public async Task CreateTableAndDropTable(OrmConnectionFactory factory)
            using (var c = await factory.OpenConnectionAsync())
                await c.CreateTableAsync <NoPk>(false);

                Assert.True(await c.TableExistsAsync <NoPk>());

                await c.DropTableIfExistsAsync <NoPk>();

                Assert.False(await c.TableExistsAsync <NoPk>());

                await c.CreateTableAsync <NoPk>(false);

                Assert.True(await c.TableExistsAsync <NoPk>());
        public async Task CreateTableThatAlreadyExistThrowError(OrmConnectionFactory factory)
            using (var c = await factory.OpenConnectionAsync())
                await c.CreateTableAsync <NoPk>(true);

                Assert.True(await c.TableExistsAsync <NoPk>());
                c.Insert(new NoPk {
                    StringCol = "1"
                c.Insert(new NoPk {
                    StringCol = "2"
                c.Insert(new NoPk {
                    StringCol = "3"

                await Assert.ThrowsAsync <OrmException>(async() => await c.CreateTableAsync <NoPk>(false));

                //Ensure table has not been dropped
                Assert.True(await c.TableExistsAsync <NoPk>());
                Assert.Equal(3, await c.CountAsync <NoPk>());
        public async Task CreateTableWithColumnsAndAttributes(OrmConnectionFactory factory)
            using (var c = await factory.OpenConnectionAsync())
                Assert.False(await c.TableExistsAsync <WithAttributes>());
                await c.CreateTableAsync <WithAttributes>(false);

                Assert.True(await c.TableExistsAsync <WithAttributes>());

                await c.InsertAsync(new WithAttributes
                    DecimalCol          = 1234.56m,
                    NotNullString       = "this is not null",
                    UniqueIndexedString = "val1",
                    TenCharsStringCol   = "max10chars",
                    DecimalColLimited   = 90.12m,
                    IgnoredCol          = "this should be ignored",
                    ComputedField       = 0

                var r1 = await c.FirstOrDefaultAsync <WithAttributes>(x => x.Id == 1);

                Assert.Equal(1, r1.Id);
                Assert.Equal("N/A", r1.DefaultValueCol);
                Assert.Equal(5, r1.ComputedField);

                c.Insert(new WithAttributes
                    DefaultValueCol     = "Not default this time",
                    UniqueIndexedString = "val2",
                    NotNullString       = "this is not null either",
                    NullableDecimalCol  = 123

                var r2 = await c.FirstOrDefaultAsync <WithAttributes>(x => x.Id == 2);

                Assert.Equal(2, r2.Id);
                Assert.Equal("Not default this time", r2.DefaultValueCol);
                Assert.Equal(123, r2.NullableDecimalCol);

                // NotNullString cannot be null
                await Assert.ThrowsAsync <OrmException>(() => c.InsertAsync(new WithAttributes()));

                // UniqueIndexString duplicate
                await Assert.ThrowsAsync <OrmException>(() => c.InsertAsync(new WithAttributes {
                    NotNullString = "1234", UniqueIndexedString = "val1"

                // No truncation tests with SQLite
                if (!c.DialectProvider.GetType().Name.ToLower().Contains("sqlite"))
                    // Data truncated
                    await Assert.ThrowsAsync <OrmException>(() => c.InsertAsync(new WithAttributes {
                        NotNullString = "1234", TenCharsStringCol = "1234567890A"