protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DropDownList2.SelectedItem == null || DropDownList1.SelectedItem == null) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script>alert('" + GetTran("001301", "请选择创库和库位!") + "')</script>"); } else { string storeOrderID = Request.QueryString["StoreOrderID"].ToString(); string outStorageOrderID = "CK" + OrderGoodsBLL.GetNewOrderID(); ViewState["ckd"] = outStorageOrderID; //已发货 if (DAL.DBHelper.ExecuteScalar("select IsSend from InventoryDoc where docid='" + Request.QueryString["StoreOrderID"] + "'").ToString() == "1") { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script>alert('已经发货了!')</script>"); } //已出库 //else if (DAL.DBHelper.ExecuteScalar("select IsGeneOutBill from StoreOrder where StoreOrderID='" + Request.QueryString["StoreOrderID"] + "'").ToString().ToLower() == "y") //{ // outStorageOrderID = BLL.CommonClass.CommonDataBLL.getOutStorageOrderId(storeOrderID); // ViewState["ckd"] = outStorageOrderID; // SetFH(); //} else //未出库 { //StoreOrderModel som = BillOutOrderBLL.GetStoreOrderModel_II(storeOrderID); //List<OrderDetailModel> l_odm = BillOutOrderBLL.GetOrderDetailModelList(storeOrderID); //InventoryDocModel idm = new InventoryDocModel(); //idm.Currency = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Country"]); ////idm.DocAuditTime = som.AuditingDate; //idm.DocTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(DBHelper.ExecuteScalar("select DocTypeId from dbo.DocTypeTable where DocTypeCode='FH'")); // //idm.DocMaker = TextBox4.Text; //idm.Client = som.StoreId; //idm.DepotSeatID = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList2.SelectedItem.Value); //idm.WareHouseID = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Value); ////idm.DepotSeatID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["depotSeatID"]); ////idm.WareHouseID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["wareHouseID"]); //idm.TotalMoney = Convert.ToDouble(som.TotalMoney); //idm.TotalPV = Convert.ToDouble(som.TotalPv); //idm.ExpectNum = som.ExpectNum; //idm.Cause = "FH"; //idm.Note = TextBox6.Text.Trim(); //idm.StateFlag = 1; //idm.CloseFlag = 0; //idm.OperationPerson = "";//业务员 //idm.OriginalDocID = som.StoreorderId; //idm.Address = som.InceptAddress; //List<InventoryDocDetailsModel> l_ddm = new List<InventoryDocDetailsModel>(); //for (int i = 0; i < l_odm.Count; i++) //{ // InventoryDocDetailsModel ddm = new InventoryDocDetailsModel(); // ddm.ProductID = l_odm[i].ProductId; // ddm.ProductQuantity = Convert.ToDouble(l_odm[i].Quantity); // ddm.UnitPrice = Convert.ToDouble(l_odm[i].Price); // ddm.PV = Convert.ToDouble(l_odm[i].Pv); // ddm.ProductTotal = Convert.ToDouble(l_odm[i].Quantity) * Convert.ToDouble(l_odm[i].Price); // ddm.MeasureUnit = ""; // l_ddm.Add(ddm); //} //string rt = BillOutOrderBLL.OutOrder(storeOrderID, outStorageOrderID, idm, l_ddm); //if (rt == "1" || rt=="-88") //{ SetFH(); //} //else if (rt == "0") // ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script>alert('" + GetTran("001304", "库存不够!") + "')</script>"); //else if (rt == "-6") // ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script>alert('" + GetTran("001309", "仓库库位上没有货!") + "')</script>"); //else // ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script>alert('" + GetTran("001714", "发货失败!!") + rt + "')</script>"); } } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DropDownList2.SelectedItem == null || DropDownList1.SelectedItem == null) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script>alert('" + GetTran("001301", "请选择创库和库位!") + "')</script>"); this.Button1.Text = GetTran("001290", "确定出库"); } else { string err = ""; string PrepareProduct_PrepareTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(); string PrepareProduct_OperateNum = Session["Company"].ToString(); string PrepareProduct_OperateIP = Request.UserHostAddress; string outStorageOrderID = ""; string GroupCK = ""; string[] arrstoreOrderID = Request.QueryString["StoreOrderID"].ToString().Replace("'", "").Replace("-", "").Replace("/*", "").Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int k = 0; k < arrstoreOrderID.Length; k++) { outStorageOrderID = "CK" + OrderGoodsBLL.GetNewOrderID(); GroupCK = GroupCK + outStorageOrderID + ","; StoreOrderModel som = BillOutOrderBLL.GetStoreOrderModel_II(arrstoreOrderID[k]); List <OrderDetailModel> l_odm = BillOutOrderBLL.GetOrderDetailModelList(arrstoreOrderID[k]); string sql = "select isnull(m.number,'') number,s.storeid,s.sendway from storeorder s left join ordergoods o on s.storeorderid=o.fahuoorder left join memberorder m on o.memberorderid=m.orderid where s.storeorderid='" + arrstoreOrderID[k] + "'"; DataTable dt = DBHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sql); string sendway = dt.Rows[0]["sendway"].ToString(); string number = dt.Rows[0]["number"].ToString(); string storeid = dt.Rows[0]["storeid"].ToString(); InventoryDocModel idm = new InventoryDocModel(); //idm.DocAuditTime = som.AuditingDate; idm.DocTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(DAL.DBHelper.ExecuteScalar("select DocTypeId from dbo.DocTypeTable where DocTypeCode='CK'")); //出库单 idm.DocMaker = TextBox4.Text; if (sendway == "1") { idm.Client = number; } else { idm.Client = storeid; } idm.DepotSeatID = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList2.SelectedItem.Value); idm.WareHouseID = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Value); idm.ExpectNum = som.ExpectNum; idm.Note = TextBox6.Text.Trim(); idm.StateFlag = 1; idm.CloseFlag = 0; idm.OperationPerson = "";//业务员 idm.OriginalDocID = arrstoreOrderID[k]; idm.Address = som.InceptAddress; idm.Storeorderid = arrstoreOrderID[k]; List <InventoryDocDetailsModel> l_ddm = new List <InventoryDocDetailsModel>(); double totalmoney = 0; double totalpv = 0; foreach (RepeaterItem item in Repeater1.Items) { HiddenField HF = (HiddenField)item.FindControl("HF"); Label lblPrice = (Label)item.FindControl("lblPrice"); Label lblPV = (Label)item.FindControl("lblPV"); Label txtCount1 = (Label)item.FindControl("txtCount1"); TextBox txtCount = (TextBox)item.FindControl("txtCount"); int count = 0; int.TryParse(txtCount.Text, out count); if (count > 0) { if (Convert.ToInt32(txtCount.Text) > Convert.ToInt32(txtCount1.Text)) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "msg", "alert('" + GetTran("007716", "出库数量不能大于剩余数量!") + "');", true); this.Button1.Text = GetTran("001290", "确定出库"); return; } if (Convert.ToInt32(DAL.DBHelper.ExecuteScalar("select COUNT(0) from OrderDetail where StoreOrderID='" + arrstoreOrderID[k] + "' and ProductID=" + Convert.ToInt32(HF.Value) + " and (Quantity-OutBillQuantity)<" + count)) > 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "msg", "alert('" + GetTran("007716", "出库数量不能大于剩余数量!") + "');", true); this.Button1.Text = GetTran("001290", "确定出库"); loadData(); return; } InventoryDocDetailsModel ddm = new InventoryDocDetailsModel(); ddm.ProductID = Convert.ToInt32(HF.Value); ddm.ProductQuantity = Convert.ToInt32(txtCount.Text); ddm.UnitPrice = Convert.ToDouble(lblPrice.Text); ddm.PV = Convert.ToDouble(lblPV.Text); ddm.ProductTotal = Convert.ToDouble(txtCount.Text) * Convert.ToDouble(lblPrice.Text); ddm.MeasureUnit = ""; totalmoney += Convert.ToDouble(txtCount.Text) * Convert.ToDouble(lblPrice.Text); totalpv += Convert.ToDouble(txtCount.Text) * Convert.ToDouble(lblPV.Text); l_ddm.Add(ddm); } } idm.TotalMoney = totalmoney; idm.TotalPV = totalpv; if (l_ddm.Count <= 0) { string getcount = " select sum(quantity-outbillquantity) from orderdetail where storeorderid='" + arrstoreOrderID[k] + "'"; object ckk = DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(getcount, CommandType.Text); if (ckk.ToString() == null || ckk.ToString() == "") { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "msg", "alert('没有商品暂时没法出库!')", true); } else { if (int.Parse(ckk.ToString()) <= 0) { DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("update storeorder set IsGeneOutBill='A' where storeorderid='" + arrstoreOrderID[k] + "'"); } } ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "msg", "alert('" + GetTran("007721", "请输入出库数量!") + "')", true); this.Button1.Text = GetTran("001290", "确定出库"); return; } string rt = BillOutOrderBLL.OutOrder(arrstoreOrderID[k], outStorageOrderID, idm, l_ddm); if (rt == "1") { int hs = 0; string getcount = " select sum(quantity-outbillquantity) from orderdetail where storeorderid='" + arrstoreOrderID[k] + "'"; if (int.Parse(DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(getcount, CommandType.Text).ToString()) <= 0) { hs = DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("update storeorder set IsGeneOutBill='A' where storeorderid='" + arrstoreOrderID[k] + "'"); } else { hs = DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("update storeorder set IsGeneOutBill='Y' where storeorderid='" + arrstoreOrderID[k] + "'"); } if (hs == 1) { //PrepareProduct_DocIDs = PrepareProduct_DocIDs + arrstoreOrderID[k] + ","; //PrepareProduct_TotalMoney = PrepareProduct_TotalMoney + Convert.ToDouble(idm.TotalMoney); //PrepareProduct_TotalPv = PrepareProduct_TotalPv + Convert.ToDouble(idm.TotalPV); } else { err = err + GetTran("000079", "订单号:") + arrstoreOrderID[k] + GetTran("007722", " 的产品出库失败!"); } } else if (rt == "0") { err = err + GetTran("000079", "订单号:") + arrstoreOrderID[k] + GetTran("007723", " 的产品库存不够!"); } else if (rt == "-6") { err = err + GetTran("000079", "订单号:") + arrstoreOrderID[k] + GetTran("007724", " 的产品仓库库位上没有货!"); } else if (rt == "-5") { err = err + GetTran("000079", "订单号:") + arrstoreOrderID[k] + GetTran("007725", " 的产品更新出库数量错误!"); } else if (rt == "-88") { err = err + GetTran("000079", "订单号:") + arrstoreOrderID[k] + GetTran("007726", " 的产品已经出库!"); } else { err = err + GetTran("000079", "订单号:") + arrstoreOrderID[k] + GetTran("007727", " 的产品出库失败!"); } } if (err == "") { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script>if(window.confirm('" + GetTran("001297", "生成的出库单号为:") + outStorageOrderID + GetTran("001298", ",您要打印此出库单吗?") + "'))'docPrint.aspx?docID=" + outStorageOrderID + "');window.location.href='BillOutOrder.aspx';</script>"); } else { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script>alert('" + err + "');window.location.href='BillOutOrder.aspx'</script>"); } this.Button1.Text = GetTran("001290", "确定出库"); } }