//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void switchToMasterShouldIgnoreWildcardInConfig() throws Exception //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void SwitchToMasterShouldIgnoreWildcardInConfig() { // SwitchToMaster is used to advertise to the rest of the cluster and advertising makes no sense // given Config config = Config.defaults(stringMap(ClusterSettings.server_id.name(), "1", HaSettings.ha_server.name(), "")); URI me = new URI("ha://"); MasterServer masterServer = mock(typeof(MasterServer)); // when when(masterServer.SocketAddress).thenReturn(new InetSocketAddress("", 6001)); URI result = SwitchToMaster.GetMasterUri(me, masterServer, config); // then assertEquals("Wrong address", "ha://", result.ToString()); // when masterServer is when(masterServer.SocketAddress).thenReturn(new InetSocketAddress(6001)); result = SwitchToMaster.GetMasterUri(me, masterServer, config); // then assertEquals("Wrong address", "ha://", result.ToString()); }
internal static URI GetMasterUri(URI me, MasterServer masterServer, Config config) { string hostname = config.Get(HaSettings.ha_server).Host; InetSocketAddress masterSocketAddress = masterServer.SocketAddress; if (string.ReferenceEquals(hostname, null) || IsWildcard(hostname)) { InetAddress masterAddress = masterSocketAddress.Address; hostname = masterAddress.AnyLocalAddress ? me.Host : ServerUtil.getHostString(masterSocketAddress); hostname = EnsureWrapForIPv6Uri(hostname); } return(URI.create("ha://" + hostname + ":" + masterSocketAddress.Port + "?serverId=" + MyId(config))); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void switchToMasterShouldUseIPv6ConfigSettingIfSuitable() throws Exception //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void SwitchToMasterShouldUseIPv6ConfigSettingIfSuitable() { // given Config config = Config.defaults(stringMap(ClusterSettings.server_id.name(), "1", HaSettings.ha_server.name(), "[fe80::1]:6001")); URI me = new URI("ha://[::1]"); MasterServer masterServer = mock(typeof(MasterServer)); // when when(masterServer.SocketAddress).thenReturn(new InetSocketAddress("[fe80::1]", 6001)); URI result = SwitchToMaster.GetMasterUri(me, masterServer, config); // then assertEquals("Wrong address", "ha://[fe80::1]:6001?serverId=1", result.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Performs a switch to the master state. Starts communication endpoints, switches components to the master state /// and broadcasts the appropriate Master Is Available event. </summary> /// <param name="haCommunicationLife"> The LifeSupport instance to register communication endpoints. </param> /// <param name="me"> The URI that the communication endpoints should bind to </param> /// <returns> The URI at which the master communication was bound. </returns> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER NOTE: Members cannot have the same name as their enclosing type: public virtual URI SwitchToMasterConflict(LifeSupport haCommunicationLife, URI me) { _userLog.info("I am %s, moving to master", MyId(_config)); // Do not wait for currently active transactions to complete before continuing switching. // - A master in a cluster is very important, without it the cluster cannot process any write requests // - Awaiting open transactions to complete assumes that this instance just now was a slave that is // switching to master, which means the previous master where these active transactions were hosted // is no longer available so these open transactions cannot continue and complete anyway, // so what's the point waiting for them? // - Read transactions may still be able to complete, but the correct response to failures in those // is to have them throw transient error exceptions hinting that they should be retried, // at which point they may get redirected to another instance, or to this instance if it has completed // the switch until then. _idGeneratorFactory.switchToMaster(); NeoStoreDataSource dataSource = _dataSourceSupplier.get(); dataSource.AfterModeSwitch(); Locks locks = dataSource.DependencyResolver.resolveDependency(typeof(Locks)); ConversationManager conversationManager = ConversationManagerFactory.apply(locks); Master master = MasterFactory.apply(conversationManager, haCommunicationLife); MasterServer masterServer = MasterServerFactory.apply(master, conversationManager); haCommunicationLife.Add(masterServer); _masterDelegateHandler.Delegate = master; haCommunicationLife.Start(); URI masterHaURI = GetMasterUri(me, masterServer, _config); _clusterMemberAvailability.memberIsAvailable(MASTER, masterHaURI, dataSource.StoreId); _userLog.info("I am %s, successfully moved to master", MyId(_config)); _slaveFactorySupplier.get().StoreId = dataSource.StoreId; return(masterHaURI); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void switchToMasterShouldHandleNoIpInConfig() throws Exception //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void SwitchToMasterShouldHandleNoIpInConfig() { Config config = Config.defaults(stringMap(ClusterSettings.server_id.name(), "1", HaSettings.ha_server.name(), ":6001")); MasterServer masterServer = mock(typeof(MasterServer)); URI me = new URI("ha://"); // when when(masterServer.SocketAddress).thenReturn(new InetSocketAddress("", 6001)); URI result = SwitchToMaster.GetMasterUri(me, masterServer, config); // then assertEquals("Wrong address", "ha://", result.ToString()); // when masterServer is when(masterServer.SocketAddress).thenReturn(new InetSocketAddress(6001)); result = SwitchToMaster.GetMasterUri(me, masterServer, config); // then assertEquals("Wrong address", "ha://", result.ToString()); }