// Update is called once per frame
    void LateUpdate()
        // When player clicks on right mouse button
        if (Input.GetButton("Fire2"))
            // Changing the pitch when player is holding right click
            float mouseAxisY = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y");
            float mouseAxisX = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");

            theTargetYaw   += mouseAxisX * mouseXSensitivity;
            theTargetPitch += mouseAxisY * mouseYSensitivity;

        // Changes the pich rotation
        theTargetPitch = Mathf.Clamp(theTargetPitch, -85, 85); // Clamping the rotation so the camera doesn't get stuck or freak out at 90 degrees

        // Easing
        thePitch = OrbitalMathAnim.SlidingEffect(thePitch, theTargetPitch, .05f);
        theYaw   = OrbitalMathAnim.SlidingEffect(theYaw, theTargetYaw, .05f);

        // Rotating using Quaternion
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(thePitch, theYaw, 0);

        float scrollWheel = Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse ScrollWheel"); // Gets value when player uses the scroll wheel

        theTargetDollyDis += scrollWheel * mouseScrollMultiplier;
        theTargetDollyDis  = Mathf.Clamp(theTargetDollyDis, TargetObject.distanceZoomMin, TargetObject.distanceZoomMax); // clamps the zoom

        theDollyDistance = OrbitalMathAnim.SlidingEffect(theDollyDistance, theTargetDollyDis, .05f);                     // Sliding effect when the player zooms in and out
        assignedCams.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, -theDollyDistance);                                     // Zooms in and out by using Vector3
    public static Vector3 SlidingEffect(Vector3 currentPos, Vector3 theTarget, float percentageLeft, float dt = 0)
        if (dt == 0)
            dt = Time.deltaTime;
        float percent = 1 - Mathf.Pow(percentageLeft, dt);

        return(OrbitalMathAnim.LerpFunc(currentPos, theTarget, percent));
    // Calculates the Sliding Effect when called
    public static float SlidingEffect(float currentPos, float theTarget, float percentageLeft, float dt = 0)
        if (dt == 0)
            dt = Time.deltaTime;
        float percent = 1 - Mathf.Pow(percentageLeft, dt);

        return(OrbitalMathAnim.LerpFunc(currentPos, theTarget, percent)); // Uses the lerpFunc to to calculate the lerp, then sends back the value
    void FixedUpdate()
        time = time + Time.deltaTime * orbitSpeed * HUDTimeSlider.timeScale; // This controls the time. HUDTimeSlider.timeScale makes the time rewind, fast forward, pause, and resume.

        Vector3 PlanetOrbitVectorXZ = OrbitalMathAnim.OrbitAroundTarget(revolveRadius, time, orbitPosition);

        if (coplanar)
            coplanarOrbit = OrbitalMathAnim.coplanarOrbit(revolveRadius, time, orbitPosition, cAmount);

        transform.position = revolveAroundObject.position + PlanetOrbitVectorXZ + coplanarOrbit; // calulates the position for the planets and moons during their animation
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (tweenTime < tweenDur)
            tweenTime += Time.unscaledDeltaTime * quickerTransition;
        Vector3 trailingPOS = OrbitalMathAnim.SlidingEffect(transform.position, targetToLock.transform.position, .001f, Time.unscaledDeltaTime);
        float   result      = tweenTime / tweenDur;

        transform.position = OrbitalMathAnim.LerpFunc(trailingPOS, targetToLock.transform.position, Mathf.Clamp(result, 0, 1));