//Amended By Jason 03/07/2019 public List <CommonDropDown> GetCRMProfileByTypeEntity(string profileType, string entityType, string IndividualCorporate, string textFilter = null) { using (var db = new OrixDBEntities()) { var data = from profile in db.crmtb_client_entity_profile join profileC in db.crmtb_client_mas on profile.ep_client_cod equals profileC.cm_client_cod join profileD in db.crmtb_client_id_mas on profileC.cm_client_cod equals profileD.im_client_cod where profile.ep_profiletype_cod == profileType && profile.ep_entity_cod == entityType && profileC.cm_sta_ind == "O" && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textFilter) ? true : profileC.cm_client_nam.StartsWith(textFilter)) && (IndividualCorporate == clsVariables.Individual ? profileC.cm_typ_cod == "C0001" : IndividualCorporate == clsVariables.Corporate ? new string[] { "C0002", "C0003" }.Contains(profileC.cm_typ_cod) : new string[] { "C0001", "C0002", "C0003" }.Contains(profileC.cm_typ_cod) ) select new { profileC.cm_client_nam, profileC.cm_client_cod, profileD.im_id_num }; List <CommonDropDown> result = new List <CommonDropDown>(); result = data.Select(x => new CommonDropDown() { label = x.cm_client_nam.Replace("\"", """).Replace("\'", "'").Replace("<", "〈").Replace(">", "〉") + " (" + x.im_id_num + ")", value = x.cm_client_cod }).ToList(); return(result); } }
public List <DepartmentViewModel> getDepartmentList(string selectedAddress) { glog.Debug("getDepartmentList: Entry"); using (var db = new OrixDBEntities()) { try { var departmentList = db.crmtb_client_dept.Where(x => x.cd_add_cod == x.crmtb_client_address_mas.am_add_cod && x.crmtb_client_address_mas.am_add_cod == selectedAddress && x.cd_sta_ind == "O").ToList().OrderBy(x => x.cd_ref_num); List <DepartmentViewModel> deptModel = new List <DepartmentViewModel>(); deptModel = departmentList.Select(x => new DepartmentViewModel() { cd_ref_num = x.cd_ref_num, cd_dept_desc = x.cd_dept_desc }).ToList(); glog.Debug("getDepartmentList: Exit"); return(deptModel); } catch (Exception ex) { glog.Error("getDepartmentList Exception: " + ex.Message); return(new List <DepartmentViewModel>()); } } }
//temp public IEnumerable <CommonDropDown> GetSupplierFromCRM() { using (var db = new OrixDBEntities()) { var supplier = db.crmtb_client_entity_profile.AsNoTracking().Where(f => f.ep_sta_ind == "O" && f.ep_profiletype_cod == "PT002" && f.ep_entity_cod == "EN002" && f.crmtb_client_mas.cm_sta_ind == "O").OrderBy(f => f.crmtb_client_mas.cm_client_nam).Select(f => new CommonDropDown() { value = f.ep_client_cod, label = f.crmtb_client_mas.cm_client_nam.Replace("\"", """).Replace("\'", "'").Replace("<", "〈").Replace(">", "〉") }).ToList(); return(supplier); } }
public List <Security_ConstructionEquipModel> GetIndustrial(string cm_client_cod) { using (var mdb = new MainDbContext()) using (var db = new OrixDBEntities()) { try { var res = (from s in mdb.Security_IndustrialEquip // outer sequence join st in mdb.Security_IndustrialEquipCustomer //inner sequence on s.ID equals st.MasterID // key selector where s.Status == "O" && st.Status == "O" && st.Customer == cm_client_cod select s).ToList(); var result = (from s in res join cabm in db.cfstb_asset_brand_mas on s.EquipBrand equals cabm.cfs_brand_code join camm in db.cfstb_asset_model_mas on s.EquipModel equals camm.cfs_model_code where cabm.cfs_brand_sta_ind != "X" && camm.cfs_model_sta_ind != "X" orderby s.EquipBrand, s.EquipModel select new { s, cabm, camm }).ToList(); result.ForEach(x => { x.s.EquipBrand = x.cabm.cfs_brand_name; x.s.EquipModel = x.camm.cfs_model_name; }); var finalres = result.Select(x => new Security_ConstructionEquipModel() { ChargeDate = x.s.ChargeDate != null ? x.s.ChargeDate.Value.ToShortDateString() : "", ChargeNumber = x.s.ChargeNumber, EngineNumber = x.s.EngineNumber, EquipBrand = x.s.EquipBrand, EquipDesc = x.s.EquipDesc, EquipModel = x.s.EquipModel, ID = x.s.ID, SecuredAmount = x.s.SecuredAmount != null ? x.s.SecuredAmount.Value.ToString("0.00") : "0.00", SerialNumber = x.s.SerialNumber, YearOfManufacture = x.s.YearOfManufacture }).ToList(); return(finalres); } catch (Exception e) { return(new List <Security_ConstructionEquipModel>()); } } }
public string GetCRMProfileByClientId(string Id) { using (var db = new OrixDBEntities()) { var data = db.crmtb_client_mas.AsNoTracking().Where(w => w.cm_sta_ind == "O" && w.cm_client_cod == Id ).OrderBy(o => o.cm_client_nam).ToList(); var result = string.Empty; if (data != null) { result = data.Select(s => s.cm_client_nam).FirstOrDefault().ToString(); } return(result); } }
public string getNricFinPassportType(string selected) { glog.Debug("getNricFinPassportType: Entry"); string NricType = null; using (var db = new OrixDBEntities()) { try { IEnumerable <crmtb_client_id_mas> model = db.crmtb_client_id_mas.Where(x => x.crmtb_client_mas.cm_client_cod == selected && x.im_sta_ind == "O" && (x.im_id_typ == "NRIC" || x.im_id_typ == "FIN" || x.im_id_typ == "PASSPORT")).ToList(); if (model != null) { if (model.Any(x => x.im_id_typ == "NRIC")) { NricType = model.Where(x => x.im_id_typ == "NRIC").Select(x => x.im_id_num).FirstOrDefault(); } else if (model.Any(x => x.im_id_typ == "FIN" || x.im_id_typ == "PASSPORT")) { NricType = model.Where(x => x.im_id_typ == "FIN").Select(x => x.im_id_num).FirstOrDefault(); } else { NricType = model.Where(x => x.im_id_typ == "PASSPORT").Select(x => x.im_id_num).FirstOrDefault(); } } else { NricType = ""; } glog.Debug("getNricFinPassportType: Exit"); return(NricType); } catch (Exception ex) { NricType = string.Empty; glog.Error("getNricFinPassportType Exception: " + ex.Message); return(NricType); } } }
public ClientContactMasViewModel GetClientContactMasByCustomerConPerson(string strCustomerConPerson) { glog.Debug("GetClientContactMasByCustomerConPerson: Entry"); using (var db = new OrixDBEntities()) { try { var result = db.Database.SqlQuery <ClientContactMasViewModel>( "exec GetCrmtbClientContactMasByCustomerConPerson @CustomerConPerson", new SqlParameter("@CustomerConPerson", string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strCustomerConPerson) ? "" : strCustomerConPerson)).FirstOrDefault(); glog.Debug("GetClientContactMasByCustomerConPerson: Exit"); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { glog.Error("GetClientContactMasByCustomerConPerson Exception: " + ex.Message); throw; } } }
public string getClientNameByCode(string code) { glog.Debug("getClientNameByCode: Entry"); using (var db = new OrixDBEntities()) { try { var clientname = db.crmtb_client_mas.Where(x => x.cm_sta_ind == "O" && x.cm_client_cod == code).Select(x => x.cm_client_nam).FirstOrDefault(); glog.Debug("getClientNameByCode: Exit"); return(clientname); } catch (Exception ex) { glog.Error("getClientNameByCode Exception: " + ex.Message); return(""); } } }
public List <AddressViewModel> getAddress(string selected, string IndividualCorporate) { glog.Debug("getAddress: Entry"); using (var db = new OrixDBEntities()) { try { var address = db.crmtb_client_address_mas.Where(x => x.am_ref_cod == x.crmtb_client_mas.cm_client_cod && x.crmtb_client_mas.cm_client_cod == selected && x.am_sta_ind == "O" ).ToList(); //var sortAddress = (IndividualCorporate == "Corporate" ? address.OrderBy(o => o.am_add_ind == "R") : address.OrderBy(o => o.am_bill_ind == "Y")).Select(x => new AddressViewModel() var sortAddress = (IndividualCorporate == clsVariables.Corporate ? address.Where(x => x.am_add_ind == "R").Concat(address.Where(x => x.am_add_ind != "R")).ToList() : address = address.Where(x => x.am_bill_ind == "Y").Concat(address.Where(x => x.am_bill_ind != "Y")).ToList()) .Select(x => new AddressViewModel() { am_add_ind = x.am_add_ind, am_bill_ind = x.am_bill_ind, AddressId = x.am_add_cod, Address = (x.am_blk_typ == "BLK" ? (x.am_blk_typ + " ") : string.Empty) + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.am_blk_num) ? (x.am_blk_num + " ") : string.Empty) + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.am_street_nam) ? (x.am_street_nam + " ") : string.Empty) + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.am_floor_num) ? ("#" + x.am_floor_num + " ") : " ") + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.am_unit_num) ? ("-" + x.am_unit_num + " ") : " ") + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.am_build_nam) ? x.am_build_nam : string.Empty) + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.am_postal_cod) ? ("," + x.am_postal_cod + " ") : string.Empty) + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.am_country_cod) ? (db.gentb_country_mas.Where(c => c.cm_country_cod == x.am_country_cod && c.cm_sta_ind == "O").Select(c => c.cm_country_nam).FirstOrDefault()) : string.Empty) }).ToList(); glog.Debug("getAddress: Exit"); return(sortAddress); } catch (Exception ex) { glog.Error("getAddress Exception: " + ex.Message); return(new List <AddressViewModel>()); } } }
public List <SelectListItem> GetCountry() { glog.Debug("GetCountry: Entry"); using (var db = new OrixDBEntities()) { try { var country = db.gentb_country_mas.Where(x => x.cm_sta_ind == "O").Select(p => new SelectListItem() { Value = p.cm_country_cod, Text = p.cm_country_nam }).ToList(); glog.Debug("GetCountry: Exit"); return(country); } catch (Exception ex) { glog.Error("GetCountry Exception: " + ex.Message); return(new List <SelectListItem>()); } } }
public string getContactPager(string selectedContactPerson) { glog.Debug("getContactPager: Entry"); using (var db = new OrixDBEntities()) { try { var contactPagerList = db.crmtb_client_contact_det.Where(x => x.cd_con_cod == selectedContactPerson && x.cd_sta_ind == "O" && x.cd_typ_cod == "PAGER").Select(x => x.cd_typ_val ); var contactPager = string.Join(";", contactPagerList); glog.Debug("getContactPager: Exit"); return(contactPager); } catch (Exception ex) { glog.Error("getContactPager Exception: " + ex.Message); return(""); } } }
public string getRocUenType(string selected) { glog.Debug("getRocUenType: Entry"); string rocUenType = string.Empty; using (var db = new OrixDBEntities()) { try { IEnumerable <crmtb_client_id_mas> model = db.crmtb_client_id_mas.Where(x => x.im_client_cod == selected && x.im_sta_ind == "O" && (x.im_id_typ == "ROC" || x.im_id_typ == "UEN")).ToList(); if (model.Any()) { if (model.Any(x => x.im_id_typ == "ROC")) { rocUenType = model.Where(x => x.im_id_typ == "ROC").Select(x => x.im_id_num).FirstOrDefault(); } else { rocUenType = model.Where(x => x.im_id_typ == "UEN").Select(x => x.im_id_num).FirstOrDefault(); } } else { rocUenType = ""; } glog.Debug("getRocUenType: Exit"); return(rocUenType); } catch (Exception ex) { rocUenType = string.Empty; glog.Error("getRocUenType Exception: " + ex.Message); return(rocUenType); } } }
//TableFieldInd -> is the field in a table? If yes, then replace special characters "<" and ">" public IEnumerable <CommonDropDown> GetVehicleModelByVehicleMake(string code, Boolean TableFieldInd) { using (var db = new OrixDBEntities()) { var vehModel = db.cfstb_asset_model_chd.AsNoTracking().Where(f => f.cfstb_asset_model_mas.cfs_model_sta_ind == "O" && f.cfs_chd_model_sta_ind == "O" && f.cfs_chd_brand_code == code).OrderBy(f => f.cfstb_asset_model_mas.cfs_model_name).ToList(); var result = vehModel.Select(f => new CommonDropDown() { value = f.cfstb_asset_model_mas.cfs_model_code, label = f.cfstb_asset_model_mas.cfs_model_name }).ToList(); if (TableFieldInd) { result = vehModel.Select(f => new CommonDropDown() { value = f.cfstb_asset_model_mas.cfs_model_code, label = f.cfstb_asset_model_mas.cfs_model_name.Replace("\"", """).Replace("\'", "'").Replace("<", "〈").Replace(">", "〉") }).ToList(); } return(result); } }
public List <ContactPersonModel> getContactPerson(string selectedDepartment) { glog.Debug("getContactPerson: Entry"); using (var db = new OrixDBEntities()) { try { var contactPerson = db.crmtb_client_contact_mas.Where(x => x.cm_ref_cod == x.crmtb_client_dept.cd_ref_num && x.crmtb_client_dept.cd_ref_num == selectedDepartment && x.cm_sta_ind == "O").OrderBy(x => x.cm_con_typ == "M").Select(x => new ContactPersonModel() { Contact = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.cm_title) ? (x.cm_title + " ") : string.Empty) + x.cm_full_nam, Value = x.cm_con_cod }).ToList(); glog.Debug("getContactPerson: Exit"); return(contactPerson); } catch (Exception ex) { glog.Error("getContactPerson Exception: " + ex.Message); return(new List <ContactPersonModel>()); } } }
//TableFieldInd -> is the field in a table? If yes, then replace special characters "<" and ">" public IEnumerable <CommonDropDown> GetBrand(Boolean TableFieldInd) { using (var db = new OrixDBEntities()) { var brand = db.cfstb_asset_brand_mas.AsNoTracking().Where(f => f.cfs_brand_sta_ind != "X" && f.cfs_brand_vehicle_ind == "N" && f.cfs_brand_code != "").OrderBy(f => f.cfs_brand_name).ToList(); var result = brand.Select(f => new CommonDropDown() { value = f.cfs_brand_code, label = f.cfs_brand_name }).ToList(); if (TableFieldInd) { result = brand.Select(f => new CommonDropDown() { value = f.cfs_brand_code, label = f.cfs_brand_name.Replace("\"", """).Replace("\'", "'").Replace("<", "〈").Replace(">", "〉") }).ToList(); } return(result); } }
public ActionResult Login(Sys_Users model) { glog.Debug("HttpPost Login: Entry"); if (!ModelState.IsValid) //Checks if input fields have the correct format { glog.Error("Invalid UserName/Password. Please try again."); return(Json(new { NotificationTitle = clsGlobal.SwalTitle_Fail, NotificationContent = "Invalid UserName/Password. Please try again.", NotificationType = clsGlobal.SwalType_Warning })); } try { using (var db = new MainDbContext()) { ////Store username and password string getEmpCode = ""; clsGlobal.LoginID = model.Email; clsGlobal.Password = model.Password; ////Store username and password //glog.Debug(db); //glog.Debug("emailCheck: Entry"); //var emailCheck = db.Sys_Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Email == clsGlobal.LoginID.ToString().Trim()); // change to clscommon //glog.Debug("emailCheck: Exit"); if (EthozCapital.CustomLibraries.clsGlobal.GetConnection() == "") { return(Json(new { NotificationTitle = clsGlobal.SwalTitle_Error, NotificationContent = "Please contact MIS, error: Invalid User", NotificationType = clsGlobal.SwalType_Error })); } ; //Retrieve em_emp_cod from CRM OrixDB using em_sybase_id //string getEmpCode = EthozCapital.CustomLibraries.clsUserAccessLogin.GetEmpCode(clsGlobal.LoginID.ToString().Trim()); using (var OrixDB = new OrixDBEntities()) { //getEmpCode = "S0497"; var allowedStatus = new[] { "N", "E" }; var EmpCode = OrixDB.hr_emp_mas.FirstOrDefault(u => u.em_sybase_id == clsGlobal.LoginID.ToString().Trim() && allowedStatus.Contains(u.em_staff_status)); if (EmpCode == null) { return(Json(new { NotificationTitle = clsGlobal.SwalTitle_Error, NotificationContent = "Please contact MIS, error: Invalid User", NotificationType = clsGlobal.SwalType_Error })); } else { getEmpCode = Convert.ToString(EmpCode.em_emp_cod); } } //Pass em_emp_cod to here //Check User exist in Orix DB or user group not assigned //if (!EthozCapital.CustomLibraries.clsUserAccessLogin.ChkUserInfor(getEmpCode.ToString().Trim())) //{ // return Json(new // { // NotificationTitle = clsGlobal.SwalTitle_Error, // NotificationContent = "Please contact MIS, error: Invalid User", // NotificationType = clsGlobal.SwalType_Error // }); //} //Get group after check user exists in Orix DB var getGroupCode = db.Sys_UserGroupMembers.FirstOrDefault(u => u.EmployeeCode == getEmpCode.ToString().Trim()); clsGlobal.UserGroupLogin = getGroupCode.GroupCode.ToString().Trim(); //User Exist //if (emailCheck != null) //Check Password Pending if (getEmpCode.ToString().Trim() != null) { //var getPassword = db.Sys_Users.Where(u => u.Email == model.Email).Select(u => u.Password); var getPassword = db.Sys_Users.Where(u => u.EmployeeCode == getEmpCode.ToString().Trim()).Select(u => u.Password); var materializePassword = getPassword.ToList(); var password = materializePassword[0]; var decryptedPassword = clsDecrypt.Decrypt(password); if (clsGlobal.LoginID.ToString().Trim() != null) { var getName = db.Sys_Users.Where(u => u.Email == clsGlobal.LoginID.ToString().Trim()).Select(u => u.Name); var materializeName = getName.ToList(); var name = materializeName[0]; var getEmail = db.Sys_Users.Where(u => u.EmployeeCode == getEmpCode.ToString().Trim()).Select(u => u.Email); var materializeEmail = getEmail.ToList(); var email = materializeEmail[0]; var getId = db.Sys_Users.Where(u => u.EmployeeCode == getEmpCode.ToString().Trim()).Select(u => u.Id); var materializeId = getId.ToList(); var id = materializeId[0]; var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(new[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, name), new Claim(ClaimTypes.Email, email), new Claim("JobTitle", "ADMIN"), new Claim("UserGroupCode", clsGlobal.UserGroupLogin), new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, id.ToString()) }, "ApplicationCookie"); var ctx = Request.GetOwinContext(); var authManager = ctx.Authentication; authManager.SignIn(identity); return(Json(new { NotificationType = clsGlobal.SwalType_Success, redirectUrl = Url.Action("Default", "Home"), isRedirect = true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet })); } } //Check Password Pending } glog.Error("Invalid UserName/Password. Please try again."); return(Json(new { NotificationTitle = clsGlobal.SwalTitle_Fail, NotificationContent = "Invalid UserName/Password. Please try again.", NotificationType = clsGlobal.SwalType_Warning })); } catch (Exception ex) { glog.Error("Please contact MIS, error:" + ex.Message); return(Json(new { NotificationTitle = clsGlobal.SwalTitle_Error, NotificationContent = "Please contact MIS, error:" + ex.Message, NotificationType = clsGlobal.SwalType_Error })); } glog.Debug("HttpPost Login: Exit"); }