//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void shouldHandleDateTimeWithTimeZoneOffset() internal virtual void ShouldHandleDateTimeWithTimeZoneOffset() { DateTimeValue datetime = datetime(1988, 4, 19, 10, 12, 59, 112233445, ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutes(3, 15)); PrettyPrinter printer = new PrettyPrinter(); datetime.WriteTo(printer); assertEquals("{datetime: \"1988-04-19T10:12:59.112233445+03:15\"}", printer.Value()); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void shouldHandleDateTimeWithTimeZoneId() internal virtual void ShouldHandleDateTimeWithTimeZoneId() { DateTimeValue datetime = datetime(2045, 2, 7, 12, 0x0, 40, 999888999, "Europe/London"); PrettyPrinter printer = new PrettyPrinter(); datetime.WriteTo(printer); assertEquals("{datetime: \"2045-02-07T12:00:40.999888999Z[Europe/London]\"}", printer.Value()); }
// VALUE GROUP SCAN //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void testValueGroupRange() public virtual void TestValueGroupRange() { //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Java wildcard generics have no direct equivalent in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: org.neo4j.internal.kernel.api.IndexQuery.RangePredicate<?> p = IndexQuery.range(propId, org.neo4j.values.storable.ValueGroup.DATE); RangePredicate <object> p = IndexQuery.Range(_propId, ValueGroup.DATE); assertTrue(Test(p, DateValue.date(-4000, 1, 31))); assertTrue(Test(p, DateValue.date(2018, 3, 7))); assertFalse(Test(p, DateTimeValue.datetime(2018, 3, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, ZoneOffset.UTC))); assertFalse(Test(p, stringValue("hej"))); assertFalse(Test(p, _gps2_3d)); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void compareToSameAsValue() public virtual void CompareToSameAsValue() { Value[] values = new Value[] { DateTimeValue.datetime(9999, 100, ZoneId.of("+18:00")), DateTimeValue.datetime(10000, 100, ZoneId.of("-18:00")), DateTimeValue.datetime(10000, 100, ZoneOffset.of("-17:59:59")), DateTimeValue.datetime(10000, 100, ZoneId.of("UTC")), DateTimeValue.datetime(10000, 100, ZoneId.of("+01:00")), DateTimeValue.datetime(10000, 100, ZoneId.of("Europe/Stockholm")), DateTimeValue.datetime(10000, 100, ZoneId.of("+03:00")), DateTimeValue.datetime(10000, 101, ZoneId.of("-18:00")) }; ZonedDateTimeIndexKey keyI = new ZonedDateTimeIndexKey(); ZonedDateTimeIndexKey keyJ = new ZonedDateTimeIndexKey(); int len = values.Length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) { Value vi = values[i]; Value vj = values[j]; vi.WriteTo(keyI); vj.WriteTo(keyJ); int expected = Integer.signum(Values.COMPARATOR.Compare(vi, vj)); assertEquals(format("comparing %s and %s", vi, vj), expected, Integer.signum(i - j)); assertEquals(format("comparing %s and %s", vi, vj), expected, Integer.signum(keyI.CompareValueTo(keyJ))); } } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldReadAndWriteConsistentValues() public virtual void ShouldReadAndWriteConsistentValues() { Value[] values = new Value[] { DateTimeValue.datetime(9999, 100, ZoneId.of("+18:00")), DateTimeValue.datetime(10000, 100, ZoneId.of("-18:00")), DateTimeValue.datetime(10000, 100, ZoneOffset.of("-17:59:59")), DateTimeValue.datetime(10000, 100, ZoneId.of("UTC")), DateTimeValue.datetime(10000, 100, ZoneId.of("+01:00")), DateTimeValue.datetime(10000, 100, ZoneId.of("Europe/Stockholm")), DateTimeValue.datetime(10000, 100, ZoneId.of("+03:00")), DateTimeValue.datetime(10000, 101, ZoneId.of("-18:00")) }; ZonedDateTimeLayout layout = new ZonedDateTimeLayout(); PageCursor cursor = new StubPageCursor(0, 8 * 1024); ZonedDateTimeIndexKey writeKey = layout.NewKey(); ZonedDateTimeIndexKey readKey = layout.NewKey(); // Write all foreach (Value value in values) { value.WriteTo(writeKey); layout.WriteKey(cursor, writeKey); } // Read all cursor.Offset = 0; foreach (Value value in values) { layout.ReadKey(cursor, readKey, ZonedDateTimeIndexKey.Size); assertEquals(value, readKey.AsValue()); } }
public override Value AsValue() { return(TimeZones.validZoneId(ZoneId) ? DateTimeValue.datetime(EpochSecondUTC, NanoOfSecond, ZoneId.of(TimeZones.map(ZoneId))) : DateTimeValue.datetime(EpochSecondUTC, NanoOfSecond, ZoneOffset.ofTotalSeconds(ZoneOffsetSeconds))); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void testDateTimeWithPrecedingNotInLinedLong() public virtual void TestDateTimeWithPrecedingNotInLinedLong() { TestDateTypeWithPrecedingNotInLinedLong(DateTimeValue.datetime(DateValue.parse("2018-04-01"), LocalTimeValue.parse("01:02:03"), ZoneId.of("Europe/Stockholm"))); }
public override Value MapDateTime(DateTimeValue value) { throw new CypherTypeException("Don't know how to treat that as a boolean: " + value, null); }
internal static ZonedDateTime AsValueRaw(long long0, long long1, long long2, long long3) { return(TimeZones.validZoneId(( short )long2) ? DateTimeValue.datetimeRaw(long0, long1, ZoneId.of(TimeZones.map(( short )long2))) : DateTimeValue.datetimeRaw(long0, long1, ZoneOffset.ofTotalSeconds(( int )long3))); }
internal static DateTimeValue AsValue(long long0, long long1, long long2, long long3) { return(DateTimeValue.datetime(AsValueRaw(long0, long1, long2, long3))); }
public override AnyValue MapDateTime(DateTimeValue value) { return(value); }