/// <summary>
            /// Creates a new <see cref="CachedOrds"/> from the <see cref="BinaryDocValues"/>.
            /// Assumes that the <see cref="BinaryDocValues"/> is not <c>null</c>.
            /// </summary>
            public CachedOrds(OrdinalsSegmentReader source, int maxDoc)
                Offsets = new int[maxDoc + 1];
                int[] ords = new int[maxDoc]; // let's assume one ordinal per-document as an initial size

                // this aggregator is limited to Integer.MAX_VALUE total ordinals.
                long      totOrds = 0;
                Int32sRef values  = new Int32sRef(32);

                for (int docID = 0; docID < maxDoc; docID++)
                    Offsets[docID] = (int)totOrds;
                    source.Get(docID, values);
                    long nextLength = totOrds + values.Length;
                    if (nextLength > ords.Length)
                        if (nextLength > ArrayUtil.MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH)
                            throw new ThreadStateException("too many ordinals (>= " + nextLength + ") to cache");
                        ords = ArrayUtil.Grow(ords, (int)nextLength);
                    Array.Copy(values.Int32s, 0, ords, (int)totOrds, values.Length);
                    totOrds = nextLength;
                Offsets[maxDoc] = (int)totOrds;

                // if ords array is bigger by more than 10% of what we really need, shrink it
                if ((double)totOrds / ords.Length < 0.9)
                    this.Ordinals = new int[(int)totOrds];
                    Array.Copy(ords, 0, this.Ordinals, 0, (int)totOrds);
                    this.Ordinals = ords;
            /// <summary>
            /// Creates a new <seealso cref="CachedOrds"/> from the <seealso cref="BinaryDocValues"/>.
            /// Assumes that the <seealso cref="BinaryDocValues"/> is not {@code null}.
            /// </summary>
            public CachedOrds(OrdinalsSegmentReader source, int maxDoc)
                offsets = new int[maxDoc + 1];
                int[] ords = new int[maxDoc]; // let's assume one ordinal per-document as an initial size

                // this aggregator is limited to Integer.MAX_VALUE total ordinals.
                long totOrds = 0;
                IntsRef values = new IntsRef(32);
                for (int docID = 0; docID < maxDoc; docID++)
                    offsets[docID] = (int)totOrds;
                    source.Get(docID, values);
                    long nextLength = totOrds + values.Length;
                    if (nextLength > ords.Length)
                        if (nextLength > ArrayUtil.MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH)
                            throw new ThreadStateException("too many ordinals (>= " + nextLength + ") to cache");
                        ords = ArrayUtil.Grow(ords, (int)nextLength);
                    Array.Copy(values.Ints, 0, ords, (int)totOrds, values.Length);
                    totOrds = nextLength;
                offsets[maxDoc] = (int)totOrds;

                // if ords array is bigger by more than 10% of what we really need, shrink it
                if ((double)totOrds / ords.Length < 0.9)
                    this.ordinals = new int[(int)totOrds];
                    Array.Copy(ords, 0, this.ordinals, 0, (int)totOrds);
                    this.ordinals = ords;