private void LoadMenu() { if (user.IsInRole(((int)eUserRole.SubConPortal).ToString())) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { RadMenu1.LoadContentFile("~/UserControls/menuSubCon.xml"); } WhiteLabelHeader(); } else { RadMenu1.LoadContentFile("~/UserControls/menuDefault.xml"); } }
public void cboPoint_ItemsRequested(object o, RadComboBoxItemsRequestedEventArgs e) { DataSet ds = null; Orchestrator.Facade.Point facPoint = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point(); int noOfRowsToReturn = 20; // The search text entered by the user ("e.Text") can be split into two regions delimited by a backslash. // Any text to the left of the first backslash (or when there is no backslash) should be used to filter the organisation name. // Any text to the right of a backslash should be used to filter the point description. char filterChar = (char)92; // Backslash character "\" string[] filterString = e.Text.Split(filterChar.ToString().ToCharArray()); bool isClient = false; Orchestrator.Entities.CustomPrincipal cp = Page.User as Orchestrator.Entities.CustomPrincipal; isClient = cp.IsInRole(((int)eUserRole.ClientUser).ToString()); int clientIdentityId = 0; if (isClient) { // Get the clients related organisation identityId. //Get the user's Identity row Orchestrator.Facade.IUser facUser = new Orchestrator.Facade.User(); SqlDataReader reader = facUser.GetRelatedIdentity(((Orchestrator.Entities.CustomPrincipal)Page.User).UserName); reader.Read(); //Is the User a Client User if ((eRelationshipType)reader["RelationshipTypeId"] == eRelationshipType.IsClient) { clientIdentityId = (int)reader["RelatedIdentityId"]; } reader.Close(); // If clientIdentityId = 0 then throw error? if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Text)) { ds = facPoint.GetAllWithAddressForClientFiltered(clientIdentityId, ePointType.Any, "", noOfRowsToReturn); } else { ds = facPoint.GetAllWithAddressForClientFiltered(clientIdentityId, ePointType.Any, e.Text, noOfRowsToReturn); } } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Text)) { // Do not filter the point type for the time being - just display 'Any'. ds = facPoint.GetAllWithAddress(ePointType.Any, "", "", noOfRowsToReturn); } else if (filterString.Length == 1) { // Do not filter the point type for the time being - just display 'Any'. ds = facPoint.GetAllWithAddress(ePointType.Any, filterString[0], "", noOfRowsToReturn); } else if (filterString.Length > 1) { // Do not filter the point type for the time being - just display 'Any'. ds = facPoint.GetAllWithAddress(ePointType.Any, filterString[0], filterString[1], noOfRowsToReturn); } } DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; RadComboBoxItem rcItem = null; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { rcItem = new RadComboBoxItem(); PointComboItem comboItem = new PointComboItem(row); rcItem.DataItem = comboItem; rcItem.Text = comboItem.SingleLineText; rcItem.Value = row["IdentityId"].ToString() + "," + row["PointId"]; cboPoint.Items.Add(rcItem); } }