        public void CustomWorks(double percentage, int count, int?expected = null)
            // what were testing here is
            // make sure the truncation only truncates the set amount
            // make sure the remaining and the truncated amounts are expected

            var organismArray = new OrganismStruct[count];

            Array.Fill(organismArray, new OrganismStruct(0, 1.2f));

            // make sure it had the right elements to begin with
            Assert.Equal(count, organismArray.Length);

            Span <OrganismStruct> organisms = organismArray;

            // truncate
            Span <OrganismStruct> result    = Span <OrganismStruct> .Empty;
            Span <OrganismStruct> remaining = Span <OrganismStruct> .Empty;

            lock (ReproductionHandler)
                ReproductionHandler.TrucationMethod = OrganismTruncationMethod.Custom;

                ReproductionHandler.CustomOrganismTruncationPercentage = percentage;

                result = ReproductionHandler.TruncateOrganisms(ref organisms, out remaining);

            expected ??= (int)(percentage * count);

            Assert.Equal(expected, result.Length);
            Assert.Equal(count - expected, remaining.Length);
        public void TruncateDefaultWorks(OrganismTruncationMethod method, int count, int expected)
            // what were testing here is
            // make sure the truncation only truncates the set amount
            // make sure the remaining and the truncated amounts are expected

            var organismArray = new OrganismStruct[count];

            Array.Fill(organismArray, new OrganismStruct(0, 1.2f));

            // make sure it had the right elements to begin with
            Assert.Equal(count, organismArray.Length);

            Span <OrganismStruct> organisms = organismArray;

            // truncate
            Span <OrganismStruct> result    = Span <OrganismStruct> .Empty;
            Span <OrganismStruct> remaining = Span <OrganismStruct> .Empty;

            lock (ReproductionHandler)
                ReproductionHandler.TrucationMethod = method;

                result = ReproductionHandler.TruncateOrganisms(ref organisms, out remaining);

            Assert.Equal(expected, result.Length);
            Assert.Equal(count - expected, remaining.Length);
        public void RandomWorks()
            // what were testing here is
            // make sure the truncation only truncates the set amount
            // make sure the remaining and the truncated amounts are expected

            var organismArray = new OrganismStruct[100];

            Array.Fill(organismArray, new OrganismStruct(0, 1.2f));

            // make sure it had the right elements to begin with
            Assert.Equal(100, organismArray.Length);

            Span <OrganismStruct> organisms = organismArray;

            // truncate
            Span <OrganismStruct> result    = Span <OrganismStruct> .Empty;
            Span <OrganismStruct> remaining = Span <OrganismStruct> .Empty;

            lock (ReproductionHandler)
                ReproductionHandler.TrucationMethod = OrganismTruncationMethod.Random;

                result = ReproductionHandler.TruncateOrganisms(ref organisms, out remaining);

            // just make sure the amount that is returned is proportional
            Assert.Equal(100 - result.Length, remaining.Length);
        public void BoolWorks()
            // what were testing here is
            // make sure the truncation only truncates the set amount
            // make sure the remaining and the truncated amounts are expected

            var organismArray = new OrganismStruct[100];

            Array.Fill(organismArray, new OrganismStruct(0, 1.2f));

            // make sure it had the right elements to begin with
            Assert.Equal(100, organismArray.Length);

            Span <OrganismStruct> organisms = organismArray;

            // truncate
            Span <OrganismStruct> result    = Span <OrganismStruct> .Empty;
            Span <OrganismStruct> remaining = Span <OrganismStruct> .Empty;

            int x = 0;

            lock (ReproductionHandler)
                ReproductionHandler.TrucationMethod = OrganismTruncationMethod.Bool;

                ReproductionHandler.CustomOrganismTruncater = (ref OrganismStruct organism)
                    return(x++ < 50);

                result = ReproductionHandler.TruncateOrganisms(ref organisms, out remaining);

            // since our custom truncator just keesp the ones before 50 and throws away the ones after 50 we should get two 50's
            Assert.Equal(result.Length, remaining.Length);
            Assert.Equal(50, result.Length);
        public void GenerationWorks(OrganismReproductionMethod method, int count, params int[] inputsAndExpected)
            var organismArray = new OrganismStruct[inputsAndExpected.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < inputsAndExpected.Length; i++)
                organismArray[i] = new OrganismStruct(inputsAndExpected[i], 1.0d);

            Span <OrganismStruct> organisms = organismArray;

            Span <OrganismStruct> parents = organisms.Slice(0, count);

            var results = Span <(OrganismStruct Left, OrganismStruct Right)> .Empty;

            lock (ReproductionHandler)
                ReproductionHandler.ReproductionMethod = method;
                results = ReproductionHandler.GenerateBreedingPairs(ref parents);

            // create the expected
            Span <OrganismStruct> expectedPacked = organisms[count..];