        //Check to not register same order twice in DB
        public bool OrderIsAlreadyRegistered(OrderRow order)
            var orderRepository = new OrderRepository();
            var orders          = orderRepository.GetOrders();

            foreach (OrderRow or in orders)
                if (order.Id == or.Id)

                if (or.OrderNumber.Equals(order.OrderNumber, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                    or.OrderLineNumber.Equals(order.OrderLineNumber, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                    or.ProductNumber.Equals(order.ProductNumber, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                    or.Quantity.CompareTo(order.Quantity) == 0 &&
                    or.Name.Equals(order.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                    or.Description.Equals(order.Description, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                    or.Price.CompareTo(order.Price) == 0 &&
                    or.ProductGroup.Equals(order.ProductGroup, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                    or.OrderDate.Date.CompareTo(order.OrderDate.Date) == 0 &&
                    or.CustomerName.Equals(order.CustomerName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                    or.CustomerNumber.Equals(order.CustomerNumber, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

        private ProductPriceModel.PriceItem GetCampaignPrice(OrderRow orderRow, SalesOrder salesOrder)
            ProductPriceModel.PriceItem campaignPrice = null;
            if (salesOrder.Rows.Any(c => c.OrderRowType == OrderRowType.Discount && c.ArticleNumber == orderRow.ArticleNumber))
                bool    haveCampaignPrice = false;
                decimal priceExcludingVat = orderRow.UnitPriceExcludingVat;
                decimal priceIncludingVat = orderRow.UnitPriceIncludingVat;
                foreach (var discount in salesOrder.DiscountInfo.Where(x => x.SourceOrderRowSystemIds != null && x.SourceOrderRowSystemIds.Contains(orderRow.SystemId)))
                    var discountRow = salesOrder.Rows.Single(x => x.SystemId == discount.ResultOrderRowSystemId);
                    if (discountRow.OrderRowType == OrderRowType.Discount && discountRow.ArticleNumber == orderRow.ArticleNumber)
                        priceExcludingVat += discountRow.UnitPriceExcludingVat;
                        priceIncludingVat += discountRow.UnitPriceIncludingVat;
                        haveCampaignPrice  = true;

                if (haveCampaignPrice)
                    campaignPrice = new ProductPriceModel.PriceItem(0, priceExcludingVat, orderRow.VatRate, priceIncludingVat);
        public ActionResult ConfirmTrip(TripConfirmRequest request)
                var  decryptId = EncryptionHelper.Decrypt(request.Token);
                int  id;
                bool success = Int32.TryParse(decryptId, out id);
                if (success)
                    using (var connection = SqlConnections.NewByKey("Northwind"))
                        using (var uow = new UnitOfWork(connection))
                            var updateOrder = new OrderRow
                                OrderID     = id,
                                ConfirmRide = true
                            connection.UpdateById <OrderRow>(updateOrder);

                return(View("~/Modules/Northwind/Order/TripConfirm.cshtml", new TripConfirm {
                    Message = "Success"
                return(View("~/Modules/Northwind/Order/TripConfirm.cshtml", new TripConfirm {
                    Message = "Error"
 public OrderRow UpdateOrderRow(OrderRow initialOrderRow, OrderRow replacementOrderRow)
     initialOrderRow.Pizza      = replacementOrderRow.Pizza;
     initialOrderRow.Soda       = replacementOrderRow.Soda;
     initialOrderRow.TotalPrice = replacementOrderRow.TotalPrice;
        private OrderDetailsViewModel.OrderRowItem BuildOrderRow(OrderRow orderRow, bool includeVat, Currency currency, SalesOrder order)
            var productModel = _productModelBuilder.BuildFromVariant(_variantService.Get(orderRow.ArticleNumber));

            var unitOfMeasurement             = _unitOfMeasurementService.Get(orderRow.UnitOfMeasurementSystemId.Value);
            var unitOfMeasurementFormatString = $"0.{new string('0', unitOfMeasurement?.DecimalDigits ?? 0)}";

            var campaignPrice = GetCampaignPrice(orderRow, order);
            var totalPrice    = GetTotalPrice(campaignPrice, includeVat, orderRow);

            var model = new OrderDetailsViewModel.OrderRowItem
                DeliveryId     = orderRow.ShippingInfoSystemId is null ? Guid.Empty : orderRow.ShippingInfoSystemId.Value,
                Brand          = productModel == null ? null : _fieldDefinitionService.Get <ProductArea>("Brand")?.GetTranslation(productModel.GetValue <string>("Brand")),
                Name           = productModel == null ? orderRow.ArticleNumber : productModel.GetValue <string>(SystemFieldDefinitionConstants.Name),
                QuantityString = $"{orderRow.Quantity.ToString(unitOfMeasurementFormatString, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.NumberFormat)} {unitOfMeasurement?.Localizations.CurrentUICulture.Name}",
                PriceInfo      = new ProductPriceModel
                    Price         = SetFormattedPrice(new ProductPriceModel.PriceItem(0, orderRow.UnitPriceExcludingVat, orderRow.VatRate, orderRow.UnitPriceExcludingVat * (1 + orderRow.VatRate)), includeVat, currency),
                    CampaignPrice = campaignPrice != null?SetFormattedPrice(campaignPrice, includeVat, currency) : null
                TotalPrice = currency.Format(totalPrice, true, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture),
                Link       = productModel?.SelectedVariant.MapTo <LinkModel>()

        //Method takes a cart and a customer and creates an order, as well as appropriate rows out of it.
        public static void CreateOrder(string UserID, ShoppingCart Cart, string FirstName, string LastName, string Address, string Zip, string City)
            ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext();
            Order NewOrder          = new Order
                Recipient       = FirstName + " " + LastName,
                DeliveryAddress = Address,
                DeliveryZip     = Zip,
                DeliveryCity    = City,
                User            = db.Users.Find(UserID),
                OrderDate       = DateTime.Now

            NewOrder.OrderRows = new List <OrderRow>();
            foreach (var item in Cart.Items)
                OrderRow row = new OrderRow
                    MovieID  = item.Movie.ID,
                    Price    = item.CostPerItem * item.Quantity,
                    Quantity = item.Quantity

        public ActionResult ProductToOrderRow(int pId, int oId)
            Order order = db.Orders.Include("OrderRows").Include("OrderRows.Product").SingleOrDefault(o => o.Id == oId);

            bool foundIt = false;

            foreach (var item in order.OrderRows)
                if (item.Product.Id == pId)
                    foundIt = true;

            if (foundIt == false)
                Product product = db.Products.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == pId);

                OrderRow orderRow = new OrderRow();

                orderRow.Amount  = 1;
                orderRow.Product = product;
                orderRow.Price   = product.Price;


            return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = oId }));
        public OrderRow CreateOrderRow(Pizza pizza, Soda soda)
            var pizzaPrice = pizza.Price;
            var extraPrice = 0;

            if (pizza.ExtraIngredients != null)
                foreach (var ing in pizza.ExtraIngredients)
                    extraPrice += ing.PriceAsExtra;

            var sodaPrice  = soda.Price;
            var totalPrice = pizzaPrice + extraPrice + sodaPrice;

            var orderRow = new OrderRow
                RowId      = rowId,
                Pizza      = pizza,
                Soda       = soda,
                TotalPrice = totalPrice

        public async Task UpdateOrderRow(string orderId, string productId, int count)
            var order = await _orderRepository.GetOrder(orderId);

            var orderRow = order.Rows.FirstOrDefault(row => string.Equals(row.Product.Id, productId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            if (orderRow == null)
                var product = await _productService.GetProduct(productId);

                orderRow = new OrderRow {
                    Product = product,
                    Count   = count
                orderRow.Count = count;
                if (orderRow.Count == 0)

            _ = await SaveOrder(order);
        private OrderDetailsViewModel.OrderRowItem BuildOrderRow(OrderRow orderRow, Currency currency)
            var productModel           = _productModelBuilder.BuildFromVariant(_variantService.Get(orderRow.ArticleNumber));
            var shoppingCartIncludeVat = _requestModelAccessor.RequestModel.Cart.IncludeVAT;

            var unitOfMeasurement             = _unitOfMeasurementService.Get(orderRow.SKUCode);
            var unitOfMeasurementFormatString = $"0.{new string('0', unitOfMeasurement?.DecimalDigits ?? 0)}";

            var totalPrice = shoppingCartIncludeVat ? orderRow.TotalPriceWithVat : orderRow.TotalPrice;

            var campaign = orderRow.Campaign;
            var model    = new OrderDetailsViewModel.OrderRowItem
                DeliveryId     = orderRow.DeliveryID,
                Brand          = productModel == null ? null : _fieldDefinitionService.Get <ProductArea>("Brand")?.GetTranslation(productModel.GetValue <string>("Brand")),
                Name           = productModel == null ? orderRow.ArticleNumber : productModel.GetValue <string>(SystemFieldDefinitionConstants.Name),
                QuantityString = $"{orderRow.Quantity.ToString(unitOfMeasurementFormatString, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.NumberFormat)} {unitOfMeasurement?.Localizations.CurrentUICulture.Name ?? orderRow.SKUCode}",
                PriceInfo      = new ProductPriceModel
                    CampaignPrice = campaign == null ? null : SetFormattedPrice(new ProductPriceModel.CampaignPriceItem(0, orderRow.UnitCampaignPrice, orderRow.VATPercentage, orderRow.UnitCampaignPrice * (1 + orderRow.VATPercentage), campaign.ID), shoppingCartIncludeVat, currency),
                    Price         = SetFormattedPrice(new ProductPriceModel.PriceItem(0, orderRow.UnitListPrice, orderRow.VATPercentage, orderRow.UnitListPrice * (1 + orderRow.VATPercentage)), shoppingCartIncludeVat, currency)
                TotalPrice = currency.Format(totalPrice, true, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture),
                Link       = productModel?.SelectedVariant.MapTo <LinkModel>()

        private List <OrderRow> getOrderRowsByOrderId(int orderId)
            List <OrderRow> returnList = new List <OrderRow>();

                using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(Env.ConString))
                    string query =
                        "SELECT * FROM Order_Product where orderId = @id";
                    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, con);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", orderId);
                    var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                    while (reader.Read())
                        OrderRow or = new OrderRow(reader.GetInt32(1), reader.GetInt32(2));

            catch (Exception e)
        public void Order_GivenOrderWithExistingProductAndTooSmallStock_ShouldAddItToBoth()
            var productId     = Guid.NewGuid();
            var productAmount = 5;
            var orderRow      = new OrderRow()
                Amount = productAmount, ProductId = productId

            _repository.TryTake(productId, productAmount, out Arg.Any <int>())
            .Returns(x =>
                x[2] = 2;

            var result = _sut.Order(new[] { orderRow });

            Assert.Equal(1, result.Products.Count);
            Assert.Equal(productId, result.Products.First().ProductId);
            Assert.Equal(2, result.Products.First().Amount);

            Assert.Equal(1, result.MissingProducts.Count);
            Assert.Equal(productId, result.MissingProducts.First().ProductId);
            Assert.Equal(3, result.MissingProducts.First().Amount);
        public ActionResult CheckOut(CheckOutVM chkVM)
            //Create Order
            Order order = new Order
                CustomerId = chkVM.Customer.Id,
                OrderDate  = DateTime.Today


            foreach (var row in chkVM.ShoppingCart)
                OrderRow orows = new OrderRow
                    Order   = order,
                    MovieId = row.Id,
                    Price   = row.Price

            TempData["Message"] = "Order Placed";

            Session["Cart"] = null;

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
        public IActionResult Post([FromBody] OrderViewModel newOrder)
            using (SurfboardContext context = new SurfboardContext())
                Customer c = new Customer();
                c.Address   = newOrder.Customer.Address;
                c.FirstName = newOrder.Customer.FirstName;
                c.LastName  = newOrder.Customer.LastName;


                Order o = new Order();
                o.OrderDate  = DateTime.Now;
                o.CustomerId = c.Id;

                // Skapa orderrader!!!!
                foreach (var item in newOrder.Cart)
                    OrderRow or = new OrderRow();
                    or.OrderId     = o.Id;
                    or.SurfBoardId = item.Id;
                    or.Price       = item.Price;
                    or.SizeId      = item.SizeId;

                return(Created("/orders", o));
        // GET: Orders/Review
        public async Task <ActionResult> Review()
            ShoppingCart cart  = ShoppingCart.GetCart();
            Order        order = new Order();

            order.UserID = User.Identity.Name;
            ApplicationUser user = await UserManager.FindByNameAsync(order.UserID);

            order.DeliveryName    = user.FirstName + " " + user.LastName;
            order.DeliveryAddress = user.Address;
            order.OrderRows       = new List <OrderRow>();
            foreach (var cartqueue in cart.GetCartQueues())
                OrderRow row = new OrderRow
                    Product     = cartqueue.Product,
                    ProductID   = cartqueue.ProductID,
                    ProductName = cartqueue.Product.ProductName,
                    Quantity    = cartqueue.Quantity,
                    UnitPrice   = cartqueue.Product.ProductPrice
            order.TotalPrice = cart.GetTotalCost();
        public void TestFormatFixedDiscountRowsAmountExVatAndVatPercentWithDifferentVatRatesPresent()
            CreateOrderBuilder order = WebpayConnection.CreateOrder(SveaConfig.GetDefaultConfig())

            List <OrderRow> newRows = new WebServiceRowFormatter <CreateOrderBuilder>(order).FormatRows();

            // 100 @25% vat = -80 excl. vat
            OrderRow newRow = newRows[2];

            Assert.That(newRow.ArticleNumber, Is.EqualTo("42"));
            Assert.That(newRow.Description, Is.EqualTo(".SetAmountIncVat(100): testFormatFixedDiscountRowsWithDifferentVatRatesPresent"));
            Assert.That(newRow.PricePerUnit, Is.EqualTo(-111.00M));
            Assert.That(newRow.VatPercent, Is.EqualTo(25));
            Assert.That(newRow.DiscountPercent, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(newRow.NumberOfUnits, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(newRow.Unit, Is.EqualTo("st"));
        public void TestFormatFixedDiscountRowsAmountExVatAndVatPercentWithSingleVatRatePresent()
            CreateOrderBuilder order = WebpayConnection.CreateOrder(SveaConfig.GetDefaultConfig())

            List <OrderRow> newRows = new WebServiceRowFormatter <CreateOrderBuilder>(order).FormatRows();

            OrderRow newRow = newRows[1];

            Assert.That(newRow.ArticleNumber, Is.EqualTo("0"));
            Assert.That(newRow.Description, Is.EqualTo("Tess: Tester"));
            Assert.That(newRow.PricePerUnit, Is.EqualTo(-1.0M));
            Assert.That(newRow.VatPercent, Is.EqualTo(25));
            Assert.That(newRow.DiscountPercent, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(newRow.NumberOfUnits, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(newRow.Unit, Is.EqualTo("st"));
        public IHttpActionResult AddProductToCart(string customerId, int productId, int amount)
            var order = GetOrder(customerId, true);

            var product = db.Products.Find(productId);

            if (product == null)

            // Check if the order already has the product
            var orderRow = db.OrderRows.Where(o => o.Order_ID == order.ID && o.Product_ID == productId).FirstOrDefault();

            if (orderRow != null)
                orderRow.Amount += amount;
                orderRow.Price  += (product.Price * amount);
                orderRow = new OrderRow
                    Order_ID   = order.ID,
                    Product_ID = productId,
                    Amount     = amount,
                    Price      = (product.Price * amount)


        public void GetTrimedOrderValues_SenUntrimedOrder_ShouldTrimAllPropertyValues()
            var order = new OrderRow
                OrderNumber     = "  17835  ",
                OrderLineNumber = "     0002    ",
                ProductNumber   = "	4000-AAA",
                Quantity        = 2,
                Name            = "  Test",
                Description     = "   Some des  ",
                Price           = 1.25,
                ProductGroup    = "  Normal ",
                OrderDate       = DateTime.Now,
                CustomerName    = "   Centiro  ",
                CustomerNumber  = "   1234"

            var utils = new Utils();

            order = utils.GetTrimedOrderValues(order);

            Assert.AreEqual(order.OrderNumber, "17835");
            Assert.AreEqual(order.ProductNumber, "4000-AAA");
            Assert.AreEqual(order.ProductGroup, "Normal");
            Assert.AreEqual(order.CustomerName, "Centiro");
        public void SaveOrderRowTest()
            using (var scope = CreateDatabaseScope())
                using (var session1 = scope.OpenSession())
                    var row = new OrderRow()
                        Product = "Product1",
                        Price   = 10,


                using (var session2 = scope.OpenSession())
                    var query = session2.CreateQuery("from OrderRow where Product='Product1'");
                    var row   = query.UniqueResult <OrderRow>();

                    Assert.AreEqual("Product1", row.Product);
                    Assert.AreEqual(10, row.Price);
        private static void ProcessOrder(MessageContext context, OrderRow order)
            if (context.AvaiableSlots <= 0)

            int quantity = order.Quantity;

            if (quantity > context.AvaiableSlots)
                quantity = context.AvaiableSlots;

            if (quantity == 1)
                context.MessageParts.Add($"{order.ItemName} ({order.Plat}p)");
                context.MessageParts.Add($"{quantity}x {order.ItemName} ({order.Plat}p/ea)");

            context.AvaiableSlots -= quantity;
            context.TotalPrice    += quantity * order.Plat;
 public static string Generate(OrderRow order)
     return(Generate(new List <OrderRow>(1)
        public void TestFormatRelativeDiscountRowsWithSingleVatRatePresent()
            CreateOrderBuilder order = WebpayConnection.CreateOrder(SveaConfig.GetDefaultConfig())

            List <OrderRow> newRows = new WebServiceRowFormatter <CreateOrderBuilder>(order).FormatRows();

            OrderRow newRow = newRows[1];

            Assert.That(newRow.ArticleNumber, Is.EqualTo("0"));
            Assert.That(newRow.Description, Is.EqualTo(".SetDiscountPercent(20): TestFormatRelativeDiscountRowsWithSingleVatRatePresent"));
            Assert.That(newRow.PricePerUnit, Is.EqualTo(-20.00M));
            Assert.That(newRow.VatPercent, Is.EqualTo(12));
            Assert.That(newRow.DiscountPercent, Is.EqualTo(0)); // not the same thing as in our WebPayItem...
            Assert.That(newRow.NumberOfUnits, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(newRow.Unit, Is.EqualTo("st"));
        public static Order ConvertViewModelToOrder(OrderViewModel vm)
            Order order = new Order
                Id             = vm.Id,
                Number         = vm.Number,
                DeliveryAdress = vm.DeliveryAdress,
                Date           = vm.OrderDate,
                Comment        = vm.Comment,
                Total          = vm.Total,
                Customer       = Mapper.Map <Customer>(vm.Customer)

            foreach (var r in vm.PizzaList)
                OrderRow row = new OrderRow {
                    Order = order, Pizza = Mapper.Map <Pizza>(r), Price = r.Price, Amount = 1, Total = r.Total

                foreach (var i in r.Ingredients)
                    if (i.Selected)
                        OrderRowIngredient rowIngredient = new OrderRowIngredient {
                            OrderRow = row, Ingredient = Mapper.Map <Ingredient>(i), Price = i.Price

        public ActionResult CompleteOrder()
            var currentUserId = User.Identity.GetUserId();

            var customer = (from c in db.Customers
                            where c.User_Id == currentUserId
                            select c).FirstOrDefault();

            if (customer == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Create", "Customers", new { isProcessingCheckout = true }));
                List <Movie> movyList  = new List <Movie>();
                var          totalCart = 0.0M;

                foreach (string key in Session.Keys)
                    if (key.ToString() != "isCheckout")
                        Movie movy = (from c in db.Movies
                                      where c.Title == key
                                      select c).FirstOrDefault();


                        int countMovy = int.Parse(Session[key].ToString());

                        totalCart += (movy.Price * countMovy);

                Order order = new Order();
                order.CustomerId = customer.Id;
                order.OrderDate  = DateTime.Now;
                order.TotalPrice = totalCart;


                foreach (Movie movy in movyList)
                    //creamos el orderrows con la pelicual y el order insertado
                    OrderRow orderRow = new OrderRow();
                    orderRow.OrderId = order.Id;
                    orderRow.MovieId = movy.Id;
                    orderRow.Price   = movy.Price;


                var rows = db.SaveChanges();


 public static int AddOrderRow(OrderRow orderRow)
     using (var _context = new EduShopEntities())
        public List <OrderRow> get_by_order_id(Int32 id = 0)
            // Create the list to return
            List <OrderRow> posts = OrderRow.GetByOrderId(id);

            // Return the list
        } // End of the get_by_order_id method
        public OrderRow get_by_id(Int32 id = 0, string productCode = "")
            // Create the post to return
            OrderRow post = OrderRow.GetOneById(id, productCode);

            // Return the post
        } // End of the get_by_id method
        public bool Remove(OrderRow orderRow)
            var result = _handleWebshopsDbContext.OrderRows.Remove(orderRow);


        public OrderRow Create(OrderRow orderRow)


            public bool Warrenty; // Garanti

            #endregion Fields

            #region Methods

            /// <summary>
            /// Konvertera en ArrayList till OrderRow object.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="arr"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public static OrderRow[] convertFromArray(ArrayList arr)
                OrderRow[] or = new OrderRow[arr.Count];

                for (int i = 0; i < arr.Count; i++)
                    or[i] = (OrderRow)arr[i];
                return or;
    } // End of the constructor


    #region Insert methods

    /// <summary>
    /// Add one order row
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="post">A reference to a order row post</param>
    public static void Add(OrderRow post)

        // Create the connection and the sql statement
        string connection = Tools.GetConnectionString();
        string sql = "INSERT INTO dbo.order_rows (order_id, product_code, manufacturer_code, product_id, gtin, "
            + "product_name, vat_percent, quantity, unit_id, unit_price, account_code, supplier_erp_id, sort_order) "
            + "VALUES (@order_id, @product_code, @manufacturer_code, @product_id, @gtin, @product_name, "
            + "@vat_percent, @quantity, @unit_id, @unit_price, @account_code, @supplier_erp_id, @sort_order);";

        // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there are an exception.
        using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connection))
            // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there are an exception.
            using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn))
                // Add parameters
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@order_id", post.order_id);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@product_code", post.product_code);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@manufacturer_code", post.manufacturer_code);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@product_id", post.product_id);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@gtin", post.gtin);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@product_name", post.product_name);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@vat_percent", post.vat_percent);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@quantity", post.quantity);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@unit_id", post.unit_id);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@unit_price", post.unit_price);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@account_code", post.account_code);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@supplier_erp_id", post.supplier_erp_id);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sort_order", post.sort_order);

                // The Try/Catch/Finally statement is used to handle unusual exceptions in the code to
                // avoid having our application crash in such cases
                    // Open the connection

                    // Execute the insert

                catch (Exception e)
                    throw e;

    } // End of the Add method
            public static ListViewItem[] convertToSmallListView(OrderRow[] or)
                ListViewItem[] lw = new ListViewItem[or.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < lw.Length; i++)
                    lw[i] = new ListViewItem(or[i].Artikel);
                    lw[i].SubItems.Add(or[i].Rad).Name = or[i].Rad;
                    lw[i].Tag = or[i].Rad;
                    if (or[i].ViewInList)
                        lw[i].Checked = true;

                return lw;
        public HttpResponseMessage update(OrderRow post)
            // Check for errors
            if (post == null)
                return Request.CreateResponse<string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The post is null");
            else if (Order.MasterPostExists(post.order_id) == false)
                return Request.CreateResponse<string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The order does not exist");
            else if (Unit.MasterPostExists(post.unit_id) == false)
                return Request.CreateResponse<string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The unit does not exist");

            // Make sure that the data is valid
            post.product_code = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.product_code, 50);
            post.manufacturer_code = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.manufacturer_code, 50);
            post.gtin = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.gtin, 20);
            post.product_name = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.product_name, 100);
            post.vat_percent = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(post.vat_percent, 0, 9.99999M);
            post.quantity = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(post.quantity, 0, 999999.99M);
            post.unit_price = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(post.unit_price, 0, 9999999999.99M);
            post.account_code = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.account_code, 10);
            post.supplier_erp_id = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.supplier_erp_id, 20);

            // Get the saved post
            OrderRow savedPost = OrderRow.GetOneById(post.order_id, post.product_code);

            // Check if the post exists
            if (savedPost == null)
                return Request.CreateResponse<string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The record does not exist");

            // Update the post

            // Return the success response
            return Request.CreateResponse<string>(HttpStatusCode.OK, "The update was successful");

        } // End of the update method
    } // End of the Add method


    #region Update methods

    /// <summary>
    /// Update a order row post
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="post">A reference to a order row post</param>
    public static void Update(OrderRow post)
        // Create the connection and the sql statement
        string connection = Tools.GetConnectionString();
        string sql = "UPDATE dbo.order_rows SET manufacturer_code = @manufacturer_code, product_id = @product_id, "
            + "gtin = @gtin, product_name = @product_name, vat_percent = @vat_percent, quantity = @quantity, "
            + "unit_id = @unit_id, unit_price = @unit_price, account_code = @account_code, "
            + "supplier_erp_id = @supplier_erp_id, sort_order = @sort_order WHERE order_id = @order_id AND product_code = @product_code;";

        // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there are an exception.
        using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connection))
            // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there are an exception.
            using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn))

                // Add parameters
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@order_id", post.order_id);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@product_code", post.product_code);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@manufacturer_code", post.manufacturer_code);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@product_id", post.product_id);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@gtin", post.gtin);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@product_name", post.product_name);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@vat_percent", post.vat_percent);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@quantity", post.quantity);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@unit_id", post.unit_id);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@unit_price", post.unit_price);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@account_code", post.account_code);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@supplier_erp_id", post.supplier_erp_id);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sort_order", post.sort_order);

                // The Try/Catch/Finally statement is used to handle unusual exceptions in the code to
                // avoid having our application crash in such cases.
                    // Open the connection.

                    // Execute the update

                catch (Exception e)
                    throw e;

    } // End of the Update method
        public ActionResult index(FormCollection collection)
            // Check if the customer is signed in
            if (Request.Cookies.Get("CustomerCookie") == null)
                return RedirectToAction("login", "customer");

            // Get the current domain
            Domain currentDomain = Tools.GetCurrentDomain();

            // Get the language
            Language currentLanguage = Language.GetOneById(currentDomain.front_end_language);

            // Get the currency 
            Currency currency = Currency.GetOneById(currentDomain.currency);
            currency = currency != null ? currency : new Currency();

            // Get the document type
            byte document_type = 1;
            if(collection["btnRequest"] != null)
                document_type = 0;

            // Get all the form values
            Int32 customerId = Convert.ToInt32(collection["hiddenCustomerId"]);
            byte customerType = Convert.ToByte(collection["hiddenCustomerType"]);
            byte vatCode = Convert.ToByte(collection["hiddenVatCode"]);
            string[] additionalServiceIds = collection.GetValues("cbService");
            Int32 paymentOptionId = Convert.ToInt32(collection["radioPaymentOption"]);
            string email = collection["txtEmail"];
            string orgNumber = collection["txtOrgNumber"];
            string vatNumber = "";
            string contactName = collection["txtContactName"];
            string phoneNumber = collection["txtPhoneNumber"];
            string mobilePhoneNumber = collection["txtMobilePhoneNumber"];
            string invoiceName = collection["txtInvoiceName"];
            string invoiceAddress1 = collection["txtInvoiceAddress1"];
            string invoiceAddress2 = collection["txtInvoiceAddress2"];
            string invoicePostCode = collection["txtInvoicePostCode"];
            string invoiceCity = collection["txtInvoiceCity"];
            Int32 invoiceCountryId = Convert.ToInt32(collection["selectInvoiceCountry"]);
            string deliveryName = collection["txtDeliveryName"];
            string deliveryAddress1 = collection["txtDeliveryAddress1"];
            string deliveryAddress2 = collection["txtDeliveryAddress2"];
            string deliveryPostCode = collection["txtDeliveryPostCode"];
            string deliveryCity = collection["txtDeliveryCity"];
            Int32 deliveryCountryId = Convert.ToInt32(collection["selectDeliveryCountry"]);
            Country deliveryCountry = Country.GetOneById(deliveryCountryId, currentDomain.front_end_language);
            DateTime desired_date_of_delivery = DateTime.MinValue;
            DateTime.TryParse(collection["txtDesiredDateOfDelivery"], out desired_date_of_delivery);
            string discount_code_id = collection["hiddenDiscountCodeId"];

            // Set values depending of the customer type, 0: Company
            if(customerType == 0)
                vatNumber = collection["txtVatNumber"];    

            // Create the customer
            Customer customer = new Customer();
            customer.id = customerId;
            customer.email = email.Length > 100 ? email.Substring(0, 100) : email;
            customer.customer_type = customerType;
            customer.org_number = orgNumber.Length > 20 ? orgNumber.Substring(0, 20) : orgNumber;
            customer.vat_number = vatNumber.Length > 20 ? vatNumber.Substring(0, 20) : vatNumber;
            customer.contact_name = contactName.Length > 100 ? contactName.Substring(0, 100) : contactName;
            customer.phone_number = phoneNumber.Length > 100 ? phoneNumber.Substring(0, 100) : phoneNumber;
            customer.mobile_phone_number = mobilePhoneNumber.Length > 100 ? mobilePhoneNumber.Substring(0, 100) : mobilePhoneNumber;
            customer.invoice_name = invoiceName.Length > 100 ? invoiceName.Substring(0, 100) : invoiceName;
            customer.invoice_address_1 = invoiceAddress1.Length > 100 ? invoiceAddress1.Substring(0, 100) : invoiceAddress1;
            customer.invoice_address_2 = invoiceAddress2.Length > 100 ? invoiceAddress2.Substring(0, 100) : invoiceAddress2;
            customer.invoice_post_code = invoicePostCode.Length > 100 ? invoicePostCode.Substring(0, 100) : invoicePostCode;
            customer.invoice_city = invoiceCity.Length > 100 ? invoiceCity.Substring(0, 100) : invoiceCity;
            customer.invoice_country = invoiceCountryId;
            customer.delivery_name = deliveryName.Length > 100 ? deliveryName.Substring(0, 100) : deliveryName;
            customer.delivery_address_1 = deliveryAddress1.Length > 100 ? deliveryAddress1.Substring(0, 100) : deliveryAddress1;
            customer.delivery_address_2 = deliveryAddress2.Length > 100 ? deliveryAddress2.Substring(0, 100) : deliveryAddress2;
            customer.delivery_post_code = deliveryPostCode.Length > 100 ? deliveryPostCode.Substring(0, 100) : deliveryPostCode;
            customer.delivery_city = deliveryCity.Length > 100 ? deliveryCity.Substring(0, 100) : deliveryCity;
            customer.delivery_country = deliveryCountryId;

            // Create the order
            Order order = new Order();
            order.document_type = document_type;
            order.customer_id = customer.id;
            order.order_date = DateTime.UtcNow;
            order.company_id = currentDomain.company_id;
            order.country_code = currentLanguage.country_code;
            order.language_code = currentLanguage.language_code;
            order.currency_code = currency.currency_code;
            order.conversion_rate = (currency.conversion_rate / currency.currency_base);
            order.customer_type = customer.customer_type;
            order.customer_org_number = customer.org_number;
            order.customer_vat_number = customer.vat_number;
            order.customer_name = customer.contact_name;
            order.customer_email = customer.email;
            order.customer_phone = customer.phone_number;
            order.customer_mobile_phone = customer.mobile_phone_number;
            order.invoice_name = customer.invoice_name;
            order.invoice_address_1 = customer.invoice_address_1;
            order.invoice_address_2 = customer.invoice_address_2;
            order.invoice_post_code = customer.invoice_post_code;
            order.invoice_city = customer.invoice_city;
            order.invoice_country_id = invoiceCountryId;
            order.delivery_name = customer.delivery_name;
            order.delivery_address_1 = customer.delivery_address_1;
            order.delivery_address_2 = customer.delivery_address_2;
            order.delivery_post_code = customer.delivery_post_code;
            order.delivery_city = customer.delivery_city;
            order.delivery_country_id = deliveryCountryId;
            order.vat_code = vatCode;
            order.payment_option = paymentOptionId;
            order.payment_status = "payment_status_pending";
            order.exported_to_erp = false;
            order.order_status = "order_status_pending";
            order.desired_date_of_delivery = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDateTime(desired_date_of_delivery);
            order.discount_code = discount_code_id;

            // Calculate the decimal multiplier
            Int32 decimalMultiplier = (Int32)Math.Pow(10, currency.decimals);

            // Get the cart items
            List<CartItem> cartItems = CartItem.GetCartItems(currentDomain.front_end_language);
            Dictionary<string, decimal> cartAmounts = CartItem.GetCartAmounts(cartItems, currentDomain.front_end_language, vatCode, decimalMultiplier);

            // Create order rows
            List<OrderRow> orderRows = CartItem.GetOrderRows(cartItems, order.vat_code, currentDomain.front_end_language, decimalMultiplier);

            // Get additional services
            List<AdditionalService> additionalServices = AdditionalService.GetAllActive(currentDomain.front_end_language, "id", "ASC");
            Int32 additionalServiceIdsCount = additionalServiceIds != null ? additionalServiceIds.Length : 0;

            // Loop additional services
            for(int i = 0; i < additionalServices.Count; i++)
                // Check if the service is selected
                for (int j = 0; j < additionalServiceIdsCount; j++)
                    // Convert the id
                    Int32 serviceId = Convert.ToInt32(additionalServiceIds[j]);

                    // The service is selected
                    if(additionalServices[i].id == serviceId)
                        // Set the service as selected
                        additionalServices[i].selected = true;

                        // Calculate the fee
                        decimal fee = additionalServices[i].price_based_on_mount_time == true ? additionalServices[i].fee * cartAmounts["total_mount_time"] : additionalServices[i].fee;
                        fee *= (currency.currency_base / currency.conversion_rate);
                        fee = Math.Round(fee * decimalMultiplier, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) / decimalMultiplier;

                        // Get the value added tax percent
                        ValueAddedTax vat = ValueAddedTax.GetOneById(additionalServices[i].value_added_tax_id);

                        // Create a order row
                        OrderRow orderRow = new OrderRow();
                        orderRow.product_code = additionalServices[i].product_code;
                        orderRow.manufacturer_code = "";
                        orderRow.product_id = 0;
                        orderRow.product_name = additionalServices[i].name;
                        orderRow.vat_percent = order.vat_code != 0 ? 0 : vat.value;
                        orderRow.quantity = 1;
                        orderRow.unit_id = additionalServices[i].unit_id;
                        orderRow.unit_price = fee;
                        orderRow.account_code = additionalServices[i].account_code;
                        orderRow.supplier_erp_id = "";
                        orderRow.sort_order = (Int16)orderRows.Count();

                        // Add the order row

            // Get the payment fee
            PaymentOption paymentOption = PaymentOption.GetOneById(order.payment_option, currentDomain.front_end_language);
            paymentOption = paymentOption != null ? paymentOption : new PaymentOption();

            if (paymentOption.fee > 0)
                // Get the value added tax percent
                ValueAddedTax vat = ValueAddedTax.GetOneById(paymentOption.value_added_tax_id);

                // Calculate the fee
                decimal fee = paymentOption.fee * (currency.currency_base / currency.conversion_rate);
                fee = Math.Round(fee * decimalMultiplier, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) / decimalMultiplier;

                // Create a order row
                OrderRow orderRow = new OrderRow();
                orderRow.product_code = paymentOption.product_code;
                orderRow.manufacturer_code = "";
                orderRow.product_id = 0;
                orderRow.product_name = paymentOption.name;
                orderRow.vat_percent = order.vat_code != 0 ? 0 : vat.value;
                orderRow.quantity = 1;
                orderRow.unit_id = paymentOption.unit_id;
                orderRow.unit_price = fee;
                orderRow.account_code = paymentOption.account_code;
                orderRow.supplier_erp_id = "";
                orderRow.sort_order = (Int16)orderRows.Count();

                // Add the order row

            // Get translated texts
            KeyStringList translatedTexts = StaticText.GetAll(currentDomain.front_end_language, "id", "ASC");

            // Create a error message
            string errorMessage = string.Empty;

            // Check for errors
            if (AnnytabDataValidation.IsEmailAddressValid(customer.email) == null)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + translatedTexts.Get("error_email_valid") + "<br/>";
            if(cartItems.Count <= 0)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + translatedTexts.Get("error_cart_empty") + "<br/>";
            if (order.payment_option == 0)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + translatedTexts.Get("error_no_payment_option") + "<br/>";
            if(order.invoice_country_id == 0)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(translatedTexts.Get("error_select_value"), translatedTexts.Get("invoice_address") + ":" + translatedTexts.Get("country").ToLower()) + "<br/>";
            if (order.delivery_country_id == 0)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(translatedTexts.Get("error_select_value"), translatedTexts.Get("delivery_address") + ":" + translatedTexts.Get("country").ToLower()) + "<br/>";

            // Check if there is errors
            if (errorMessage == "")
                // Get the order sums and add them to the order
                Dictionary<string, decimal> orderAmounts = Order.GetOrderAmounts(orderRows, order.vat_code, decimalMultiplier);

                // Add the sums to the order
                order.net_sum = orderAmounts["net_amount"];
                order.vat_sum = orderAmounts["vat_amount"];
                order.rounding_sum = orderAmounts["rounding_amount"];
                order.total_sum = orderAmounts["total_amount"];

                // Add the order
                Int64 insertId = Order.Add(order);
                order.id = Convert.ToInt32(insertId);

                // Update the gift cards amount for the order
                if(order.document_type != 0)
                    order.gift_cards_amount = ProcessGiftCards(order.id, order.total_sum);
                    Order.UpdateGiftCardsAmount(order.id, order.gift_cards_amount);
                // Add the order rows
                for (int i = 0; i < orderRows.Count; i++)
                    orderRows[i].order_id = order.id;

                // Delete the shopping cart

                // Get the confirmation message
                string message = RenderOrderConfirmationView(order.id, this.ControllerContext);

                // Create a session to indicate that ecommerce data should be sent to google
                Session["SendToGoogleEcommerce"] = true;

                // Check if the user wants to send a request
                if (order.document_type == 0)
                    // Send the request email
                    Tools.SendOrderConfirmation(customer.email, translatedTexts.Get("request") + " " + order.id.ToString() + " - " + currentDomain.webshop_name, message);
                    return RedirectToAction("confirmation", "order", new { id = order.id });

                // Send the order confirmation email
                Tools.SendOrderConfirmation(customer.email, translatedTexts.Get("order_confirmation") + " " + order.id.ToString() + " - " + currentDomain.webshop_name, message);

                // Check if the order has been paid by gift cards
                if (order.total_sum <= order.gift_cards_amount)
                    // Update the order status
                    Order.UpdatePaymentStatus(order.id, "payment_status_paid");

                    // Add customer files

                    // Return the order confirmation
                    return RedirectToAction("confirmation", "order", new { id = order.id });

                // Check the selected payment option
                if(paymentOption.connection == 101)
                    return CreatePaysonPayment(order, orderRows, currentDomain, translatedTexts, "DIRECT");
                if (paymentOption.connection == 102)
                    return CreatePaysonPayment(order, orderRows, currentDomain, translatedTexts, "INVOICE");
                else if (paymentOption.connection == 201)
                    return CreatePayPalPayment(order, orderRows, currentDomain, translatedTexts);
                else if (paymentOption.connection == 301)
                    return CreateSveaPayment(order, orderRows, currentDomain, translatedTexts, "INVOICE");
                else if (paymentOption.connection == 302)
                    return CreateSveaPayment(order, orderRows, currentDomain, translatedTexts, "CREDITCARD");
                else if (paymentOption.connection == 401)
                    return CreatePayexPayment(order, orderRows, currentDomain, translatedTexts, "CREDITCARD");
                else if (paymentOption.connection == 402)
                    return CreatePayexPayment(order, orderRows, currentDomain, translatedTexts, "DIRECTDEBIT");
                else if (paymentOption.connection == 403)
                    return CreatePayexPayment(order, orderRows, currentDomain, translatedTexts, "INVOICE");
                else if (paymentOption.connection == 404)
                    return CreatePayexPayment(order, orderRows, currentDomain, translatedTexts, "MICROACCOUNT");
                    return RedirectToAction("confirmation", "order", new { id = order.id });

                // Create the bread crumb list
                List<BreadCrumb> breadCrumbs = new List<BreadCrumb>(2);
                breadCrumbs.Add(new BreadCrumb(translatedTexts.Get("start_page"), "/"));
                breadCrumbs.Add(new BreadCrumb(translatedTexts.Get("check_out"), "/order/"));

                // Set form values
                ViewBag.BreadCrumbs = breadCrumbs;
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = errorMessage;
                ViewBag.CurrentDomain = currentDomain;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = translatedTexts;
                ViewBag.CurrentLanguage = Language.GetOneById(currentDomain.front_end_language);
                ViewBag.CurrentCategory = new Category();
                ViewBag.Customer = customer;
                ViewBag.Currency = currency;
                ViewBag.CartItems = cartItems;
                ViewBag.DecimalMultiplier = decimalMultiplier;
                ViewBag.PaymentOptionId = paymentOptionId;
                ViewBag.VatCode = vatCode;
                ViewBag.CartAmounts = cartAmounts;
                ViewBag.PricesIncludesVat = Session["PricesIncludesVat"] != null ? Convert.ToBoolean(Session["PricesIncludesVat"]) : currentDomain.prices_includes_vat;
                ViewBag.CultureInfo = Tools.GetCultureInfo(ViewBag.CurrentLanguage);
                ViewBag.DesiredDateOfDelivery = order.desired_date_of_delivery;
                ViewBag.DiscountCodeId = order.discount_code;
                ViewBag.GiftCards = Session["GiftCards"] != null ? (List<GiftCard>)Session["GiftCards"] : new List<GiftCard>(0);

                // Return the index view
                return currentDomain.custom_theme_id == 0 ? View("index") : View("/Views/theme/checkout.cshtml");

        } // End of the index method
    } // End of the Update method


    #region Get methods

    /// <summary>
    /// Get one order row based on id
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="orderId">A order row id</param>
    /// <param name="productCode">A product code</param>
    /// <returns>A reference to a order row post</returns>
    public static OrderRow GetOneById(Int32 orderId, string productCode)
        // Create the post to return
        OrderRow post = null;

        // Create the connection and the sql statement
        string connection = Tools.GetConnectionString();
        string sql = "SELECT * FROM dbo.order_rows WHERE order_id = @order_id AND " 
            + "product_code = @product_code;";

        // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there is a exception
        using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connection))
            // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there is a exception
            using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn))
                // Add parameters
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@order_id", orderId);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@product_code", productCode);

                // Create a reader
                SqlDataReader reader = null;

                // The Try/Catch/Finally statement is used to handle unusual exceptions in the code to
                // avoid having our application crash in such cases
                    // Open the connection.

                    // Fill the reader with one row of data.
                    reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                    // Loop through the reader as long as there is something to read and add values
                    while (reader.Read())
                        post = new OrderRow(reader);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw e;
                    // Call Close when done reading to avoid memory leakage.
                    if (reader != null)

        // Return the post
        return post;

    } // End of the GetOneById method
    } // End of the GetCartAmounts method

    /// <summary>
    /// Get a list of order rows
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="cartItems">A list of cart items</param>
    /// <param name="vatCode">The current vat code</param>
    /// <param name="languageId">A language id</param>
    /// <param name="decimalMultiplier">A decimal multiplier</param>
    /// <returns>A list with order rows</returns>
    public static List<OrderRow> GetOrderRows(List<CartItem> cartItems, byte vatCode, Int32 languageId, Int32 decimalMultiplier)
        // Create order rows
        List<OrderRow> orderRows = new List<OrderRow>(10);

        // Loop all the cart items
        Int16 rowCounter = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < cartItems.Count; i++)
            // Get data
            Product product = Product.GetOneById(cartItems[i].product_id, languageId);

            // Calculate the freight price
            decimal price = Math.Round(cartItems[i].unit_price * decimalMultiplier, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) / decimalMultiplier;
            decimal freight = Math.Round(cartItems[i].unit_freight * decimalMultiplier, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) / decimalMultiplier;
            decimal priceFreight = price + freight;

            // Create a new order row and add values to it
            OrderRow orderRow = new OrderRow();
            orderRow.product_code = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(cartItems[i].product_code, 50);
            orderRow.manufacturer_code = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(cartItems[i].manufacturer_code, 50);
            orderRow.product_id = product.id;
            orderRow.gtin = product.gtin;
            orderRow.product_name = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(cartItems[i].product_name, 100);
            orderRow.vat_percent = vatCode != 0 ? 0 : cartItems[i].vat_percent;
            orderRow.quantity = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(cartItems[i].quantity, 0, 999999.99M);
            orderRow.unit_id = product.unit_id;
            orderRow.unit_price = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(priceFreight, 0, 9999999999.99M);
            orderRow.account_code = product.account_code;
            orderRow.supplier_erp_id = product.supplier_erp_id;
            orderRow.sort_order = rowCounter;

            // Add to the row counter
            rowCounter += 1;

            // Update product buys
            Product.UpdateBuys(product.id, AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(cartItems[i].quantity + product.buys, 0, 9999999999.99M));

            // Add the row to the list

            // Get bundle items
            List<ProductBundle> bundleItems = ProductBundle.GetByBundleProductId(product.id);

            // Add all the bundle items
            for(int j = 0; j < bundleItems.Count; j++)
                // Get the product
                product = Product.GetOneById(bundleItems[j].product_id, languageId);

                // Get the value added tax
                ValueAddedTax valueAddedTax = ValueAddedTax.GetOneById(product.value_added_tax_id);

                // Create a new order row and add values to it
                orderRow = new OrderRow();
                orderRow.product_code = product.product_code;
                orderRow.manufacturer_code = product.manufacturer_code;
                orderRow.product_id = product.id;
                orderRow.gtin = product.gtin;
                orderRow.product_name = product.title;
                orderRow.vat_percent = vatCode != 0 ? 0 : valueAddedTax.value;
                orderRow.quantity = bundleItems[j].quantity;
                orderRow.unit_id = product.unit_id;
                orderRow.unit_price = 0;
                orderRow.account_code = product.account_code;
                orderRow.supplier_erp_id = product.supplier_erp_id;
                orderRow.sort_order = rowCounter;

                // Add to the row counter
                rowCounter += 1;

                // Update product buys
                Product.UpdateBuys(product.id, AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(bundleItems[j].quantity + product.buys, 0, 9999999999.99M));

                // Add the row to the list

        // Return the list
        return orderRows;

    } // End of the GetOrderRows method