private void RemoveSicCodes(ChangeOrganisationSicCodesViewModel viewModel, Organisation organisation)
     if (viewModel.SicCodeIdsToRemove != null)
         foreach (int sicCodeId in viewModel.SicCodeIdsToRemove)
             OrganisationSicCode organisationSicCodeToRemove = organisation.GetSicCodes().Where(osc => osc.SicCodeId == sicCodeId).First();
             organisationSicCodeToRemove.Retired = VirtualDateTime.Now;
        private void AddOrganisationSicCode(Organisation organisation, int sicCodeInt, SourceOfData sourceOfData)
            SicCode sicCode = dataRepository.Get <SicCode>(sicCodeInt);

            if (sicCode == null)
                    "Bad SIC code",
                    OrganisationName = organisation.OrganisationName,
                    CompanyNumber    = organisation.CompanyNumber,
                    SicCode          = sicCodeInt,
                    Source           = sourceOfData.ToString(),
                    Error            = $"SIC code ({sicCodeInt}) not found in our database"

            string source;

            switch (sourceOfData)
            case SourceOfData.CompaniesHouse:
                source = "CoHo";

            case SourceOfData.Manual:
                source = "Manual";

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(sourceOfData), sourceOfData, null);

            var organisationSicCode = new OrganisationSicCode
                Organisation = organisation,
                SicCode      = sicCode,
                Source       = source


        private void AddNewSicCodes(Organisation organisation, List <string> companySicCodes)
            IEnumerable <int> sicCodeIds    = organisation.GetSicCodes().Select(sicCode => sicCode.SicCodeId);
            IEnumerable <int> newSicCodeIds =
                companySicCodes.Where(sicCode => !sicCode.IsNullOrEmpty()).Select(sicCode => int.Parse(sicCode));

            IEnumerable <int> idsToBeAdded = newSicCodeIds.Except(sicCodeIds);

            foreach (int sicCodeId in idsToBeAdded)
                if (dataRepository.GetAll <SicCode>().Any(sicCode => sicCode.SicCodeId == sicCodeId))
                    var sicCodeToBeAdded = new OrganisationSicCode {
                        Organisation = organisation, SicCodeId = sicCodeId, Source = SourceOfChange, Created = VirtualDateTime.Now
        private void AddSicCodes(ChangeOrganisationSicCodesViewModel viewModel, Organisation organisation)
            if (viewModel.SicCodeIdsToAdd != null)
                foreach (int sicCodeId in viewModel.SicCodeIdsToAdd)
                    // This line validates that the SIC code ID is in our database
                    SicCode sicCode = dataRepository.Get <SicCode>(sicCodeId);

                    var newSicCode = new OrganisationSicCode {
                        OrganisationId = organisation.OrganisationId,
                        SicCodeId      = sicCode.SicCodeId,
                        Source         = "Service Desk",
                        Created        = VirtualDateTime.Now,


        private void AddNewSicCodes(Organisation organisation, List <string> companySicCodes)
            var sicCodeIds    = _organisationBusinessLogic.GetOrganisationSicCodes(organisation).Select(sicCode => sicCode.SicCodeId);
            var newSicCodeIds =
                companySicCodes.Where(sicCode => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sicCode)).Select(sicCode => int.Parse(sicCode));

            var idsToBeAdded = newSicCodeIds.Except(sicCodeIds);

            foreach (var sicCodeId in idsToBeAdded)
                if (_DataRepository.GetAll <SicCode>().Any(sicCode => sicCode.SicCodeId == sicCodeId))
                    var sicCodeToBeAdded = new OrganisationSicCode
                        Organisation = organisation, SicCodeId = sicCodeId, Source = SourceOfChange,
                        Created      = VirtualDateTime.Now
        public void RegistrationController_AddAddress_POST_AuthorisedNoAddress_ToConfirm()
            //1.Arrange the test setup variables
            var user = new User {
                UserId = 1, EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", EmailVerifiedDate = VirtualDateTime.Now

            var address0 = new OrganisationAddress {
                AddressId = 1,
                Status    = AddressStatuses.Active,
                Source    = "CoHo",
                Address1  = "123",
                Address2  = "evergreen terrace",
                Address3  = "Westminster",
                TownCity  = "City1",
                County    = "County1",
                Country   = "United Kingdom",
                PoBox     = "PoBox 12",
                PostCode  = "W1 5qr"

            var sicCode1 = new SicCode {
                SicCodeId = 2100, Description = "Desc1", SicSection = new SicSection {
                    SicSectionId = "4321", Description = "Section1"
            var sicCode2 = new SicCode {
                SicCodeId = 10520, Description = "Desc2", SicSection = new SicSection {
                    SicSectionId = "4326", Description = "Section2"
            var org0 = new Core.Entities.Organisation {
                OrganisationId   = 1,
                OrganisationName = "Company1",
                SectorType       = SectorTypes.Private,
                Status           = OrganisationStatuses.Active,
                CompanyNumber    = "12345678"

            var name = new OrganisationName {
                OrganisationNameId = 1,
                Name           = org0.OrganisationName,
                Created        = org0.Created,
                Organisation   = org0,
                OrganisationId = org0.OrganisationId

            var sic1 = new OrganisationSicCode {
                SicCode        = sicCode1,
                SicCodeId      = 2100,
                Created        = org0.Created,
                Organisation   = org0,
                OrganisationId = org0.OrganisationId

            var sic2 = new OrganisationSicCode {
                SicCode        = sicCode2,
                SicCodeId      = 10520,
                Created        = org0.Created,
                Organisation   = org0,
                OrganisationId = org0.OrganisationId


            //Set user email address verified code and expired sent date
            var routeData = new RouteData();

            routeData.Values.Add("Action", nameof(RegistrationController.AddAddress));
            routeData.Values.Add("Controller", "Registration");

            var controller = UiTestHelper.GetController <RegistrationController>(user.UserId, routeData, user, org0, address0, name, sic1, sic2);

            var employerResult = new PagedResult <EmployerRecord>();

            employerResult.Results = new List <EmployerRecord> {

            //use the include and exclude functions here to save typing
            var model = new OrganisationViewModel {
                NoReference           = false,
                SearchText            = "Searchtext",
                ManualAddress         = true,
                SelectedAuthorised    = true,
                ManualRegistration    = false,
                SectorType            = SectorTypes.Public,
                PINExpired            = false,
                PINSent               = false,
                SelectedEmployerIndex = 0,
                Employers             = employerResult, //0 record returned
                ManualEmployers       = new List <EmployerRecord>(),
                ManualEmployerIndex   = -1,
                AddressReturnAction   = nameof(RegistrationController.ConfirmOrganisation),
                ConfirmReturnAction   = nameof(RegistrationController.ChooseOrganisation)

            //Stash the object for the unstash to happen in code

            OrganisationViewModel savedModel = model.GetClone();

            savedModel.Address1 = "Unit 2";
            savedModel.Address2 = "Bank Road";
            savedModel.Address3 = "Essex";
            savedModel.Postcode = "PoStCode 13";

            //Set the expected model
            OrganisationViewModel expectedModel = savedModel.GetClone();

            expectedModel.AddressSource       = user.EmailAddress;
            expectedModel.ConfirmReturnAction = nameof(RegistrationController.AddAddress);

            var result = controller.AddAddress(savedModel) as RedirectToActionResult;

            //3.Check that the result is not null
            Assert.NotNull(result, "Expected RedirectToActionResult");

            //4.Check that the redirection went to the right url step.
            Assert.That(result.ActionName == nameof(RegistrationController.ConfirmOrganisation), "Redirected to the wrong view");

            //5.If the redirection successfull retrieve the model stash sent with the redirect.
            var unstashedModel = controller.UnstashModel <OrganisationViewModel>();

            //6.Check that the unstashed model is not null
            Assert.NotNull(unstashedModel, "Expected OrganisationViewModel");

            //Check model is same as expected
        public async Task DnBImportAsync(ILogger log, long currentUserId)
            if (RunningJobs.Contains(nameof(CompaniesHouseCheck)) ||

            string userEmail    = null;
            string error        = null;
            var    startTime    = VirtualDateTime.Now;
            var    totalChanges = 0;
            var    totalInserts = 0;

                #region Load and Prechecks

                //Load the D&B records
                var dnbOrgsPaths =
                    await _SharedBusinessLogic.FileRepository.GetFilesAsync(_SharedBusinessLogic.SharedOptions.DataPath,

                var dnbOrgsPath = dnbOrgsPaths.OrderByDescending(f => f).FirstOrDefault();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dnbOrgsPath))

                if (!await _SharedBusinessLogic.FileRepository.GetFileExistsAsync(dnbOrgsPath))
                    throw new Exception("Could not find " + dnbOrgsPath);

                var AllDnBOrgs = await _SharedBusinessLogic.FileRepository.ReadCSVAsync <DnBOrgsModel>(dnbOrgsPath);

                if (!AllDnBOrgs.Any())
                    log.LogWarning($"No records found in '{dnbOrgsPath}'");

                AllDnBOrgs = AllDnBOrgs.OrderBy(o => o.OrganisationName).ToList();

                //Check for duplicate DUNS
                var count = AllDnBOrgs.Count() - AllDnBOrgs.Select(o => o.DUNSNumber).Distinct().Count();
                if (count > 0)
                    throw new Exception($"There are {count} duplicate DUNS numbers detected");

                //Check for no addresses
                count = AllDnBOrgs.Count(o => !o.IsValidAddress());
                if (count > 0)
                    throw new Exception(
                              $"There are {count} organisations with no address detected (i.e., no AddressLine1, AddressLine2, PostalCode, and PoBox).");

                //Check for no organisation name
                count = AllDnBOrgs.Count(o => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.OrganisationName));
                if (count > 0)
                    throw new Exception($"There are {count} organisations with no OrganisationName detected.");

                //Check for duplicate employer references
                var allEmployerReferenceCount = AllDnBOrgs.Count(o => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.EmployerReference));
                var employerReferences        = new SortedSet <string>(
                    AllDnBOrgs.Where(o => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.EmployerReference))
                    .Select(o => o.EmployerReference).Distinct());
                count = allEmployerReferenceCount - employerReferences.Count;
                if (count > 0)
                    throw new Exception($"There are {count} duplicate EmployerReferences detected");

                //Check companies have been updated
                count = AllDnBOrgs.Count(
                    o => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.CompanyNumber) &&
                    o.DateOfCessation == null &&
                    (o.StatusCheckedDate == null ||
                     o.StatusCheckedDate.Value.AddMonths(1) < VirtualDateTime.Now));
                if (count > 0)
                    throw new Exception(
                              $"There are {count} active companies who have not been checked with companies house within the last month");

                //Fix Company Number
                    AllDnBOrgs.Where(o => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.CompanyNumber)),
                    dnbOrg =>
                    if (dnbOrg.CompanyNumber.IsNumber())
                        dnbOrg.CompanyNumber = dnbOrg.CompanyNumber.PadLeft(8, '0');

                //Check for duplicate company numbers
                var companyNumbers =
                    AllDnBOrgs.Where(o => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.CompanyNumber)).Select(o => o.CompanyNumber);
                count = companyNumbers.Count() - companyNumbers.Distinct().Count();
                if (count > 0)
                    throw new Exception($"There are {count} duplicate CompanyNumbers detected");

                //Get the current users email address
                var user = await _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.GetAll <User>()
                           .FirstOrDefaultAsync(u => u.UserId == currentUserId);

                userEmail = user?.EmailAddress;

                //Count records requiring import
                count = AllDnBOrgs.Count(
                    o => !o.GetIsDissolved() &&
                    (o.ImportedDate == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.CompanyNumber) ||
                     o.ImportedDate < o.StatusCheckedDate));
                if (count == 0)

                var dbOrgs = _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.GetAll <Organisation>().ToList();


                //Set all existing org employer references
                await ReferenceEmployersAsync();

                #region Set all existing org DUNS

                var dnbOrgs = AllDnBOrgs
                              .Where(o => o.OrganisationId > 0 && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.EmployerReference))
                if (dnbOrgs.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var dnbOrg in dnbOrgs)
                        var org = dbOrgs.FirstOrDefault(o => o.OrganisationId == dnbOrg.OrganisationId);
                        if (org == null)
                            if (!_SharedBusinessLogic.SharedOptions.IsProduction())

                            throw new Exception($"OrganisationId:{dnbOrg.OrganisationId} does not exist in database");

                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(org.DUNSNumber))

                        org.DUNSNumber        = dnbOrg.DUNSNumber;
                        dnbOrg.OrganisationId = null;

                    await _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.SaveChangesAsync();

                    dbOrgs = await _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.GetAll <Organisation>().ToListAsync();

                    await _SharedBusinessLogic.FileRepository.SaveCSVAsync(AllDnBOrgs, dnbOrgsPath);

                    AllDnBOrgs = await _SharedBusinessLogic.FileRepository.ReadCSVAsync <DnBOrgsModel>(dnbOrgsPath);

                    AllDnBOrgs = AllDnBOrgs.OrderBy(o => o.OrganisationName).ToList();


                var allSicCodes = await _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.GetAll <SicCode>().ToListAsync();

                dnbOrgs = AllDnBOrgs.Where(o => o.ImportedDate == null || o.ImportedDate < o.StatusCheckedDate)
                while (dnbOrgs.Count > 0)
                    var allBadSicCodes = new ConcurrentBag <OrganisationSicCode>();

                    var c          = 0;
                    var dbChanges  = 0;
                    var dnbChanges = 0;

                    foreach (var dnbOrg in dnbOrgs)
                        //Only do 100 records at a time
                        if (c > 100)

                        var dbChanged = false;
                        var dbOrg     = dbOrgs.FirstOrDefault(o => o.DUNSNumber == dnbOrg.DUNSNumber);

                        var dataSource = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dnbOrg.NameSource) ? "D&B" : dnbOrg.NameSource;
                        var orgName    = new OrganisationName
                            Name = dnbOrg.OrganisationName.Left(100), Source = dataSource

                        if (dbOrg == null)
                            dbOrg = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dnbOrg.CompanyNumber)
                                ? null
                                : dbOrgs.FirstOrDefault(o => o.CompanyNumber == dnbOrg.CompanyNumber);
                            if (dbOrg != null)
                                dbOrg.DUNSNumber = dnbOrg.DUNSNumber;
                                dbOrg = new Organisation
                                    DUNSNumber        = dnbOrg.DUNSNumber,
                                    EmployerReference = dnbOrg.EmployerReference,
                                    OrganisationName  = orgName.Name,
                                    CompanyNumber     = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dnbOrg.CompanyNumber)
                                        ? null
                                        : dnbOrg.CompanyNumber,
                                    SectorType      = dnbOrg.SectorType,
                                    DateOfCessation = dnbOrg.DateOfCessation

                                //Create a presumed in-scope for current year
                                var newScope = new OrganisationScope
                                    Organisation    = dbOrg,
                                    ScopeStatus     = ScopeStatuses.PresumedInScope,
                                    ScopeStatusDate = VirtualDateTime.Now,
                                    Status          = ScopeRowStatuses.Active,
                                    SnapshotDate    = _snapshotDateHelper.GetSnapshotDate(dbOrg.SectorType)

                                //Create a presumed out-of-scope for previous year
                                var oldScope = new OrganisationScope
                                    Organisation    = dbOrg,
                                    ScopeStatus     = ScopeStatuses.PresumedOutOfScope,
                                    ScopeStatusDate = VirtualDateTime.Now,
                                    Status          = ScopeRowStatuses.Active,
                                    SnapshotDate    = newScope.SnapshotDate.AddYears(-1)

                                dbOrg.SetStatus(OrganisationStatuses.Active, currentUserId, "Imported from D&B");
                        //Skip dissolved companies
                        else if (_OrganisationBusinessLogic.GetOrganisationWasDissolvedBeforeCurrentAccountingYear(dbOrg))
                            dnbOrg.ImportedDate = VirtualDateTime.Now;
                        else if (dbOrg.OrganisationName != orgName.Name)
                            var oldOrgName = dbOrg.GetLatestName();
                            if (oldOrgName == null ||
                                _SharedBusinessLogic.SourceComparer.CanReplace(orgName.Source, oldOrgName.Source))
                                dbOrg.OrganisationName = orgName.Name;
                                dbChanged = true;

                        //Ensure D&B gas an organisationID
                        if (dnbOrg.OrganisationId == null || dnbOrg.OrganisationId.Value == 0)
                            dnbOrg.OrganisationId = dbOrg.OrganisationId;

                        //Add the cessation date
                        if (dbOrg.DateOfCessation == null && dbOrg.DateOfCessation != dnbOrg.DateOfCessation)
                            dbOrg.DateOfCessation = dnbOrg.DateOfCessation;
                            dbChanged             = true;

                        //Set the employer reference
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dbOrg.EmployerReference))
                            string employerReference;
                                employerReference = _OrganisationBusinessLogic.GenerateEmployerReference();
                            } while (employerReferences.Contains(employerReference));

                            dbOrg.EmployerReference = employerReference;
                            dbChanged = true;

                        if (dnbOrg.EmployerReference != dbOrg.EmployerReference)
                            dnbOrg.EmployerReference = dbOrg.EmployerReference;

                        //Add the new address
                        var fullAddress = dnbOrg.GetAddress();
                        var newAddress  = dbOrg.LatestAddress;

                        //add the address if there isnt one
                        dataSource = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dnbOrg.AddressSource) ? "D&B" : dnbOrg.AddressSource;
                        if (newAddress == null ||
                            !newAddress.GetAddressString().EqualsI(fullAddress) &&
                            _SharedBusinessLogic.SourceComparer.CanReplace(dataSource, newAddress.Source))
                            var statusDate = VirtualDateTime.Now;

                            newAddress = new OrganisationAddress();
                            newAddress.Organisation    = dbOrg;
                            newAddress.CreatedByUserId = currentUserId;
                            newAddress.Address1        = dnbOrg.AddressLine1;
                            newAddress.Address2        = dnbOrg.AddressLine2;
                            newAddress.Address3        = dnbOrg.AddressLine3;
                            newAddress.County          = dnbOrg.County;
                            newAddress.Country         = dnbOrg.Country;
                            newAddress.TownCity        = dnbOrg.City;
                            newAddress.PostCode        = dnbOrg.PostalCode;
                            newAddress.PoBox           = dnbOrg.PoBox;
                            newAddress.Source          = dataSource;
                            newAddress.SetStatus(AddressStatuses.Active, currentUserId, "Imported from D&B");
                            if (dbOrg.LatestAddress != null)
                                dbOrg.LatestAddress.SetStatus(AddressStatuses.Retired, currentUserId,
                                                              $"Replaced by {newAddress.Source}");

                        //Update the sic codes
                        var newCodeIds   = dnbOrg.GetSicCodesIds();
                        var newCodesList = dnbOrg.GetSicCodesIds().ToList();
                        for (var i = 0; i < newCodesList.Count; i++)
                            var code = newCodesList[i];
                            if (code <= 0)

                            var sicCode = allSicCodes.FirstOrDefault(sic => sic.SicCodeId == code);
                            if (sicCode != null)

                            sicCode = allSicCodes.FirstOrDefault(
                                sic => sic.SicCodeId == code * 10 && sic.Description.EqualsI(dnbOrg.SicDescription));
                            if (sicCode != null)
                                newCodesList[i] = sicCode.SicCodeId;

                        newCodeIds = new SortedSet <int>(newCodesList);

                        var newCodes     = new List <OrganisationSicCode>();
                        var oldCodes     = dbOrg.GetLatestSicCodes().ToList();
                        var oldSicSource = dbOrg.GetLatestSicSource();
                        var oldCodeIds   = oldCodes.Select(s => s.SicCodeId);
                        if (dbOrg.SectorType == SectorTypes.Public)

                        if (!_SharedBusinessLogic.SharedOptions.IsProduction())
                                $"OLD:{oldCodes.Select(s => s.SicCodeId).ToDelimitedString()} NEW:{newCodeIds.ToDelimitedString()}");

                        dataSource = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dnbOrg.SicSource) ? "D&B" : dnbOrg.SicSource;
                        if (!newCodeIds.SetEquals(oldCodeIds) &&
                            _SharedBusinessLogic.SourceComparer.CanReplace(dataSource, oldSicSource))
                            foreach (var code in newCodeIds)
                                if (code <= 0)

                                var sicCode = allSicCodes.FirstOrDefault(sic => sic.SicCodeId == code);
                                var newSic  = new OrganisationSicCode
                                    Organisation = dbOrg, SicCodeId = code, Source = dataSource
                                if (sicCode == null)


                            if (newCodes.Any())
                                //Add new codes only
                                foreach (var newSic in newCodes)
                                    dbChanged = true;

                                //Retire the old codes
                                foreach (var oldSic in oldCodes)
                                    oldSic.Retired = VirtualDateTime.Now;
                                    dbChanged      = true;

                        await _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.BeginTransactionAsync(
                            async() =>
                                //Save the name, Sic, EmployerReference, DateOfCessasion changes
                                if (dbChanged)
                                    await _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.SaveChangesAsync();

                                //Save the changes
                                dnbOrg.ImportedDate = VirtualDateTime.Now;
                                var insert = false;
                                if (dbOrg.OrganisationId == 0)
                                    await _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.SaveChangesAsync();
                                    dbChanged = true;
                                    insert    = true;

                                if (newAddress != null && newAddress.AddressId == 0)
                                    dbOrg.LatestAddress = newAddress;
                                    await _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.SaveChangesAsync();
                                    dbChanged = true;

                                if (dbChanged)
                                    if (insert)

                                    //Add or remove this organisation to/from the search index
                                    await SearchBusinessLogic.UpdateSearchIndexAsync(dbOrg);


                    //Reload all the changes
                    if (dbChanges > 0)
                        dbOrgs = await _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.GetAll <Organisation>().ToListAsync();

                    //Save the D&B records
                    if (dnbChanges > 0)
                        await _SharedBusinessLogic.FileRepository.SaveCSVAsync(AllDnBOrgs, dnbOrgsPath);

                        AllDnBOrgs = await _SharedBusinessLogic.FileRepository.ReadCSVAsync <DnBOrgsModel>(dnbOrgsPath);

                        AllDnBOrgs = AllDnBOrgs.OrderBy(o => o.OrganisationName).ToList();
                        dnbOrgs    = AllDnBOrgs.Where(o => o.ImportedDate == null || o.ImportedDate < o.StatusCheckedDate)

                    //Save the bad sic codes
                    if (allBadSicCodes.Count > 0)
                        //Create the logging tasks
                        var badSicLoggingtasks = new List <Task>();
                            bsc => badSicLoggingtasks.Add(
                                    new BadSicLogModel
                            OrganisationId   = bsc.Organisation.OrganisationId,
                            OrganisationName = bsc.Organisation.OrganisationName,
                            SicCode          = bsc.SicCodeId,
                            Source           = bsc.Source

                        //Wait for all the logging tasks to complete
                        await Task.WhenAll(badSicLoggingtasks);
            catch (Exception ex)
                error = ex.Message;
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userEmail))
                    var endTime  = VirtualDateTime.Now;
                    var duration = endTime - startTime;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(error))
                            await _Messenger.SendMessageAsync(
                                "D&B Import Failed",
                                $"The D&B import failed at {endTime} after {duration.ToFriendly()}.\nChanged {totalChanges} organisations including {totalInserts} new.\n\nERROR:{error}");
                        else if (totalChanges == 0)
                            await _Messenger.SendMessageAsync(
                                "D&B Import Complete",
                                "The D&B import process completed successfully with no records requiring import.");
                            await _Messenger.SendMessageAsync(
                                "D&B Import Complete",
                                $"The D&B import process completed successfully at {endTime} after {duration.ToFriendly()}.\nChanged {totalChanges} organisations including {totalInserts} new.");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        log.LogError(ex, ex.Message);

        public IActionResult ScopesAndReturns(string password)
            string expectedPassword = Global.GpgAnalysisAppApiPassword;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(expectedPassword))
                throw new ArgumentException("GpgAnalysisAppApiPassword must be set to enable the API");
            if (password != expectedPassword)

            // IMPORTANT: This variable isn't used, but running this query makes the next query much faster
            var allOrgsWithScopes = dataRepository.GetAll <Organisation>()
                                    .Include(o => o.OrganisationScopes)

            // IMPORTANT: This variable isn't used, but running this query makes the next query much faster
            var allOrgsWithReturns = dataRepository.GetAll <Organisation>()
                                     .Include(o => o.Returns)

            // IMPORTANT: This variable isn't used, but running this query makes the next query much faster
            var allOrgsWithPublicSectorTypes = dataRepository.GetAll <Organisation>()
                                               .Include(o => o.LatestPublicSectorType)

            List <Organisation> organisations = dataRepository
                                                .GetAll <Organisation>()
                                                //.Include(o => o.OrganisationScopes) // Moved into separate pre-load query
                                                //.Include(o => o.Returns) // Moved into separate pre-load query
                                                //.Include(o => o.LatestPublicSectorType) // Moved into separate pre-load query
                                                .Include(o => o.OrganisationSicCodes)
                                                .ThenInclude(osc => osc.SicCode)
                                                .ThenInclude(sc => sc.SicSection)

            List <int> reportingYears = ReportingYearsHelper.GetReportingYears();

            var records = new List <object>();

            foreach (Organisation organisation in organisations)
                foreach (int reportingYear in reportingYears)
                    OrganisationScope scopeForYear = organisation.GetLatestScopeForSnapshotYear(reportingYear);

                    if (scopeForYear != null)
                        Return returnForYear = organisation.GetReturn(reportingYear);

                        // Organisations are allowed multiple SIC codes
                        // But, for this API, we just want 1 SIC code per organisation
                        // We use this method to keep this API consistent with the database query
                        OrganisationSicCode firstSicCodeForOrganisation = organisation.OrganisationSicCodes
                                                                          .Where(osc => !osc.IsRetired())
                                                                          .OrderBy(osc => osc.SicCodeId)
                                                                          .ThenBy(osc => osc.Source)

                        var record = new
                            OrganisationId            = organisation.OrganisationId,
                            OrganisationName          = organisation.OrganisationName,
                            EmployerReference         = organisation.EmployerReference,
                            CompanyNumber             = organisation.CompanyNumber,
                            OrganisationStatus        = $"{organisation.Status.ToString()} ({(int)organisation.Status})",
                            SectorType                = $"{organisation.SectorType.ToString()} ({(int)organisation.SectorType})",
                            ScopeStatus               = $"{ScopeStatusToString(scopeForYear.ScopeStatus)} ({(int)scopeForYear.ScopeStatus})",
                            SnapshotDate              = reportingYear,
                            SicCodeSectionDescription = firstSicCodeForOrganisation?.SicCode?.SicSection?.Description,
                            ReturnId = returnForYear?.ReturnId,
                            PublicSectorDescription = organisation.LatestPublicSectorType?.PublicSectorType?.Description,
                            OrganisationSize        = returnForYear?.OrganisationSize.GetAttribute <DisplayAttribute>().Name

