/// <summary>
    /// Cancels a current tracking service due to target being no longer available
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="infoType"></param>
    public void CancelOrgInfoTracking(OrgInfoType orgInfoType)
        //reset array to false (Not tracking anything)
        GameManager.i.dataScript.SetOrgInfoType(orgInfoType, false);
        //reset timer
        Organisation org = GameManager.i.campaignScript.campaign.orgInfo;

        if (org != null)
            org.timer = 0;
            Debug.LogError("Invalid orgInfo (Null)");
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates an OrgInfo effects tab message
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="org"></param>
    public void ProcessOrgInfoEffectMessage(Organisation org, OrgInfoType orgType = OrgInfoType.Count)
        //if default orginfoType.Count need to get correct type
        orgType = GameManager.i.dataScript.GetOrgInfoType();
        string orgText = "";

        switch (orgType)
        case OrgInfoType.Nemesis:
            orgText = string.Format("Reporting the position of your {0}", GameManager.Formatt("Nemesis", ColourType.salmonText));

        case OrgInfoType.ErasureTeams:
            orgText = string.Format("Reporting the position of any {0}", GameManager.Formatt("Erasure Teams", ColourType.salmonText));

        case OrgInfoType.Npc:
            if (GameManager.i.missionScript.mission.npc != null)
                orgText = string.Format("Reporting the position of the {0}", GameManager.Formatt(GameManager.i.missionScript.mission.npc.tag, ColourType.salmonText));

        default: Debug.LogWarningFormat("Unrecognised orgType \"{0}\"", orgType); break;
        //effects tab message
        ActiveEffectData data = new ActiveEffectData()
            text          = string.Format("{0} active", org.tag.ToUpper()),
            topText       = string.Format("{0} Direct Feed", org.tag),
            detailsTop    = string.Format("{0} will continue to provide a direct feed for", GameManager.Formatt(org.tag, ColourType.neutralText)),
            detailsBottom = string.Format("{0} days{1}", GameManager.Formatt(Convert.ToString(org.timer), ColourType.neutralText),
                                          string.IsNullOrEmpty(orgText) == false ? string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", "\n", "\n", orgText) : ""),
            sprite = org.sprite,
            help0  = "orgInfo_0",
            help1  = "orgInfo_1",
            help2  = "orgInfo_2"
