr.madd(cosNL * (float)Math.Pow(cosLR, power), sample.getSpecularRadiance());
            // indirect lighting
            if (numRays > 0)
                int numSamples       = getDepth() == 0 ? numRays : 1;
                OrthoNormalBasis onb = OrthoNormalBasis.makeFromW(refDir);
                float            mul = (2.0f * (float)Math.PI / (power + 1)) / numSamples;
                for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
                    // specular indirect lighting
                    double  r1 = getRandom(i, 0, numSamples);
                    double  r2 = getRandom(i, 1, numSamples);
                    double  u  = 2 * Math.PI * r1;
                    double  s  = (float)Math.Pow(r2, 1 / (power + 1));
                    double  s1 = (float)Math.Sqrt(1 - s * s);
                    Vector3 w  = new Vector3((float)(Math.Cos(u) * s1), (float)(Math.Sin(u) * s1), (float)s);
                    w = onb.transform(w, new Vector3());
                    float wn = Vector3.dot(w, n);
                    if (wn > 0)
                        lr.madd(wn * mul, traceGlossy(new Ray(p, w), i));
            lr.mul(spec).mul((power + 2) / (2.0f * (float)Math.PI));
        public void getPhoton(double randX1, double randY1, double randX2, double randY2, Point3 p, Vector3 dir, Color power)
            float phi = (float)(2 * Math.PI * randX1);
            float s   = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0f - randY1);

            dir.x = r * (float)Math.Cos(phi) * s;
            dir.y = r * (float)Math.Sin(phi) * s;
            dir.z = 0;
            Point3.add(src, dir, p);
            power.set(radiance).mul((float)Math.PI * r2);
        public void scatterPhoton(ShadingState state, Color power)
            // make sure we are on the right side of the material
            Color d = getDiffuse(state);

            state.storePhoton(state.getRay().getDirection(), power, d);
            float  avgD = d.getAverage();
            float  avgS = spec.getAverage();
            double rnd  = state.getRandom(0, 0, 1);

            if (rnd < avgD)
                // photon is scattered diffusely
                power.mul(d).mul(1.0f / avgD);
                OrthoNormalBasis onb = state.getBasis();
                double           u   = 2 * Math.PI * rnd / avgD;
                double           v   = state.getRandom(0, 1, 1);
                float            s   = (float)Math.Sqrt(v);
                float            s1  = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0f - v);
                Vector3          w   = new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(u) * s, (float)Math.Sin(u) * s, s1);
                w = onb.transform(w, new Vector3());
                state.traceDiffusePhoton(new Ray(state.getPoint(), w), power);
            else if (rnd < avgD + avgS)
                // photon is scattered specularly
                float dn = 2.0f * state.getCosND();
                // reflected direction
                Vector3 refDir = new Vector3();
                refDir.x = (dn * state.getNormal().x) + state.getRay().dx;
                refDir.y = (dn * state.getNormal().y) + state.getRay().dy;
                refDir.z = (dn * state.getNormal().z) + state.getRay().dz;
                power.mul(spec).mul(1.0f / avgS);
                OrthoNormalBasis onb = state.getBasis();
                double           u   = 2 * Math.PI * (rnd - avgD) / avgS;
                double           v   = state.getRandom(0, 1, 1);
                float            s   = (float)Math.Pow(v, 1 / (this.power + 1));
                float            s1  = (float)Math.Sqrt(1 - s * s);
                Vector3          w   = new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(u) * s1, (float)Math.Sin(u) * s1, s);
                w = onb.transform(w, new Vector3());
                state.traceReflectionPhoton(new Ray(state.getPoint(), w), power);
        public void getPhoton(double randX1, double randY1, double randX2, double randY2, Point3 p, Vector3 dir, Color power)
            double rnd = randX1 * totalArea;
            int    j   = areas.Length - 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < areas.Length; i++)
                if (rnd < areas[i])
                    j = i;
                rnd -= areas[i];                 // try next triangle
            rnd   /= areas[j];
            randX1 = rnd;
            double s      = Math.Sqrt(1 - randX2);
            float  u      = (float)(randY2 * s);
            float  v      = (float)(1 - s);
            float  w      = 1 - u - v;
            int    tri3   = j * 3;
            int    index0 = 3 * triangles[tri3 + 0];
            int    index1 = 3 * triangles[tri3 + 1];
            int    index2 = 3 * triangles[tri3 + 2];

            p.x  = w * points[index0 + 0] + u * points[index1 + 0] + v * points[index2 + 0];
            p.y  = w * points[index0 + 1] + u * points[index1 + 1] + v * points[index2 + 1];
            p.z  = w * points[index0 + 2] + u * points[index1 + 2] + v * points[index2 + 2];
            p.x += 0.001f * ngs[j].x;
            p.y += 0.001f * ngs[j].y;
            p.z += 0.001f * ngs[j].z;
            OrthoNormalBasis onb = OrthoNormalBasis.makeFromW(ngs[j]);

            u = (float)(2 * Math.PI * randX1);
            s = Math.Sqrt(randY1);
            onb.transform(new Vector3((float)(Math.Cos(u) * s), (float)(Math.Sin(u) * s), (float)(Math.Sqrt(1 - randY1))), dir);
            Color.mul((float)Math.PI * areas[j], radiance, power);
        public void scatterPhoton(ShadingState state, Color power)
            Color diffuse;

            // make sure we are on the right side of the material
            diffuse = getDiffuse(state);
            state.storePhoton(state.getRay().getDirection(), power, diffuse);
            float  d   = diffuse.getAverage();
            float  r   = d * refl;
            double rnd = state.getRandom(0, 0, 1);

            if (rnd < d)
                // photon is scattered
                power.mul(diffuse).mul(1.0f / d);
                OrthoNormalBasis onb = state.getBasis();
                double           u   = 2 * Math.PI * rnd / d;
                double           v   = state.getRandom(0, 1, 1);
                float            s   = (float)Math.Sqrt(v);
                float            s1  = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0 - v);
                Vector3          w   = new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(u) * s, (float)Math.Sin(u) * s, s1);
                w = onb.transform(w, new Vector3());
                state.traceDiffusePhoton(new Ray(state.getPoint(), w), power);
            else if (rnd < d + r)
                float cos = -Vector3.dot(state.getNormal(), state.getRay().getDirection());
                power.mul(diffuse).mul(1.0f / d);
                // photon is reflected
                float   dn  = 2 * cos;
                Vector3 dir = new Vector3();
                dir.x = (dn * state.getNormal().x) + state.getRay().getDirection().x;
                dir.y = (dn * state.getNormal().y) + state.getRay().getDirection().y;
                dir.z = (dn * state.getNormal().z) + state.getRay().getDirection().z;
                state.traceReflectionPhoton(new Ray(state.getPoint(), dir), power);
        public Color getIrradiance(ShadingState state, Color diffuseReflectance)
            if (samples <= 0)
            // compute new sample
            Color            irr = Color.black();
            OrthoNormalBasis onb = state.getBasis();
            Vector3          w   = new Vector3();
            int n = state.getDiffuseDepth() == 0 ? samples : 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                float xi       = (float)state.getRandom(i, 0, n);
                float xj       = (float)state.getRandom(i, 1, n);
                float phi      = (float)(xi * 2 * Math.PI);
                float cosPhi   = (float)Math.Cos(phi);
                float sinPhi   = (float)Math.Sin(phi);
                float sinTheta = (float)Math.Sqrt(xj);
                float cosTheta = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0f - xj);
                w.x = cosPhi * sinTheta;
                w.y = sinPhi * sinTheta;
                w.z = cosTheta;
                ShadingState temp = state.traceFinalGather(new Ray(state.getPoint(), w), i);
                if (temp != null)
                    if (temp.getShader() != null)
            irr.mul((float)Math.PI / n);
            public void getPhoton(double randX1, double randY1, double randX2, double randY2, Point3 p, Vector3 dir, Color power)
                double s      = Math.Sqrt(1 - randX2);
                float  u      = (float)(randY2 * s);
                float  v      = (float)(1 - s);
                float  w      = 1 - u - v;
                int    index0 = 3 * meshlight.triangles[tri3 + 0];
                int    index1 = 3 * meshlight.triangles[tri3 + 1];
                int    index2 = 3 * meshlight.triangles[tri3 + 2];

                p.x  = w * meshlight.points[index0 + 0] + u * meshlight.points[index1 + 0] + v * meshlight.points[index2 + 0];
                p.y  = w * meshlight.points[index0 + 1] + u * meshlight.points[index1 + 1] + v * meshlight.points[index2 + 1];
                p.z  = w * meshlight.points[index0 + 2] + u * meshlight.points[index1 + 2] + v * meshlight.points[index2 + 2];
                p.x += 0.001f * ng.x;
                p.y += 0.001f * ng.y;
                p.z += 0.001f * ng.z;
                OrthoNormalBasis onb = OrthoNormalBasis.makeFromW(ng);

                u = (float)(2 * Math.PI * randX1);
                s = Math.Sqrt(randY1);
                onb.transform(new Vector3((float)(Math.Cos(u) * s), (float)(Math.Sin(u) * s), (float)(Math.Sqrt(1 - randY1))), dir);
                Color.mul((float)Math.PI * area, meshlight.radiance, power);
        public void ScatterPhoton(ShadingState state, Color power)
            int   side = state.getPrimitiveID();
            Color kd   = null;

            switch (side)
            case 0:
                kd = left;

            case 1:
                kd = right;

            case 3:
                kd = back;

            case 4:
                kd = bottom;

            case 5:
                float lx = state.getPoint().x;
                float ly = state.getPoint().y;
                if (lx >= lxmin && lx < lxmax && ly >= lymin && ly < lymax && state.getRay().dz > 0)
                kd = top;

            // make sure we are on the right side of the material
            if (Vector3.dot(state.getNormal(), state.getRay().getDirection()) > 0)
            state.storePhoton(state.getRay().getDirection(), power, kd);
            double avg = kd.getAverage();
            double rnd = state.getRandom(0, 0, 1);

            if (rnd < avg)
                // photon is scattered
                power.mul(kd).mul(1 / (float)avg);
                OrthoNormalBasis onb = OrthoNormalBasis.makeFromW(state.getNormal());
                double           u   = 2 * Math.PI * rnd / avg;
                double           v   = state.getRandom(0, 1, 1);
                float            s   = (float)Math.Sqrt(v);
                float            s1  = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0 - v);
                Vector3          w   = new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(u) * s, (float)Math.Sin(u) * s, s1);
                w = onb.transform(w, new Vector3());
                state.traceDiffusePhoton(new Ray(state.getPoint(), w), power);
        public void ScatterPhoton(ShadingState state, Color power)
            // make sure we are on the right side of the material
            Color d = getDiffuse(state);

            state.storePhoton(state.getRay().getDirection(), power, d);
            float  avgD = d.getAverage();
            float  avgS = rhoS.getAverage();
            double rnd  = state.getRandom(0, 0, 1);

            if (rnd < avgD)
                // photon is scattered diffusely
                power.mul(d).mul(1.0f / avgD);
                OrthoNormalBasis onb = state.getBasis();
                double           u   = 2 * Math.PI * rnd / avgD;
                double           v   = state.getRandom(0, 1, 1);
                float            s   = (float)Math.Sqrt(v);
                float            s1  = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0f - v);
                Vector3          w   = new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(u) * s, (float)Math.Sin(u) * s, s1);
                w = onb.transform(w, new Vector3());
                state.traceDiffusePhoton(new Ray(state.getPoint(), w), power);
            else if (rnd < avgD + avgS)
                // photon is scattered specularly
                power.mul(rhoS).mul(1 / avgS);
                OrthoNormalBasis basis = state.getBasis();
                Vector3          inv   = state.getRay().getDirection().negate(new Vector3());
                double           r1    = rnd / avgS;
                double           r2    = state.getRandom(0, 1, 1);

                float alphaRatio = alphaY / alphaX;
                float phi        = 0;
                if (r1 < 0.25)
                    double val = 4 * r1;
                    phi = (float)Math.Atan(alphaRatio * Math.Tan(Math.PI / 2 * val));
                else if (r1 < 0.5)
                    double val = 1 - 4 * (0.5 - r1);
                    phi = (float)Math.Atan(alphaRatio * Math.Tan(Math.PI / 2 * val));
                    phi = (float)Math.PI - phi;
                else if (r1 < 0.75)
                    double val = 4 * (r1 - 0.5);
                    phi  = (float)Math.Atan(alphaRatio * Math.Tan(Math.PI / 2 * val));
                    phi += (float)Math.PI;
                    double val = 1 - 4 * (1 - r1);
                    phi = (float)Math.Atan(alphaRatio * Math.Tan(Math.PI / 2 * val));
                    phi = 2 * (float)Math.PI - phi;

                float cosPhi = (float)Math.Cos(phi);
                float sinPhi = (float)Math.Sin(phi);

                float denom = (cosPhi * cosPhi) / (alphaX * alphaX) + (sinPhi * sinPhi) / (alphaY * alphaY);
                float theta = (float)Math.Atan(Math.Sqrt(-Math.Log(1 - r2) / denom));

                float sinTheta = (float)Math.Sin(theta);
                float cosTheta = (float)Math.Cos(theta);

                Vector3 h = new Vector3();
                h.x = sinTheta * cosPhi;
                h.y = sinTheta * sinPhi;
                h.z = cosTheta;

                Vector3 o  = new Vector3();
                float   ih = Vector3.dot(h, inv);
                o.x = 2 * ih * h.x - inv.x;
                o.y = 2 * ih * h.y - inv.y;
                o.z = 2 * ih * h.z - inv.z;

                Ray r = new Ray(state.getPoint(), o);
                state.traceReflectionPhoton(r, power);
        public Color GetRadiance(ShadingState state)
            // make sure we are on the right side of the material
            OrthoNormalBasis onb = state.getBasis();

            // direct lighting and caustics
            Color lr = Color.black();

            // compute specular contribution
            if (state.includeSpecular)
                Vector3 inv = state.getRay().getDirection().negate(new Vector3());
                foreach (LightSample sample in state)
                    float cosNL = sample.dot(state.getNormal());
                    float fr    = brdf(inv, sample.getShadowRay().getDirection(), onb);
                    lr.madd(cosNL * fr, sample.getSpecularRadiance());

                // indirect lighting - specular
                if (numRays > 0)
                    int n = state.getDepth() == 0 ? numRays : 1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        // specular indirect lighting
                        double r1 = state.getRandom(i, 0, n);
                        double r2 = state.getRandom(i, 1, n);

                        float alphaRatio = alphaY / alphaX;
                        float phi        = 0;
                        if (r1 < 0.25)
                            double val = 4 * r1;
                            phi = (float)Math.Atan(alphaRatio * Math.Tan(Math.PI / 2 * val));
                        else if (r1 < 0.5)
                            double val = 1 - 4 * (0.5 - r1);
                            phi = (float)Math.Atan(alphaRatio * Math.Tan(Math.PI / 2 * val));
                            phi = (float)Math.PI - phi;
                        else if (r1 < 0.75)
                            double val = 4 * (r1 - 0.5);
                            phi  = (float)Math.Atan(alphaRatio * Math.Tan(Math.PI / 2 * val));
                            phi += (float)Math.PI;
                            double val = 1 - 4 * (1 - r1);
                            phi = (float)Math.Atan(alphaRatio * Math.Tan(Math.PI / 2 * val));
                            phi = 2 * (float)Math.PI - phi;

                        float cosPhi = (float)Math.Cos(phi);
                        float sinPhi = (float)Math.Sin(phi);

                        float denom = (cosPhi * cosPhi) / (alphaX * alphaX) + (sinPhi * sinPhi) / (alphaY * alphaY);
                        float theta = (float)Math.Atan(Math.Sqrt(-Math.Log(1 - r2) / denom));

                        float sinTheta = (float)Math.Sin(theta);
                        float cosTheta = (float)Math.Cos(theta);

                        Vector3 h = new Vector3();
                        h.x = sinTheta * cosPhi;
                        h.y = sinTheta * sinPhi;
                        h.z = cosTheta;

                        Vector3 o  = new Vector3();
                        float   ih = Vector3.dot(h, inv);
                        o.x = 2 * ih * h.x - inv.x;
                        o.y = 2 * ih * h.y - inv.y;
                        o.z = 2 * ih * h.z - inv.z;

                        float no = onb.untransformZ(o);
                        float ni = onb.untransformZ(inv);
                        float w  = ih * cosTheta * cosTheta * cosTheta * (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(no / ni));

                        Ray r = new Ray(state.getPoint(), o);
                        lr.madd(w / n, state.traceGlossy(r, i));
            // add diffuse contribution
        public void getSamples(ShadingState state)
            if (getNumSamples() <= 0)
            Vector3 wc = Point3.sub(center, state.getPoint(), new Vector3());
            float   l2 = wc.LengthSquared();

            if (l2 <= r2)
                return; // inside the sphere?
            // top of the sphere as viewed from the current shading point
            float topX = wc.x + state.getNormal().x *radius;
            float topY = wc.y + state.getNormal().y *radius;
            float topZ = wc.z + state.getNormal().z *radius;

            if (state.getNormal().dot(topX, topY, topZ) <= 0)
                return; // top of the sphere is below the horizon
            float            cosThetaMax = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(0, 1 - r2 / Vector3.dot(wc, wc)));
            OrthoNormalBasis basis       = OrthoNormalBasis.makeFromW(wc);
            int   samples = state.getDiffuseDepth() > 0 ? 1 : getNumSamples();
            float scale   = (float)(2 * Math.PI * (1 - cosThetaMax));
            Color c       = Color.mul(scale / samples, radiance);

            for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++)
                // random offset on unit square
                double randX = state.getRandom(i, 0, samples);
                double randY = state.getRandom(i, 1, samples);

                // cone sampling
                double  cosTheta = (1 - randX) * cosThetaMax + randX;
                double  sinTheta = Math.Sqrt(1 - cosTheta * cosTheta);
                double  phi      = randY * 2 * Math.PI;
                Vector3 dir      = new Vector3((float)(Math.Cos(phi) * sinTheta), (float)(Math.Sin(phi) * sinTheta), (float)cosTheta);

                // check that the direction of the sample is the same as the
                // normal
                float cosNx = Vector3.dot(dir, state.getNormal());
                if (cosNx <= 0)

                float    ocx = state.getPoint().x - center.x;
                float    ocy = state.getPoint().y - center.y;
                float    ocz = state.getPoint().z - center.z;
                float    qa  = Vector3.dot(dir, dir);
                float    qb  = 2 * ((dir.x * ocx) + (dir.y * ocy) + (dir.z * ocz));
                float    qc  = ((ocx * ocx) + (ocy * ocy) + (ocz * ocz)) - r2;
                double[] t   = Solvers.solveQuadric(qa, qb, qc);
                if (t == null)
                LightSample dest = new LightSample();
                // compute shadow ray to the sampled point
                dest.setShadowRay(new Ray(state.getPoint(), dir));
                // FIXME: arbitrary bias, should handle as in other places
                dest.getShadowRay().setMax((float)t[0] - 1e-3f);
                // prepare sample
                dest.setRadiance(c, c);
        public bool update(ParameterList pl, SunflowAPI api)
            updateBasis(pl.getVector("center", null), pl.getVector("up", null));
            numSamples = pl.getInt("samples", numSamples);

            string filename = pl.getstring("texture", null);

            if (filename != null)
                texture = TextureCache.getTexture(api.resolveTextureFilename(filename), true);

            // no texture provided
            if (texture == null)
            Bitmap b = texture.getBitmap();

            if (b == null)

            // rebuild histograms if this is a new texture
            if (filename != null)
                imageHistogram = new float[b.Width][];
                for (int i = 0; i < imageHistogram.Length; i++)
                    imageHistogram[i] = new float[b.Height];
                colHistogram = new float[b.Width];
                float du = 1.0f / b.Width;
                float dv = 1.0f / b.Height;
                for (int x = 0; x < b.Width; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < b.Height; y++)
                        float u = (x + 0.5f) * du;
                        float v = (y + 0.5f) * dv;
                        Color c = texture.getPixel(u, v);
                        // box filter the image
                        // c.add(texture.getPixel(u + du, v));
                        // c.add(texture.getPixel(u + du, v+ dv));
                        // c.add(texture.getPixel(u, v + dv));
                        // c.mul(0.25f);
                        imageHistogram[x][y] = c.getLuminance() * (float)Math.Sin(Math.PI * v);
                        if (y > 0)
                            imageHistogram[x][y] += imageHistogram[x][y - 1];
                    colHistogram[x] = imageHistogram[x][b.Height - 1];
                    if (x > 0)
                        colHistogram[x] += colHistogram[x - 1];
                    for (int y = 0; y < b.Height; y++)
                        imageHistogram[x][y] /= imageHistogram[x][b.Height - 1];
                for (int x = 0; x < b.Width; x++)
                    colHistogram[x] /= colHistogram[b.Width - 1];
                jacobian = (float)(2 * Math.PI * Math.PI) / (b.Width * b.Height);
            // take fixed samples
            if (pl.getbool("fixed", samples != null))
                // Bitmap loc = new Bitmap(filename);
                samples = new Vector3[numSamples];
                colors  = new Color[numSamples];
                for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
                    double randX = (double)i / (double)numSamples;
                    double randY = QMC.halton(0, i);
                    int    x     = 0;
                    while (randX >= colHistogram[x] && x < colHistogram.Length - 1)
                    float[] rowHistogram = imageHistogram[x];
                    int     y            = 0;
                    while (randY >= rowHistogram[y] && y < rowHistogram.Length - 1)
                    // sample from (x, y)
                    float u = (float)((x == 0) ? (randX / colHistogram[0]) : ((randX - colHistogram[x - 1]) / (colHistogram[x] - colHistogram[x - 1])));
                    float v = (float)((y == 0) ? (randY / rowHistogram[0]) : ((randY - rowHistogram[y - 1]) / (rowHistogram[y] - rowHistogram[y - 1])));

                    float px = ((x == 0) ? colHistogram[0] : (colHistogram[x] - colHistogram[x - 1]));
                    float py = ((y == 0) ? rowHistogram[0] : (rowHistogram[y] - rowHistogram[y - 1]));

                    float su = (x + u) / colHistogram.Length;
                    float sv = (y + v) / rowHistogram.Length;

                    float invP = (float)Math.Sin(sv * Math.PI) * jacobian / (numSamples * px * py);
                    samples[i] = getDirection(su, sv);
                    colors[i] = texture.getPixel(su, sv).mul(invP);
                    // loc.setPixel(x, y, Color.YELLOW.copy().mul(1e6f));
                // loc.save("samples.hdr");
                // turn off
                samples = null;
                colors  = null;
        public Color getIrradiance(ShadingState state, Color diffuseReflectance)
            if (samples <= 0)
            if (state.getDiffuseDepth() > 0)
                // do simple path tracing for additional bounces (single ray)
                float   xi       = (float)state.getRandom(0, 0, 1);
                float   xj       = (float)state.getRandom(0, 1, 1);
                float   phi      = (float)(xi * 2 * Math.PI);
                float   cosPhi   = (float)Math.Cos(phi);
                float   sinPhi   = (float)Math.Sin(phi);
                float   sinTheta = (float)Math.Sqrt(xj);
                float   cosTheta = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0f - xj);
                Vector3 w        = new Vector3();
                w.x = cosPhi * sinTheta;
                w.y = sinPhi * sinTheta;
                w.z = cosTheta;
                OrthoNormalBasis onb = state.getBasis();
                Ray          r    = new Ray(state.getPoint(), w);
                ShadingState temp = state.traceFinalGather(r, 0);
                return(temp != null?getGlobalRadiance(temp).copy().mul((float)Math.PI) : Color.BLACK);
            Color irr;

            lock (lockObj)
                irr = getIrradiance(state.getPoint(), state.getNormal());
            if (irr == null)
                // compute new sample
                irr = Color.black();
                OrthoNormalBasis onb  = state.getBasis();
                float            invR = 0;
                float            minR = float.PositiveInfinity;
                Vector3          w    = new Vector3();
                for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++)
                    float xi       = (float)state.getRandom(i, 0, samples);
                    float xj       = (float)state.getRandom(i, 1, samples);
                    float phi      = (float)(xi * 2 * Math.PI);
                    float cosPhi   = (float)Math.Cos(phi);
                    float sinPhi   = (float)Math.Sin(phi);
                    float sinTheta = (float)Math.Sqrt(xj);
                    float cosTheta = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0f - xj);
                    w.x = cosPhi * sinTheta;
                    w.y = sinPhi * sinTheta;
                    w.z = cosTheta;
                    Ray          r    = new Ray(state.getPoint(), w);
                    ShadingState temp = state.traceFinalGather(r, i);
                    if (temp != null)
                        minR  = Math.Min(r.getMax(), minR);
                        invR += 1.0f / r.getMax();
                irr.mul((float)Math.PI / samples);
                invR = samples / invR;
                lock (lockObj)
                    insert(state.getPoint(), state.getNormal(), invR, irr);
                // view irr-cache points
                // irr = Color.YELLOW.copy().mul(1e6f);
 public Vector3 getNormal(float x, float y, OrthoNormalBasis basis)
     float[] rgb = getPixel(x, y).getRGB();
     return(basis.transform(new Vector3(2 * rgb[0] - 1, 2 * rgb[1] - 1, 2 * rgb[2] - 1)).normalize());
        public Color getIrradiance(ShadingState state, Color diffuseReflectance)
            float   b   = (float)Math.PI * c / diffuseReflectance.getMax();
            Color   irr = Color.black();
            Point3  p   = state.getPoint();
            Vector3 n   = state.getNormal();
            int     set = (int)(state.getRandom(0, 1, 1) * numSets);

            foreach (PointLight vpl in virtualLights[set])
                Ray   r      = new Ray(p, vpl.p);
                float dotNlD = -(r.dx * vpl.n.x + r.dy * vpl.n.y + r.dz * vpl.n.z);
                float dotND  = r.dx * n.x + r.dy * n.y + r.dz * n.z;
                if (dotNlD > 0 && dotND > 0)
                    float r2      = r.getMax() * r.getMax();
                    Color opacity = state.traceShadow(r);
                    Color power   = Color.blend(vpl.power, Color.BLACK, opacity);
                    float g       = (dotND * dotNlD) / r2;
                    irr.madd(0.25f * Math.Min(g, b), power);
            // bias compensation
            int nb = (state.getDiffuseDepth() == 0 || numBias <= 0) ? numBias : 1;

            if (nb <= 0)
            OrthoNormalBasis onb   = state.getBasis();
            Vector3          w     = new Vector3();
            float            scale = (float)Math.PI / nb;

            for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++)
                float xi       = (float)state.getRandom(i, 0, nb);
                float xj       = (float)state.getRandom(i, 1, nb);
                float phi      = (float)(xi * 2 * Math.PI);
                float cosPhi   = (float)Math.Cos(phi);
                float sinPhi   = (float)Math.Sin(phi);
                float sinTheta = (float)Math.Sqrt(xj);
                float cosTheta = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0f - xj);
                w.x = cosPhi * sinTheta;
                w.y = sinPhi * sinTheta;
                w.z = cosTheta;
                Ray r = new Ray(state.getPoint(), w);
                r.setMax((float)Math.Sqrt(cosTheta / b));
                ShadingState temp = state.traceFinalGather(r, i);
                if (temp != null)
                    if (temp.getShader() != null)
                        float dist      = temp.getRay().getMax();
                        float r2        = dist * dist;
                        float cosThetaY = -Vector3.dot(w, temp.getNormal());
                        if (cosThetaY > 0)
                            float g = (cosTheta * cosThetaY) / r2;
                            // was this path accounted for yet?
                            if (g > b)
                                irr.madd(scale * (g - b) / g, temp.getShader().GetRadiance(temp));