public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (obj == this) { return(true); } return(obj is CreatePaymentRequest other && ((SourceId == null && other.SourceId == null) || (SourceId?.Equals(other.SourceId) == true)) && ((IdempotencyKey == null && other.IdempotencyKey == null) || (IdempotencyKey?.Equals(other.IdempotencyKey) == true)) && ((AmountMoney == null && other.AmountMoney == null) || (AmountMoney?.Equals(other.AmountMoney) == true)) && ((TipMoney == null && other.TipMoney == null) || (TipMoney?.Equals(other.TipMoney) == true)) && ((AppFeeMoney == null && other.AppFeeMoney == null) || (AppFeeMoney?.Equals(other.AppFeeMoney) == true)) && ((DelayDuration == null && other.DelayDuration == null) || (DelayDuration?.Equals(other.DelayDuration) == true)) && ((Autocomplete == null && other.Autocomplete == null) || (Autocomplete?.Equals(other.Autocomplete) == true)) && ((OrderId == null && other.OrderId == null) || (OrderId?.Equals(other.OrderId) == true)) && ((CustomerId == null && other.CustomerId == null) || (CustomerId?.Equals(other.CustomerId) == true)) && ((LocationId == null && other.LocationId == null) || (LocationId?.Equals(other.LocationId) == true)) && ((ReferenceId == null && other.ReferenceId == null) || (ReferenceId?.Equals(other.ReferenceId) == true)) && ((VerificationToken == null && other.VerificationToken == null) || (VerificationToken?.Equals(other.VerificationToken) == true)) && ((AcceptPartialAuthorization == null && other.AcceptPartialAuthorization == null) || (AcceptPartialAuthorization?.Equals(other.AcceptPartialAuthorization) == true)) && ((BuyerEmailAddress == null && other.BuyerEmailAddress == null) || (BuyerEmailAddress?.Equals(other.BuyerEmailAddress) == true)) && ((BillingAddress == null && other.BillingAddress == null) || (BillingAddress?.Equals(other.BillingAddress) == true)) && ((ShippingAddress == null && other.ShippingAddress == null) || (ShippingAddress?.Equals(other.ShippingAddress) == true)) && ((Note == null && other.Note == null) || (Note?.Equals(other.Note) == true)) && ((StatementDescriptionIdentifier == null && other.StatementDescriptionIdentifier == null) || (StatementDescriptionIdentifier?.Equals(other.StatementDescriptionIdentifier) == true))); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (obj == this) { return(true); } return(obj is ChargeRequest other && ((IdempotencyKey == null && other.IdempotencyKey == null) || (IdempotencyKey?.Equals(other.IdempotencyKey) == true)) && ((AmountMoney == null && other.AmountMoney == null) || (AmountMoney?.Equals(other.AmountMoney) == true)) && ((CardNonce == null && other.CardNonce == null) || (CardNonce?.Equals(other.CardNonce) == true)) && ((CustomerCardId == null && other.CustomerCardId == null) || (CustomerCardId?.Equals(other.CustomerCardId) == true)) && ((DelayCapture == null && other.DelayCapture == null) || (DelayCapture?.Equals(other.DelayCapture) == true)) && ((ReferenceId == null && other.ReferenceId == null) || (ReferenceId?.Equals(other.ReferenceId) == true)) && ((Note == null && other.Note == null) || (Note?.Equals(other.Note) == true)) && ((CustomerId == null && other.CustomerId == null) || (CustomerId?.Equals(other.CustomerId) == true)) && ((BillingAddress == null && other.BillingAddress == null) || (BillingAddress?.Equals(other.BillingAddress) == true)) && ((ShippingAddress == null && other.ShippingAddress == null) || (ShippingAddress?.Equals(other.ShippingAddress) == true)) && ((BuyerEmailAddress == null && other.BuyerEmailAddress == null) || (BuyerEmailAddress?.Equals(other.BuyerEmailAddress) == true)) && ((OrderId == null && other.OrderId == null) || (OrderId?.Equals(other.OrderId) == true)) && ((AdditionalRecipients == null && other.AdditionalRecipients == null) || (AdditionalRecipients?.Equals(other.AdditionalRecipients) == true)) && ((VerificationToken == null && other.VerificationToken == null) || (VerificationToken?.Equals(other.VerificationToken) == true))); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (obj == this) { return(true); } return(obj is Invoice other && ((Id == null && other.Id == null) || (Id?.Equals(other.Id) == true)) && ((Version == null && other.Version == null) || (Version?.Equals(other.Version) == true)) && ((LocationId == null && other.LocationId == null) || (LocationId?.Equals(other.LocationId) == true)) && ((OrderId == null && other.OrderId == null) || (OrderId?.Equals(other.OrderId) == true)) && ((PrimaryRecipient == null && other.PrimaryRecipient == null) || (PrimaryRecipient?.Equals(other.PrimaryRecipient) == true)) && ((PaymentRequests == null && other.PaymentRequests == null) || (PaymentRequests?.Equals(other.PaymentRequests) == true)) && ((DeliveryMethod == null && other.DeliveryMethod == null) || (DeliveryMethod?.Equals(other.DeliveryMethod) == true)) && ((InvoiceNumber == null && other.InvoiceNumber == null) || (InvoiceNumber?.Equals(other.InvoiceNumber) == true)) && ((Title == null && other.Title == null) || (Title?.Equals(other.Title) == true)) && ((Description == null && other.Description == null) || (Description?.Equals(other.Description) == true)) && ((ScheduledAt == null && other.ScheduledAt == null) || (ScheduledAt?.Equals(other.ScheduledAt) == true)) && ((PublicUrl == null && other.PublicUrl == null) || (PublicUrl?.Equals(other.PublicUrl) == true)) && ((NextPaymentAmountMoney == null && other.NextPaymentAmountMoney == null) || (NextPaymentAmountMoney?.Equals(other.NextPaymentAmountMoney) == true)) && ((Status == null && other.Status == null) || (Status?.Equals(other.Status) == true)) && ((Timezone == null && other.Timezone == null) || (Timezone?.Equals(other.Timezone) == true)) && ((CreatedAt == null && other.CreatedAt == null) || (CreatedAt?.Equals(other.CreatedAt) == true)) && ((UpdatedAt == null && other.UpdatedAt == null) || (UpdatedAt?.Equals(other.UpdatedAt) == true)) && ((CustomFields == null && other.CustomFields == null) || (CustomFields?.Equals(other.CustomFields) == true))); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (obj == this) { return(true); } return(obj is PaymentRefund other && ((Id == null && other.Id == null) || (Id?.Equals(other.Id) == true)) && ((Status == null && other.Status == null) || (Status?.Equals(other.Status) == true)) && ((LocationId == null && other.LocationId == null) || (LocationId?.Equals(other.LocationId) == true)) && ((AmountMoney == null && other.AmountMoney == null) || (AmountMoney?.Equals(other.AmountMoney) == true)) && ((AppFeeMoney == null && other.AppFeeMoney == null) || (AppFeeMoney?.Equals(other.AppFeeMoney) == true)) && ((ProcessingFee == null && other.ProcessingFee == null) || (ProcessingFee?.Equals(other.ProcessingFee) == true)) && ((PaymentId == null && other.PaymentId == null) || (PaymentId?.Equals(other.PaymentId) == true)) && ((OrderId == null && other.OrderId == null) || (OrderId?.Equals(other.OrderId) == true)) && ((Reason == null && other.Reason == null) || (Reason?.Equals(other.Reason) == true)) && ((CreatedAt == null && other.CreatedAt == null) || (CreatedAt?.Equals(other.CreatedAt) == true)) && ((UpdatedAt == null && other.UpdatedAt == null) || (UpdatedAt?.Equals(other.UpdatedAt) == true))); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (obj == this) { return(true); } return(obj is TerminalRefund other && ((Id == null && other.Id == null) || (Id?.Equals(other.Id) == true)) && ((RefundId == null && other.RefundId == null) || (RefundId?.Equals(other.RefundId) == true)) && ((PaymentId == null && other.PaymentId == null) || (PaymentId?.Equals(other.PaymentId) == true)) && ((OrderId == null && other.OrderId == null) || (OrderId?.Equals(other.OrderId) == true)) && ((AmountMoney == null && other.AmountMoney == null) || (AmountMoney?.Equals(other.AmountMoney) == true)) && ((Reason == null && other.Reason == null) || (Reason?.Equals(other.Reason) == true)) && ((DeviceId == null && other.DeviceId == null) || (DeviceId?.Equals(other.DeviceId) == true)) && ((DeadlineDuration == null && other.DeadlineDuration == null) || (DeadlineDuration?.Equals(other.DeadlineDuration) == true)) && ((Status == null && other.Status == null) || (Status?.Equals(other.Status) == true)) && ((CancelReason == null && other.CancelReason == null) || (CancelReason?.Equals(other.CancelReason) == true)) && ((CreatedAt == null && other.CreatedAt == null) || (CreatedAt?.Equals(other.CreatedAt) == true)) && ((UpdatedAt == null && other.UpdatedAt == null) || (UpdatedAt?.Equals(other.UpdatedAt) == true))); }
protected bool Equals(PurchaseInfo other) { return(OrderId.Equals(other.OrderId) && TradableId.Equals(other.TradableId) && SellerAgentAddress.Equals(other.SellerAgentAddress) && SellerAvatarAddress.Equals(other.SellerAvatarAddress) && ItemSubType == other.ItemSubType && Price.Equals(other.Price)); }
public void ShouldNotBeEqualToNull() { // arrange var targetId = Guid.NewGuid(); var stronglyTypedId = new OrderId(targetId); // act var result = stronglyTypedId.Equals(null); // assert result.Should().BeFalse(); }
public void ShouldNotBeEqualWhenValuesAreDifferent() { // arrange var stronglyTypedId = new OrderId(Guid.NewGuid()); var anotherStronglyTypedId = new IdFor <Order, Guid>(Guid.NewGuid()); // act var result = stronglyTypedId.Equals(anotherStronglyTypedId); // assert result.Should().BeFalse(); }
public void ShouldBeEqualWhenIdIsTheSame() { // arrange var targetId = Guid.NewGuid(); var stronglyTypedId = new OrderId(targetId); // act var result = stronglyTypedId.Equals(stronglyTypedId); // assert result.Should().BeTrue(); }
public void ShouldBeEqualWithIEntityIdWhenIdIsTheSame() { // arrange var targetId = Guid.NewGuid(); var stronglyTypedId = new OrderId(targetId); IEntityId <Order, Guid> anotherStronglyTypedId = stronglyTypedId; // act var result = stronglyTypedId.Equals(anotherStronglyTypedId); // assert result.Should().BeTrue(); }
public void ShouldNotBeEqualWhenEntitiesAreDifferent() { // arrange var targetId = Guid.NewGuid(); var stronglyTypedId = new OrderId(targetId); var anotherStronglyTypedId = new IdFor <PricePosition, Guid>(targetId); // act var result = stronglyTypedId.Equals(anotherStronglyTypedId); // assert result.Should().BeFalse(); }
public void ShouldBeEqualWhenValuesAndEntitiesAreEqual() { // arrange var targetId = Guid.NewGuid(); var stronglyTypedId = new OrderId(targetId); var anotherStronglyTypedId = new IdFor <Order, Guid>(targetId); // act var result = stronglyTypedId.Equals(anotherStronglyTypedId); // assert result.Should().BeTrue(); }
public void ShouldNotBeEqualWithIEntityIdWhenNull() { // arrange var targetId = Guid.NewGuid(); var stronglyTypedId = new OrderId(targetId); IEntityId <Order, Guid> anotherStronglyTypedId = null; // act var result = stronglyTypedId.Equals(anotherStronglyTypedId); // assert result.Should().BeFalse(); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (obj == this) { return(true); } return(obj is CalculateLoyaltyPointsRequest other && ((OrderId == null && other.OrderId == null) || (OrderId?.Equals(other.OrderId) == true)) && ((TransactionAmountMoney == null && other.TransactionAmountMoney == null) || (TransactionAmountMoney?.Equals(other.TransactionAmountMoney) == true))); }
public bool Equals(OrderItem other) { if (!OrderId.Equals(other.OrderId)) { return(false); } if (!ProductId.Equals(other.ProductId)) { return(false); } if (!Count.Equals(other.Count)) { return(false); } return(true); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (obj == this) { return(true); } return(obj is OrderEntry other && ((OrderId == null && other.OrderId == null) || (OrderId?.Equals(other.OrderId) == true)) && ((Version == null && other.Version == null) || (Version?.Equals(other.Version) == true)) && ((LocationId == null && other.LocationId == null) || (LocationId?.Equals(other.LocationId) == true))); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (obj == this) { return(true); } return(obj is OrderCreated other && ((OrderId == null && other.OrderId == null) || (OrderId?.Equals(other.OrderId) == true)) && ((Version == null && other.Version == null) || (Version?.Equals(other.Version) == true)) && ((LocationId == null && other.LocationId == null) || (LocationId?.Equals(other.LocationId) == true)) && ((State == null && other.State == null) || (State?.Equals(other.State) == true)) && ((CreatedAt == null && other.CreatedAt == null) || (CreatedAt?.Equals(other.CreatedAt) == true))); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (obj == this) { return(true); } return(obj is Payment other && ((Id == null && other.Id == null) || (Id?.Equals(other.Id) == true)) && ((CreatedAt == null && other.CreatedAt == null) || (CreatedAt?.Equals(other.CreatedAt) == true)) && ((UpdatedAt == null && other.UpdatedAt == null) || (UpdatedAt?.Equals(other.UpdatedAt) == true)) && ((AmountMoney == null && other.AmountMoney == null) || (AmountMoney?.Equals(other.AmountMoney) == true)) && ((TipMoney == null && other.TipMoney == null) || (TipMoney?.Equals(other.TipMoney) == true)) && ((TotalMoney == null && other.TotalMoney == null) || (TotalMoney?.Equals(other.TotalMoney) == true)) && ((AppFeeMoney == null && other.AppFeeMoney == null) || (AppFeeMoney?.Equals(other.AppFeeMoney) == true)) && ((ProcessingFee == null && other.ProcessingFee == null) || (ProcessingFee?.Equals(other.ProcessingFee) == true)) && ((RefundedMoney == null && other.RefundedMoney == null) || (RefundedMoney?.Equals(other.RefundedMoney) == true)) && ((Status == null && other.Status == null) || (Status?.Equals(other.Status) == true)) && ((DelayDuration == null && other.DelayDuration == null) || (DelayDuration?.Equals(other.DelayDuration) == true)) && ((DelayAction == null && other.DelayAction == null) || (DelayAction?.Equals(other.DelayAction) == true)) && ((DelayedUntil == null && other.DelayedUntil == null) || (DelayedUntil?.Equals(other.DelayedUntil) == true)) && ((SourceType == null && other.SourceType == null) || (SourceType?.Equals(other.SourceType) == true)) && ((CardDetails == null && other.CardDetails == null) || (CardDetails?.Equals(other.CardDetails) == true)) && ((LocationId == null && other.LocationId == null) || (LocationId?.Equals(other.LocationId) == true)) && ((OrderId == null && other.OrderId == null) || (OrderId?.Equals(other.OrderId) == true)) && ((ReferenceId == null && other.ReferenceId == null) || (ReferenceId?.Equals(other.ReferenceId) == true)) && ((CustomerId == null && other.CustomerId == null) || (CustomerId?.Equals(other.CustomerId) == true)) && ((EmployeeId == null && other.EmployeeId == null) || (EmployeeId?.Equals(other.EmployeeId) == true)) && ((RefundIds == null && other.RefundIds == null) || (RefundIds?.Equals(other.RefundIds) == true)) && ((RiskEvaluation == null && other.RiskEvaluation == null) || (RiskEvaluation?.Equals(other.RiskEvaluation) == true)) && ((BuyerEmailAddress == null && other.BuyerEmailAddress == null) || (BuyerEmailAddress?.Equals(other.BuyerEmailAddress) == true)) && ((BillingAddress == null && other.BillingAddress == null) || (BillingAddress?.Equals(other.BillingAddress) == true)) && ((ShippingAddress == null && other.ShippingAddress == null) || (ShippingAddress?.Equals(other.ShippingAddress) == true)) && ((Note == null && other.Note == null) || (Note?.Equals(other.Note) == true)) && ((StatementDescriptionIdentifier == null && other.StatementDescriptionIdentifier == null) || (StatementDescriptionIdentifier?.Equals(other.StatementDescriptionIdentifier) == true)) && ((ReceiptNumber == null && other.ReceiptNumber == null) || (ReceiptNumber?.Equals(other.ReceiptNumber) == true)) && ((ReceiptUrl == null && other.ReceiptUrl == null) || (ReceiptUrl?.Equals(other.ReceiptUrl) == true))); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } CustomerOrderEN t = obj as CustomerOrderEN; if (t == null) { return(false); } if (OrderId.Equals(t.OrderId)) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if OrderIdInitialMarginPair instances are equal /// </summary> /// <param name="other">Instance of OrderIdInitialMarginPair to be compared</param> /// <returns>Boolean</returns> public bool Equals(OrderIdInitialMarginPair other) { if (other is null) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return (( OrderId == other.OrderId || OrderId != null && OrderId.Equals(other.OrderId) ) && ( InitialMargin == other.InitialMargin || InitialMargin != null && InitialMargin.Equals(other.InitialMargin) )); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (obj == this) { return(true); } return(obj is LoyaltyReward other && ((Id == null && other.Id == null) || (Id?.Equals(other.Id) == true)) && ((Status == null && other.Status == null) || (Status?.Equals(other.Status) == true)) && ((LoyaltyAccountId == null && other.LoyaltyAccountId == null) || (LoyaltyAccountId?.Equals(other.LoyaltyAccountId) == true)) && ((RewardTierId == null && other.RewardTierId == null) || (RewardTierId?.Equals(other.RewardTierId) == true)) && ((Points == null && other.Points == null) || (Points?.Equals(other.Points) == true)) && ((OrderId == null && other.OrderId == null) || (OrderId?.Equals(other.OrderId) == true)) && ((CreatedAt == null && other.CreatedAt == null) || (CreatedAt?.Equals(other.CreatedAt) == true)) && ((UpdatedAt == null && other.UpdatedAt == null) || (UpdatedAt?.Equals(other.UpdatedAt) == true)) && ((RedeemedAt == null && other.RedeemedAt == null) || (RedeemedAt?.Equals(other.RedeemedAt) == true))); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if UserTrade instances are equal /// </summary> /// <param name="other">Instance of UserTrade to be compared</param> /// <returns>Boolean</returns> public bool Equals(UserTrade other) { if (other is null) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return (( Direction == other.Direction || Direction.Equals(other.Direction) ) && ( FeeCurrency == other.FeeCurrency || FeeCurrency.Equals(other.FeeCurrency) ) && ( OrderId == other.OrderId || OrderId != null && OrderId.Equals(other.OrderId) ) && ( Timestamp == other.Timestamp || Timestamp != null && Timestamp.Equals(other.Timestamp) ) && ( Price == other.Price || Price != null && Price.Equals(other.Price) ) && ( Iv == other.Iv || Iv != null && Iv.Equals(other.Iv) ) && ( TradeId == other.TradeId || TradeId != null && TradeId.Equals(other.TradeId) ) && ( Fee == other.Fee || Fee != null && Fee.Equals(other.Fee) ) && ( OrderType == other.OrderType || OrderType.Equals(other.OrderType) ) && ( TradeSeq == other.TradeSeq || TradeSeq != null && TradeSeq.Equals(other.TradeSeq) ) && ( SelfTrade == other.SelfTrade || SelfTrade != null && SelfTrade.Equals(other.SelfTrade) ) && ( State == other.State || State.Equals(other.State) ) && ( Label == other.Label || Label != null && Label.Equals(other.Label) ) && ( IndexPrice == other.IndexPrice || IndexPrice != null && IndexPrice.Equals(other.IndexPrice) ) && ( Amount == other.Amount || Amount != null && Amount.Equals(other.Amount) ) && ( InstrumentName == other.InstrumentName || InstrumentName != null && InstrumentName.Equals(other.InstrumentName) ) && ( TickDirection == other.TickDirection || TickDirection.Equals(other.TickDirection) ) && ( MatchingId == other.MatchingId || MatchingId != null && MatchingId.Equals(other.MatchingId) ) && ( Liquidity == other.Liquidity || Liquidity.Equals(other.Liquidity) )); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if Order instances are equal /// </summary> /// <param name="other">Instance of Order to be compared</param> /// <returns>Boolean</returns> public bool Equals(Order other) { if (other is null) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return (( Direction == other.Direction || Direction.Equals(other.Direction) ) && ( ReduceOnly == other.ReduceOnly || ReduceOnly != null && ReduceOnly.Equals(other.ReduceOnly) ) && ( Triggered == other.Triggered || Triggered != null && Triggered.Equals(other.Triggered) ) && ( OrderId == other.OrderId || OrderId != null && OrderId.Equals(other.OrderId) ) && ( Price == other.Price || Price != null && Price.Equals(other.Price) ) && ( TimeInForce == other.TimeInForce || TimeInForce.Equals(other.TimeInForce) ) && ( Api == other.Api || Api != null && Api.Equals(other.Api) ) && ( OrderState == other.OrderState || OrderState.Equals(other.OrderState) ) && ( Implv == other.Implv || Implv != null && Implv.Equals(other.Implv) ) && ( Advanced == other.Advanced || Advanced.Equals(other.Advanced) ) && ( PostOnly == other.PostOnly || PostOnly != null && PostOnly.Equals(other.PostOnly) ) && ( Usd == other.Usd || Usd != null && Usd.Equals(other.Usd) ) && ( StopPrice == other.StopPrice || StopPrice != null && StopPrice.Equals(other.StopPrice) ) && ( OrderType == other.OrderType || OrderType.Equals(other.OrderType) ) && ( LastUpdateTimestamp == other.LastUpdateTimestamp || LastUpdateTimestamp != null && LastUpdateTimestamp.Equals(other.LastUpdateTimestamp) ) && ( OriginalOrderType == other.OriginalOrderType || OriginalOrderType.Equals(other.OriginalOrderType) ) && ( MaxShow == other.MaxShow || MaxShow != null && MaxShow.Equals(other.MaxShow) ) && ( ProfitLoss == other.ProfitLoss || ProfitLoss != null && ProfitLoss.Equals(other.ProfitLoss) ) && ( IsLiquidation == other.IsLiquidation || IsLiquidation != null && IsLiquidation.Equals(other.IsLiquidation) ) && ( FilledAmount == other.FilledAmount || FilledAmount != null && FilledAmount.Equals(other.FilledAmount) ) && ( Label == other.Label || Label != null && Label.Equals(other.Label) ) && ( Commission == other.Commission || Commission != null && Commission.Equals(other.Commission) ) && ( Amount == other.Amount || Amount != null && Amount.Equals(other.Amount) ) && ( Trigger == other.Trigger || Trigger.Equals(other.Trigger) ) && ( InstrumentName == other.InstrumentName || InstrumentName != null && InstrumentName.Equals(other.InstrumentName) ) && ( CreationTimestamp == other.CreationTimestamp || CreationTimestamp != null && CreationTimestamp.Equals(other.CreationTimestamp) ) && ( AveragePrice == other.AveragePrice || AveragePrice != null && AveragePrice.Equals(other.AveragePrice) )); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if OrderRes instances are equal /// </summary> /// <param name="input">Instance of OrderRes to be compared</param> /// <returns>Boolean</returns> public bool Equals(OrderRes input) { if (input == null) { return(false); } return(( OrderId == input.OrderId || (OrderId != null && OrderId.Equals(input.OrderId)) ) && ( UserId == input.UserId || (UserId != null && UserId.Equals(input.UserId)) ) && ( Symbol == input.Symbol || (Symbol != null && Symbol.Equals(input.Symbol)) ) && ( Side == input.Side || (Side != null && Side.Equals(input.Side)) ) && ( OrderType == input.OrderType || (OrderType != null && OrderType.Equals(input.OrderType)) ) && ( Price == input.Price || (Price != null && Price.Equals(input.Price)) ) && ( TimeInForce == input.TimeInForce || (TimeInForce != null && TimeInForce.Equals(input.TimeInForce)) ) && ( OrderStatus == input.OrderStatus || (OrderStatus != null && OrderStatus.Equals(input.OrderStatus)) ) && ( LastExecTime == input.LastExecTime || (LastExecTime != null && LastExecTime.Equals(input.LastExecTime)) ) && ( LastExecPrice == input.LastExecPrice || (LastExecPrice != null && LastExecPrice.Equals(input.LastExecPrice)) ) && ( LeavesQty == input.LeavesQty || (LeavesQty != null && LeavesQty.Equals(input.LeavesQty)) ) && ( CumExecQty == input.CumExecQty || (CumExecQty != null && CumExecQty.Equals(input.CumExecQty)) ) && ( CumExecValue == input.CumExecValue || (CumExecValue != null && CumExecValue.Equals(input.CumExecValue)) ) && ( CumExecFee == input.CumExecFee || (CumExecFee != null && CumExecFee.Equals(input.CumExecFee)) ) && ( RejectReason == input.RejectReason || (RejectReason != null && RejectReason.Equals(input.RejectReason)) ) && ( OrderLinkId == input.OrderLinkId || (OrderLinkId != null && OrderLinkId.Equals(input.OrderLinkId)) ) && ( CreatedAt == input.CreatedAt || (CreatedAt != null && CreatedAt.Equals(input.CreatedAt)) ) && ( UpdatedAt == input.UpdatedAt || (UpdatedAt != null && UpdatedAt.Equals(input.UpdatedAt)) )); }
public bool Equals(ClientOrder order) { return(OrderId.Equals(order.OrderId)); }
private bool Equals(Order other) { return(OrderId.Equals(other.OrderId) && Count == other.Count && OrderDate.Equals(other.OrderDate) && UnitPrice == other.UnitPrice && string.Equals(UserName, other.UserName)); }