 /// <summary>
 /// Determine the state of a single switch
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="switchName">Switch name to check.</param>
 /// <param name="precedence">The precedence rules for this switch.</param>
 public SwitchState GetSwitchState(string switchName, OrderOfPrecedence precedence)
     string[] switchNames = new string[1] {
     return(_compilerCommandLine.GetSwitchState(switchNames, null, SwitchState.SwitchNotFound, precedence));
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if a switch is set,unset or not present on the command-line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="switchNames">Array of switches that alias each other and all set the same compiler state.</param>
        /// <param name="overrideNames">Array of switches that invalidate the state of the switches in switchNames.</param>
        /// <param name="defaultState">The default state of the switch should no instance of the switch or its overrides be found.</param>
        /// <param name="precedence">The precedence rules for this set of switches.</param>
        public SwitchState GetSwitchState(string[] switchNames, string[] overrideNames, SwitchState defaultState, OrderOfPrecedence precedence)
            // TODO-paddymcd-MSFT - This is an OK first pass.
            // Unfortunately composite switches get tricky and not all switches support the '-' semantics
            // e.g. /O1- gets translated to /O1 /O-, the second of which is not supported.
            // Additionally, currently /d2guardspecload is translated into /guardspecload, which may be a bug for ENC
            SwitchState namedswitchesState = SwitchState.SwitchNotFound;

            if (switchNames != null && switchNames.Length > 0)
                // array of strings for the switch name without the preceding switchPrefix to make comparison easier
                string[] switchArray    = new string[switchNames.Length];
                string[] overridesArray = null;

                SwitchState namedoverridesState = SwitchState.SwitchNotFound;

                for (int index = 0; index < switchNames.Length; index++)
                    // if present remove the slash or minus
                    switchArray[index] = switchNames[index].TrimStart(switchPrefix);

                if (overrideNames != null && overrideNames.Length > 0)
                    overridesArray = new string[overrideNames.Length];

                    for (int index = 0; index < overrideNames.Length; index++)
                        // if present remove the slash or minus
                        overridesArray[index] = overrideNames[index].TrimStart(switchPrefix);

                foreach (string arg in ArgumentSplitter.CommandLineToArgvW(this.Raw))
                    if (IsSwitch(arg))
                        string realArg = arg.TrimStart(switchPrefix);

                        // Check if this matches one of the names switches
                        for (int index = 0; index < switchArray.Length; index++)
                            if (realArg.StartsWith(switchArray[index]))
                                // partial stem match - now check if this is a full match or a match with a "-" on the end
                                if (realArg.Equals(switchArray[index]))
                                    namedswitchesState = SwitchState.SwitchEnabled;
                                    // not necessary at this time, but here for completeness...
                                    namedoverridesState = SwitchState.SwitchDisabled;
                                else if (realArg[switchArray[index].Length] == '-')
                                    namedswitchesState = SwitchState.SwitchDisabled;
                                // Else we have a stem match - do nothing

                        // check if this matches one of the named overrides
                        if (overridesArray != null)
                            for (int index = 0; index < overridesArray.Length; index++)
                                if (realArg.StartsWith(overridesArray[index]))
                                    // partial stem match - now check if this is a full match or a match with a "-" on the end
                                    if (realArg.Equals(overridesArray[index]))
                                        namedoverridesState = SwitchState.SwitchEnabled;
                                        namedswitchesState  = SwitchState.SwitchDisabled;
                                    else if (realArg[overridesArray[index].Length] == '-')
                                        namedoverridesState = SwitchState.SwitchDisabled;
                                        // Unsetting an override has no impact upon the named switches
                                    // Else we have a stem match - do nothing

                        if (namedswitchesState != SwitchState.SwitchNotFound &&
                            namedoverridesState != SwitchState.SwitchNotFound &&
                            precedence == OrderOfPrecedence.FirstWins)
                            // we found a switch that impacts the desired state and FirstWins is set

                if (namedswitchesState == SwitchState.SwitchNotFound)
                    if (namedoverridesState == SwitchState.SwitchEnabled)
                        namedswitchesState = SwitchState.SwitchDisabled;
                        namedswitchesState = defaultState;

 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if a switch is set,unset or not present on the command-line.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="switchNames">Array of switches that alias each other and all set the same compiler state.</param>
 /// <param name="overrideNames">Array of switches that invalidate the state of the switches in switchNames.</param>
 /// <param name="defaultState">The default state of the switch should no instance of the switch or its overrides be found.</param>
 /// <param name="precedence">The precedence rules for this set of switches.</param>
 public SwitchState GetSwitchState(string[] switchNames, string[] overrideNames, SwitchState defaultStateOfFirst, OrderOfPrecedence precedence)
     return(_compilerCommandLine.GetSwitchState(switchNames, overrideNames, defaultStateOfFirst, precedence));