public static void WaiterMenu() { Boolean continuar = true; while (continuar) { Console.WriteLine("Ingrese el numero que antescede la opcion que desea \n\n1.Elegir mesa y ordernar" + "\n2.Cerrar Sesion"); int option = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); switch (option) { case 1: List <Table> tables = Tablelogic.GetAvailableTables(); string tableList = ""; foreach (var i in tables) { tableList += i.ID + ". Cantidad de personas: " + i.People + "\n"; } Console.WriteLine("****MESAS DISPONIBLES**** \n\n" + tableList); Console.WriteLine("Ingrese el id de la mesa en la que desea ordear"); int table_id = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); Tablelogic.PickTable(table_id); Boolean continuarOrdenando = true; List <Product> products = Produclogic.GetProducts(); string productList = ""; foreach (var i in products) { productList += i.ID + ". " + i.Name + ". " + i.Description + ". Costo: " + i.Cost + "\n"; } Console.WriteLine("****LISTA DE PRODUCTOS**** \n\n" + productList); while (continuarOrdenando) { Console.WriteLine("Ingrese el id del producto para ordenar. Pulsa 0 a para salir."); int optionOrder = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if (optionOrder == 0) { continuarOrdenando = false; } else { Order_Product orden = Orderlogic.CreateOrder(table_id, optionOrder, Produclogic.SearchByID(optionOrder).Cost); Console.WriteLine("Se realizo la orden " + orden.ID); } } break; case 2: continuar = false; break; } } }
private void BtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboBoxCar.SelectedValue == null) { MessageBox.Show("Выберите изделие", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } try { _logicOrder.CreateOrder(new OrderBindingModel { CustomerId = Convert.ToInt32(comboBoxClient.SelectedValue), CarId = Convert.ToInt32(comboBoxCar.SelectedValue), EmployeeId = Convert.ToInt32(comboBoxEmployee.SelectedValue), Date = DateTime.Now }); MessageBox.Show("Сохранение прошло успешно", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
// Zdarzenie wysyłania zamówienia. Występuje formatka do wprowadzania adresu. Utworzenie zamówienia w bazie danych plus wysłanie maila. private void uiBtnSendOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string message; if (!_orderLogic.Validate(out message, uiTxtEmail.Text, uiClbShopingCard.Items.Count)) { MessageBox.Show(message, Resources.Attention, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } AddressObject addressObject = _orderLogic.CreateAddress(); if (addressObject == null) { MessageBox.Show(Resources.NotSetEmailAddress, Resources.Attention, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } List <OrderProductObject> orderProductObjects = new List <OrderProductObject>(); foreach (object obj in uiClbShopingCard.Items) { orderProductObjects.Add(new OrderProductObject(obj.ToString())); } OrderObject orderObject = CreateOrderObject(); _orderLogic.CreateOrder(orderObject, addressObject, orderProductObjects); Close(); }
private void ButtonSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBoxCount.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Заполните поле Количество", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (comboBoxProduct.SelectedValue == null) { MessageBox.Show("Выберите изделие", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } try { _logicO.CreateOrder(new CreateOrderBindingModel { ProductId = Convert.ToInt32(comboBoxProduct.SelectedValue), Count = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxCount.Text), Sum = Convert.ToDecimal(textBoxSum.Text) }); MessageBox.Show("Сохранение прошло успешно", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public void AnOrderIsCreated() { OrderLogic logic = new OrderLogic(); logic.CreateOrder(1, 1, 2500); Order lastOrder = logic.SearchOrderById(1); Assert.IsNotNull(lastOrder); }
public void ValidateOrderLinePricesToPreventInsecureDirectObjectReference() { Product p = productDB.Get("productID", 1.ToString()); //Price on OrderLine is incorrect and should be caught OrderLine ol = new OrderLine(1, 100, p); List <OrderLine> orderLines = new List <OrderLine>(); orderLines.Add(ol); Order o = orderLogic.CreateOrder("Rune", "Andersen", "Istedgade 10", 9000, "Aalborg", "*****@*****.**", 12341234, orderLines); Assert.AreEqual(o.ErrorMessage, ""); }
public ActionResult <Order> SubmitOrder([FromBody] RawOrder obj) { Order newOrder; if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(StatusCode(400, "Failed to create models")); } else { newOrder = orderLogic.CreateOrder(obj); } return(newOrder); }
public void OnlyNotPaidOrdersCanBeListedToBePaid() { OrderLogic logic = new OrderLogic(); logic.CreateOrder(1, 1, 2500); List <Order> orders = logic.GetOrdersToPay(1); Assert.IsNotNull(orders); foreach (var i in orders) { logic.PayOrder(i); } orders.Clear(); orders = logic.GetOrdersToPay(1); Assert.AreEqual(orders.Count, 0); }
public JsonResult CreateOrder(CreateOrderInput input) { bool isSuccess = OrderLogic.CreateOrder(input) > 0; return(Json(isSuccess, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public void Test_CreateOrder() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <OrderContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "TestDb21") .Options; var options1 = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <StoreContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "TestDb21") .Options; var options2 = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <CustomerContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "TestDb21") .Options; using (var context = new OrderContext(options)) { using (var context1 = new StoreContext(options1)) { using (var context2 = new CustomerContext(options2)) { context.Database.EnsureDeleted(); context.Database.EnsureCreated(); context1.Database.EnsureDeleted(); context1.Database.EnsureCreated(); context2.Database.EnsureDeleted(); context2.Database.EnsureCreated(); OrderRepository orderRepo = new OrderRepository(context); StoreRepository storeRepo = new StoreRepository(context1); CustomerRepository custRepo = new CustomerRepository(context2); OrderLogic ol = new OrderLogic(orderRepo, storeRepo, custRepo); AStore store = new AStore(); Customer newCust = new Customer(); ItemType item = new ItemType("toppings"); APizzaComponent testCrust = new APizzaComponent("testcrust", item); APizzaComponent testTopping = new APizzaComponent("testtopping", item); APizzaComponent testSize = new APizzaComponent("testsize", item); Crust tempCrust = new Crust(store, 0, 1, testCrust); Topping tempTopping = new Topping(store, 0, 1, testTopping); Size tempSize = new Size(store, 0, 1, testSize); context1.Add <AStore>(store); context2.Add <Customer>(newCust); context1.Add <ItemType>(item); context1.Add <APizzaComponent>(testCrust); context1.Add <APizzaComponent>(testTopping); context1.Add <APizzaComponent>(testSize); context1.Add <Crust>(tempCrust); context1.Add <Topping>(tempTopping); context1.Add <Size>(tempSize); context.SaveChanges(); context1.SaveChanges(); context2.SaveChanges(); RawPizza rawTest = new RawPizza(); rawTest.Name = "Test Pizza"; rawTest.Price = 0; rawTest.Crust = "testcrust"; rawTest.Size = "testsize"; rawTest.Toppings = new List <string>(); rawTest.Toppings.Add("testtopping"); RawOrder newOrder = new RawOrder(); newOrder.PizzaList = new List <RawPizza>(); newOrder.StoreID = store.StoreID; newOrder.CustomerID = newCust.CustomerID; newOrder.Total = 0; newOrder.PizzaList.Add(rawTest); Order createOrder = ol.CreateOrder(newOrder); Assert.NotNull(createOrder); } } } }