        public void ImportFinger(SystemConfig config)
            bool isSuccess = true;

            //string tmp = "找到监控目录,进行指纹导入!";

            IDataAccess accessOracle = new OracleDataHelper(config.TnsName, config.OraUser, config.OraPwd);

            DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(config.MonitorPath);

            DirectoryInfo[] dirsub = dir.GetDirectories();
            DirectoryInfo   dirTmp = null;

            FileInfo[]  files        = null;
            FileInfo    file         = null;
            IDataAccess accessAccess = null;
            int    reNum      = 0;
            string schoolName = "";
            string lshs       = "";

            for (int k = 0; k < dirsub.Length; k++)
                dirTmp = dirsub[k];
                if (dirTmp.FullName.Contains("bakpath"))
                files = dirTmp.GetFiles();
                for (int m = 0; m < files.Length; m++)
                    reNum = 0;
                    file  = files[m];
                    if (!file.FullName.EndsWith(".mdb"))
                    SetHintText(string.Format("{0} 处理中...", file.Name));
                    accessAccess = new AccessDataHelper(file.FullName, "Admin", "");
                    string    sql    = "select * from table_local_finger_record";
                    DataTable dtUser = accessAccess.SelectDataTable(sql, "uploaduser");
                    //sql = "select * from USER_INFO_UPLOAD";
                    //DataTable dtUserInfo = accessAccess.SelectDataTable(sql, "USER_INFO_UPLOAD");
                    //sql = "select * from ENROLL_TEMP_UPLOAD";
                    // DataTable dtFingerInfo = accessAccess.SelectDataTable(sql, "ENROLL_TEMP_UPLOAD");

                    if (dtUser == null)

                    //DataRow dr;
                    string idcard;
                    string schoolCode;
                    string carType;
                    string studentName;
                    int    localType;
                    foreach (DataRow row in dtUser.Rows)
                        if (StringHelper.isNullOrBlank(row["c_idcard"]) || StringHelper.isNullOrBlank(row["c_school_code"]) ||
                            StringHelper.isNullOrBlank(row["c_car_type"]) || StringHelper.isNullOrBlank(row["c_student_type"]) ||
                            string log = string.Format("学员:{0}资料不全,不能导入", row["c_idcard"]);
                        idcard      = row["c_idcard"].ToString().Trim();
                        schoolCode  = row["c_school_code"].ToString().Trim();
                        carType     = row["c_car_type"].ToString().Trim();
                        localType   = Convert.ToInt16(row["c_student_type"].ToString());
                        schoolName  = row["c_school_name"].ToString();
                        studentName = row["c_name"].ToString();
                        //if (row["c_lsh"] == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["c_lsh"].ToString())) continue;
                        sql = string.Format("select * from fp_student_cleared where idcard='{0}' and school_code='{1}' and car_type='{2}' and localtype={3}",
                                            , schoolCode
                                            , carType
                                            , localType
                        DataTable dtCleared = accessOracle.SelectDataTable(sql, "FP_STUDENT_CLEARED");
                        if (dtCleared != null && dtCleared.Rows.Count > 0)
                            string log = string.Format("学员:{0}曾在 {1} 报考 {2} 车型,并已经完成课程 ,不能导入"
                                                       , idcard
                                                       , schoolName
                                                       , carType
                        sql = string.Format("select * from USER_INFO_UPLOAD where USER_ID='{0}'", idcard);
                        DataTable dtUserInfoOne = accessAccess.SelectDataTable(sql, "USER_INFO_UPLOAD");
                        sql = string.Format("select * from ENROLL_TEMP_UPLOAD where USER_ID='{0}'", idcard);
                        DataTable dtFingerInfos = accessAccess.SelectDataTable(sql, "ENROLL_TEMP_UPLOAD");
                        if (dtUserInfoOne == null || dtUserInfoOne.Rows.Count == 0 || dtFingerInfos == null || dtFingerInfos.Rows.Count == 0)
                            string log = string.Format("{1} 学员:{0}缺少指纹数据 ,不能导入"
                                                       , idcard
                                                       , schoolName
                                                       , carType
                        //DataRow rowFingerInfo = dtFingerInfoOne.Rows[0];
                        DataRow rowUserInfo = dtUserInfoOne.Rows[0];
                        schoolName = row["c_school_name"].ToString();
                        FpStudentObject thisStudent = FpStudentObject.loadbyIdCard(accessOracle, idcard);
                        if (thisStudent == null)
                            sql = string.Format("insert into fp_student(idcard,name,school_code,school_name,localtype,car_type,lsh,create_time,creater) " +
                                                "values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}',{4},'{5}','{6}',to_date('{7}','yyyy-MM-dd'),'{8}')"
                                                , row["c_idcard"]       //0
                                                , row["c_name"]         //1
                                                , row["c_school_code"]  //2
                                                , row["c_school_name"]  //3
                                                , row["c_student_type"] //4
                                                , row["c_car_type"]     //5
                                                , row["c_lsh"]          //6
                                                , row["c_pxrq"]         //7
                                                , "remote"              //8
                            if (!accessOracle.ExecuteSql(sql))
                                string log = string.Format("{1} 学员:{0}身份信息写入失败 ,请检查数据有效性"
                                                           , idcard
                                                           , schoolName
                                                           , carType
                        else if (thisStudent.LSH == null || thisStudent.LSH.Length == 0)
                            String updateSet  = string.Empty;
                            String msg        = string.Empty;
                            String msgPattern = " {0} 由{1}更新为{2} ,";
                            string lsh        = StringHelper.isNullOrBlank(row["c_lsh"]) ? string.Empty : row["c_lsh"].ToString();
                            if (lsh != string.Empty && thisStudent.LSH != lsh)
                                msg       += string.Format(msgPattern, "受理号", thisStudent.LSH, lsh);
                                updateSet += string.Format(" {0} = '{1}' ", "lsh", lsh);
                                //thisStudent.LSH = lsh;
                            if (thisStudent.NAME != studentName)
                                msg       += string.Format(msgPattern, "姓名", thisStudent.NAME, studentName);
                                updateSet += string.Format(" {0} = '{1}' ", "name", studentName);
                                //thisStudent.NAME = studentName;
                            if (thisStudent.CAR_TYPE != carType)
                                msg       += string.Format(msgPattern, "车型", thisStudent.CAR_TYPE, carType);
                                updateSet += string.Format(" {0} = '{1}' ", "car_type", carType);
                            if (thisStudent.LOCALTYPE != localType)
                                msg       += string.Format(msgPattern, "类型", thisStudent.LOCALTYPE, localType);
                                updateSet += string.Format(" {0} = {1} ", "localtype", localType);
                                //thisStudent.LOCALTYPE = localType;
                            if (updateSet != string.Empty)
                                sql = string.Format("update fp_student set {0} where idcard='{1}' ", updateSet, idcard);
                                if (accessOracle.ExecuteSql(sql))
                                    string log = string.Format("{0} 学员 {1} 资料更新:{2}", schoolName, idcard, msg);
                        string sql1 = string.Format("insert into USER_INFO(USER_ID,MODIFY_TIME,CREATE_TIME) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}')",
                                                    , rowUserInfo["MODIFY_TIME"]
                                                    , rowUserInfo["CREATE_TIME"]
                        int count = 0;
                        foreach (DataRow rowFingerInfo in dtFingerInfos.Rows)
                            string sql2 = string.Format("insert into enroll_temp(USER_ID,AUTHEN_INFO,VERSION,SERVICE_TYPE,SERVICE_CODE,REVOKE_TIME"
                                                        + ",TEMP_TYPE,TEMP_SIZE,TEMPLATE,CREATE_TIME,MODIFY_TIME)"
                                                        + " values('{0}','{1}',{2},{3},'{4}','{5}',{6},{7},{8},'{9}','{10}')",
                                                        rowFingerInfo["USER_ID"]        //0
                                                        , rowFingerInfo["AUTHEN_INFO"]  //1
                                                        , rowFingerInfo["VERSION"]      //2
                                                        , rowFingerInfo["SERVICE_TYPE"] //3
                                                        , rowFingerInfo["SERVICE_CODE"] //4
                                                        , rowFingerInfo["REVOKE_TIME"]  //5
                                                        , rowFingerInfo["TEMP_TYPE"]    //6
                                                        , rowFingerInfo["TEMP_SIZE"]    //7
                                                        , ":TEMPLATE"                   //8
                                                        , rowFingerInfo["CREATE_TIME"]  //9
                                                        , rowFingerInfo["MODIFY_TIME"]  //10
                            byte[]      expbyte = (byte[])rowFingerInfo["TEMPLATE"];
                            DbParameter param   = new OracleParameter("TEMPLATE", System.Data.OracleClient.OracleType.Blob, expbyte.Length);
                            param.Value = expbyte;
                            count      += accessOracle.ExecuteSqlByParam(sql2, param)?1:0;
                        if (accessOracle.ExecuteSql(sql1) && count > 0)
                            string log = string.Format("成功导入 {1} 学员:{0} 车型:{2} {3}条手指信息"
                                                       , idcard
                                                       , schoolName
                                                       , carType
                                                       , count
                            lshs += row["c_lsh"].ToString() + ",";

                     * if (dtUser != null &&dtFingerInfo!=null&& dtUser.Rows.Count > 0)
                     * {
                     *  DataRow dr;
                     *  string idcard;
                     *  for (int i = 0; i < dtUserInfo.Rows.Count; i++)
                     *  {
                     *      dr = dtUserInfo.Rows[i];
                     *      idcard = dr["USER_ID"].ToString();
                     *      this.CreateLog("正在处理用户信息" + idcard);
                     *      this.SetHintText("正在处理用户信息" + idcard);
                     *      sql = "insert into USER_INFO(USER_ID,MODIFY_TIME,CREATE_TIME)"
                     + " values('" +
                     +         dr["USER_ID"] + "','" +
                     +          dr["MODIFY_TIME"] + "','" +
                     +         dr["CREATE_TIME"] + "')";
                     +      if (accessOracle.ExecuteSql(sql))
                     +      {
                     +          accessAccess.ExecuteSql("delete from USER_INFO_UPLOAD where USER_ID='" + idcard + "'");
                     +      }
                     +      else
                     +      {
                     +          //已经存在该用户信息
                     +          accessAccess.ExecuteSql("delete from USER_INFO_UPLOAD where USER_ID='" + idcard + "'");
                     +      }
                     +  }
                     +  for (int i = 0; i < dtFingerInfo.Rows.Count; i++)
                     +  {
                     +      dr = dtFingerInfo.Rows[i];
                     +      idcard = dr["USER_ID"].ToString();
                     +      this.SetHintText("正在处理指纹信息" + idcard);
                     +      sql = "insert into enroll_temp(USER_ID,AUTHEN_INFO,VERSION,SERVICE_TYPE,SERVICE_CODE,REVOKE_TIME"
                     + " values('" +
                     +       dr["USER_ID"]
                     + "','" +
                     +       dr["AUTHEN_INFO"] + "'," +
                     +        dr["VERSION"] + "," +
                     +         dr["SERVICE_TYPE"] + "," +
                     +          dr["SERVICE_CODE"] + ",'" +
                     +           dr["REVOKE_TIME"] + "'," +
                     +            dr["TEMP_TYPE"] + "," +
                     +             dr["TEMP_SIZE"] + ",:TEMPLATE,'" +
                     +               dr["CREATE_TIME"] + "','" +
                     +                dr["MODIFY_TIME"] + "')";
                     +      byte[] expbyte = (byte[])dr["TEMPLATE"];
                     +      DbParameter param = new OracleParameter("TEMPLATE", System.Data.OracleClient.OracleType.Blob, expbyte.Length);
                     +      //DbParameter param = new OleDbParameter();
                     +      //param.ParameterName="TEMPLATE";
                     +      //param.DbType=System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Binary;
                     +      // param.DbType = System.Data.OracleClient.OracleType.Blob;
                     +      // param.Size=expbyte.Length;
                     +      param.Value = expbyte;
                     +      if (accessOracle.ExecuteSqlByParam(sql, param))
                     +      // if (accessOracle.ExecuteSql(sql))
                     +      {
                     +          accessAccess.ExecuteSql("delete from ENROLL_TEMP_UPLOAD where USER_ID='" + idcard + "'");
                     +      }
                     +      else
                     +      {
                     +          //已经存在该用户指纹信息
                     +          accessAccess.ExecuteSql("delete from ENROLL_TEMP_UPLOAD where USER_ID='" + idcard + "'");
                     +      }
                     +  }
                     +  for (int i = 0; i < dtUser.Rows.Count; i++)
                     +  {
                     +      dr = dtUser.Rows[i];
                     +      if (dr["c_lsh"] == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["c_lsh"].ToString())) continue;
                     +      schoolName = dr["c_school_name"].ToString();
                     +      sql = string.Format("insert into fp_student(idcard,name,school_code,school_name,localtype,car_type,lsh) " +
                     +                         "values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}',{4},'{5}','{6}')"
                     +                         , dr["c_idcard"]
                     +                         , dr["c_name"]
                     +                         , dr["c_school_code"]
                     +                         , dr["c_school_name"]
                     +                         , dr["c_student_type"]
                     +                         , dr["c_car_type"]
                     +                         , dr["c_lsh"]
                     +                         );
                     +      // sql = "insert into fp_student(idcard,name)"
                     +      // + " values('" +
                     +      //   dr["c_idcard"] + "','" +
                     +      //驾校名称
                     +      // dr["c_school_name"] + "','" +
                     +      //驾校代码
                     +      //dr["c_school_code"] + "','" +
                     +      //学生类别
                     +      //dr["c_student_type"] + "','" +
                     +      //培训审核日期
                     +      //dr["c_pxrq"] + "','" +
                     +      //学习车型
                     +      //dr["c_car_type"] + "','" +
                     +      // dr["c_name"] + "','" +
                     +      //    dr["c_name"] + "')";
                     +      if (accessOracle.ExecuteSql(sql))
                     +      {
                     +          sql = string.Format("insert into table_upload_finger_record(c_idcard,c_name,c_school_code,c_school_name,c_student_type,c_car_type,c_lsh) " +
                     +            "values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}')"
                     +              , dr["c_idcard"]
                     +              , dr["c_name"]
                     +              , dr["c_school_code"]
                     +              , dr["c_school_name"]
                     +              , dr["c_student_type"]
                     +              , dr["c_car_type"]
                     +              , dr["c_lsh"]
                     +            );
                     +          if (!accessAccess.ExecuteSql(sql))
                     +          {
                     +              // continue;
                     +          }
                     +          sql = string.Format("insert into table_upload_finger_record select * from  table_local_finger_record where c_idcard='{0}'", dr["c_idcard"]);
                     +          if (!accessAccess.ExecuteSql(sql))
                     +          {
                     +              // continue;
                     +          }
                     +          sql = string.Format("delete from table_local_finger_record where c_idcard='{0}'", dr["c_idcard"]);
                     +          if (!accessAccess.ExecuteSql(sql))
                     +          {
                     +              //  continue;
                     +          }
                     +          sql = string.Format("update table_upload_finger_record set c_upload_time='" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' where c_idcard='{0}'", dr["c_idcard"]);
                     +          if (!accessAccess.ExecuteSql(sql))
                     +          {
                     +              // continue;
                     +          }
                     +          //sql = string.Format("insert into table_upload_finger_record select * from  table_local_finger_record where c_idcard='{0}'", dr["c_idcard"]);
                     +          reNum++;
                     +      }
                     +      else
                     +      {
                     +          sql = string.Format("delete from table_local_finger_record where c_idcard='{0}'", dr["c_idcard"]);
                     +          if (!accessAccess.ExecuteSql(sql))
                     +          {
                     +              //  continue;
                     +          }
                     +      }
                     +  }
                     + }
                     + }

                        if (File.Exists(config.MonitorPath + "\\bakpath\\" + file.Name))
                            File.Delete(config.MonitorPath + "\\bakpath\\" + file.Name);
                        file.MoveTo(config.MonitorPath + "\\bakpath\\" + file.Name);
                    catch (IOException ioe)

                    if (reNum > 0)
                        string msg = string.Format("导入 {0} {1}条指纹记录,受理号包括:{2}", schoolName, reNum, lshs.Trim(','));
                        //MessageBoxHelper.Show(DateTime.Now.ToString()+" "+msg);